)•'l1U.11l: 110t .Lvd to hereby 61Ven tucul tue lOtlOw Llg Or A.L1d10Z wan
introduced, readi and ordered printed, at a regular adjourned meeting
Of the City Council of the City of Fort Collins, Colorado, held. Janu-
ary 2J, 1.906.
T.H.Garrett ,
City Clerk,
Ordinance No. hj of the Series of 1JO6.
An Ordinance Asse:,si,lg the Cost of Sanitary Sewer Constructed in
and fop Fort Collins Sanitary Sewer District No. 20.
Whereas, under and by virtue of the provisions of Ordinance No. 7-
1JO51 of Said city, a district sanitary sewer has been constructed is
ai'141or Fort Collins Sanitary Sewer District No. 20, and
Whereas, said sewer has been completed and accepted by tL.e City
C0114cii Of said City, and tLe cost of the same, iuciuduig six per cent.
for cost of inspection, collection; and other incidentals, and also in-
cluding ingest at the rage of six per cent . per annum to April 1,
1906, amounts to the sum of $5353. 61, and.
Whereas, in pursuance of a re-soluti cri adopt ad, by said City Coun-
ci.,l ou tile: 18th. day of December , A. D. 1,905, the City Clerk rlas by ad-
vet t ise:ant for more t"a,n ten days i<Z the Fort Collins Express, a
we:9kly. newspaper of general circulation: published in said city, aoti-
fled the owners of the: property, to be assessed for said sewer of the
wuole cost thereof, and of the share of: said cost apportioned: to earn
lot or tract of lanai withi*aid seser district and assessable for
said cost, and of the time and place, to wit , January 2J, 1006, at 8
o' clock P..M. , at t :e. City Fall of said city, when tine City Council
would .dear and determine any complaints and objections made is writing
by tra: owners of saikt property, and filed with tie: City Clerk; and
Whereas,, more trap thirty days rive elapsed, since the publication
of ,anal notice;, ali said City Council La heard and determLledL ail
complaints arxi, objections filed within ti,irty days of the publication
of said notice; now therefore,
Sectica, 1. Tnat the cost of the sanitary sewer constructed. is
and, fcr post Collins Sanitary Sewer district No, 20, udder and by vir-
tue of authority of Ordinance No. ';ul905, of said city, irlciuuing the
cost of inspection, collection and other incidentals, with interest as
hereinaft ,x pr ovidedi, shall be and is lereby assessed upon all the .
real estate i.l said district, in proportiai as tiie area of each piece
of real- estate is to the: area of all real estate iu said district, ex-
clusive of public higlffays. Ttat is to say: Tile share of said cost
apportioned to each lot or tract of land witrlin said district is as
follows, to wit : -
840'7';'1tit"7 n To'Sk'.98; ote-
Saclasive,in block 96 932.61 boob; lore @,
inclnsive,in block 96 $100.34 mob lot,5 tq
clneive in block 9 SID1.94 each lute 1 to$,`"
clneive in block 8. $47.53 each,lots 9 tol6,inoln-
sive,in block 85.1M 17 each;icte 9 to 24, incin-
x7v,• in b1ock8fi.850.1S e,h;Inls Ail to8,inclo4""
in blook 87.$46.87 each;lute 1 to 8, inclusive,in
look 75.$47.58 each;lot, 9 to 16 incineive, in,
ock 75,.^e60.37 each;lots 9 to 2� inchiaive, in
76 8'a1.17 each;lots to 1 to 8,iaclnive, in
block 77:$46.87 each. r
Suct10�! 2. A.L.L. aaaeaaiud.ita uardiii provlaaa IOr 4ua11 be ..ua dill
payable w1t",i tlllrty, nays of tie puulicat iRi of t..ls oraiii"i;e, wltl,-
Out .leiudA"; PrOViaeti t1a.t a i ail0u a6aeao:ae,ita may, at tale aleetl0il
u1 t"d uw„dr of t„a property aaaa aaaa, be pala 1.1 five aqua. aiiiivai iti-
:>tbuuoalS.:a, t1.0 prat of Wu. ct Quail ue payauid April 1, iJ07, and toe
last of winch shall be payable April i, 19til,wit" interest O41 the u,l-
paiu "'4.+•k priLiu�pal payatiAe. aelill-a,klualiy, +Nt, ti,e: rate of six per relit.
pdr a,luum.
