Section 1 The grades for South College Avenue from
the south curb line of Pitkin Street, south to the present City
limits , are hereby fixed, established and declared to be as
follows All elevations being referred to the City Datum B M
104 76 at the intersection of the walks at the corner of College
Avenue and Oak Street at the Post Office corner
Beginning at the Louth curb line of Pitkin Street, which is station 0 minus
30, east curb 117 20, at station 0 plus 00 which is the south property line of
Pitkin Street, east walk 117 56 east curb 117 20, oast gut+er 116 80, center
line 117 30, at station 0 plus 58 4, west walk 117 65, vest curb 117 65 west
gutter 117 15 at station 1 plus 00 which is break in grade, east walk 118 30,
east curb 118 10, east gutter 117 70 centerline 118 20, west walk 118 10,
west curb 117 90, west gutter 117 409 at station 2 plus CIO which is a break
in grade, east walk 118 60, east curb 118 40, west gutter 118 00, centerline
118 26, west walk 118 35 west curb 118 15 west gutter 117 65, at station
3 plus 00 which is the north property line of Buckeye Street on the east side
of College Avenue, east walk 118 15, east curb 117 95 east gutter 117 55
centerline 117 85, west walk 116 80 west curb 117 60 west gutter 117 10, at
station 3 plus 12, which is the north curb line of Buckeye Street, east side of
College Avenue, 117 80 at station 3 plus 48 which is the south curb lineof
Buckeye Street, oast side of College Avenue, 117 50, at station 3 plus 60
which is the south property line of Buckeye Street on the east side of ('ollege
Avenue, east walk 117 60, east curb 117 40 east gutter 116 90, centerline 117 40,
at station 6 plus 50 which is a break in grade, east Aalk 115 10 east curb
114 90 east gutter 114 40 centerline 115 12, west walk 115 10 west curb 114 9r ,
west gutter 114 40 at station 7 plus 35 which is the rorth pro "ty IA. to o
Lake Street, west side of College Avenue, east walk 114 80 east curb 114 60
east gutter 114 10 J centerline 114 87, at station 7 plusV55 which is the north
,North propert line on
curb line of Lkke Street on the east and/west side of �Lollege Avenue, east curb
114 s5 centerline 114 800 west walk 114 75 west curb 114 55, vest gutter
114 051 VLt station 7 plus 67 which is the north curb lire of Lake Street, on
west side of College Avenue, 114 50, at station 8 plus 03 which is the south
curb line of Lake Street, vest side of College Avenue, 114 45 at station 8
plus 15 which is the south curb line of Lak*Street, east side of College Avenue
and the south property line of Lake Street on the west side of College avenue,
east ou rb .114 45, -centerline 114„58, west walk 114 609 vest curb 114 40, west
gutter 113 90, at station 8 plus 35 which is the south property link of Lake
Street,east side of College Avenue, east walk 114 55, east ou tt 114 35, east
gu+ter 113 85, ceitie^line 114 54, at station 9 plus 50 which is a break in
grade east walk 114 25, east cirb 114.05, east gutter 113 55, centerline 114
25 west walk 114 25 west curb 114 05, west gutter 113 55 at station 10 plus
50 which is a break in grade east walk 113 70,Jeast curb 113 50, east gutter
113 00 centerline 113 69, west walk 113 80, west curb 113 50, seet gutter
113 00 at station 11 plus 50 which is a break in grade, east walk 112 49,
east curb 112 25 oast gutter 111 75, centerline 112 44, west walk 112 55,
west curb 112 25, west gutte" 111 75, at station 13 plus 48 4 which is the
north property line of Prospect Street, east walk 109 25 seat curb 100 05,
east gutter 108 55 centerline 109 25, roost walk 109 35, west curb 139 C5,
west gutter 108 55,
Section 2 Tb e grades for Pitkin Street from the
East curb line of South College Avenue, Last to the p.Lesent City
limits, are hereby fixed, established and declared to be as
follows All elevations being referred to the City Datum B M
104 76 at the intersection of the walks at the corner of College
Avenue and Oak Street at the Post Office corner
Beginning at the east curb line of College Avenue and the
north side of Pitkin Street which is station 0 minus 23 5. north
curb 117 20 at station 0 minus 20 5 which is the east curb line
of College Avenue on the south side of Pitkin Street, north curb
117 20 at station 0 plus 00 which is the east property line of
College Avenue on the north side of Pitkin Street north walk
117 52 north curb 117 07 north gutter 116 37 centerline 117 10
south curb 117 10 south gutter 116 40, at station 0 plus 05
ihich is the east property line of College Avenue on the south
side of Pitkkn Street, south walk 117 56 south curb 117 10
south gutter 116 40, at station 1 plus 40 which is a break in
ea on the north walk 116 a0 at station 3 plus 00 which is
the west property line of Remington Street north walk 115 26,
