HomeMy WebLinkAbout011 - 06/18/1906 - PRESCRIBING AND ESTABLISHING SANITARY SEWER DISTRICT NO. 22 Proposed Ordinance.
public aotice is hereby given that t,4 followiag ordinance was
introduced, read and ordered printed, at a reguidr meeting of the city
uoua;:ii of tue city of Fort Collilia, Colorado, geld may 21, A..J. ij0d.
'i. ki. varratt, pity Cidrx
Uraail<ulud NU.// Qi tut .1'drle: OI liuv.
"KtW R '1nt4ix;i1i, AND uECLARlNG 11iE NE�;LSSi'1'Y TH&tZFOR-
W"'al eao, Oil tilt l9tL Ldy Ui tijarch, n.,J. 1jUu, i,i paraud.iue V1 4,1
act of the general assembly of the state of Colorado, entitled "An act
to provide for the construction of local improvements in cities of all
classes naving a population of less than one hundred thousand, and in-
corporated towns, the issuance of local improvement bonds therefor,
and the assessment and payment of the cost of said improvements " , ap-
proved April 8, A.D. 1889, by resolution duly adopted by the city
council of the city of Fort Collins, the construction of a district
sanitary sewer in and for the sanitary sewer district of the city of
Fort Collins hereinafter described, under and by virtue of the provi-
sions of said act , was declared essential to the proper sanitation of
said district and city, and therefore necessary for sanitary reasons ,
and the city engineer was duly authorized and directed to prepare
plans and specifications for the construction of said improvement , and
an estimate of the cost thereof, together with a map of said district,
and a schedule showing the approximate amounts to be assessed upon the
several lots and parcels of property in said district , as required by
sections 3 and 15 of said act , and to report the same to the city
council for consideration; and
Whereas, in pursuance of said authority the city engineer, upon
the 16th day of April, A.D. 1906, made his report in the premises to
liAc7 WARY LUu41"ll, aa11 Ille1 ttat3l'CWlth plant d.111 4p@l:lilubtlO"Q for tie
conAructlo.i of aalu improvement, together with his of-ficial estimate,
map and schedule required by said resolution and by law, said estimate
showing a total probable cost of five thousand nine hundred fifteen
dollars and twenty-seven cents ($5J15.27) for said improvement , and
said schedule s1:0wing the approximate amount to be assessed upon each
of the several lots or parcels of property within said district to be
at the rate of three and seventy-five one hunaredtas mills ($0. 00375)
per square foot; said estimate being exclusive of the cost of inspec-
tion, collection, Licideatals and interest ; and
Whereas, by resolution duly adopted on said last mentioned date
by said city council, said plans and specifications, estimate a:id map,
were adopted ana approved, anu said city council determiuea the number
of instalments and the time in which the cost of said improvement
should be payable, the rate of interest on unpaid instalments, the
district of lands to be assessed for the same, as provided by said act,
and authorized the city clerk to give notice by advertisement for
twe.ity days to the owners of the property to be assessed for said im-
provement ; and
Whereas, in pursuance of said resolution the city clerk has by
�ann.�rC,9Grv� ,(��,wrverwL-
advertisement for twenty days is the Por s a weekly
newspaper of general circulation published in said city, given notice
to the owners of property to be assessed, of the kind of improvement
proposed as aforesaid, the number of instalments and the time in which
the cost will be payable, the rate of interest on unpaid and deferred
instalmentt, the extent of district to be improved as aforesaid, the
probable cost per square foot as shown by the estimates of the city
engineer, and the time, to wit May 21, 1J06, at 7-30 P.m. , the same
being more than thirty days after the first publication of said notice
W"CII aal UITH.L4LU C 0I'4C1l,19 t4C �W"a trLL4tlUII U1 Salu "P"Vcwid" WVU.L"
Lie finally coi;Qiaered; t:,dt ;aia pions aAlu specifications, ;nap, esti-
mate and scheduie, and all resolutions and proceedings in the premises
were on file and could be seen and examined by any person interested
at the office of' the city clerk at any time within said period of
thirty days, and until the time fixed as aforesaid for the considera-
tioi of said ordinance; and that all compiai,ats and objections that
may be made is writing concerning said proposed improvement, by the
owner or owners of any piece of real estate to be assessed therefor
would by heard and determined by the city council before final action
thereon; and
Whereas, no complaints or objection have been made in writing by
the owner or owners of property to be assessed for the cost of said
improvement, now therefore, apon consideration of the premises
Itk; IT u&uAlNdL jby 'i'iic: %;l'L'Y UUUNUIL Ur' 'TAE UI'TY UV iURT CULLINS,
Section 1. That the construction of a district sanitary sewer
in the district hereinafter described is and the same is hereby de-
clared necessary for sanitary reasons.
Section 2. That the construction of a district sanitary sewer
in the district hereinafter described, together with all necessary
manholes, inlets, appurtenances, according to the plans and specifica-
tions heretofore adopted by said city council, and on file in the of-
fice of the city clerk, be and the same i�i hereby ordered under, by
virtue of and in accordance with the provisions of said act of the
general assembly, and said plans and specifications are hereby pre-
scribed for said construction.
