HomeMy WebLinkAbout010 - 06/18/1906 - RELATING TO THE SALE OF INTOXICATING LIQUORS BY DRUGGISTS Proposed Ordinance Public .aotice i:; hereby given that the foiiowiag ordinance was introduced, read ana oraereu pri.ited, at a regular me tia of the City ia. �,,Uuuci.L of tue City U1 r'Urt Cciliva, �iUlorado, ne.L k , LJUU. 1'. kL Garrett, City Cierx. Ordinance No. /0 of the Series of 1806. AH URWNANCE &ELATING TO THE SALE OF INTWU{ ;ATING LIQUORS BY DRUGGISTS. Be It Ordained by the City Council of the City of Fort Collins, �;oioraao; Section 1. That a permit may, in the discretion of the City Council, be granted to any regular druggist who is a "Registered Phar- macist " under the laws of the State of Colorado and who is regularly doing business as such in the City of Fort Collins, to sell within the corporate limits of said City alcoholic and other spirituous liquors for medicinal, sacramental and chemical purposes only, in quantities less than five gallons, upon compliance with the provisions of this ordinance, for a term not exceeding one year. Section 2. No such permit shall be granted except upon the written application to the City Council therefor, signed by the appli- cant , showing where such liquors are to be sold, which said applica- tion shall be accompanied by a bond running to the City of Fort Col- lins, in the penal sum of one thousand dollars, conditioned upon the faithful compliance with the provisions of all the ordinances of said City relating to the sale of intoxicating liquors. Said bond shall have good and sufficient sureties and shall be subject to the approval of the mayor and Board of Aldermen. The applicant shall pay for such permit the sum of Yrl O 00 Dollars per year, payable quar- terly in advance. Section 3. No sale of any of said liquors shall be made except upon the written application of the purchaser, which said application Shall be signed in a book kept for that purpose by the druggist making tuG sale, awu suc:. apptivatlo:i ....ail ..uow t:ia ilawa of t..e perbo.i for ZY.. Clot a�z � w"uQe use t.,a liquor A.., purc.,a,eu,n cn t.:e purposa iur w:.i aucu liquor is to be used, and in the case of all sales Apr medicinal purposes said application shall show the name of the rhysician upon whose pre- �criptio.i t::e i.Lquur is purchased, ., i the a lmewt , di::ea: a or p,.y�i- cal condition requiring the use of such liquor by the person for whose use the same is purchased. Section 4. The book mentioned in the preceding section shall at all times be open to the inspection of the Mayor and Marshal of the City of Fort Collins, and it shall be the duty of every druggist hold- ing a ,permit under this ordinance to file with the City Clerk a full copy of the entries made in such book, on the first Tuesday of April, July, October and January, in each year. Section 5. - - s such �a3 � ny druggist who shall neglect or refuse to com- ply with the provisions of this ordinance, shall upon conviction there - of be fined not less than one hundred dollars nor more than three hun- dred dollars, besides costs of suit, and in default of payment of such ' a fine costs, such may be imprisoned until such fine and costs are paid, but not to exceed ninety days for any one offense. Section 6. Any permit granted under this ordinance may at any time be revoked by the City Council, upon proof satisfactory to the Council that the provisions of this ordinance are not being faithfully complied with, , by the holder of such permit. provided, however, that no suci: revocation shall be made by tie City �:Ou411:11 w.Lt::uut :lutice ana uue opportuh:lty to to ueard 14: t:.a prr,,uiseQ by the holder of such permit. SeutlUai 7. No aa.ie of e.ily of t.ue LiquorQ iwl atioad,l ill ta.i., or- Ct ,iiiia.lue wail be iiiaud or lUddlA:laal purpose.,, exuept oa ^ pre4erip- J"zot .4 c ' tioaA4�a puyQiulaa is good vtdiidiag ai la regular practice i" yaia City, and accredited as such by the Mayor ands he Larimer County Medi- cal AssOciation, or the local organization of physicians succeeding said Association. No such liquors shall be sold for sacramental pur- poses except upon the personad1a.pplication of the minister, priest , or the church official corresponding to the minister or priest , by whom or in whose church such liquors to be used. No such liquors shall u be sold for chemical purposes except upon the persona�f application of the chemist or other person inteaiding to .use the same, stating in writing where and the purpose for whiph/the liquors are to Le which said application shall be count6rsigned by the Mayor. Section 8. Nothing herein contained shall be so construed as to permit any druggist to sell any of the liquors mentioned herein to arw person to whom such sale is forbidden by order in writing signed by the Mayor or Marshal. Section 9. All ordinances and parts of ordinances in co.ifliut herewith. are here;;,y repealed, T!eb MIFF-0 + .sny.._�r� st psy.•�-ty..,�o�c3�-° ..• a..c.€-.#.dew--fla.s•se�e-- ie-��°tarareee�. e U QU U U il.ii4)� C e1 iiArpauuzu ui Teauat a re, ulcer meet i� o $e !, �ouncil o the City of For Collins Co ado,, oner the :lay of a rt, A.D. 1y06, acid was publishea in ,the a i­ a we y� newspa f general circulation publish- ed in said City, on the 2 1 day of ,I,th A. D. 1906, and was duly pas- sed and adopts by said City Council t e regular meeting thereof neid 0n they day o n.D. LJ06 attest :- ----- -- _ --_------------- ---- ,9"Yor. City Clerk. n