centerline 114 90 south walk 115 20, at station 3 plus 20 which
is the west curb line of Remington Street, north curb 114 94,
north gutter 114 24 south cubr 114 74 south gutter 114 04, at
station 3 plus 50 which is the centerline of Remington 114 45,
at station 3 plus 80 which is the east curb tine of Remington
north curb 114 22 north gutter 113 43 south curb 114 38 south
gutter 113 68 at station 4 plus 00 which is the east property
line of Remington Street, north walk 114 41, rorth gutter 113 30
centerline 114 00 south walk 114 50 south gutter 113 50 at
station 7 plus 00 which is the west property line of Mathews
Street north walk 111 34, north gutter 110 50, centerline 111 20
south walk 111 80, at station 7 plus 20 which is the west curb
line of Mathews Street north curb 110 87, rorth gutter 110 07
south curb 111 32 south gutter 110 62 at station 7 plus 50
at station 7 plu4 80 which is the east curb line of Mathews 5treeti
north curb 110 77, north gutter 110 07 soutn curb 110 78, south
gutter 110 08 at station 8 plus 00 which is the east property
line of Lathews Street north walk 111 17 north gutter 109 89
centerline 110 KO south walk 110 QQ, at station 13 plus 00 which
is the east property line of,Pbterson Street, north walk 106 25,
centerline 106 00, south walk 1106 40 at station 13 plus 20
which is the west curb line of Peterson Street north curb
105 86 north gutter 105 16, south curb 105 92 south gutter
105 22 at station 13 plus 50 which is the centerline of Peter-
son Street, 105 55 at station 13 plus 80 which is the east
curb line of Peterson Street, north curb 105�8, north gutter
104 68, south curb 105 43, south gutter 104 73 at station 14
Alus 00 which is the east property line of Peterson Street,
north walk 105 45 centerline 105 10 south walk 105 50, at
station 18 pluso00 which is the west property line of +hedbee,
north walk 100 85 centerline 100 50 south walk 100 QO at
station 18 plus 20 which is the west curb line of �Ihedbee Street,
north curb 100 32, south gutter 99 62, south curb 100 37 south
gutter 99 67, at station 18 plus 50 which as the centerline of
Whedbee Street, 100 25 at station 18 p1Ls 80 which is the east
curb line of Whedbee Street north curb 100 O1 north gutter
99 31 south curb 100 04, south gutter 99 34 at station 19
plus 00 which is the east property line of Whedbee Street north
walk 100 26 centerline 100 00 south walk 100 29 at station
23 plus 00 which is the west property line of Smith Street north
0$6 walk 99 20, centerline 99 00 south walk 99 29, at station
23 plus 20 which is the west cure line of Smith Street, north
cubb 98 91, north gutter 98 21 south curb 98 94 south gutter
98 24, at station 23 plus 50 which is the centerline of Smith
Street 99 00, at station 23 plus 80 which is the east curb line
of Smith Street north curb 98 Ql, aorth gutter 98 21 south
curb 98 Q4 south gutter 98 24 at station 24 plus 00 which is
the east property line of Smith Street north walk 99 20 center-
line 99.00, south walk 99 24 at station 26 plus 35 which is the
city limits north walk 99 80 north curb 99 55 north gutter
98 85 centerline 99 59, south walk 99 83 south curb 99 58,
south gutter 98 88,
Section 3 All ordinances and parts of ordinances
in conflict with this ordinance are hereby repealed
Section 4 In the opinion of the City Council an
emergency exists for the preservation of the public health, peace
and safety, and this ordinance shall take effect upon its passage
and publication under and by virtue of the authority contained in
Sections 6 ana 7 of Article IV of the City Charter
Introduced, read at length and adopted by the unanimous
vote of all the members of the City Council at a regular meeting,
this 20th day of December, A D 1924
4 &::�_�
Commissl ner of ety and -Officio
A TTES T Mayor
ity Clerk
I , A J ROSENOW, City Clerk of the City of Fort Collins,
do hereby certify and declare that the foregoing ordinance consisting
of four (4) sections, was duly proposed ana reaa at length at a
regular meeting of the City Council held on the 20th day of December,
A D 1924, and was duly adopted and ordered published in the Fort
Collins Express-Courier, a daily newspaper and the official newspaper
of the City of Fort Collins , by the unanimous vote of all members of
the Council, as an emregenev orainance, in accordance %pith the
provisions of Sections 6 and 7 of Ar�kcle IV of the City Charter,
and thereafter, on to-wit the ,61,,3 — day of December, A D 1924,
said Ordinance No 31 was duly published in the Fort Collins Express-
Courier, a daily newspaper published in the City of Fort Collins,
IN WITNESS IN EREOF, I have hereunto set igy hand and affixed
the seams of said City, this ;q3 day of December, A D 1924
City Clerk