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BEING AN EPMGMTCY ORDIWI E RELATING TO ' u T= LINE ASSESSLIMIM OF TIE COST OF COITSTRUCTION OF IItLnROVEIIIENTS IN ORGANIZED AND UN- ORGANIZED STOP11 SEMM SUB-DISTRICTS 1, 2 AND 3, AND STORM SEM DISTRICT N.O. 6, IN TE3 CITY OF FJRT COLLINS, fim PROv?DING mm TED PAYNUITT AND COMECTION THEREOF. BE IT ORDAIiTED DY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FORT COLLINS: Section 1. That tinder and by virtue of the provisions of Ordinance ITo. 1, 1922, of said City of Fort Collins, duly adgpted and ap,roved on the 7th day of January, A. D. 1922, Storm Seiver District To. 6 was duly created and „rovisiors made in said ordinance for the construction of certain improvements ir said district, consisting of a storm sewer line; that the said improvements as therain provided have been duly constructed as _rovided by law and duly accepted by the City of Fort Collins as therain provided; that Special thereafter the 210 Engineer and the Co=issioner of Works on towit: the 28th day of October, A. D. 1922, duly reported to the City Council that the cost of construction of said improvements, including the cost of inspection, collection and other incidentals, and also including interest to Earth 1, 1923, the date of the first payment of taxes, is One ban-red tho%-sand one 'mndred seventy-six and 42/100 ($100,m.42) Dollars, that in and by said report the Com-issioner of Works, pursuant to report of the Special Engineer, duly apportioned upon all of the lots or tracts of land in the district irproved, in proportion as the area of each lot or tract of land is to the area of all the lots or tracts of land so improved, exclusive of public highvAys, pursuant to the provisions of Sections 1-4 and 31 of Ordinance 'To. 7, 1321, relating to local public improvements, and Ordinance No. 1, 1922, creating Storm Seer District ='o. 6, and which district is hereinafter more part ic,,:larly described by lots and blocks, together with the apportionment and rate per squara foot: the said findings and report of the Commissioner of Worts and Special Engineer being in accordance with the report of the Special Engineer in respect to the soposed assessments on each lot in said district. Section 2. That at the regular meeting of the City Council hald on the 28th day of October, A. D. 1922, said report of the Commissioner of Works and Special Engineer concerning the said proposed assessment for improvements in Storm Server District No. 6 was by resolution of the City Council duly adopted for the purpose of con- sideration and determination at a regAr meeting of the City Council to be held on the 'and day of December, A. D. 1922, pursuant to a notico of the City Clerk as provided by law; that in and by said resolution the City Clerk was instructed and directed to publish notice ir_ the official newspaper of the City of Fort Collins for a period of ten days, addressed to the owners of property to 'e ae,sssed in Storm Sewer District No. 6, stating the whole cost of the improvement and the share apportioned to each lot or tract of land in said district, and notifying the owners thereof the.t any complaints or objections that might be made in writing by th3m to the City Clerk and filed in his office within thirty days from the publication of said notice, would be heard and determined by th City Council at a re�,-ala r meeting thereof to be held on the 2nd day of December, A. D. 1922, at the hour of eight o'clock in the forenoon of said day in the Council C'aamber in the City Hall in said City; that after said hearing the said City Council would take up the matter of the I3ssage of an ordinance assessing the cos: of said improvements; that pursuant to the authority contained in said resolution the City Clerk caused to be published said notice in the Fort Collins Courier, the official newspaper of said City of Fort Collins, for a period of ten days, as providad by ordinance, and that due proof of said publication has been filed in the office of the City Clerk, and all complaints and objections filed in writing having been duly overruled, at said meeting of tie City Council held on the 2nd day of December, A. D. 1922, the assessing ordinance for the cost of the improvements in said Storm Sewer District PIo. 6, was ordered submitted for passage and adoption. Section 3. That the total cost of the improvements in said Storm Sewer District No. 6, under and by virtue of said Ordinance ,o. 1, 1922, of said city, includirg the cost of inspection, collection and interest to the let day of PQarch, 1923, amounts to $100,175.4, which said sum is hereby asses3ed upon the real estate in said Storm Server District No. 6, in ac^ordance With the provisions of Sections 14 and 31 of Ordinance No. 7, 1921, relating to local public improvements, and the proportion of said cost assessed to each lot or tract of lard in said Storm Sewer District No. 6, comprising the fol.'