HomeMy WebLinkAbout010 - 05/27/1901 - RELATING TO FIRE LIMITS AND BUILDING INSPECTION Ordinance Pumber of the Series of 1901
Relating to fire limits and building inspection
Be it ordained by the city oouiloil of the city of Fort Collins
Section 1 That that portion of the city of Fort Collins embraced within
tle following described limits shall be hereafter known as the fire limits
of tho city of Port Collins rommenceming at a point at the center of
Cheryl, street where the track of the Colorado & Southern Railroad crosses
said Cherry street , thence South along the center of Mason street to the
center of Oak street , thence East along the center of oak street to the
center of Matthews street , thence North along the center of Matthews
street to the center of Mountain Avenue, thence East along the center of
Mountain Avenue to the center of Lincoln Avenue, thence Northeas�prly
along the center of Lincoln Avenue to the center of Willow street , thence
Northwesterly along the center of Willow street to the center of Spruce
street , thence Southwesterly along the center of Spruce street to the
center of College Avenue, thence North along the center of College Ave-
nue to the center of Cherry street thence West to the place of beginning,
and no building of any description shall be erected within said fire li-
mits without first obtaining permission from the city council and except
where the city council shall upon the recommendation of the oorrmittee
upon fire limits, grant a special permit therefor all buildings shall
conform to the provisions of the following sections of this ordinance
Section 2 No building, except nrivies or out-houses, Which shall
not exceed in size ten feet square and ten feet in height to the peak,
shall hereafter be erected within the fire limits, unless the same shall
be constructed in conformity Rith the following provisions
First All outside and party walls shall be of brick or stone
Second Brick walls shall not be of less thickness than as follows,viz
One story buildings, eight (8) inobes two-story buildings, twelve
( 1?) inches for the first story and eight (8 ) inches for the second story
three-story buildings, sixteen (16) inches for the first story, twelve
( 12) inches for the secord story, and eight (8) inches for the third story
( 2)
Stone walls shall not be of less thickness than as follows, viz
One ( 1) story, sixteen (16) inches two ( 2) story, twenty (?0) inches
for the first story, and sixteen (16) inches for the second story three
( 3 ) story, twenty-Sour ( 94 ) inches for the first story, twenty (20) in-
ulies for the second story and sixteen ( 16) inches for the third story
and all party galls shall extend at least one (1 ) foot above the roof
Third-- The ends of all joists, beams and other timbers in onside or
party walls, shall be separated at least four inches from each other,
with stone or brick laid in mortar, or by concrete
Fourth--All a and party walls, except end wall facing on streets,
shall extend above the sheeting of the roof at least twelve inches and
in no case shall the planking or sheeting of the roof extend across any
Party wall or end wall, except end walls facing on the street or alley
Fifth--All roofs shall be covered with iron, tin, slate, or other fire-
proof material
Sixth--All oven areas, built in connection with the buildings, described
in this ordinance, may project not more than three feet from the street
line, providing same be well guarded with icon rails, and provided fur-
ther that the opening shall be at right angles to the street The ap-
proach to such areas shall in all cases be on the same grade as the side-
walk at that point, for the full width of the opening to the street line
Areas not oven, may be built oovered with iron grates, on a level with
the sidewalk at that point , providing the same do not project more than
four feet fiom the street line Coal holes and areas not open, may be
placed at any projection within a line not exceeding twelve feet from
the street line but no areas, coal holes, or any excavation whatever
shall be made or begun in or under any street, sidewalk or alley, until
a petition tlereffior has been filed with the City Courell and permission
granted And the City Council shall require such barriers and danger
sigrals to be used, and may exact such indemnifying bonds during the con-
struotion and maintenance of said cork, or during any excavation adjoin-
ing the street lines, as in their judgment will fully insure the public
Section S No wooden building shall be ereoted within the fire limits,
nor moved into such limits from any place beyond the boundaries thereof,
nor moved fror one place to another within such limits A building of
a wooden frame whose sides shall be covered with sheet-iron or other
metal shall be deemed a wooden building for the purposes of this ordi-
nance No additions shall be made to any wooden building Provided,
that any necessary small repairs may be made of wood to any wooden build-
ing in existence at the time of the taking effect of this ordinance
No such small rapairs in wood shall be oonstru>ed to mean a general re-
novation of any such building or an essential modification thereof either
in the repair of the roof or otherwise. No building within said fire
limits which now has a shingled roof shall be re-shingled except upon
permission granted by the City rourcil on presentation of a petition in
writirg Provided, that any repairing may be made to a wooden building
vith fire-Proof material Provided, further, that this section shall not
apply to coal houses and privies less tha�n100 x 10 feet imensionp
Section 4 Ao person or persons shall keep any umber or wood Yar�
or make
/,,�any stack of hay, straw or other combustible material within the
fire lints Nor shall any hay, stray oroother combustible material be
stacked or piled within 100 feet of said fire limit except upon permis-
sior granted by CitS Council
(4 )
Sec 5 Any wooden building which may be erected, enlarged, ro-
nmved, or be in process of erection, enlargement, or removal, contrary
to the provisions of this ordinance, shall be deemed a nuisance and it
shall be the duty of the City Attorney, after due notice to the owner
oz builder thereof, in writing, requesting that the same be abated, to
coirLemoe suit in the name of the city, for the collection of the fines
and penalties Drovided for by this ordinance
See 6 Each days continuance or allowance by any Derson of any of
the matters prohibited by each of the provisions of this ordinance em0l-
iiht,-�a� conviction shall have been had
, against such person, stall be deemed a separate and distinct offense
s Sec 7 Where Droperty within the fire limits is vithin the control
and custody of an agent, such agent shall be equally guilty with the
princip-ii of any violation of the terms of this ordinance
See 8 Any person who shall violate or fail to oomplv with anv
or the provisions of this ordinance, shall upor conviction thereof before
the Police Magistrate of the city of Fort Collins or any Court of com-
petent Jurisdiction, be fined not less than $10 nor more than $300, and
costs of suit, and may be sentenced �o imprisonment in the city jail of
the city of Fort Collins, or the County jail of the County of Larimer,
until such fine and costs are paid, provided, that no such imprisonment
shall exceed ninety days for any one offense
See a Ordinance Number 15, 1881 passed and adopted April 199 1881
and all other ordinances or parts of ordinances =,xt in conflict herewith
is hereby repealed, provided, that the repealing of said ordinances or
Parts of ordinances shall not effect any cause of action which may have
heretofore or shall hereafter accrue before this ordinance goes into ef-
Passed and adopted this Yday of 7)-? A D , 1901
City Clerk