HomeMy WebLinkAbout002 - 02/19/1906 - ASSESSING THE COST OF SANITARY SEWER CONSTRUCTED IN AND FOR SANITARY SEWER DISTRICT NO. 19 propo�eu Urui.la.l�a Public notice is hereby given that the following ordinance was introduced, read and ordered printed, at a regular adjourned meeting of the City Council ' of the City of Fort Collins, Colorado, held Janu- ary 2J, 1J06. T. H.Garrett , City Clerk. Ordinance No. ry of the Series of 1806. An Ordinance Assessing the Cost of Sanitary Sewer constructed in and for Fort CollinsSanitary Seger District No, ld. Whereas, under and by virtue of the provisions of Ordinance No. 6- iJO5, of said city, a district sanitary sewer has been constructed) in and for Fort Collins Sanitary Sewer district No. ld, and Whereas, said sewer haz been completed ands accepted by the City Council of said city, and the cost of the same, including six per cent. for cost of inspection, collection and other incidentals, and also in- clusing interest at the rate of six per cent . per annum to April 1, 1606, amounts to the sum of $4762. 56, and Whereas, in pursuance of arresolution adopted by said City Coun- cil on the 18thi day of December, A.D. 1JO5, the City Clerk has by ad- vertiseme,it for more tnan ten days in the Fort Collins Express, a weekly newspaper of general circulation published in said city, noti- fied tn& owners of the property to be assessed for said sewer of the whole cost thereof, and of t1e, share of said cost apportioned to each lot or tract of lard within said sewer aistrict and assessable for said cost , and of the time and place, to wit, January 2d, 1806, at 8 o' clock P.M. , at the City Hall of said city, when the City Council would hear and determine any complaints and objections made in writi;ig by the owners of said property and filed with the City Clerk; and Whereas, more than thirty days have elapsed since the publication of said notice, and said City Council has heard and determined all complaints and objections filed within thirty days of the publication of said notice; now therefore, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FORT COLLINS, COLORADO: Section 1. That the cost of the sanitary sewer constructed in and for Fort Collins Sanitary Sewer District No. ld, under and by vir- tue of authority of Ordinance No. 6-1.905, of said city , including the cost of inspection, collection and other incidentals, wit-h interest as hereinafteT provided, shall be and is hereby assessed upon all the real estate in said district , in proportion as the area of each piece of real estate is to the area of all real estate in said district , ex- clusive of public highways. That is to say: The share of said. cost ap- portioned to each loft or tract of land within said district is as fol- lows, to wit: in lblock 1 2to71, $29.71 mch;alontds 111,,1288,, 30in block 271, $18.13 cacti;Io , i in block 281,$$29.71 each;tote it to 18, in in block 281,N*2,18 eadh;Iota 2A to 28, in block 281,$37.18 soak;.lore 1 to 10, in I and 19 to�,malnetve,in block 291, Iota 11 to 88,i¢cluaive,in block 291. 42. lots 1 to t0,incl¢eiva, in block 270, 1. lore 11 to 1B inelnxive,in block '270,$42, tote I to 30,i¢claelve, in block 280, $I. Iota 19,'20,21,29. 20 and 20,in block each;lots 22 and 215,In trlock S80,$20.48 I to t0,inoluawe,in block 31p $NL98 ea sautiU.1 2. A.Li "drdiii pruviuzu for Qua-Li be Lud a.lv payable within thirty days of the: publication of this ordinance, with- out dema<id: Provided that all such assessments, may, at the election of the owner of the property assessed, be paid in two equal annual in- stalments, the first of which shall be payatlAp April 1, 407, and tr:e last of which snail be payable April 1, 1J091 with interest on the un- paid principal payable semi-annually, at the rate of six per cent. per annum. Section 3. Failure to pay the whole assessment within said per- iod of thirty days, shall be ecLiclu5ively consideredi and held an elec- tion on the part of all persons interested, wlteetlar udder aisability or otherwise, to pay in such. instalments. Section 4. Failure to pay any instalment , whetuer of principal or interest, w.len due, Qhall cause the whole of the unpaid principal to beeO= due an& payable immediately, and the whole amount of the un- paid, principal and accrued interest shall thereafter draw interest at the rate of one per cent. per month cr fractici