-owing lots and blocks in said district, shall be as follows: STATI .MTT OF ACCOLTITS A:-D LEVIES MR STOW SEMP. DISTRICT TIMER SIX AND MR TRUNK LINE ASSESSE'lH.^.JT OF SUB-DISTRICTS ONE, TPO fiND I= Sd¢ Coat lAxya Le w Sub-Dist. 1 $ 2006.53 556,105 sq. ft. .003608 Sub-Dist. 2 6395.31-1 279,065 " ° .005000 Sub-Dist. 3 6429.91 905,620 " " .007100 District_�, 8534 .67-7_ 043.818.54 sa. ft. 116 Totals $100176 .42-9 764,608.54 1II•DIBTRIQ1' IiU'.ffii R ONE n.(,. �,{ r�' IJi�'�k`1.�-QJ�Qh1.tC•;(.G STCRII EISTRICT N �13IR SIX t ROeER'iY O':;'RER ARl>A COST IFT. TOTAL C '",T BLOCK 31 13 The loody Warren Co=rercial Co. 4750 .00300F 17. 14 1E" The Moody :;arrer Comr^ereial Co. 4750 .00300P 17. 14 15 The Noody Wo rren Cor-•erc�Al Co. 47SO .r 03608 17.14 V The Moody Warren Corrr"arcizal Co. 4750 .(?03608 17 The l000dy Warren CoTM--ercial Co. 4750 .r o3eos 17. 14 lI Tho Doody Warren Co,-rercial Co. 4750 .003608 17. 14 19 The '.'cody 7varren ,or.". ercial Cc. 4750 1003e00 17. 14 E. 140'20 GeorFevAlonzo,J:.ros & Elizabeth 3500 .003VF; 1?.R3 tluinn(Ag '=t to John & Jennie r<uttter) T.SO'20 Clara B.Cal l:ar ar 1250 ,00'se0F. 4.S1 F.11�0'P1 Georgs.Alonao,James &: Fliz.!2uirn (Ap„'mt to Jchn A Jennie Futter) 3500 .003608 1?.G3 If.50921 Clara D. Collarer 1950 .003P;08 4.51 F. 140102 Gecrre,Alonzo,Jar on & i:liz.1,1minn (Ag'- t.to John & Jennie ?utter) 3500 .0036nP 12.e3 "r. 50'P2, Clara E. Collamer 1250 .00360P 4.51 E. 140'23 George.Alonzo,Jarres d Eliz. ruin (AF'^t. to Jo1ui & Je,rtjde r?utter) 3500 'PoserP 12.A3 1t 50In3 Clare h. Collamor 1260 �nOUV'8 4.?51 24 George J. Sneeton 4750 .003608 17. 14 25 Georro J. Smeeton 4750 .003e08 17.14 'Be Lewis b.& Tobe I'."osely 4750 .003enP 17. 14 h. CO'27 Lewis F..& Tobe Y. ; ocely 3800 .r03608 13.71 S.V.7 Carl A. ;uhre 950 .r03608 3.43 2ti Carl A. tuhro 4750 .0n36n8 17.14 N.if)'2Q Carl A. ?cuhre 1900 .00360R e.Ptz S. 15'2Q A.C.1lichols 2P"Sn ,nOSe08 1C,n8 30 A.C.hichels 47," .R03608 17. 14 31 hazel Hart 4750 .003608 17. 14 3P, Hazel Hart 4750 .002"Ve 17. 14 33 Charles G. kuckinaham 47Fin .0n3C.OF, 17. 14 ' 4 Ff"ie Nol'ullen 4750 .orWIP 17. 14 BLOCK 32 1 Colorado & ^outhern Railroad Co. 9750 .f)03e0p 3`;. 1P 2 Colorado & Southern Railroad Co. 3250 .nnmn8 11.7;' 3 Colo-ado & Southern Railroad Co. 3250 .0(1giRP 11.78 4 Colcrado & srutl.nrn Railroad Co. 3;15%0 .003e0P 11.73 5 Colorado & S::uthorn Railroad Co. 3P,50 .0n3erP 11.77 6 Colorado & Southern Railroad Co. 3250 .0nmos 11.73 7 Colorado & Southern Railroad CO. 3050 :r03808 11.73 3G JaMes F. Vandev€ark 51P8 90OWS 1n.49 37 James F. andewark 5125 .^0!5(?0F 1S.49 38 George P.& Franklin C. Avery 5125 .^oser)s 19.40 3Q Frarllin C. Avery(Pond for deod Riverside Ice & Otrrare Co. ) 5125 .0036OP, 1P...49 40 The Riverside Ice & StcraFe Co. 51P5 .003008 18.4Q 41 The I ivurcide Ice & :;toraTe Co. 3125 .00WIP 1P.49 42 The Riversido Ioe & 3tcrare Co. 5125 .0r380t1 1P.4Q 43 Th4+ :?iverrside Ice & ',torape Cc. 51P5 .005808 1F.49 44 Colorado # Southern Pairrcad Co. 51^5 .003RrR JP.ao 45 Colorado & :;mtbern Railrcad Co. 51P.5 .003onp 1P.49 LOT 1 0. i:, . 7 Ej BLOCE 41 1 Fictiolas C. 'satz,F3ishop in Denver in Trust for Catholics rf Ft.CoV iijs 4750 .no3608 #17. 14 2 Ficholas C. "aitz,Eishor in Denver in ';rust ^or the ^utholics of F't.Collins 4750 .no3ens 17. 14 3 Ficholas C.j'atz,Lishop in Denver in Trust for Catholics of Fit. Collins 47`AO .003R08 17. 14 4 Fiwholas C. Y'Ltz,Fiuhor in Denver in Trust for Catholics of Ft. Co] lirs 4750 1003608 17.14 5 J.Fienry Tihen,Hishop of Denver 4750 .00360P 17.14 6 J. Henry TihenoBlahor of Dervor 4750 .0086op 17.14 7 J.Horry Tiber., Bishop of Dorver 4750 .008608 17. 14 P J.11onry Tihon,kishop of Denver 4750 .00860P 17.14 9 J.Ftonry Tihen.Bishop of Denver 4750 .003C08 17. 14 10 J.iienry Til,enpbi shop of Dorver 4750 .003608 17.14 11 J,Fvnr Tihen,bishop of Uonver 4750 1008008 17.14 12 J.henry Tihen.Bishor of Denver 4750 .Vowflp 1'. 14 13 J.Nenry Tihen, i;ishop of D,�rver 4750 .003608 17.14 14 J.henry Tihon, Risher of Denver 4750 .005608 17.14 15 J.Henry Tihen,Bishor of Denver 4750 1003608 17, 14 16 J.Eorry U11on.Bishor of Denver 47.50 .nrlenp 17.1*- 29 John F. Gault 3875 .00360P 13.98 30 i?elen r.Vandewark 3875 .0VWoe 13.98 31 B elen K.Vandewark 3875 .003ROP 1R.no 30, Nicholas C. Matz,Ei3hor it Denver in Trust for. Catholics of tit. Collins 3P75 .0036CP 13.9P 33 Nicholas Co F.'atz,Liehor In Denver in Trust for Catholics of Ft. Collins 3875 .0f`36PP 13.9P 34 Nicholas 0. F<atz,rinhop ir. Denver in Trust for Catholics of Ft. Collirs 3875 .P( 3m rp la.cA 35 Nicholas C. F!etz,Eishop in Denver in nnaanP 1a�6a Trust for Catholics of t ,,, ,ollir.s 3P78 36 Aicholas C. Yatz,F;ishop is Denver in Brunt For Catholics of Ft-Collins 3875 •nnirop J%na E� ELOCE 91 1 Cherles !:.Sheldon 9500 .003608 34.