HomeMy WebLinkAbout006 - 04/16/1906 - ASSESSING THE COST OF COMBINED PUBLIC AND DISTRICT SANITARY SEWER CONSTRUCTED IN AND FOR COMBINED PU PropoQaa Orauxance Public notice is hereby given that the following ordinance was introduced, read and ordered- printed, at a regular awi4exroed meetiizgy`� Q� of the City Council of the City of Fort Collns, Colorado, held Jam- /�J y -wry -21, l 906. 'P.H.Garrett,City Clerk. Ordinance No. 6 of the Series of iJO6. �.i Ordinance Assessing ti.e Cost of Combined Public Gild District Sanitary Sewer Constructed in and for Fort Collins Combined Public and District Sanitary Sewer District No. 18. Whereas, under and by virtue of the provisions of Ordinance No. 1-1905, of said city, a combined public and district sanitary sewer has been constructed in and for Fort Collins Combined Public and .Dis- trict Sanitary Sewer District No. 18, and Whereas, said sewer has been completed and accepted by the City �;ouincil of said City, and the cost of the same, including six per cent. for cost of inspection, collection and other incidentals, and also in- cluding interest at the rate of six per cent . per annum to April 1, 1906, amounts to the sum of $17, 6O1.66; and Whereas, in pursuance of a resolution adopted by said City Coun- ci�on the 18th day of December, A. D. 1905, the City Clerk has by ad- vertisement for more than ten days in the Fort Collins Courier, a weekly newspaper of general circulation published in said city, noti- fied the owners of the property to be assessed for said sewer of the whole cost thereof, and of the share of said cost apportioned to each lot or tract of land within said sewer district and assessable for said cost , and of the time and place, to wit , January 29, 19067 at 8 o' clock P.M. , at the City Hall of said city, when the City Council would hear and determine any complaints and objections made in writing by ti,e owners of said property and filed with the City ;1erk; and Whereas, more than thirty days have elapsed since the publication of said notice, and said City Council has heard and determined all complaints and objections filed within thirty days of ti.e publication of said notice; now therefore, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FORT COLLINS, COLORADO: Section 1. That the cost of the ssiiitary sewer constructed in and for Fort Collins Combined Public and District Sanitary Sewer Dis- trict No. 18, under and by virtue of authority of Ordinance No. 1-1905 of said city, including the cost of inspection, collection and other incidentals, with interest as hereinafter provided, shall be and is hereby assessed upon all the real estate in Said district, in propor- tion as the area of each piece of real estate is to the area of all real estate is said district , exelusive of public higiiways. That im to say: The share of said cost apportioned to each lot or tract of land within said district is as follows, to wit: - In Block 18-Lot A,--mi. lots B, C and D, $4.62 each; lots ID and F, $5.03 eabh; let G, $5.63; lot $, $543; at I, $6.95; lot T. $8.49; lot 6, $15.73; ]06 7, $12.46; lot 8, $9.48;.lot 30, $6.50; dots 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 16, 16, 17 and 18. $16.24 each; lot 19, $15.16; lot 20, $12.46; lot.21, $9.21; lot 22, $6.96; Sat 23, $20.48; lot 24, $17.88; lot 22 'E16.16; lot 26, $13.00; lot 27, $10.83; Tot 28, $8.68; lot29, $5.96; lot Z. $3.02. In Block 14.-Lot 1, $3.20; lot 2, $5.96; lot 3, $9.21; lot 4, $10.29; lot 5, $13.00; lot 6, $14.63; lots 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 and 16, $15.17 eaoh; lot 17, $14.08; lot 18, $11.37; lot 19. $8.21; lot 20, $4.87; lot 21, $16.09; lot 22, $13.00; lot 23, $10.29; lot 24, $7.58; lot 25, $5.42; lot 26, $3.81. Lots 1 to 16, inclusive, In block 6, $41.13 each; lots 1 to 16 inclusive, in block 7, $41.13 each; lots 1 and 2, and lots 5 to 16 inclusive, in black 13. $41.13 enn11; lots 1 10 16, inclusive, in block 2, $41.13 each; lots:1 to 6, in- clusive, in block 3, $41.13 each; lot 9 Sin block 4, $29.89; lot 10 in block 4, $19.50; lots 1, to 7 inclusive, In block 21, $14.07 each; lots 8 to 39, inclusive, in block 21, $20.57 each; lots 1 to 7, off. 1 " in .'