HomeMy WebLinkAbout001 - 02/19/1906 - PRESCRIBING AND ESTABLISHING SANITARY SEWER DISTRICT NO. 21 YrupuJdu Uiu1lialiul.
Y11U11� llut.�:d 1i "vavLy glvdll tl.G.t t"d 1UllUW.u/g UT'6L-LA""l;o waQ
introduced, read a4d ordered printed, at a regular meeting of -ef the
city council of the city of Fort Collins, Colorado, held January 15,
A. D. 1JO6.
` f. H.Garrett ,
City Clerk.
Ordinance No. I of the Series of 1JO6.
An ordinance prescribing and establishing Fort uollins Sanitary
Sewer district No. 21, and orderi,ig the construotioi., of a sanitary
sewer therein, and declaring the necessity therefor.
Whereas, o�i the 27th day of November, A.U. 1JO5, in pursuance of
an act of the General Assembly of tiie State of Colorado, entitled "An
Act to Provide for the Construction of Local Improvements in Cities of
all Classes having a Population of Less than One Hundred Thousand, and
Incorporated Towns, the Issuance of L'uoal Improvement Bonds therefor,
and the Assessment and Payment of the Cost of said Improvements, " ap-
proved April 8, A. D. 18JJ, by resolution duly adopted by the City
Council of tie city of Fort Coliuis, the cunstruction of a district
sanitary sewer in and for tre sanitary sewer district of the city of
Fort Collins hereinafter described, under and by virtue of the provi-
sions of said act, was declared essential to tf,e proper sanitation of
said district and city, and therefore necessary for sanitary reasons;
and the city engineer was duly authorized and directed to prepare full
details, plans and specifications for the Construction of said improve-
ment , and an estimate of ti,e cost thereof, together with a map of said
district , and a schedule slowing the approximate amounts to be asses-
sed upon the several lots and parcels of property in said district, as
required by Sections 3 and 15 of said act , and to report the same to
the City Council for consideration; and
Whereas, in pursuance of said authority the city engineer, upon
the 27th day of November, A.D. 1J05, made his report in the premises
to the City Council, and filed therewith full details, plans and spe-
cifications for the construction of said improvement , together watt:
the official estimate, map and schedule required by said resolution
and by law, said estimate showing a total probable cost of Three
Thousand Nine Hundred Fifty ( $3J50.00) for said improvement, and said
schedule showing the approximate amount to be assessed upoa each of
the several lots or parcels of property within said district to be at
the rate of Three Miils($0.003 ) per square foot ; Baia estimate being
exclusive of costs of inspection, collection, incidentals and interest;
Whereat, by resolution duly adopted on the same date by
said City Council, said details, plans, specifications, estimate and
map were adopted and approved, and said City Council determined the
number of instalments and tre time in which the cost of said improve-
ment should be payable, the rate of interest on unpaid instalments,
the district of lands to be assessed for the same, as provided by said
act , and authorized the city clerk by advertisement for twenty, days to
give to the owners of the property to be assessed for said improvement
the notice required by law; and
Whereas, in pursuance of said resolution the city clerk has by
advertisement for twenty days in the Fort Collins Express, a weeklY
newspaper of general circulation published in said city, given notice
to the owners of property to be assessed, of the kind of improvement
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he cost will be payable, the rate of interest on unpaid and deferred
instalments, the extent of the district to be improved as aforesaid,
the probable cost per square foot , as shown by the estimates of the
city engineer, and the time, to wit , on Monday, the 15th day of Janu-
ary, A.D. iJO6, the same being more titan th ey days after tte first
publication of said advertisement , when an (L inance oraerilig the con-
struction of said improvement would be finally considered; that said
details, plans, specifications, map, estimate and schedule, showing
the amounts to be assessed, and all resolut ionsaand proceedings in the
premises were on file and could be seen and examined by any person in-
terested at the office of the city clerk at any time within said per-
iod of thirty days, and until the time so fixed for consideration of
said ordinance; and that all complaints and objections that may be
made In writing concerning said proposed improvement, by the owner or
owners of any real estate to be assessed therefor would be heard and
determined by the City Council of said city, before final action
thereoifi; and XO
Whereas, all complaints objectionsAmade in writing by the
owners of property to be assessed for the cost of said improvement ,
, now therefore, upon
consideration of the premises,
Section 1. That the construction of a district sanitary sewer in
the district hereinafter described is and the same is hereby declared
necessary for sanitary reasons.
