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HomeMy WebLinkAbout009 - 08/21/1905 - ASSESSING THE COST OF THE SANITARY SEWER CONSTRUCTED IN AND FOR DISTRICT SANITARY SEWER NO. 17 a Proposed Ordinance. Public notiea., is he..reby given that the foliowiilF7 ordinance was introduced, read and ordered printed, at a rerul m� n4 f the City Council of the City of Fort Collins, Colorado, held-4AlFr (1305. / City Clerk. Ordinance No. q 1905. An ordinance assessinc, the cost of the sanitary sewer constructed in and for Fort Collins District Sanitary Sewer No. /7 Whereas, under and by i'irtue of the provisions of Ordinance. of said city a district sanitary sewer has been constructed in and for Fort Collins Sanitary Sewer District No. /9r and Whereas, said sewer has been completed and accepted by the City Council of said city; and the cost of the same, includinf+ six per cent, for cost of inspection, collection aad other incidentals , and also in- cluding interest at the rate of six per cent. per annum to March 1, 1906, ,vhen the first installment of the state P,eneral taxes is payable, amounts to the sum of 4VfV, 9b; and Whereas, in pursuance of a resolution adopbed by said City Coun- cil on the /94 day of dune, A. D. 1905, the City Clerk has by advem tise- went for ten days in the Fort Collins �c�'''`�/ a weekly ne,4s:paper of general circulation published in said ci yt , notified the owners of the property to be assessed for said sewer of the whole cost themcc and of the share of said cost apportioned to each lot or tract, of land said sewer district a } assessable for said cost, and of the time and place, to wit, July, 1905, at 8 P.M. , at the City Hall of said city, .ihen the City Council would hear and determine any com- plaints or objections made in by the owners of said property a* filed with the City Clerk ; :and Whereas, more than thirty days have elapsed since the publication of said notice, and said City Council has heard and determined all complaints &ad objections filed witLi:: thirty days from the date' of the publication of said notice; now therefore, Be It Ordained By The City Council Of' The City Of Fort Collins, Colorado: Section 1. That the cost of the sanitary sewer constructed in and for Fort Collins Saait. ry Sewer District , under and by virtue of authority of Ordinance N014ig,of said city, including the cost of in- spection, collection and other incidentals , with interest as hereinaf- ter Provided, shall be and is hereby assessed upon all the real estate in said district, in proportion a4s the area of each piece of re.-al est - ate is to the area of all real estate in said district, exclusive of public highways. . That is to say: the share of said cost apportioned to each lot or tract of land within said district is as follows, towit All of the tote de9aribed below are in 'Fort Colline and arc numbered according to tie plat of said City on hip in the office of the Coun- ty f lc,k end Reconler of Latimer county,Colo- rado. Lots 1 and 12,block 146, $72288 each. Lot 2.. - block 146,$53.93. Luta 9 to 9, rncleeive, and lot . lt.block 136,$.59.`.i1 cach, The north 45 feet of lot 10,block 146,$24 W, The south 40 fret of the north 85 fact of lot 10, block 14e. $21.33, The ..nth 0 feet 0f lot.10,bluok'U6,$8. l.ed 10 aad 14,block 147,$18.80 each. Lot.11 and la, block 147.$qW.89 each. 1N.t 12.block 147, $16.90, Lot. I o el 12,block 156,$57,04 each.. Lots 2 to 11,in- clneive,block.156,$1:.22 oach. Lot.. 1 to 4, ln, clusive,and 1'J to 16,ioclnsive,block 157,$21.11 each. Lot.5 to 12,inoleeive,block 157,$20 each. Lot.1 to 10,iuclu.iva,block 750,$21.11 oath. Section 2. All assessments herein provided for shall be due and payable .withiip thirty days of the publication of this ordinance, witl - out demand: Provided that all such assessments may, at the election of the owner of the property assessed, b9 paid in two equal annual in- stallments, tiii first of wilivti . i,111 be payable Oil the 4f'A� day of A. i) 1JO6, aild the last of °xi,ich shall be payable on the y2-drjf v ui' . c..GuA. il. 1307, .with interest on the unpaid principal, pay- able se;,.t- iilil rally, at tine rate of six per cent . per annum. S,-ction 3. Failura to pay the whole assessment within said per- iod of t.!-.irty days, shall be conclusively considered and held an elm.- tiOn W t1lie part of all perWons interested, wheth-Ir ,rider d.lsa_M.lity: or of"_..r:vise, to pay In suet, installment:,; . Sectioir;4. , F"lure to pay any, �riiether of prillcipal or inter e�.'t „`al,en dice, shall cause the whole of the unpaid, principal to bq�o�e Ati-e and ) yable iimediateiy, and the whole aiaount of tLe un- did ¢ria�ipj1 aiid accrued interest shall thereafter draw interest itt he rate 9f q., tier cent, per nonth or fraction of a month, until the day oC sale a_- i ereiilafter "irov.ided; but at ,any time !3rior to the day of salei .t-;; t}•vyl''r , tay nay the ai:lount of all unpaid L'Istallaeilts, with intt ro, t,•a,t one per cent. per month or fraction of a month and all AeYlalt ,eS� a Cur9a, and skL111 t1er,-rlpo,l be restored to the ri?ht ti,ire- -after Ito ',pay in installments in the saiae manner ": if default had not --fhe o,Aner of .any property not in default a-- to any in- stallv7e;lt or payment , may at any time pay the w1,Ole Of the unpaid prinaioi =`w tl. ti,e interest accruing to the maturity of tlae next in- dtalli� ,nt olf i.nterest or principal, 5-¢t lot P ty,neiit s mV be male to the City Treasurer ;it, airy time witici,l ti_lrty ,iav>x of the passa7p of this ordinance, �l,ld :tin 11- lowance of five per c•'nt . shall be ziuie on rill patpl.;ent ; :l;lrl::^ such period on.ty. Section 6. Li ca:3e of default in the payment of any installment of principal or interest nheii' due, any and all property conceir;iin7 which suc , default is suffered, shall be advertised and sold for the payment of the whole Of the unpaid assessments thereon, at t ;,e sane time or times , in the saris runner. , under all the same, conditions and peinalties, and with the sa:^e sffects, as are provided by ^eneral law for saies of real estate in default of oayr.,ent of ^eneral taxes. Section 7. The owner of any div:idm(I or undivided interest may pay his share of any assessment , upon produciiiT� evidence of the extent of i^,is i;lt eregt , satin factory to the County Treasurer 1,avinr, t Tie asse:i:>ient roll in clKir,r?e. The for9^oin^ or,linanc,' was introduced and r'ad at a re-ular ad- journed meltlng� of the 'iotnneil of the City Of Fort Collins, Colo- rido, on t day of , A. D . 1305, and wa pu liLhed in tiie Port Collins �,` a ,lewspa.per of General circulation published in said city, on the °t�day of&wfaerA. D. 1905, and was duly passed and adopted by said Cie Couincil at the regular &d4aur4eA meetinG thereof hold on they/`{e'ay of Aumist , A.D. 1J05 Attest: - City Clark. Mayor.