Section 3. That said district shall consist of all the real es-
tate situated in blocks numbered 162, 163, 164, 1051 1731 174, 175,
lt4, 46b, aau L,a G.lucya da4lgadtel A, b load l;, accurdlag to ile plat
of sail city oil file la the Office of the county clarg dal recorder of
Lax a;uer Gouaty, %;O.LQraai0; aald tun Qa11 a1Qtr.Ljt la 4ereby Credtel dad
established, and shall be known as Fort Collins Sanitary Sewer Dis-
trict No. 22.
Section 4. The cost of said sanitary sewer, including manholes,
inlets, connecting mains and appurtenances, with interact , shall be
assessed wholly upon all the real estate in said district , exclusive
Of public highways, in proportion as the area of each piece of real
estate in said district is to the area of all real estate in said dis-
trict, exclusive of public highways, in accordance with said act.
Sectioai 5. The construction of said sewer shall be done by in-
dependent contract , but under the direction of the city engineer, said
contract to be let by the mayor with the approval of the city council,
in the manner prescribed by said act , but no contract shall be let for
any amount exceeding the estimate made by the city engineer. Said
contract shall contain the provisions renuired by section 30 of said
act , and be subject to all the provisions of said act .
Section 6. If any piece of real estate has already a sewer con-
forming to the general plan of said sanitary sewer, or which the city
council may find to be satisfactory, an allowance may be made therefor
to the owner, the same to be deducted from his assessment and from the
contract price, and said contract shall so provide.
Section 7. Said sewer shall be paid for in warrants of the city
of Fort Collins, which shall be payable out of the funds collected on
account of the assessments made for said improvement . Said warrants
shall be of such date, in such form, payable at such times and in such
denominations as may be hereafter prescribed by said city council, and
shall be executed, issued and disposed of, and otherwise dealt with as
in scetions 35, 36 and 37 of said act prescribed. Said warrants shall
l/ear L,,tdreat at tue rate oz slx pel �;Calt. per uAuiuia.
SectlOi: 8. 1'ue uwyor ra uereby autuori",.L to advertise 141 tue
,;,..,aer requireu by law, for biz; for tue conatructiou of said sewer,
in accordance with said plans and specificat ons, and subject to the
provisions of law and of this ordinance. The right to reject any and
all bids shall be in said advertisement and is hereby reserved.
Section 9. The city council does hereby find that notice of
said proposed improvemeat . was duly given to the owners of the property
to be assessed therefor,as provided in said act ; that the improvement
hereby ordered is so duly ordered, after notice duly given; that all
the real estate within the limits Iof said district is especially bene-
fited by the construction of said sewer.
The foregoing ordinance was introduced and read at a regular
meeting of the city council of the city of Fort Collins, Colorado,
on the 21st day of May, A. D. 1906, and was published in The 7�cvlt
�ti�WF' rd a weekly newspaper of general circulation published in
said city, o.i the 7'W,� dag off' }� A. D. LJ061 and was duly passed and
adopted by said city council at the regular meeting thereof, held on
the 18t1i daY of June, A.D. 1906.
Attest: -
✓e✓,�1./ c3 � b"yor.
City Clerk.
Owners of the real estate situated in the
district which is hereinafter described
are hereby notified that a preliminary
order has been made by the city council
of the city of Fort Collins, adopting full,
plans and specifications for the construc-
tion of a district sanitary sewer, in and
for the district to be designated as Fort
Collins Sanitary Sewer District No. 22,
Said district is to include all the real
estate included in blocks numbered 162,1
163,164, 165,173,174, 175, 184,185,anal
in blocks designated A, B and C, of they
city of Fort Collins.
The proboble cost of said sewer, as f
shone by the estimate of the city engin-
eer, will be $5,915,27, which is to be as-
sessed upon all the real estate situated
with-fa said district, exelnefve of public high-
ways, in proportion as the area of each
piece of real estate is to the area of all
.the real estate in said district, exelusive
''Of highways. The probable cost per
,square foot of property to be assessed for
4be cost of said sewer, as shown by the
estimates of the city.engineer, will be
.Three and Seventy=Five One Hundredths
'Mills (0.0037aj. Said coot will be pay
4ble in two equal tlddual instalments,
Me last of which will be due ld fwe years
prom the completion of said sewer. The
Ir Mate of interest on unpaid and deferred
'instelments will be the same as provided
by law for unpaid and delinquent taxes
in the State of Colorado.
The ordinance ordering the construc-
tion of said sewer will be taken up by
said city council for final consideration at
,the regular monthly meeting of said city
':council,to be held at 7:30 p. m.,May 21,
a1906, at which time all complaints and
'objections which may be made in writing
:concerning said proposed sewer, by the
owner of any real estate situated within
said district, will be heard and deter-
mined by the city council, before final
action is taken.
A map of said proposed gewcr district;
full plane, details and speclfications of
said sewer, a schedule showing the esti-
mated cost thereof and the amounts to
be assessed upon the property in said
district; together with all resolutions and
proceedings of the city council concern-
ing the same are now on file in the office
of She city clerk gal may be sees and
examined by any petsbn interested at
any time within the period of thirty
days from the date of this notice.
Dated at Fort Collins, Colorado, this
20th day of April, 1906.
1 T. ff. GnnRErr, City Clerk.
Published in the Latimer County Demo-
crat April 21, 28 and May 5, lY, 1906.