Section 2. That the construction of a district sanitary sewer
in the ditrict hereinafter described, together with all necessary man-
holes, inlets, appurtenances, according to the plans and specifica-
tions heretofore adopted by said City Council, and on file Li the effe-
office of the city clerk, be and the same is hereby ordered under, by
virtue of and in accordance with the provisions of said act of the
General Assembly, alid said plans and specifications are hereby pre-
scribed for said construction.
Section 3. That said district shall consist of all the real es-
tate situ t in blocks numberea 267 268 26d 277 278 27y 287
a ea k , , , , > >
288 and 288, of Loomis' Addition to the City of Fort Collins; and the
said district is hereby created and established, and shall be desig-
nated as Fort Collins Sanitary Sewer District No. 21.
Section 4. The cost of sass sanitary sewer, including man-holes,
inlets, connecting mains and appurtenances, with interest, shall be
assessed wiioily upon all the real estate in said district , exclusive
of public highways, in proportion as the area of each piece of real
estate is said district is to the area of real estate in said district,
exclusive of public highways, in accordance with said act.
Section 5. The construction of said improvement shall be done
by independent contract , but under the direction of the city engineer,
said contract to be let by the mayor with the &pproval of the City
Council, in the manner prescribed by said act , but no contract shall
be let for any amount exceeding the estimate made by the city engineer.
Said contract s:_all contain the provisions required by Section 30 of
said act, and beAubject to all the provisions of said act.
Section 6. If any piece of real estate has already an improve-
ment confoamin o the general plan of said sanitary sewer, or which
tree City Council may find to be satisfactory, an allowance may be made
therefor to ti.e owner, the same to be aeaucted from his assessment a.iu
from the contrast price, and said contract silall so provide.
a Vt1Ua1 /. Saki 1j"Uruvv.udal a".Ll UU acl.l a.u fur 1., warrit: u1
tree CITY of Fort Collins, wnleii snail be payable out of the funds e01-
lected on account of the assessments made for said improvement . Sari
warrants shall be of such date, in such form, payable at such times
and in such denominations as may be hereafter prescribed by said City
Council, and shall be execute, issued and disposed of, and otherwise
dealt with as in Sections 35, 36 and 37 of said aet prescribed. Said
warrants shall bear interest at the rate of six per cent . per anaum.
Section 8. The mayor is hereby auti.oriwed to advertise in the
manner required by law, for bids for the construction of said improve-
went , in accordance with said plans and specifications, and subject to
ti:e provisions of law and of this ordinance. The right to reject any
and all bids shall be in said advertisement and is hereby reserved.
Section J. 'flie City Council does hereby find that notice of -ea-
said propo6ed improvement was duly given to the owners of the property
to be.- as6essed therefor as provided in said act ; that the improvement
hereby ordered is so duly ordered after notice duly given; that all
the real estate witain the limits of said district is especially bene-
fityed by the construction of said improvement.
The foreno:La;- ordinance was introduced and read at a regular-"
meeting of ti:e City Council, of the City of Fort Collins, Col7ado, ` n
the i5� i, day of January, A. D. 1J06, and was- published inl he " -
s a weeny newspaper of general circulation published in
said city, o.i the Uta day of January, A.D. 1006, and was duly passed
and adopted by said City Council at the reguiar meeting thereof, vela
on the lJtr, day of February, A.D. 1J06.
ntte.at : -
iUY or.
City Cleric.