HomeMy WebLinkAbout038 - 12/08/1928 - AMENDING SECTION 21 OF ORDINANCE NO. 007, 1920, TO REGULATE THE USE, HANDING, STORAGE, AND SALE OF I Y 0:2DII;ANCE ' . Jd 1928, BEING All ML RGZyCY CRDINh2ICE A: �_.: _-�;T=ON 21 C' ORL11ULNCE NO. 7 , 1920, TO R GJLATE THE USE, _ ___ _, ;: , - _-_-. _, AID SAI's OF -71711 i:,LE I.I:$JJIDS iN THE C11: MILF.EDO. m y T1 *" � T.s, CITY CF FORT COI,I,i1�S : B� I� ORDAZIQ� BY Tl.:. CITY CO. hCti, OF Section 1. That Section 21 of Ordinance Yo. 7 , 1920, being an ordinance to regulate the use , handling, storage and sale of inflacimable l-quids in the City of Fort Collins, be and the same is hereby amended to read as follows: "Section 21. Fees for Permits and Occupation Tax. The following fees shall be charged and collected under this ordinance .- For ofch tank installed Five (45.00) Dollars. For all curb pumps an oceupstion tax of Q rre � aDollars per annum. The schedule of fees for )ermits to operate filling stations shall be as follows : For each tank in excess of 100 gallons the fee shall be Five ("'5.00) Dollars ; for a ch pump Five (�F.00) Dollars. In addition to the above each pump shall pay an annual license fee of Ten (410.00) Dollars." Section 2. All ordiriaaces a:.d parts of ordinances in eanfliet with this ordinance are hereby repealed. Section 3. In the opinion of the City Cour_-.il an ens rgeney exists for the preservation of the _.ublic health, peace and s_.fety, and this ordinanoe stall take effect upon its passage and publication, under and by virtue of the authority contained in Sections 6 and 7 of Article IV of the City Charter. -1- 1 Introduced, read at length and adopted by the unanimous vote of all the members of the City Council at a regular meeting held this 8th day of December, A. D. 19ti8`9 o ssioner or 5arezy -Urrialo yor AT T ;:i 1' City erc . STATE ^F COLORADO ) SS. COUNTY OF LAR I r:R ) I, A. J. ROSEN010 City Clerk of the City of Fcrt Collins, do hereby certify and declare th -t the foregoing ordinance , consisting of three (3) sectiuns, was daly proposed and read at length a t a regular meeting of the City Council held on the Sth day of December , A. D. 1S28, and was duly adopted and ordered published in the Fart Collins Express-Courier, a daily newspaper and the official newspaper of the City of Fort Collins, by the unanimous vote of all members of the City Council, as an emergency ordinance, in accotdanee with the provisions of Sections 6 and 7 of Artic a IV of the City Charter; and tle reafter and an to-wit : the //fday cf December, A. D. 1928, said Ordiiv nce .'o . 39 was duly pu -shed in the Fort Collins Express-Courier, a =— newspaper published in the City of Fort Collins, Colorado. IN Vr 11,LGF, I have h eunto set my hand and affixed the seal of said City this of December, A. D. 1928, - y QlerZo