°8 2 Yartha A. Sheldon 9500 .00560P 34.P8 .4513 Martha A. Sheldon 8550 .003608 30.n5 N.513 Fdrar E. triable 950 .003608 3.43 4 VdF-!ar h. Trir..,ble 9500 .00360P 34.2P 6 Trustees School Dist. No.5, t.Col'ins 9500 .003608 34.PF B Trustees School D1st.no.5.Ft.Col;irs 9500 .003e08 34.2P 7 Trustaos School Dist.No.n.Ft.Collirs 9500 .003608 34. P q Trustees School L'ist.F'o.S,Ft.Cclline 9500 .005608 34.28 Vd BLOCK 101 'pest J> of Block, people of County of T.ariner,Colo.80000 .0036011 288.64 A LOT NO. Pfi':i "'??Y ART:A —00ST—FT T07AI, COST W-' LLOCA 102 9 People of County of I,arirer 8550 .003808 A 30.85 10 Frank P. Stovor P550 .003808 50.85 11 Fran'- P.Stover 6550 .no5808 ,P5 12 frank P. :hover 8550 .003808 11f`.P5 13 Winifred bosnan 9500 .005808 $4.:S W.70' 14 Andy I,.Burko .3500 .005808 M R5 r.80114 Alra U. Thommson 3000 .003608 10.8P, '5.60'E. 120114 Yrs. Ornhe '.'. "' ebster 3000 .003608 in.P2 :C.70'1J First Church of Christ Scientist of Ft.Collirs 3500 .00380P 12.83 .60115 .Alm U. Thompson 3000 .00380P 10.82 t.8O'E. 12O' 15 n'rs. Orpha ". Webs3tor 3000 .003808 i(`.PA ,1.70118 First Church of Christ .>cientiat of ?t. Collins 3500 .00580P 1P,.83 5.80916 A1r^a U "hor+nson 5000 .003608 10,82 W.60'F. 120118 Wra. Ornha L# "ebstor 3000 .003808 10.P.2 3OUTU 215 FEET CP WA:31T'":GTON PART :':e City of i"t. Collins 35905 .003608 189.54 1 T:JGT Jt[lUFR _ � f STOTU SI,t':}R LI =t?ICT NukbnR CIX LOT ISO. " ARPA CO!3T-F'T, TOmAL COnT W-4 Block 82 8 Edith hawley 199@SO .005 & 99.75 7 Edith 7. Ua- ley 199PS0 .00$ 99.75 8 Levy Cunn.inFharr,H,A.3'.cC.arty & Edward lcl:enk 19950 .005 99.75 9 Levi CumiWam,b.A.' r,Curty A F'dward Schenk 19950 .0r5 99.7s 10 & cart of Levi Cunninghan,B.A.' cCarty La^orte Ave & Edward Schenk 29450 Inns 147.25 i lock "2 '.'est Side Add. 1. P?.Y.Gibbcns 6300 1rC5 31.50 2 by.:'..Kinrey 6300 .005 31.50 3 ".5.2a r,ey 6300 Ir05 31.50 4 Alice ball 630C .n05 31.50 1 Alice L:all 013rO .005 31.50 e Alice Eall 8300 .005 31,Sn 7 Alice lsall 8300 .00s 31.50 A Charlby fl Norton 6300 .r^5 31.50 9 Chf rley 11. Ncrton 0300 .rr5 31.60 In Matilda .'.ary violet 8300 Irr5 31.5n 11 Fred W. and Derma S•chwern e,300 .00s 31.50 12 J.A.."Yeetfall rr4P,5 .n05 117. 13 13 Johr P. "ichaud 54115 .nn!s . 13 14 J.O.Peterson X3M21WXKMXYA1M 54^S .005 ^7. 13 15 Lillian E. Cotton 54P5 .rr5 27,13 18 1.1111an Z. Cotton e200 .005 31.00 19 117illiam llofachulte E300 .nO5 31.50 €O Nary 1 . Owens e3" .0115 31.150 2.1 b.F.RerloRle 8300 1005 31.50 L?2 C.h.3rlth An: B. Smith 6300 .005 31.1150 N, 15, 23 C.H.Srith k A.r•y L. Smith P70O .005 13.50 S I P01 25 I.or. Janes 3600 .005 16.00 24 Lon James 19300 .rC5 3 1. 50 P..s Grace 1, . Cccrer 5400 .("%5 27.rn Grace F. Coorer 3150 .rr5 15.75 so Paul =:.71ior*.r3on 3150 .005 15.75 P7 Paul r .i),c*�nson 315C .r05 In17b t?7 Fred J. "°ade 3150 .o05 15.75 2A Tired J. -ado 3150 ."5 15.75 2F Cathartre ' eon 3150 .^r5 15.75i 1. Czat?;orine "can 3150 ^r5 15.75 79 01.9ra F . Collarer 3150 "^5 15.7fi :10 Cl,,ra L. Collur^er 1150 "`'> 1r).75 r. 30 Francis kale 3150 ^5 15.75 W.uw Al Francis ':ale 3150 ^5 15.1?5 E . 31 Arthur Heenan 3150 .015 15.75 '?. 3P Art ur F enan 3180 .^^b 15.75 F., 92 Joseph 6. Yven 315r S 15."5 W.4 33 Joseph t=. boon 3180 ^5 15.75 E 33 Sena Sorenson 3150 r5 15."8 T,. 3.4 Sena :'.orenson 315n ^5 15.71K EI-g 84 Beagle Lee SH.rrhart 3150 ^5 1FI�F 35 Bessie Lee larnhart 6300 .^05 ^s1.50 taock P.P2 '°test .;:do Add. Com"Ience at S.T'.. corn,a School Diet. ofEIkjN.1F+0' ; A'. ?t'.C' ;S.I40' ;E.2G0' ; No.5.Lar.Go. to beg. and rart Larorte Ave. 64400 .005 43P2.00 Com.210' N.of ::.:;.Cor.L1k.2P2; P.ugere U. W.I8C' ;N.5O' ;E. 1F3O';3.5O'to be3:, 1.arsh 9000 .005 45,00 Com.'PVIN.of S.E.Cor.Plk.2;'2; Rose '?'. W.1R0' ;N.50' ;E. 180' ;S.50'to ing. Volurry 9000 .005 45,00 Cor.,15101?'.9f S, I�.Gor.blk.CS'Oj "ATOmtls W.160';X.50';S.11?0';S.M*to bear, I�erruson 9000 .005 45.PO Col?.3801' .of S.I:,Crr.3:1k.PPP; Eenjar. Sn F. 19. 1E?O' jA.SC' jE.li}0';5.50't ' Her. Ayerley 9000 .005 45.00 Com.901S.cf N.IL.Cor.LIk.PP4; ?!&tie W.1P0' ;S.45';E, ISO';A.45' to beg. ? oClelland P100 .005 40.50 Cor.at h Ccr of .BlF:.PP21 John J. 5.90' ja�. 1Po�;1a.90•;5.280' to beg. human WOO .005 81.00 Com.401S.of Cr.Comof F611 .282; N. 140' ;ti'.52.';3.140• ;"7.52'to beg. rt.;..11urdlo 7280 .005 38.40 Ccm.401S.of SE.cor.of Lot P7; W.4Q' ;N.140';E.48' ;5.140'to beg. Y.Serml 6790 .005 35.60 Gor-.100'N.of SW,Cor.of Elk.1012; Varietta F:. 10L?' jN.�n' ; q,100'j5.A0'to beg. Lroniman 9000 .005 45.00 Com.P.10'N.of SW.Ccr.of fit&. '"2j ?'.A.Yiller & E. lSO' ;N.490;w. IVO-';S.4PItO beg. C,O."Iller R820 .005 44. 10 Com.PMION,of)w.Ccr. of 1• lk.2PP.; Frank H. E. l80' ;R.49' ;rj.lP(II ;S,46'to bog. Rnomeyer 8620 .005 44. 1(N Com,3P`8'N.ofSW.Cor.of I1k,28P; E.1P0' ;}1.44';T.1i30';S.44'to bep. G.1 onry ;drug 7920 .005 39.80 Co^.352'F.of :""'.Cor of Elk.?P2; E. 1FC 'j!{.44';ti".1Ft0�js.44'to beg,. Verian Jacoby 7920 .005 39.80 Cor.3961N.rf S'+.Cor.of L1k.282; E.E.Pcet,Oontr. c. 1 0' ;N.54' ;T. lVO';S.r4'to beg. to F.C.Bailey 9720 .005 4n.60 Com.471-1S.of 14W*Cor.of Llk,e?2; :'. l' 0 ' ;5.9? ' =W.1R0' j!l.47 •to beg,. J.M.Sheely P550 .005 42.75 --.at P3t'.Cor. of blk.W2;E.180' ; Board of Trustees ' ;r% j,0'jN.47L-'to beg. 2nd.PresbyteriFan Church of Ft. Collins 13550 .COS 49.75 I No + :,A COST FT. TOTAL COS', P42 WF`: 1 Catherine Dwinell 6300 ,no.5 2 Drank Furrey 630P ,r0.5 BI.Fn 3 =dilliaM & Holen Walker 6300 ,nn5 31.50 4 Jasrer Jensen 6300 .rrf> 451.5A $. 