SeutiO,l i1. it.Llurd to pay t"d W..Oie aaaeaa:ua,lt WIt1,1,, nail per-
A.W. ill 1,Lrty uaya meal, be uoifulusively couaiderad a,id i,eiu alga elec-
tio.1. oil t"d part 01 ail persoiis l.,tard,tel, wiietiier uiiuer aisability
ill utudrWiad, to pay, 141 auui, Llatalmdilt �.
Sout �ui I*. r'Ailura to pay a,ly i.iatai.ud„t, wuatiier of pri.luipai
or i,itere,t, w„eil aue; Q.ra.11 cause the whole of tie unpaia prilicipal
to i,CCOUC uud a.fa payable iLL'aeulateiy, ailu ti,d WuOla d"Ou.,t Of t,.e u,l-
paiu pri,,.sipai a.fu •i itereat auarada aa,all tudreaitex craw L.ItdrdQt at
tee rate of Oife per Seat . par o4itL or iracticu Of a m0.itii, witli tie
a,.,}y ul idle as ,idrdixlaitdr pr ovi.tai ; but at duly time prior to ti,e day
ill aa.00 t= OWi1dr uiay pay ti,e awOtailt Of all wlpola Illatalma,lta, witu
pe,lalt lCa ai:urut:u, d,fu aa.all tu.dreupttl Ue rdatoreu to t.e rigut t:lere-
dlt$ to p4 1., Wetdl::iCnta ii1 t"d adwd Waa.ier da 11 .1Clault ,eau ,lOt
bCG,i aulldkd.l. ,..0 0w,1dT ill i.iy pi'uperty .iut li, aelault au t0 a.ty I"-
Qlal.uCut uI' pay-ucut, .,ioy dA 'UiY tiu1C pay ti,d w,.uid of t„C u„paia pri.1-
aipai wit1._ i,it et-dat accrai.,g t +4id uuaturity of t.ie ,iaxt Li4taiiiiaLit of
i„tdrda•t or prl„uipal-
Seut io.l b. Payiaeiit may bd waae to t:.e City ;iari, at ai,y time
wituW thirty adya Oi tee. pdaaagd Ul t ,,.._ Or iL,a.lbd, Vu1.l ail allowd.lae
ul live pdr t:d,lt. a,iali (id "ad Q, dell pay,ud„ta ,uaae uuriilg Qu:,u per-
iul. Oily.
Sdctio.l U. la c:aoe 01 aelduit lii the paytaeilt Of any l.lataimdllt
ul priiw ipaLLi 0 laltare,t wile,, aue, a11y a.li all property eo,lceraiiig
Wui,:L aul:u iil� mdsi� is sufferda, auali be aavertlaea Gild a01d for
t"d paymc,lt 01 •teed W„Ole Of t„d uupalu aaaeaaiad"ts tudreoii, at ti,e
4wiie tiwd Or ti-,d,, 1.1 the adlue: watl.,er, unuar all tlie. aaule cOaa1t10114i
a,fa pd,,altiea, a„a wit" tud ,auae dlldL:ta, as are provluea Oy gd,ierai
i.,w iur aa.ida ul Tddl datdtd .L,i i:.I Lu.Lt Ol pdyme,it ill g--,Adral tdxaa.
Section 7. The: owner of any divided or undiviaed uaterest may
pay has share of any assessment , upon producing evidence of the extent
of his interest , satisfactory to the officers having the assessment
roll in charge.
The foregoing ordinance was introduced and read at a regular ad-
journed meeting of the City Council of ttie City of Fort Collins, COlo-
rado, On the 29t day of January, A. D. 1906, aaf was published in the
Fort Collins a weekly newspaper of general circulation
published in said city, on the Slst day of January, A. D. 1906) and was
duly passes aiui adopted, by said City Council at toe regular meeting
ti,ereof, heldi on the 19th day of Febrsiry, A.D. 1906.
At t est : -
City Clerk. Mayor
cu.a u. / �a�occc.