HomeMy WebLinkAbout008 - 08/21/1905 - ASSESSING THE COST OF THE SANITARY SEWER CONSTRUCTED IN AND FOR SANITARY SEWER NO. 16 Proposed Ordinance. Public notice is hereby given that the following ordinance was introduced, read and ordered printed, at a recv �m ng the City Council of the City of Fort Collins, Colorado, held 44 1 , 1905. (� City Clerk. Ordinance No. O 1905. An ordinance assessinn the cost of the sanitary sewer constructed in and for Fort Collins District Sanitary Sewer No. /6, Whereas, under and by virtue of the provisions of Ordinances No. 9-/9wy of said city a district sanitary sewer has been constructed in anf for Fort Collins Sanitary Sewer District No./4 and Whereas, said sewer has been completed and accepted by the City Council of said city; and the cost of the same, including six per cent. for cost of inspection, collection and other incidentals , and also in- cluding interest at the rate of six per cent. per annum to March. 1, 1906, when the first installment of the state general taxes is payable, amounts to the sum of $3, 769. 7�4,and Whereas, in pursuance of a resolution adopted by said City Coun- cil on the /y�day of June, A. D. 1905, the City Clerk has by advertise- ment for ten days in the Fort Collins 4tAltu I a weekly newspaper of general ciro,i1,L* io1i published in said city, notified the owners of the property to be assessed for said sewer of the whole cost thereof and of the share of said cost apportioned to each lot or tract of land within said sewer district a sessable for said cost, and of the time and place, to wit , July 19O5, at H P.M. , at tie City Hall of said city, when the City Council would hear and determine any com- plaints or objections made in writing by the owners of said property and filed with the City Clerk ; and Whereas, more than thirty days have elapsed since tl,4 publication of said notice, and said City Council has heard and datfxrmined all compiaints aau oujectiolls filed wit ,,i.i tulr y days from the date of the publication of said notice; now therefore, Be It Ordained By The City Council Of The City Of Fort Collins, Colorado: Section 1. That the cost of the sanitary sewer constructed: in and for Fort Collins Sanitary Sewer District , under and by virtuie: of authority of Ordinance No.yA f said city, inel'udinr.* the aost of in- spection, collection and other incidentals, with interest as hereinaf- ter provided, shall be and is hereby assessed upon all the real estate In said district, in proportion as the area of each piece of real est- ate is to the area of all real estate in said district, exclusive of public highways. . That is to say: the share of said cost apportioned to each lot or tract of land within said district is as follows, towit 'Lot.1 to 10,inclnniva,in block L.te 11 to 15, ioolnxive, iu bL- onah Lote t tti J0,in alaxivn,in block sd'. Lote 1 to 10,inolcew ,iu bloolad Lot,9ta16 inc hl a tit block i1 $LP.50 anoh' ot6ntl 1 0 m toIt 1: rn black 15E^ LJ nad t,in I J ck 1 2 $97 00 eachI in 8 inclneiv Il bL ck 153 S 00 exc I to P mclacivn in block 154 SS 00 each. 1 to d inclneivo,in block 155, $57.00 eae Lr ch of mid nnicborod blocks, being in tb, .G54%of Fo t 0.11in, 1.olorxdo, mmordinp to th E sxi I City en ti,in il eoffic,of the Conn end ltecordor of C onnty, Colo- 1 Section 2. All assessments herein provided for shall be due and payable within thirty days of tl ,, p: t;lic + -nn of this ordinance, with- out demand: Provided that all such assessments may, at the election of the owner of the property assessed, be paid in two equal annual in- stallments, the first of which shall be payable on the —51 day of &..s A. D. 1906, and the last of which shall be payable- on the -f# ay of ZZ.,,4,A. D . 1907; with interest on the unpaid principal, pay- able sem annually, at the rate of six per cent . per annum. Section 3. Failure to pay the whole assessment within said, per- iod of thirty days, shall be conclusively considered and held an elegy- tion on the part of all persons interested, whether under disabtlity or. otherwise, to pay in such installments, Section 4. FIAlure to pay any installa:,.t , whether of principal or interez , :then due, shall cause the whole of the unpai:l principal to become d-uejand 'payable immediataiy, a::u the :71,01e amount of tie un- 904d )rink pal and, accrued interest shall thereafter draw interest at toe raga of one per cant. per month or fraction of a month, until the dad or mal a* hereinafter provided; but at any time prior to the day of sale, tpe Aviier may pay the amount of all unpaid installments, with inter t ai ore, per ,cent. per month ur Traction of a month and all pexialt *d shall thereupon be restored to the richt there- after to pay in i istallments in the save manner as if default had not been suf fej!^�ad-; ;e owner of any proparty not in default as to any in- ,stallment 'ar pa;4�,ent , may at any tiny pay the ,rhole of the unpaid Ootncipal ;PitF, the interest accruing to the maturity of the next in- stailment df `lntierest or principal, ��emL Section ,. Pay.a ,.ts may be made to the City Treasurer at any tx'ie within Uirty days of the passage of this ordinance, and a., - iMrance eft five per cent. shall be made oil aii pays ,nts during such period only. Section U. In case of default in the payment of any installment of principal or interest when due, any and all property concerning which such default is suffered, shall be advertised and sold for the payment of the whole of the unpaid assessments thereon, at the same time or times, in the same manner, under all the same conditions and penalties, and with the same effects, as are provided by general law for sales of real estate in default of payment of fT neral taxes. Section 7. The owner of any divided or undivided interest may Pay his share of any assessment , upon producing evidence of the extent of his interest, satisfactory to the County Treasurer having the assessment roll in charge. The foreFoi:i ordinance was introduced and read at a regular ad- journed aeinp of theiity Council of the City of fort Collins, Colo- rado) on tn$ ay of riM ;- A. D . 1905, and was published in tine Fort Colli.is n4/2_L� a new.,paper of Uaneral circulation published in said ul{.J, oil t..- 6 day oflwp4wrA.D. 1905, and wa, ulr passed and C adopted by said Cityouncil at the regular �� meeting thereof held on the.2iOifay of Aur7ust , A.D. 1905 Attest: _ City Clerk. Mayor.