8. Jan-,or Jensen 3150 ^5 18.75 3 Jere E..Jensen 3150 •^r, 15.75 6 Jens i[. Jensen 63^0 .^r5 31.50 7 A.R.Bales 49n0 ,rrn5 P4.5() 8 A.R.Hales OCT ,^P5 P4.Sn 9 John C. bales 4400 ,rr5 24.5n S. 10 John C. Bales P,4b0 ,rr5 1R.P8 N. 10 Alias > . Colton P450 ,PrS 1P.P5 11 Alice ".Co'tcn 4900 24.5n iQ Clara A.VaGirley SBPO 13 Clara A.I.CCinicy 560n ,rn6 ?e,n0 14 Lena ::. Laker 4900 ,rr5 24.50 18 ame,s L.Xnerr 4900 ,rn5 ?4. 5n 18 Ceorge '". Long 4900 .orb 94.Br 17 Yvrrie Dunlar.ey 49MI P4,r^ le „agrSe Dsxrlarey 41)0(` ,nr5 P4.fi^ 19 y! rati:orine 1,1.reaoh 63^^ .rn5 PS1 .S� 20 William F.Gilkison 63A0 ,rn5 21 1114 Peterson 63(10 ,r^5 31,5n '72 "'illiw- F. Poynter 8300 ,PPS 31.50 83 'rotor Frank f630A .01,15 31.50 24 "Alllar Schwas 6900 .^r5 %.50 28 Vary T. TanAntwerr 54CO .r'08 27.0L+ ?e ."as E.1 ilstead 6300 .0015 31.5f) :?7 O.H.da Jessie '.'.Feister 6300 .0P5 31.50 28 iiannah F. Harding 83CO ."5 31.Sr W.`` P9 lannah L. Harding 1575 .nos 7.FP E.3/4 29 Jar±es ":. Wade 47PS .005 MOP 30 Jares W. Wade 3150 ,rP5 15.75 SO Wilber D.HarFer 3150 .n05 1F"."5 r.'1lber D. Harrer 6300 ,nr8 g1.Rn !,2 R.C,Fuah r3300 ,nnS 31. CIP 35 R.C.Lush 6300 ,PP5 31.5r 34 Arthur J.Severns R900 35 Arthur J. Severrs 6300 ,rrn5 31,5G- B';CC3i 3P2 C,+ ;VXL PIIL ADD, 1 Emma Tobster 8500 .CPB 42a50 2 Aurusta 9Chwaas 8SA0 ,nnPS 4",an 3 John S.Cuthbertson Est. 85^0 .PP,R 4P.50 4 r.1'.& Lydia A.Payno P5rr .nn5 4P.5n 5 11nrio J.T. ndere do Relen StefCey M5 O ,^^g 4P,AM 6 d .C.T""®nte 6500 .015 4P.5n 7 Paul J.Plomnlrp P..800 .nn5 49.5P p r.C.Dake 8800 ,^n8 49.5^ 9 .A,Pawthorne SWO .P^5 4P..F^ iP Leorie L.Ilylie 8500 .PP5 4P.5^ 11 Pulda Peterson 85no ,0r!5 41-5,an 12 Hulda ;Ioterson 85C!` ,rr5 4P.-n 13 G.i..Doxtor 88rP nrn 4�. re' 14 A.I .Lalmor 85on .nor. 4P .G, r 18 7,A.11awthorne 8800 .OAS 411,rn 16 Julia V.Atherton 0250 .n!`5 41.?F_ 17 Aquilla B.:;a.rMore 7500 .PP5 37.5r is Della Varah 17-501 0 .nr5 $7,5n 19 LioDll =`',arch 75" .Pori ;i7.5n 20 Jensie (;.Crossley 7500 ,PP5 gp+, Fr+ P..1 Elizabeth :1ler. 750r ,cr5 37,5r 8950 .0P8 41.25 93 FI ra Duller 8500 ,On5 4r.50 LOT ? O, PROP;,`I%TY r'vIiTiR AREA -COST' FT. TOTAL Crc' Bt.2?CK 319 CA.PTTCL RILI, ADD. 1 !'"clines ".Fierlirp., PSnO .nn5 �4P:50 2 `,olar. G. & Pera Lowman F5r0 .rn5 40.Rn 3 C.G.Sridov 8500 .r05 42.rn 4 C.R.Salisbury EISt'0 .nrB 4p,Rn 1 !'nude Lromb Mir nnR 4f3,en 6 T'r�ude brown PSnO ,nng Qo rn 7 Levi Tombaurh Ist. P500 .00' 42.5n g Wiliian Hanavalt 650r ,nn5 40," 9 H.V.Porrin SVIO .rn5 A2,Fr In B.W.Perrin MCI .O05 42.50 11 P.C.& Delia O.Tinkham P500 .nn5 462.g;n 12 aecrge F. Connors RWO .nr> 42.50 13 Agnes L. Tate F15r0 ,Or 49.5n 14 Ved Rudgkins 8500 .rrS 4.P,50 15 H.I. :arbutt VVO 16 Yrs. _,T.Stres PP,50 ,n^5 41.?f 17 V.& Bettie Hancock 7500 .rn5 37.50 IP Sarah borer 7500 .rr5 37.5n 19 ;3arah Borren 7Vrn rrr !t7,rn PO 1 .& Bettie Rt;rccck 7500 ,rO5 37.fin 91 Leta F. T:atch l !'.J.Allen 7500 .Or5 37.50 ?2 Leta F. batch & .J.Allen P8.50 ,rr5 *?� ilaT^ie E. & krarley R.Rimble 85n0 .005 4P,r0 BLOCK 322 CATI^OL HILL ADD. 1 Fdwin O.Puttorfield 77P2.5 ,005 3P.91 2 Edwin O.Huttorflold 77P2.5 .rrr SF<.91 3 F.P.T'arquiaa 77PP.5 .rr5 Sp.Pl 4 .'gable G. Fales 77P2.5 .rr5 158.01 5 Eva Sipes 77P2.S ,nr5 119P.91 6 V.F.Moore 77W%5 .rr5 38,91 7 Albert Vr.& 6iaidie I .Nelson 77P2.5 .Or5 38.91 P L.C.Moore 77PP.5 .rr5 38.91 9 I,.C.?'oore 77PP,5 .nn5 :99.01 10 R.G.Colcord 7"82.5 ,OnS 3P.91 11 Howard L.Dailey 7782.5 .005 38.91 12 H.L.Dailey 77PIP.5 .rr8 M191 13 Yi.L.Dailey 77PP.5 .rr5 5P.91 14 Frank L. Doughorty 77PP.5 .rr5 3P.P1 18 C.<a:.I3aldric'.x*e 77PP.5 .nr5 38.91- 16 vary TolivOr P445 .nns 42,P5 17 M,S.Garnoey Jr, 8250 .rr5 41.25 is W.G.Garnsoy Jr. PPfiC r^r 41.P5 19 JE.res I':. Talker &-ary A'.Walker PP50 .ors 41.25 PO L.Nellie Elliott e250 .rr5 41.25 nl A .L.I?oY.lirg 8280 .rn5 41.P6 2P Arthur P.RuY:r. 77p2.15 .rr5 Ise,.P1 Fl Dumb I2MIL F SUE 'RICT NUVPFi,R THREE c`�n,<,,��� ; Lt cIZ STORM SEWER 'DISTRICT MWBE SIX LOT PROPERTY QVIE'R AREA COST FT. TOTAL COST BLOCK 1 PROSI"%CT PLACE 2.4911 V arraret Hallam 7350 .0071 952.19 W.1811 S.J.1111liaan 270n ,n071 19.17 8,3112 3.J.1illipan 4650 .rr7l 53,01 ,A,. Q'2 William J. 1:cAnelly 1350 .er71 9.59 3 Williar, J. ItcAn«.11y 6000 .rr7l 42.60 4 G.IT',Leibel 5000 .rn71 42.60 5 G.W.Leibel 6000 .^n71 42.60 8 Lindon D.Laurence 6000 ,rryl 411.6r, 7 Greece "orrison 6000 ,r.r71 4^,Fn 8 Florence 1.,Pr.rshall 6000 .0071 4-.en 9 John J. & Annie C. Connors Soon .nn71 41,1.vn In Willia t:; ce Gillis 6000 .0071 47,Pn 11 Willis br6ae Gillis 6000 .0n71 4n.otn 12 Willis Bruce Gillis 6000 ,nn71 13 Millie Bruce Gillis 9000 ,nr71 63.90 BLOCK 2 P70f;PT,'CT PLACE 1 Gordon 1' . Notherpill 7950 .On71 56.45 E.4812 Horace Peek 7200 .0"1 51. 1p W.4. 2 Charles G. Snidow Bon ,on7l 4.28 5 Charles G. Snidow 7800 .0071 55.38 4 G.k.Lawson 8000 .on7l 4?.090 5 0.G,Turrar. 