Public notice is hereby given thatthe following ordinance was intro--
dueed, read and ordered printed at a regular mesting of the City Council
of the City of Fort Collins, Colorado, afield Ang. D I906.
City Clerk,
Ordinance No. Ik of the Series of I906,
An Ordinance assessing the cost � District Sanitary Sewer Constructed
in and for Fort Collins Sanitary Sew District Nov 2.
Wheareas under anti by virtue of the provisions of ordinance No.I I906,
of said vity a distrtot sanitary sewer has been constructed in and for
Fort , Collina Saaitery Sewer District No. 21, and
Whereas, said eew6r4ma been completed and om'ml�ry accepted by
the City Council of salWol� and the cost of the some , including six per
cent , for cost of ifispeotion,00lleotion and other ineldentals, and also
including interest at the rate of six per cent per annul to Nov. I st.i986
amounts to the sum of 0,95V an$
'Whereas in pursaaanaer of a rebolution adopted by said City Council
on the I$ th. flay of ems, A. D. 1906. the City Clerk has by advertisement
for more than ten days In the Fort Colltus Pb[p' Sep a WeeMy newspaper of
general circulation published in said City, notified the owners of the prop-
arty-to be assessed for said sewer of the whole cost thereof, and or the
sh a of said post apportioned to each lot or tract of land within sald
sewer district and a�essable for said cost and of the time and place to-wIt
Aug. 2$ I9060 at 8 O'clock P. 2i. , at the City Hall of said City when the
City Council would hear and determine any complaints and objections made in
writing by the owner" of said property and filed with the City Clerk, and
Whereas more than thirty days have elapsed since the publication of
aild notice, and said City Council has heard and detained all complaints
and objections filed within thirty days of the publication of said notice
now therefore,
Be it ordained by the City Council of the City of Fort Collins, Colorado*
Section I. That the cost of the sanitary sewer constructed in and for
Fort Collins Sanitary Sewer District No. 2I. under and by virtue of author-
ity of Ordinance No. I I9061, of said City including the cost of inspection
collection and other incidentals, with Interest as hereinafter provided,
shall be and 1° hereby assessed upon all the rwd estate in said district
in proportion as the area of each piece of real estate is to the area
of all real estate in said district , exclusive of public highways. T hat
is to says The share of ;W said cost apportioned to each lot or tract of
land within said district id as follows, to wit *
Block 269, lots I to I69 inclusive, $25.94 each.
Block 2799 lots I to I6, inclusive, $¢25.94 each.
Block 2890 lots I to I69 inclusive, $25.94 each
Block 268, lots I to Ib, inclusive $2 5,94 each.
Block 2789 lots I to I60 inclusive, $25.94 each.
Block 288, lots I to I60 inclusive, $25,94 each,
Block 267, lots I to I4, inclusive, 125,94 each.
Block 809K 267 fraction of lot I5 north of county road, $5.77.
Block 267 fraction of lot I6 north of county road, 84 56
Block 277 lots I to I4, lneluslve 325.9¢t each.
Block 277 fraction of lot IS north of county road $I.88.
Block 277 fraction of lot I6 north of county road, $2.67.
Block 287 lots I to 13 inclusive $25,94.
Block 287 fraction of lot I4 north of county road,4425e76.
Block 287 fraction of lot 18 north of county road, $0,I6.
Block 287 fraction of lot I6 north of county road,$0e79,
Section 2. All assessments herein provided for shall be due and pay-
able within thirty days of the publication of phis ordinance, without dem"'aw
Provided all such assessments flay at the election of the owner of the prop-
erty assessed, be paid in two equal annual instalments, the first of which
shall be payable Nov. I, ITM and the last of which shall be payable Nov,
I, I998; with interest on the unpaid principal payable almi-annually, at
the rate of six1per cent, pp*-Unntm.
i Section 5r.,,Faliure t'b jW the whole assessment within said period of
%bzi ty days shO4l b Olvely considered and held an election an the
pal of ll pe teres�eTd, whether under disability or otherwise, to
'00/ ink silnt�t s.
S66tion 4.-iYallure Lo� arW Installments, whether of principal or
inorest when , Shall opuse the whq�e of the unpaid principal to be
come Z and P q% maed� a y, and the whUe atwunt of the unpaid prin-
011441 acorn st. "*41 t4erfpfter draw interest at the rate of
one" per, cent po� m0Ph or "iev of 41�^mih4h until the day of sale the
,,,Os her�:after -gadnvi e8; but +fir any time valorr to the time
of sal �he owMr�pay e t q4W unpaid installments, with penal-
ties adarued, �; 1 L reUpot be stored to the right thereafter to
pay AfInstalMentsfkn then sgme mannef as if default had not been suffered
The owner eC pfgerty oat�ln default as to any installment or payment
may at any tjm6 pay the wl�OleAof the unpaid principal with
interest accruing to the maturity of the next instalment of interest or
sectio be Payment. mW be made to the City Clerk at any time within
thirty days the passage of this ordinance, and allowenoe of five per
cent shall be made on all payments made during such period only.
Section 6. In case of default in the payment of any installment of
principal or interest when due, any and all property concerning which such
default is suffered,shall be advertised and sold for t e payment of the
whole of the unpaid assessments thereon, a t the same time or timse, in
the same manner under all the same conditions and penalties,
and with the same effeots , as are p"vided by general law for sales of
real estate in default of payment of general taxes.
Section 7. The owner of &Ay dived or undivided interest may pay
his share of any assessment, upon producing evidence of the extent of his
interest, satisfactory to the offigera having the assessment roll In ohargee
The foregoing ordinance was introduced and read at a regular meeting
of the City Council of the City of Port Conine, Celorado,.Mtue 20 tho
day of )du8w A. De 19060 and was pu-MIMeti In the tart
a weekly newspaper of general airoulaticus published in said City, on the
g;�--"W"y I G, Ae D. I996o
And was duly gassed and adopted by said City Cgunoil at the regular
adjourned meeting thereof, held on the / o" day of�e��, A. D. I906e
City Cler
Last publi oat ion in the 4W