HomeMy WebLinkAbout007 - 06/26/1905 - PRESCRIBING AND ESTABLISHING A SANITARY SEWER DISTRICT NO. 20 Proposed Ordinance.
public notice IN hereby rsiveta ti;dt the following ordinance wa.s
introiucerl, read and ordered printed, at a remlletr adjourned meetine,
Of the City Colznctil of the City of Fort Collins, Colorado, ,eld rAay 1,
City Clerk.
OTdnasace No.
An ordina,lce prascrlbinc7 and establishin7 a sanitary sower dis-
tant, and Orderiar the constructionl of a saa,,iitary sever tl:er. ei.n, and
decla.rinrr the nec ess— t.y then#
W.Iiereao, on ti.a.2O�lay of e A- 1 . 13051 in pursuance. of ail
act of tivi. sanera.l Assembly Of the 5t to of Colorado, entitled 'An Act
to Provi4e .for the Construction of Local I,Anrovements Sn Cities of all
Classes having a Population of Less than One Tiwldred T),ouaa,zd, and in-
corporated Towns, tLe Issuance of Loe;al Im rovemelit Bond tl'.ere:
p b for,
and ttie Assassszaesnt and Pa @lent of the Co' of , � a'y ,.# said I.erroves^t .,,ts, I ap-
provad April 8, .i. 11. 14jj, 1�y r-kolatloil duly adopted by the City
Council Of th@ City of 'r'ort , k'.ollins , the construction of a district
sanitary server in and for the sanitary ;-wer district o trie City Of
Fort Collins, hereinafter described , under and by virtue of tLe provi-
sions oi' said aett, vas dacl.tred Pssaiatial to tr.°: proper sanitation of
said district !uld city, and therefore necess<3ry for sanitary reasons ;
and the City Fnr-ineer Svaa duly authorized <,ind uirF�cted to prepare full
dOtalls, plans anti specifications for the construction of said in-
provenint , :uui aul st.i.%ate Of thi! court ti:eY1,10f, toy7?t1.ar with d ,map of
said district, and a schedule showinrtr the pproxi,utte amounts to be
assessed upon tie sevtarai lots e-ad ;,a,roals of property in said dis-
trict as required by sections 3 and 15 Of said act, and to report tl:e
sarle to the City Council for eoi,si:ieratlon; a,ld
wharaae.rtt, in pursuance of said authority the City EaF i,'aeer thesro-
after , u;,on the 27't ay of z�� A. J. idO5, made iiis report in
the pr raises to tale City Council, and filed therewith full details ,i11G
specifications for tl,e construction of said improvement , to4-ather tritli
the Official estimate, reap and schedule required by said resolution
and by lam, said estt-tate 30-vvLif-I a total probable cost
for said improvement, and said schedule sl.owi,l
tt,* appro:ci:n,ite amount to be a.sses%;gd upon each Of the several lots or
parcels of nronerty within said district to be at the rate of �
�y�tj - - h ...k• gills ( fVr141S7 per qua,r-: foot ; said est i-
mate belna exclusive of costs of inspectionq colleetions, incidentals
and interest ; al,il
Whereas, by res011ttion duly Jclonted On the estate arty by said City
Council, Said ede3t4ilu, st>aclfiWa.tioas, estimate and ,yip were adopted a
and approved, and said City Council determined the ..nu,s;rer of inatall-
Rents and the time i31 w4ii;'h tll1, cost oi• Said iMPrf,v4;aent should be
payable, the rate of interest on repaid installnents, the district of
lands to be a3ses:;ed for tLe ;same, as provided by said act, amt .iu-
thoriaed the City Clerk by advertisement for twenty days to dive to
that owners of the property to be assessed for said improvem+wit the no-
tice required by law; and
Whereas, in pursuance of said resolution the City Clerk has by
advert for twenty days in the Fort Collins Wlokly Courier, a
weekly newspaper of, general circulation published in said city, given
notices to tLe owners: of the property to be assessed, of the kind of
improvesment proposed as aforesaid, the number of installments, ani the
time in which the Cosa will be payable, the rate of interest on unpaid
and deferred install,aents, the extent of the district to be im?. roved
as aforesaid, the probable cost per square foot as shown by the esti-
mates of the City Ennineer, and the time, towit oil Monday the 1st day
of May, A.D. 1305, the same being more tYaaii thirty days after tLe
first publication of said advertisement , Wuf�p, an ordinance ordering
said improvetraent would befinally considered;' that said iet.ails, speci-
fications, asap, esti.aate and acii-dine, showiar the antounts to bey as-
sessed, :tali all ra6olutiwa , anki pro,3edin^s lit the are on
file and can be seen and examined by any person interested at the of-
fice ®i the City Clerk at any time within said Period of thalrty days,
and, until the time so fixed for consideration of said ordirtatce; and
that all complaints a,td objections that, teaay be made in writing con-
cerning said proposed improvement , by the owner or owners of any real
estate to l,te assessed therefor would be heard aid Jetermin),iied by the
City C0ltncil Of said city before final action thereon; and
Ki,erea$ , all ccviiplaints and objections made in writing by the
owners of pror)arty to be assessed for ti.e coi;t of said i;:iprove;:tent
ilave been duly considered by said City council, ate-
aow. therefore, upon consideration of tlaa preDLjz;e5
Be It Ordainea by the City Council of the i:it? of Fort Ca l.iial�,
Sactioati 1. That the Construction of a district smitary sewer in
the district hereinafter described is and the same is ',-ilreby declared
necessary for sanitary reasons.