.a YO'RR�.OT os ehl law 8 to 35 inclusive, In Mock 22, $20. each; Sots 36 to 45, inclusive, in bloc& 22, $16.78 each; lots 1 to 8 Inclusive, In block 23, $20.57 each; lots 9 to 20, Inclusive, In block 23, $41.13 each; the north 20 feet of lot 7, In block $1, $11.26; lots 8 to 39, inclusive, in block 31, $20.57 each; loifs 1 to 7, inclusive, In block 32, $14.07 each;, lots 8 to 36, Inclusive, in Mock 32, $20.57 each; lots 36 m 45, inrlusive, in block 32, $16.78 eadh; lots 1 to 16, inclusive, In block 33, $41.13 each; lots 1 to 16, Inclusive, in block 41, $20.57 each; lots 17 to 24, Inclusive, in 'block 41, $41.13 each; lots 1 to 5, inclusive, in block 42, $75.93 each; Washington Park, tn. block 42, $484.21; Sofa 1 to 16 Inclu- sive, in block 43, $41.13 each; the north 17.5 feet of lot 3, in block 61, $14.40; lots 4 to 10, Inclusive, In block 51, $47.30 each; lots 11 and 12, In block 61, $94.60 each; lots 13 to 16, InelllsqVe, in block 51, $36.20 each; lots 1 Ito 10, Inclusive, in block 52, $43.19 each; lots 11 to 15. inclusive, In block 52, $86.38 each; lots 1 to 8, Inclusive, in block 53, $41.13 each; dots 9 to 12, Inclusive, 1n block 53, $82.26 each; lots. 1 to 20, in- clusive, In Mock 54, $32.91 each; the north 75 feet of lots 2 and.9, In block 91, $61.70..each; Pots 3.to 8, inclusive, in Mock 61, $94.61 each; lots 1 to 10, Inclusive, in Mock 62, $96.38 each; lots 1 to 8, inclusive, in block 63, $82.26 each; lots 1 to 8, inclusive, in , block 64, $82.26 each; lots 1, 2, 7 and 8, in block 65, $82.27 each; that por- tTon of lot 3l In block 65, south of the C. & S. railway track, $28.27; that portion of,lot 5, In block 05, Muth of the C. & S. rallway track, $28.27; that portion of lot 6, south of the C. &. S. railway-track, $73.61; that portion of lots 1, 2, 3, 4.and 5, in block 66, south of the C. & S. railway track, $54.12 each; tliolt' portion of lots 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5, In block 44,..south of the C. & S. railway track, $360.99; that por- tion of lot 5, in block 34, gouth of the C. &,.& radlway track; $10.28; that por5lon. of lot 6. in block 34, south of the C. & G.Milway track, $7.58; that por46on:,of-lob 7, in block 34, south of the,C„& & railway track, $4.38; that portl'an 'o! lot 8, in block ?4, south of the C.-& 5, 'railway track; $1.82; iota -" 3 and 4,3n block 13, $32.91 each; that portion of lot 6, in block 4, west of mill race, $;5,16; that portion of lot: 7, In block 4,west of mill race, $22.74; that portion of lot 8. In block 4, west of mill rase, $29.24.. JCI:t lU.l Z. nll 1.ssd�aLtCslta .a,dTClil pT UY l.IdLL loT aud.11 tit: "UC dA" payable within thirty days of the publication of this ordinance, with- out demand: Provided that all such assessments may, at the election of the owner of the property assessed, be paid in two equal annual in- stalments, the first of which shall be payable April 1, 1907, and the last of which shall be payable April 1, 1901) with interest on the un- paid principal payable semi-annually, at t:.e 'rate of six per cent . per annum. Section 3. Failure to pay the wiio]eassessmeat within said per- iod of thirty days shall be conclusively considered and held an elec- tion on the part of all persons interested, whether under disability or otherwise, to pay in such instalments. Section 4. Failure to pay any instalment , whetter of principal or interest, when due, shall cause tree whole of the unpaid pri.cacipal to become due and payable, immediately, and the whole amount of the un- paid principal and accrued interest shall thereafter draw interest at the rate of one per cent . per°_�month, ,ua-t. e•or fraction of a month, until the day of sale as hereinafter provided; but at any time prior to the day of sale° the owner -may pay the amount of all unpaid instal- ments, with. penalties accrued IL and shall thereupon be restored to the right thereafter to pay is i.istalmeat's ill the same maiuier as if de- fault had not been suffered. The owner of any property not in default as to any instalment or payment, may, at any time pay the whole of the unpaid principal with interest accruing to the maturity of the next instalment of interest or principal. Section 5. Payment may be made to the City Cleric at any time within thirty days of the passage of this ordinance, and an allowance of five per cent. shall be made on all payments made during such per- iod only . Section 6. In case of default in the payment of any instalment of principal or interest when due, any and all property concerning which such default is sufferedc, shall be advertised and sold for the payment of the whole of the unpaid assessments thereon, at the same time or times, in the same manner, under all the same coaditions and penalties, and with the same effects, as are provided by general law for sales of real estate in default of payment of general taxes. Section 7. The owner of any divided or undivided interest may pay his share of any assessment , upon producing evidence of the extent of his interest, satisfactory to the officers having the assessment roll in charge:. The for egoing ordinance was introduced and read at a regular ed- nerl meatinm of the City .Mgo�cil of the City of Fcrt Collins, Colo- ad on th th day of d3/, A. D. 1906, and was published in the For Collins � � c�� a wee 1 ciewspapa of pneral circulation published in said city, on the i :lay oil, A. D. 1906, and was duly passed and adopted by said City, Council at the regular meeting thereof, held on the i9th dfiy--af- February, A. D. 1904. Attest: - 0 C�/U.�-..t.wa✓ „ d,yor. i:ity �lar;c. '✓l�G.�/�-� P�-� _.,�1 ,-�-t.� c�pyG-�.�cu.._. �o-w�c c,.�� r.c