6000 .0n71 4?,an 8 George Sauer Boon .0n71 411.60 7 Elizabeth H. Sholine 6000 .0n71 4'2.6n 8 Vary F. Boan 8000 ,nr71 4?,6n 9 Nary H. boan 6000 .Pr7i 49.en 10 bYary Is, b,, an 0000 .nn71 4^.P3n 11 Yary F'. Beam 0000 ,0071" 42.eo. 19 Ralph David Love 8400 .0071 89.64 BLOCK 3 iliOSVECT ; '.ACI :.& Ida A. Ross 7800 r171 53.38 : 111am G.Plested 1800 ,nn71 12.7P 2 7iliiem G. P1estod 6000 .0071 42.60 3 John Howard Nornedy 6000 .n07l 42,60 4 John Howard Kennedy 6n00 .Qr71 4'?.(10 5 Harry F. Litsey 6000 .rn71 48,6(1 Q Perna Harrison 6000 nr"l 4"'.f'n 7 Walter B.l eril�len 60n0 .n^71 40.An P.. Walter h. "c'1b1:en SlOn .nP71 57.51 9 Gordon T'. Pot),errIll n5le ,rn71 8n.46 10 Gordon Fothers-ill 6308 .nn71 44,ry? 11 Charles J.Gilkinon 6.308 .nn71 44.70 12 Gordon ". FotherT,Ill 63OS .rn71 44,79 13 Gordon 1.. Fat':erplll 6308 .^r7l 44.7n 14 Gordon P: .Fothorjrill 63n8 ,nn71 44.79 1.`i Gordon Y.F6horFill 6308 .rr7l 44.79 16 Gordon If. Fothorrill 1On93 .rn71 71.e8 ri, Ri l ' C0 LOCK 4 FIAGiaP-ECi' PLACE 1 4nnu 6. Cole 6400 1^71 .44 2 Anna b. Cole 6400 nn71 45,44 3 Rapgie L. `.'"Illip?-a 64nn ,rr71 4S.44 ? Delia E. Dickirson 6400 ,rr71 45,44 5 Delia "'. Dickinson 6400 ,rr71 45.44 ti Delia .'. Dicl,ir.non C400 ,nrryl 45-,44 7 Delia If. Dickinson 8400 .n071 45,44 R Delia V. {ickirson 7630 .r071 54. 19 C.K.Gculd 7632. ^71 54. 10 In C.R.Could 6400 .�^73 4`.44 21 C.F.Gould 6400 ,cr7,1 45.44 12 i, audo T. Baxter 6400 .rr71 45.44 l.•', b'aiude T. Laxter 64rf! ,rnv1 4=.44 Ida A. Rose 6400 .0r71 45.44 1` D.7. & Ida A. Loss 6400 nn71 45.44 ''-6 ;-.". Ida A. Ross 6400 .nn^1 4'.44 1 LOM, 5 P'RO P'C'r PLACE 1 Peter Schneider 6448 .0071 45.78 rotor Schneider C449 .0071 4.9.78 3 Peter Schneider 644P ,Or7l 45.78 4 Arnie R, Lambe 6448 .0"1 45.78 5 Anr.ie R. Lambe 6448 .rr71 45.78 6 Arnie 1+.. Lambe F448 .0071 45,78 7 hortha R. Most 6448 .rr7l 45.78 8 bertha R. Ifeat 7689 .0071 54.59 9 Annie R. Lambe 70389 .roll 54,SA 10 Arnie F. Is;.rre e448 ,0071 45.78 11 Arrie R. I,Lr:Lo 6448 10071 45.7A 12 Arnie R. Ltxbo 6448 10071 45.78 13 Annie R. Lambe 644P .0071 45.7P 14 Annie R. Lambe 6448 .0071 4F.7P 15 .,nrie R. L,a-be 644P .0071 45.78 16 Arnie R. L_unbe 644P .0071 45.^P BLOCr, 277 1.0011'; ADD. 1 191111csm F. Gilkison (Trustee) 9500 .0071 67.45 2 J.Ii.Kelly 9500 .0071 67.45 3 A.s.Rorers 9500 ,nr7l 67.49,; 4 A.L.Jordon 9500 .0r,71 67.45 5 Cora P. Rich 9800 ,On71 67.45 e I .C;.Riddle 9500 .('071 67. 1!5 7 Byron rocker 9500 .no71 67.45 S Bridget Clcuee 95n0 .0071 67.45 9 L.C.Lcore PUT .ro71 67.45 10 li.r.Rice 9500 .On71 t77.45 N 11 H.F.RIce 47.50 .r071 33.79 S. a 11 $,arr,-rot 'L. lurtis 4750 .rO71 33.72 12 B.F.Todd (Cortr, to C,D.L,earp) 950r .Cn71 e7.45 i5 Newton G. C7arbut 9500 .0071 67.45 A. 15114 :..arg ret E. L:urtis PP50 .0071 20.24 S.35, 14 C.C.>hir1ey 6650 .On71 47.PP. 15 N.of C9,Road C.C.<hi ley 6PA .rn71 4.8F 16 N.of CC).Road Newton C. !;: rLot 978 ,0071 6.94 LOT NO, PROPF'RTY C)`,MER AREA C("� T FT. TOTAL Cr".'T ` LOU 2P7 LOOMIS ADD. 1 Grace "' Gref-cry 0500 ,rn71 M 67.45 2 John A. Howard 9500 .rfi71 e?.45 3 Ida A., Arthur R.& Uiyses R. : .cGinness 95" ,rn71 6^.45 4 A.0.Lessenc:er. 9500 ,nn71 67.45 5 EuFenia & Susan C.Doyd 9500 .M71 67.45 6 Gordon '.Fotl eri-ill 951,,0w ,r"71 N7.45 7 Y.B.& Katherine L.7711kes 9500 .01171 67.45 P Crant Diller 9500 .0071 9 Grant tiller P500 ,nn7l P7.4F In Y.B.& Yatherine L.V1.11kes 9500 ,nn71 a�,Ae 11 Y.B.& Patheri-e L. "=ilkoe 9E500 .rn71 F7,aF 12 Georgo ': .De Tilla 9 50 0 .0071 fS7.45 13 Rilliard Y.Rice 9500 .M71 r.7.4ri 14 X.B.& Katherine I;.?Qilkes 9498 ,rO71 67.42 16 I1.of Co.Rcad hilliard, V. Rice 2P7 .nn71 n.04 BLOCK PPP, LOOMIS ADD. 1 Thomas Reinholtz 9500 .n071 87.45 F.90'2 fable D. Berry 4500 .0071 31,015 W. ln0'2 Ernest C.Oakee WOO .0071 35.50 E.9013 kable L. Lorry 4500 .Or7l 31.95 W. 1n0'3 Ernest C.Oakes 5000 .0071 35.51, 4 Thorns Reinholtz 9500 .rn71 97.45 5 a'horas Reinholtz 9500 ,nn"l P,7,4r F.90'of N.35'6 Yable D. berry 3150 .0071 22.36 4. 1001of N.306 Ernest C. Oakes 3500 .0071 24.P5 S. 151e Daisy D,& Hazel J,W: ilker 2Ii50 .0r'71 20.24 7 DRi�y D.& Hazel J.iYalker 9500 .nn71 67.45 8 Thonas Reinholtz 9500 .r 071 6?.48 9 Daisy D.& Hazel J.Walkor 9500 .Or7l 67.45 In Daisy D.& Hazel J, ralker 9500 .nn7l 67.4F4 N. 15911 Dniny D.lt hazel J.ralkar PH50 .ne,71 20.24 3.35111 Frank ,Talker 6650 ,nn71 47.PI 12 Daisy D.& Bazel J. 'Valker 9500 .On7l 67.4t 18 Daiaty B.& Hazel J. 'silker 9500 .0071 e7,45 14 X.L Frank `ii. ;?calker 4750 .0071 33,73 S,-�; 14 Daisy D.3, Hazel J.Walker 4750 .nn71 33.72 15 Dniey D.& Hazel J.Y.Talker 9300 ,nr71 67.45 16 Daisy D.