Public notice is hereby Qiven that the followinp, ordinance was
introduced, read and, ordered printed at a rel-Lilar adjourned meeting of
the city council of the city of Fort Collins , Colorado, held February
G, A.D. 1905. c�
City Clerk.
Relatin- to the Duties and, Compensation of City Officials and
Be It Ordained By the City Council of the City of Fort Collins ,
Section 1. The mayor, city clerk, city marshal, city attorney,
Police magistrate, street supervisor and the aldermen of the city of
Fort Collins , shall perform such duties and receive such compensation
as are prescribed beiow, beginning with the terms of office of said
officials as shall be elected in April, 1905, and such employes as may
be ehosen by the city council on or after the third Monday in April,
Section 2. The mayor shall perform the duties required of him
by the statutes of this state and shall receive a salary ofola.44 per
Section 3. The city clerk shall perform all such duties as are
required of him by the laws of this state and as the city council may
from time to time direct . The city clerk shall be the water superin-
tendant , superiatendamt of cemetery and superintendamt of Sewers. For
all of said duties he shall receive a salary of $100. per month:
Section 4. The city marshal( shall perform such duties as are
required of him by the laws of this state and as may be required of
him from time to time by the city council. He shall receive a salary F
of 1M. per month.
Section 5. The city attorney shall attend all council meetings
and shall, when requested so to t1o, mive le Pal advice to the council
and city officials upon all matters reLatinQ to the affairs of the
city. He shall draft all ordinances, contracts and other instruments
in writing, when directed to do so by the city council or any of its
committees. He shall represent the city in all actions at law to
which the city may be a party, when directed to do so 'by the city
council. He shall, without direction of the city council, prosecute
all actions for the violatio of the ordinances of this city. He
shall receive a salary of 1 per month and shall be allowed no extra
compensation except when required to attend to the duties of his of-
fice outside of the city.
Section 6. The police magistrate shall perform the ie �'e �p�
quired of him by law and shall receive a salary of $1. 00 er y `w Zym
shall be allowed the use of a room in the city hall to be used asAcl
court room.
Section 7, T.he street supervisor shall have charge of such work
on the streets as the city council or the committee on streets, alleys
and bridges , may direct. He shall keep himself fully informed as to
the condition of the streets and shall report to the city council and
to the committee on streets, alleys and bridges any defect or dan er. -
ous condition of the streets , alleys and brill FTes , and any violations
of the ordinances of the city in relation to the same. He shall re-
ceive a salary of $ j, per month.
Section 8. Each alderman shall attend all bf the meetings of
the city council, except when excused by the city council or the mayor
Each alderman shall attend all meetinrys of the committees upon which
he may be appointed to serve, except wizen excused by the chairmen of {�
such committees . Each alderman shall receive a salary of $12. 50 per
. ,
�,Sect,�on 9.- In case of titre failure of t-ke any of tl,e officials
a ver mntioned e�xcA �t the street supervisor aad police magistrate,
to,- a *veiiS. any renuRr m a inP- of the city council, or a reMalar y
dallec$ s�ecial meatinr of the city cotincil, provided he was duly serv-
'i 4 tiice of such special maeting,4shall be fined the sum of 3. F
unl*s4 lie, shall be excused by the mayor or the council; said fine to
be deducted from his salary.
x% Aection 10. All employes of the city not mentioned above shall
reeeiie sucL compensation and shall perform such duties as the city
c4nncil may time to time direct -,
n r� ne amount of his compensatio:iA .IiminisLel;, w t o t. no-
tige gf intention so to do beinP given at a r6Tilar preceding meeting
y of the city council. -
The forePoinP ordinance was introduced and read at a reFular ad-
journed meeting of the city council of the city of Fort Collins , Colo-
rado, o,i the 6th day of February, A. D. 1905) and was published in the
snort Collins a weekly newspaper of Fyeneral circulation
published in said city, on the 8,&( day of February, A. D. 1905 and was
duly passed and adopted by said city council at the rePular meeting
thereof held on the 20th day of February, A. D. 1905.
_attest : - ---�- -���'� ---
�a or.
l pO City Clerk.