Section c. T;;tt UP, con:;truct ion of a district sanitary, rawer in
the district hereinafter described, together witu all necessary ;nan-
laoles, inletb, apnurtaiiitnees , accordinr, to trim ,clans :aall ?'1 lflc3-
tions heretofore adopted by said City Council, and on file iri tine of-
fice of tlae City Clerk, be and tLe sate is laeraby or,iered undaar, by
virtue of and in accordance with tine provisions of said act of the
Geii ral Assimb.Ly, <anad sai•.i olals and ts ,)ecificatioaa are hereby Pre-
scribed for said construction.
Sectioti U. T;cat said district shall consist of all the rFtdL est-
ate within the follow:i,i- described boundaries, toait : -
70: 79, 77, 8,: , S4< X7, .Lr
And ttae said district is to r-4by ero atad and eNta.blis14cJ' add
sl:aLl he nest ed and :Known as fort Collins Sanitary Sesser Di::trict No. 21
Section 4. The cost o:l' said sanitary sesver, includia- ,;al-l:aoles,
inlets, ca,lnectinn mains and appurtea &nceb , witia iaterat;t , shall be
assessed wholly upon all the read estate in said district , axclusive
Of public hir-tiways , in proportion as the area of each piece of real
estate in said district is to the area of all real estate in said dis-
trict , exclusive of public hinl.ways, in accordance :Tit.. said tact .
Section 5. The construction of said improvement shall be done by
independent contract , but under the direction of ti,e City wnnineer,
said contract to be let by the Mayor with the approval of the City
Council, in the manner prescribed by said act, but s;o contract stall
be let for any mount exceedin7 the estimate made by the City Engineer
Said contract shall contain the provisions required by Section 39 of
said act , and be subject to all the provisions of said act .
Section u. If any ?iece of .real estate has already an improve-
ment confor-.inn to the 7ener;,.l plan of said sanitary sewer, or which
the City Council may find to be satisfactory -to it , an allowance may
be made t'heref'or to the owner, the same to b deducted from his as-
sessment and from the contract price, and said contract shall so pro-
Section 7, Said improvement shall be paid for in warrants of the
City of ?o.rt Collins, which shall be payable out of the funds collect-
ed on account of the assessments made for said improvement . Said war-
ren shal eG'�f such date in such form, nayabie at such tines and
in h d in ions as may be hereafter prescribed by said City
oun 1, a sh�l executed , issued and disposed of, rLn ! otherwise
ea with , e` ions 35, 36 and 37 of said act prescribed. Said
arr, its 4 Y 1. Var`�nterest at the rate of six per cent ?^r annum.
4e:ctiora8. ThI MAY or is hereby authorized to advertise, 1n tine
/mane requ e( y aw, for bids for the construction of said i=nprove-
JSaent ,Ln ac r h said plans and specifications, and subject to
�'the�rirovisio� id this ordinance. The rinht to reject any and
epl Ads sh i said aavert. .isement and is hereby reserved.
' act 9. T if City Cou,ieal does hereby find that notice of said
nro+foyed im rni , e was duly given to the owners of the property to
be 0 Pssed . he Ft, as provld.ed iii said act ; that the improve lf:ilt
her ord-4,m i;E so duly ordered after notice duly given, that all
the �t'gaI esIte within the limits of said .listrict above described is
especially Aine "it)(ed -by the oonstruetion of said improvement; that
all the requirements of law in the premises gave been duly car,oliel
The fore^oinr ordinance was introcuced and read at a resru la r ad-
journed meeting of tLe City Council of the City of Mort Collins, s�o'10-
rado, ou the 10 tay o A. D. 1005, anal was published in the Fort
Collins CsosN,re � a we sly newspaper of 7eneral circulation published
in said city, on the /Od tv Of A.D. lan5i
aYl�l Qall� lyzz2; K' 644t-c.6'7'q�.