& Hazel J.Walker 9500 ,nn71 P7.45 ASSESSF=EVT ROLL FOR SWRK 5, '':FR DIc'TRICT NITIU313R SIX LOT NO. PRO " RTX 0'11:li II?I-:A COST F£ TOTAI C(IST S:OCX 31 W 12 Tl.e Voody "arren Corsrercial Co. P375 .012116 # 28.7E R-L6 35 Effie "-ol?ullen ;?37fl) .01?116 28.78 NORTH 350 FEET OF BLOCK 3P 8 Colorado & Southern Railroad Co. 4750 .n12126 57.55 9 Colorado & Southern Railroad Co. 4750 .Oi`I I6 67.55 i0 Colorado & Southern Railroad Co. 4750 .012116 57.115 11 Colorado & Southern Railroad Co. 4750 .C12110 57.55 i? Colorado € Southern Railroad Co. 47r;O .012116 57. t55 13 Colorado & Southern RailrcaJ Co. 4750 .r121116 57. ¢55 14 Colorado & c,a_thern Railroad Co. 4750 .n12116 57.55 1S Colorado Southern Railroad Co. 4750 .01211E 57.65 16 Colorado & 3-utherr. Hat IIroad Co. 4750 .O19116 57.55 try Colorado & Southern Railroad Co. 4750 .012116 57.55 is Colorado & Southerr. iaiPtoad Co. 4750 .012116 57.55 19 Colorado & Southern Railroad Co. 4750 .012116 57.55 20 Colorado & Souther- Railroad Co. 4750 .01211E 57.65 21 Colorado 'southern Pal Iroad Co. 4750 .n12116 57.55 22 Continental Oil Co. 4750 .012116 57.55 23 Continental Oil Co. 4.750 .012116 57.55 "4 Continental Oil Co. 4750 .nl2116 57.55 05 Continental Oil Co. 4750 .ni2116 57.55 ?fl Continental Oil Cc. 4750 .01211e 57.K5 37 Continental Oil Co. 4750 .012116 57."5 28 Continental Oil Co. 47W .012116 57.55 XW.d'LXx342i 29 Caroline Eleanor '.`anti 4750 .012116 57, rr 30 Caroline Fleanor t<antz 4750 XlPllr 57.SE5 31 Caroline Eleanor Martz 4750 .012116 57.55 32 Carolina 12 eanor Rantz 4750 .012118 57.55 33 Carolina Ileanor Martz 47!50 .PlPll6 57.55 3� Carmine Eleanor Iiaritz 4750 .012116 57.55 35 Caroline Eleanor 11antz 47!'?0 .n12116 57.55 BLOCK 33 1 Cc'oaado & Southern Railroad Co. 9500 .012116 115. 10 2 Colo ado & Southern Railroad Co. 9500 .012116 1 IS. 1n 3 Colorado & Southern Railroad Co. 950o .012116 115. 1 - 4 Colorado & Southern Railroad Co. 9600 .01211C 115. 10 F Colorado & Southern. Railroad Co. 9Ro0 .^12116 115.10 R Colorado & :Southern Railroad Co. 9500 .n12116 115.10 7 Colorado & Southern Rt,ilrcad Co. 9500 .012116 115. 10 8 C lorado & Sout'ierr± Pa lroad Co. 9500 .n12116 115. i" W. 17nlo City of i-t. Colli m 81500 .n1211e 1n2.1,19 E.2019 Colorado & Southern Railroad Co. 1000 .012116 12. 11 W. I70'10 City of Ft. Collins 6500 .OlPilE 102.''9 E.20910 Colorado « Southern IOOO .012116 12. 11 11 Colorado & Southern Railroad Co. 9500 .01''116 115.10 12 Colorado & Southern Railroad Co. 9500 .1)12116 115.10 13 Coloaado & Sout?,ern Railroad Co. 9500 .nlf>llts 11.5.10 14 Colorado h Southern Railroad Cop 0500 .01:?11R 116. 10 15 Frank A. Collarer 9500 .019116 115.10 16 Colorado & Southern Railroad Co. 9500 .nlnl16 115. _0 I,0`a' N0,_ AREA COST I<"T. TOM COST T b!OCK 41 & TACA"I':D AL. 17 J.Penry ` ihen, Bishca, cf Denver 9500 .012.11E 115. 10 1R J.Henry Ti',en, Bishc^ of D^€ ver 051)0 .Olpll(t. 115.10 19 JoHenry Tihen,Eicahop of Denver 9"o 1012116 115. 10 20 J. henry Tihon,Blshor of Denver 9500 .OlPli ? 115.10 21 J.Renry TihongElshop of Denver 95o0 .011911P 115, 10 22 J.Henry Tiher.RlEshop of Donver 05r0 ,^1"llp 11a. 1^ Com.at SW.Cor.blk, F 75';N.178' IE. 1151 ; N. IOQ';E". 19Q ;S.275' ; to bevinnirp., E.D,Avery 32125 .01211C,, 380.93 F 26 Sarah F. Avery 3875 .01211C 4(l.r,5 27 ,arch F. Avery 7750 1012110 93.90 F.j 2E Sarah F. Aver, 1937.5.01211E 23.47 E3/4 2P John Gault M 70.43 Com. 100 'F.of:T V.Co r. of Elk:8.400';I' .209 ; N.400;?1.20' ;to beg.J.f:erry T_henobishcp of Denver 8000 .01211C 96.93 rrat Part of alley ao' 1do,which lies betwoen lots 95, ;e#27 & PS,cnd lot 24 less "eat 75 ft. Sarah F. .?very 2500 .012116 3(I.?A Com.at SE.Cor lot 1; N:5'tc beg. Nicholas C. Patz,M shot of Denver ir. gust for Catholics od Pt.Collins 950 .012116 11.5i1 Alley bot,veen lots 20 to 36 inclusive and above strip F.C.Avery 5050 .012116 SF.^5 1 QR''_Y 360 FI:^T rV "'ASKINGTON PARK The City cf Ft. Collins 90120 1010116 728.41 LLCICK 42 c 1. Nei ' lie f,. Clay 87(37.5 .012116 1^6.^3 N.50'W.a3d'1 Sarah H, Brunton 4175 .01:�116 50.5R S.SC'N.1Q0' t.F�3 " 1. Benj,F.& Va.noy A.Loiby 4175 .01211E 50.5f€ S.51111.03 1. Charles ". Blackwell 417.5 ."12116 5.r(3 N.45' 2 Charles R. Blackwell 7515 ."1211(3 01.r5 S.80' 2 C.J.Nolaon loop.() .0l"11E 121.40 Nw 3 'Y,liz€abath Loomis 8767.5 .01`3116 106.23 S 3 Ethel Kt)nnody 87C7,5 .01^l1r) 106.P3 N.4214 `ary S. Brown 7014 .012,116 P4.PR 5.401f .S414 .Vary B. Christrcan 7014 .019116 I34.9R S.2114 David A. Gallaher 3507 .012116 42.49 N.21'5 Davie! Pi. G€�llar.her 35t'7 ,01211E 42.44 S.42'I4.6316 Judson `_ uyne 7014 .0112116 g4.98 S.421'".'. 117'5 and part +.a'?orte Ave. George W. Fatten Jr. 10764 .012116 150.42 E,50'3.42'5 and cart LaPorte Avo. Fred G€ mick & F'.L.Garniek 4-600 1012116 55.73 LOT NO. PROPFR^Y OWNPR APT`A COS:` FT. `TOTAL 002T _ R* BLOCK 43 1 Elizabeth Quin. 9500 .012116 A115. 10 2 Clara t:^olliar 9500 .012116 115. 1 3 ".11.rithrcw WO .r12116 I1501"1 4 Joseph B Foellr^ er 9500 .rli^116 115.10 S Joseah B.Foellner 9500 .ri""116 115, 10 6 honica Zamora (Ccntract to T .F.1;ict,.erstaff 9500 .019116 115.ir S.50H.140'7 Harry Is.MoCreary 4480 .012118 54.2E N. 18'E. 14^ 7 Hattie 711hins 2520 .01rile 30.5! W. 50*7 Clarn B.Collarer(8cntract to Joeerh C.& Helen Filton) 25G^0 .012116 30,29 S. 171F. 140'P Hattie 'till:ins P560 .019.11e 2P.84 R.vVE. 140'e A.°'.Crocker 4620 .012116 55.9P W.ncs8 Clara H. Collar.er(Contract to Joseph G.