of a month, until the day of sale as hereinafter provided; but at any time prior to the day Of sale tie: owner may pay the amount of ail unpaid instalments., with penalties accrued, and shall thereupon be restored to the right tnere- afteT to pa in instalments in the same manner as if' default had not been sufferedi. The owner of any property not in default as to any in- staiment or payment , may at any tine pay the whole of the unpaid Prin- cipal with: interest accruing to the maturity, oAtue next instalment of interest or pr inc ipaL . Secticn 5. Payment may be made to tie City Clerk at any time within thirty days of the. passage of this ordinance, and an allowance Of five per cent . shall be made— on all payments made during such per- iod only. Section 6. In case of default is tie payment of any instalment Of principal or interest wneii due, ally and all property concerning which such default is suffered, shall be advertised and sold for the payment of the whole of the unpaiid assessments thereat , at the same tine or times, in the same manner, under all tiLe same conditions and penalties, and with the: same effects, as are provided by general law for sales of real estate in default on payment of general taxes. Sectiai 7. Me owner of arty .divided or undivided interest may pay his share of any assesstneut, upon producing evidence of the extent of his interest, satisfactory to the officers having the assessment roll in charge. The foregoing oruinance. was introduced and red Aat a regular ad- journed meeting of the City Council of the City of Fort Collins, Colo- rado, on the 2Jt day' of January , A. D. 1J06, and was published in the Fort Collins � a weekly newspaper of ge:eral circulatim pubiished in said city, on the 31st day of January, A.D. 1J06, anti was duly passed and adopted by said City Council at the regular meeting thereof, held: on th-e 1Jth uay of February, A. D. 1J06. Attest : - Ana u City Clerk. Public Notice of Ado is ion •aye •�- Hewer District No. 21. Owners of all the real estate situated in the district which is hereinafter doscubod are here- by notified that a preliminary order has boon .ado by the city council of the city of Fort Coi- ling,adopting full plans and spx.5cutiens fur the e,unt,actro.of a district sanitary sewer.in and for the district to be designated mFort Col- line Haairery How r District Yoe ti. H,id district is to include all the real estate iv blocks to.berod 261,208,269,277,270, 279, 287, na3,and 2H9 of Loomis'Addition to the city of Fort Collins. as ,hewn by The ptobabdo cost of said eewaq the estimate of he city engineer,la Sa.950 which is to be assessed Upon aliaesl estate attested With in said dietrict, excln,iveof public high- aaye,in proportion as the amour of each piece of real estate i,to the area of all rear estate tv able district,exclusive o[ highways. The probable cost.yar osvare foot of property to be thseeaad for the cost city said,etyer,as will be by the eatille aW of the city payable will be three mina. H dd loot will the past of w two AI b annual live year.. 'The the last of which ty{31 be due in liveorredi Theruts Of will o1,8aunpaid. and deferred upon unpaid will be the amne t Drovnl- ed by law upon unDuid uud dalin leant Lassa in the state of Colorado. The ordinanceanceordering dering the id city boa of said Anal o will er token t e said arty council for ting of aid a....i It the regular monthly January of eaid.aonncic[oboheld at7:aU aid. January o15.bjection. t a which Limo all in --hats candon objections abet may be made in whiting Or pehningsean proposed sewer,by the owner or aware of any coal and d to,ail witby the tud dietrict,will be he to and doter.ke .by the city cat,of ...dbeforeproposed final sction is taken. A mu4,of saidsPaci sower district, P01, a arh,details and spacifreti rove of said hewer, ,,d the le ourtte to the estimated coat thereof and the amonntriet he gathered np•¢i the pi op- an in once dietrict, he city co th eel ectulutione sad proaeedinge by the city amncil eof the city the k an era vow on file to the office of the Pits clrk,and may be seen sad examined by any d of eon t,daystit at any time within the period of thDet days from the data Of ihisnot is Detest at Fort t'ollivT Colorado,this 12Eh day of Docember,165. T.H. 'kARETT City clerk. bar blished j.the 13,20,2L lwr)Jao 3,ort 1lina Express ll,cem- 10, 19 6