HomeMy WebLinkAbout011 - 10/16/1905 - RELATING TO THE SWITCHING OF RAILROAD CARS 'Proposed Ordimuice.
Public notice is hereby miven that the following ordinance was
introduced, re;:,d and ordere.i printed, at a, r4•nlllr meetinf* /o the City
Council of the City of i'ort Collins, Colorado, held on thO day of
c� City Clern.
y` C/
J. Ordinancer No. l9o5.
rf f„
fi In 0s:,lin U149! 1 ?dal tio.i to the Switcl-inv* of4ta,ilroad Cars.
ItiOrdained b1� the City i3O.111cil of the City of Fort Collins,
/ ,act on 1. It shall be iinlawful for any person, ?arsons or oor-
"porat. on, aanin7,or of prat i .vy a railroad, or in -ulg• way enl^a^pd in the
, nv� of hari(Ilin� *U railroad trains, locomotives, or cars, to make
iTh- t s cd„v-no my ;.arms its a running* or flyinr, s.ait:,h acro:;s or partly
erl ail,? st�Ppt ,', av�n.ae or <t:llgy .within t).e corporate U—,dts of ::ai
ityX, or ;do what' d4 c(irmonly known as `k> ckin? ' or'droppins*' 3Illy car
err -.4s '3:rn or #),Irt ly across any siloh str4 et , alley or av nue.
r � ectlon i. j t dll be itiLxxful for any person, ;)ersons or cor-
porati4n, o�::nin� "gr eeperatin7 a railroad, or Li a� way 3nfr...�- 3 in the
rannin^ or 1.<,+idlijy� of railroad! trains, loco:lotives or cars , to use
any railroad tra(Yk )i +on any railroad street crc.;s6inff south of tbvc
north fins of west mountain avenue in said City, for the purpose of
Swit(:)lint'' or s)iiftijl� cars, or t .e ::k3klnt uy) or breaking 11n of train;;.
Section 3. Any parson or corporation Tailty of violatinFT WAY of
t;:i arovi:;ion.i of this ordii-wice uiY111i ;1pa:l c(j lviCtiOA tiaerc of. be
fined not 1F-ss than Ten Dollars (1�10.ry) ) nor mor,- than One rluivired
Dollars an:i :n:st;, of suit; vid 1:1 d?f3,llt of plaYm1-at of gt1c,:
fine a;id costs, shall be imprisoned in the city ]ail, or othr'r place
provided for the Licarceration of prisc:rers , until such fine a:ld touts
are paid; but not to exceed ninety clays.
T11e fore"oins' ordin ante 'ras introduced Xld read It �,, rci,Iilar
beet n.!7 of tLe C tv Coi cil of thy: City of Fort Collins, Colec ratio,, on
A. D. 1J05, a ,' ak; pu ,li-"Leil io tf:e
Fireek!V 1 "".'">�;�.')': 0. ,Mini circuLiti.oT� pl.iflliI1P,U
in said, City, 0,1 the &z�4day ot��''rl. D. 19051 alid was ;iuly n tsz:cd
and adop ed by sa.dl :i+v Cn:lncil at ti,: rem-ilar :a�3eti; theroof, ixl
oil the l til day of , A. D. 1005.
.'.� t '9c-t
City Cler%.