HomeMy WebLinkAbout008 - 06/18/1906 - AMENDING SECTIONS 4 AND 6 OF ORDINANCE NO. 020, 1884, RELATING TO SIDEWALKS rruuuae., Or..i.,aa,ca.
public notice is hereby given that the following ordnance was
li,troLLUCe4, react and OTaerea priatea, at a regular meetl.,g of the city
cuciucil of tue c:lty O2 14'ort c;0111,3a, I;OioraAC u91,4 Nlay 21, A.D. 1d06.
T.H.Garrett ,
Q' c;ity t;lerk.
Oral„a,iee No. U of tue Series 01 le06.
An Ordinance ame„aing Sections 4 and 6 of Ordinance No. 20, iSS4,
dntitiea ",2Glatlag to Slaewalx6. "
Section 1. That Section 4 of Ordinance No. 20, 1884, of the revis-
ed ordinances of the cityof Fort Collins be and the same is hereby
amended so as to read as follows: -
"Section 4. whenever a majority of the owners of the frontage
upon either sidewalk of any street or specified portion thereof, out-
aide Ol tad lliilta apeciiie.d i„ Sectio., 2 01 t,.l.. Oraialance, sa,all pe-
tltiun tile Clty �;ouLieli for t„e co,latructio,i of aiuewalk6 aamea in
such petition, or whenever a majority of the City Council shall decide
that such sidewalks are necessary, they shall immediately by resolu-
tion order such sidewalk to be constructed. The owner of any lot or
piece of land fronting upon such sidewalks shall be allowed thirty
days after the passage of such resolution in which to build such side-
walks opposite their land, and thereby relieve the same from any as-
sessment that made be made; provided, that the work so to be done
shall in all respects conform to the requirements of this ordinance. "
Section 2. Shat Section 6 of said ordinance be and the same is
hereby amended so as to read as follows: -
"Section 6. The owners of the frontage upon either sidewalk of
a.{y atreet wC,ItlOalt.a4 i,l Se4tioa 2 Of till:, ordiaiance, nand be alloweJ
t:iirty days after this ordinance si,all take effect in which to build
tun + .LLewalxa proviueM for i., ad.la Sactio., 2 opposite ti,eir laia. And
11 .4ucu al.lewalk Sudll hot t!e 40 voal tru¢teu by tue owaler 01 tlae iota
or lands adjacent thereto within the time herein provided in this sec-
tion, or the owners of lots or lands without the limits described in
Section 2 aforesaid wilo may be hereafter required to construct side-
walks adjacent thereto within the time that may be provided by resolu-
tion in such cases, such sidewalks shall be constructed by the city
under and in pursuance of the provisions of Ordinance No. 1d, 1884, of
the revised ordinances of tt,is city, a,id the expense taereof collected
in the manner provided in said ordinance. `
The foregoing ordiaaace was introduced and read at a regular
meet.uig of tLe city cou:icil of tie city of Fort Collins, Colorado, Oa
the 216t day of idaay, A. D. 1906, and was published in the Fort Collins
a w!Vkly newspaper of general cir ulatio z published is said
city on the Oc day of Aay, A. D. 1906, and wl S duly passed and adopted
by said city council at the regular meeting thereof held on the 18tL
day of June, A.D. 1906.
Attest : -
way or.
City Clerk.