& Helen Hilton) 2500 .012,116 30.29 BLOCK 51. M%at SW.Cor.l:ot 1 F.WIN.140 11N,50; S. 14^ to beg* Lee & bortha 'Vinson Davis 7000 .012116 84.81 Com.50 1V. of SW cer S f lot 1;N. .O4jE,50' ; 3.107' ;r.501to b"p,Myrtle '-alters 5000 .0121le 80.58 1�.90'1. Alfred A. Edwards 3175 .012118 62.70 E.AG'of 422'& E.140'ofN.16'2 Alfred �.. 11dwards 59915 .010116 71.79 tw;.lAn'fi.2514 Alfred A. Edwards 3500 .012116 42.40 N.3E �3 Claire Avery & Ethel A.Wcodavorth 6176 .012116 74,82 4 Claire Avery & E.A.Woodsworth 10925 .012116 132.37 5 Alfred A. Edwards 10925 .012116 132.37 8 Elizabeth (,:.inn 10925 .012116 1:55?.37 7 Elizabeth Quinn 10925 .019116 13,?.37 8 Elizabeth Ruirn 10925 .012116 13^.37 9 .' "itY;row 109P5 .n12.116 132.37 10 John Cuthbert son(Esstate ) 109215 .012116 132.317 14. gv111 Nellie A. L`atteson 9fi00 .0112116 115.1C S.424N.92' 11 "atilda Yary Violet 7980 .012116 96.69 5.23111 Goorgo ?'.AverylContract to Clyde & Retta 'erkins ) 4370 .r1P116 59.05 A.23112 Geor',o ?'.Avery(Contract to Clyde & Retta Perkins ) 4370 .r1211r 59.95 p ; S.92112 R101;z"rd J.& Jennie 1-.Lonrrore 8740 .012116 105.89 S.46' 12 Charles "anke B740 .012116 105,89 A.42- 13 '�.C.Ellis P075 .rl?116 97.H4 S,1j 13 H.C.& Lilliar. E, RemVIngton P.85 .r12116 3.45 N.41114 1I.C.& Lillian h. Remington 7790 .012116 94.3P S.3' 14 Anna 1 .1'cCay 570 .018116 6.91 15 excert SATE' Anna F. YcCay 7505 .0121le 90.93 S.4-a'15 Alice Brown P 55 .017116 10.36 16 Alice Erown 8360 .01!ill6 101.29 17 Vrs. "'.t,.1(icklard 9027.5 .r12116 1C9.38 W.S?�' 18 "rep. W.A.Kic'rlird 39P,.5 .012116 4.76 18 excert 77.2.1. ' Frank A. 3orerville(Estate) 6655 .r1,1116 104.89 19 Lelia Robertson 11775 .1111."11F. 142.67 LOT ARF,A F.COST m .� . TOTAL ^,^ST B1i:OC1, 5P. Com.1o0'fi .of NE.Cor rf Lot lOVM ock 61 N.140 ';TV.70' ;;.14O ' ; E.70' to beg. Paul C. Johnson 9800 .017116 0118.74 Con l0OIN.& POOR. of M11.00r,lot 10081k.51; E.40' ;N. 14O' ;7,4O* ; S. 140'to bog. James Pa terson 5f?oo .O1Pllo 67.85 C0a. 100'N.ofXW.Cor. Lot lOvBlk.51;E,4O' N. l40';w.4O' ;S.l4CI to point of beginrinp. James H.Gritton crop .01?116 67.P5 00m.1001N.& 40tH. of NW.Cor.I,ot 10,B1k,51; F.40' J%l40";W.40'; S. 140 to beg. Daniel B. Holiar 5600 .OIPI 16 67.V5 3 Elizabeth Quinn 9975 .OlPllC3 1Po.pe8 4 Elizabeth Quinn 0975 .012126 120.S6 b F;izaboth Quinn 9975 .01^116 1P0,F6 A rlizaboth Quinn 9975 .01P126 17 0.sv S� 7 Rlizabeth Quinn 49S7,5 .01"1l6 6^.^.5 NU 7 "'illiam 'M. Quinn 4987.5 .Oi 116 6^.�',3 S.32 1 8 AX.Abhott 6080 .01n116 73.e7 N.Poi'£ Plizabeth Quinn 3695 .012116 47.19 9 Flizabeth Quinn 9975 .012116 120.P.6 10 Fannie J. ,Vewell A.Jr. , h Fred'k A. 'Wiley 9975 .01P116 120.M 11 Caroline F. i:nntz 9500 .n12116 115.10 1? Cr.roline E. h'antz 9500 .O1?116 115, 10 15 Caroline E. ".antz 9"00 .O1E216 115. 10 14 varoline E. h°:antz 9500 .012110 115. 10 15 Caroline E. Vartz 9500 .012116 115. 10 16 Caroline H. Uantz 9500 ,01P216 115. 1(' 17 Carolire E. Mantz g500 .0121116 115. 10 1P. Caroline E. Mantz 6650 .01211f 80.57 19 Carclire Martz 6660 .0121113 SO.5 PO Caroline E, 'Hartz 7000 .012116 84.P.1 S1 helm A. Walker 7000 .01211L 84.01 22 Caroline F. b'antz 7000 .01P.11p P4.S3 25 17illiam V.Btlrnes 5800 .nl?Ilf 87.85 LOT NO, PROPERTY OTNI R AREA COST 7% WT.: ' COi:T - BLOCK 61 1 plus alloy ,=. ary A.Harris MOO .01z118 027S.67 6 part of 9 E. of Ditch and alloy paid 17. Los 31625 .012116 383, 17 3 Plus wl alloy Celostia Bouton P,3000 .012116 27r,.67 S 4 rlus alley Gocrgo C. YoCornick 11500 .011.1116 150.34 P 4 plus t alley John H. Wilkins 1150C .01rlle'• iT'1.34 5 -lug alley Erma J.Brolliar 23000 .01r116 2^E.F7 E.50'R rl.us alley Olivor rilkins 6900 .01P,116 £' .sO W.EO'i:.10096 P.V.Wobster 5750 .012116 en.1"7 W.*.' '6 John L.Klamn 5175 .01P116 62.70 E.451W.9016 Halley L.& Retta Albright 15175 1019116 62.70 Si & B.50'NAU 7 Jahn 11, Wilkins 14950 .01`-111.6 181.13 W.501F. 1001N.50'7 P.P.Webstear 9500 .012116 30.29 E'.4$1W.90'Nj 7 Halley Lot ROtta Albripht 25S7.5 .01i:116 31.3 r W.45:Wj- 7 John L.Kianm 2M7.5 .012116 31.35 S.?-� W.50'E. 100'N� 7 John LeKlar-r, 375 .Ol::ll6 4.54 8 plus � alley Celcstia Bouton 23000 .012116 278.67 9 l7eet of l toh Snr.ash J. Gregory 14375 .011:116 174. 17 10 plus alley Pearl Is.& Jessie R. '..`oore 23000 .022216 27e.67 Eg; J3?.O^It F2 Cori.50'S.of SE.Ccr.L1k.62 T1. 125' j��i. 1�0 � j3. 1P5' j . 150' to ber.inrinr. UI:arles 7 "Iliott 18750 .01211e 297. 17 <1.71 '& W.401Lot 1. Levi Curr.ingham,b.H.MoCarty & Bdward Schenk 10700 .012116 129.E4 2 Levi Cunninaharr,,B.H.1•7oCarty & ,Edward Schenk 19950 .011.1111E 241.71 S1, 3 "--ry Collarer Shipley 9975 .012116 120.86 Nt• 3 Frank A. Collasner 9975 .01211E 1PO.86 4 Levi Cunn1n6ham.b.1I.1.'cCarty & Edward Schenk 19950 .011.'.i16 241.71 g Effie 1'.. Collaner 19950 .012116 241.71 BLOCK 71. S 1 S.P.Bills 9500 .01211e 115.10 N 1 HFry E. Honry(Contrsct to Y,C.Brown 9500 .012116 115.10 S 2 Charles F. Bulfor 9500 .01rlle 115.10 N 2 Ernest L' .& Geo,F.ROberts 9500 .01211e 115.10 8 3 Ernest W.& Geo.F.Roberts 9500 .019116 115. 10 N 8 Fmeline F. Post 9500 .01F11.6 li5.10 ✓ 4 escer.t ".20' Eliza 1" Learnard 17000 .011P11E1 205.97 W.