HomeMy WebLinkAbout014 - 12/18/1905 - PRESCRIBING AND ESTABLISHING PAVING DISTRICT NO. 1 4Y 1 Proposed Ordinance Public notice is hereby given that the following ordinance was introduced, read and ordered printed at a re-ular adjourned meeting of the City Council of the city of Fort Collinst. Colorado , held November 27, 1905. City Clerk. Ordinance No / 1905. An ordinance prescribing and establishing Fort Collins Paving District No. 1, providing for the construction of paving therein and or the issuance of warrants in payment thereof. Whereas, upon the 21st day of August , A. D. 1905, a petition was presented to the City Council praying for the creation of a paving district as hereinafter described, to be designated as Fort Collins Paving District No. 1, and praying for the improvement of said dis- trict by the surfacing or paving of that portion of North College ave- nue situated therein, which said petition was sued by the owners of a majority of the frontage of property which would be assessable for the cost of said improvement, and Whereas, upon the presentation of said petition, the city engin- eer was by resolution of the City Council instructed to prepare full details and specifications for said improvement , in conformity with said petition, and submit the same to the City Council together with a map of said district , an estimate of the cost of said improvement , an,,, a schedule showing the approximate amounts to be assessed upon the several lots or parcels of property within said district for the Cost of said improvement ; and Whereas, upon the day of 6efz/ A. D. 1905, the city en- gineer submitted to the City Council the plans and specifications, map, estimate, and schedule aforesaid, said estimate showing a total approx - imate cost of $5458. 00 for said improvement, and said schedule showin­ the approximate maximum amount to be assessed against each of the lots and parcels of property within said district to be at the rate of $4. 984 per front foot , and the City Council did, upon said last men- tioned date, by resolution, adopt said plans and specifications, map, estimate and schedule, definitely describing the materials to be used in said improvement , determining the number�'of instalments and the time in which the .cost of said improvement shall be payable, the rate of interest on unpaid and deferred instalments, and the property to be assessed for the cost of said improvement ; and Whereas:, the city clerk has by advertisement for twenty days in The Larimer County Democrat , a newspaper of general circulation in said city, given notice to the owners of the property to be assessed, of the kind of improvement proposed, the number of instalments and the time in which the cost will be payable, the rate of interest on unpaid and deferred instalments , the extent of the district to be improved, the probable cost per front foot as shown by the estimates of the en- gineer, and the time, to wit , on Monday, November 27, 1905, at 8 P.M. , the same being more than thirty days after the first publication of said advertisement, when an ordinance ordering the construction of said improvement would be finally considered, said advertisement also giving notice that said details, specifications, map, estimate and schedule, and all resolutions and proceedings in the premises are on file in the office of the city clerk and can be seen and examined by any person interested at any time within said period of thirty days; and that all complaints and objections that may be made in writing concerning said improvement by the owner or owners of any real estate to be assessed therefore would be heard and determined by the City Council before final action upon said ordinance, and wj}ereas, U now therefore BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FORT COLLINS, WLORADO: Section 1. That under and by virtue of the power and authority conferred by an act of the General Assembly of the Stag of Colorado, entitled `An act to provide for the construction of local improvements in cities of all classes having a population ofless than one hundred thousand, and incorporated towns, the issuance of local improvement bonds therefor, and the assessment and payment of the cost of said im- provements" ; approved April 8, A. D. 1899, there is hereby created a paving district in the city of Fort Collins, to be designated as Fort Collins Paving District No. 1; said district to embrace the roadway area of that portion of North Cd)llege avenue situated between the north line of Mountain avenue and the south line of Laporte avenue and all the lots and parcels of real estate abutting upon said portion of North College avenue. Section 2. That said district be improved by surfacing the roadway area of said portion of North College avenue with disintegrat- ed granite and by the construction of crosswalks, curbing and the ne- cessary incidentals, in accordance with said plans and specifications. Section 3. The cost of said improvement shall be assessed upon all the lots or parcels of real estate within said district, in pro- portion as the frontage of each lot or parcel of real estate is to the frontage of all the lots or parcels of real estate abutting upon said portion of North College avenue. Section 4. The construction of said improvement shall be done by independent contract , but under the direction Of the city engineer, said contract to be let by the mayor with the approval of the City Council, in the manner prescribed by said act ; but no contract shall be let for any amount exceeding the estimate made by the city engineer Said contract shall contain the provisions required by Section 39 of said act, and shall be subject to all the provisions of said act. Section 5. If any piece of real estate has already an improve- ment conforming to the general pla*f said specifications, or which the City Council may find to be satisfactory,, an allowance may be made therefor¢ to the owner, the same to be deducted from his assessment and from the contract price, and said contract shall so provide. Section 6. Said improvement shall be paid for in warrants of the city of Fort Collins, which shall be payable out of the funds col- lected on account of the assessments made for said improvement. Said warrants shall be of such date, in such form, payable at such times and in such denominations as may be hereafter prescribed by the City Council, and shall be executed, issued and disposed of, and otherwise dealt with as in Sections 35, 36 and 37 of said act provided. Said warrants shall bear interest at the rate of six per cent . per annum. Section 7. The mayor is hereby authorized to advertise, in the manner required by law, for bids for the construction of said improve- ment, in accordance with said plans and specifications, and subject to the provisions of law and of this ordinance. The right to reject any and all bids shall in said advertisement and is hereby reserved. Section S. The City Council does hereby find that notice of said proposed: improvement was duly given to the owners of the property to be assessed therefor, as required by said act ; that the improvement hereby ordered is so duly ordered after notice duly given; that a pe- tition for said improvementLas been duly presented to the City Council, subscribed by the owners of a majority of the frontage to be asses- sed for the same, as required by said act . The foregoing ordinance was introduced and read at a regular ad- journed meeting of the City Council of the city of Fort Collins, on the 27th ay of November, A. D. 1905, an d was published in The Fort Collins a week newspaper of general circulation published ly, in said city, on the �9 day 1905, and was duly passed and adopted by said City Council at the regular meeting thereof, held on the jf4�day of,&eczw�,�A. D. 1905. za!Ea— r / .� -ec^ rude✓:�a.i/�.h, `!