^C'4 Arth,,,r Ditch Cc. 2000 .019116 24.P.5 E.5515 Thomas .4.Davy(centr.0.".Y'lelliver) 5500 .01211E 66.64 W.5515 Thomas H.Davy(contr.T .J.Carrenter) 5500 .O1P..116 66.84 Balance 5 Thenas H. Davy 8000 .nielle 96.93 E.55'6 Thomas H. Davy(eontr.1 . "." elliver) 5500 .0161le 66,A4 W.55'6 Thomas I1, Davy(oontr.'-.,'.Currenter) 5500 .012116 f9.64 Balnnce 6 Thorns I1. Davy 8000 .012116 06.93 N�- 7 Jennie fierce 9500 .01P.Ile 115.10 S- ? Flsic Christian 950r, .012116 11S. 1p NY 8 " illiar I..Burnett 9500 .01P116 115. 1!1 a "illian Collopy 4500 .01R116 54.59 W. 140'S 8 Annie R. Strang 5000 .012116 60.5p b; CCST s`f, TOTAL COjT BLOCK 81 i Sigma Delta Fratorr.ity C.B.Corr. P500 .012118 16, 115.10 2 Siena Delta Fraternity C.F.Corp. 9500 .012116 115.10 3 Thcras J. ' arror. 9500 .012116 115.10 S.04 Thomas J. 77arren 1140 .01211E 13.Pl N.4414 Lizzie Eer{lnrer 6360 .n12118 101.29 5 Frank I* Noore 9500 .012116 115.10 6 R.V.Rr�;er 9500 .012116 115.10 7 R.V.Rarer 9500 .012116 115.10 8 R.V.Raror 9500 .112113 11.5.10 E.110'9 ?'ary N. Sauars 7000 .01211E P4.F-1 Pr.00'9 John A. & Amanda L. Falk 8000 .012116 96.93 W.401E. 11009 Fary Jacobson 4000 .012116 4R.4e E.7010 F'ary It. 3auers 7000 .012116 P4.61 W.£0'10 John A. a Amanda L.Palk 8000 .012116 98.P3 7'.409E. 110' 10 Vary It. Jacobaon 4000 .01211d 4P*48 ^.40011 Ida Eorrizon 4000 1012116 48.48 :.a0'Y:'.PC)'11 Alxice H. Chase 50" .012-116 6n.8 ll S.V.& J.R.Slentz.Dorn Jones, t.,.C11ne.H.Po:and,& Farierdwarda 10000 .01211E 121.is W,40' 12 Ida Vorrison 4000 .012116 4A.48 :. 90119.90112 Alice B. Cl::-ase 5000 .012116 (30.58 2.100' 12 S.t'.&.J.12.3lonfz,D.Jores,B.vline H.Poland. tYarie Edwards 10000 .012116 121.16 W� BLOCK 91 s Mabel Brown 9500 .012116 115. 10 10 !',abel F. Dracm 9 50,0 .01211fi 1'5.1n f-Wsouaro in NR.Cor. 11. Yubel E.Bro= tT2 .01.21if 7.57 1:1 oxcent p'5' } square ir, ?:7.Corner,,"ra.J.J.K0rr flF175 .01`-7116 107.1=5 12 C.N..& Any D, Snitli 9500 .012116 11F. 10 13 Charlas Trinble 9500 .012116 115.10 14 Charles Trimb a 9500 .01.2116 115.1.0 E.9015 Tyra I,% Neiphbors 45(0 .01211E 54.52 W. 100 15 t'ay 7. Baker 5000 .01.2116 60.58 E.90'16 Myra 1%, Noighbors 4500 .0.12116 54.52 W. 100'le Play n. )?aker 5000 .012216 60.58 BLOCK 268 LOOFTS l Goorpin C. t°arshall 9300 .012116 115.10 E.C'Dat'e P500 .01211C 11"5.10 3 A.C.En,.zrd (Estate) 9500 .01211E 11P.1n r. 'Irs. !NT, Y. Hicks 9500 .01211E 115.10 5 Oscar 1'. Anderson 9500 .019116 115.1f 6 F.D,Bullard 5,0500 .01211E 116.10 7 Waltvr Go 1sriRrs P500 .01S1le 11fi.in p i�atie C. A111te 9500 .01211E 115.10 9 Chris'ian 'Uhite 9,5no .01^116 115.10 10 Ardrew Lesson 9500 .01211E 11s�.10 11 J�-hr. Lindsey 0500 .012216 i1`>. 10 12 Frank "r. Barris n500 .012116 In. 1Q E.50'15 Yary S. Brown 28n0 .012116 30.29 17.50'E. 1.00.13 Clanoia P.& Luasel z:loning 2500 .012116 30.29 F.501W.Pn' 13 Ezra E. Kraft WO .01"Ilr+ 30.2P W.40'13 '.'alcoub H. Harris 2000 .01211E 24.23 W.120' 14 Great restern Sugar Co. 6000 .011,1116 7P.7n E.70' 14 &15 For.& Clara L Scott 7000 .01211e 84.81 W. 120' 15 Alexanlor Rr.:alie 6000 .012116 79.70 E.50' le Mary S. From 25n0 .01211,E 50.29 5t'.30'E. inn'16 Clan= ia P.A tassel Fler=ing 25n0 .01911f, 30.29 -J.90'16 Ezra E. graft 2500 .012116 30.99 W.4016 "alGorb E. Harris 9000 .011:7,116 24.23 LO' FO, L"t07' 'y O-TUM %MA, CC^im 17T,' TOTAL COST _..CCY 269 L00_'.IS 1 svaltor S. & Gladys Dixon 9500 .012116 ?`115. 10 4 "illi.an 0. Conway 0500 .012116 115. 10 5 John S. Oliver 9 500 0012116 113. 10 7 T.C.Taylor 9500 .012116 115. 10 9 Kra. ?.:ary burg 9500 .012116 115. 10 9 A.R.& L.lielle Krause 9500 .012116 115. 10 E.4,010 Seta n.Dickbnson 2400 .n12116 29.08 W.43'v.94010 Carl L. Krause 23PO .012116 27.P7 W'.98010 A.F.& L.Belle Krause 4800 .012116 5P. 18 E. 4R, 11 Eeta P. Dickinson 2400 .012116 29.0F. T.41'E.94111 Cirl I,. Krause 2300 1012116 27.1117 W.n8'71 A.F.& L.Belle Krause 4P00 .012116 58. 16 N.5' 12 A.F.& L.Belle Krause 950 ,012116 11.41 3.45#12 Esta R. Dickinson P550 .012118 105.89 13 Charlss L.Ballman 9500 .012116 115. 10 E.4?'14 Esta R. Dickinson 2400 .012116 29.0E T.46#F.94114 Carl T•, Y.rause i300 .012116 27.?7 W.96914 A...Q.& 1,.B®Ile Rra.use 4000 .019116 5P: 16 E.48915 Esta R. Dickinson 1400 .0121le 89.08 W.491E.94015 Carl L. Krause 2300 .012116 27.117 W.99'15 A.F.& I..Belle Krause 4800 .01pile 58. 16 161 Ethel Nerdener 9500 .012116 11% "A." T.C.Taylcr 10500 .012116 1P7.•'`^ "B" T.C.Taylcr 3000 .012116 36.35 Nathan ,g ;.'ary N.Wallace 3000 .01211(3 sR.35 W.30'"C" Nathan & Mary H. Wallace 4500 1012116 54.5? F. 10'"C" G.L.Thorms 1500 .012116 18. 17 "D" G.L.Thcmas 6000 .012116 72.70 BLOC?. 9,70 L0,1IIS S.75'1 Anra A*& 'Mm.B.G2rrett 3000 .012116 36,3E N. In,5'1 Carria 2. "cCornlck 4200 .012116 50.99 S.751P. Anna A.& Wm,B.Garrett 3000 .012116 55. 55-- N.103'2 Carrie S.',;'eCorriek 4200 .012116 50.P9 3 Orlando flower 7200 .012116 87.'74 4 Yary Severson 7200 .012116 87.14 E.2093 Yary Severson 3600 .012116 43.f,P John C. Davts 3600 ,0121le 43.R2 6 John C. Davie 7200 .012116 P7,24 7 Ben F.Cha, Dion 7200 0012116 P7.n4 B Minnie A. Bock 7200 .012116 87.*14 E'd 9 Minnie A. Bock 3800 .012116 43.69 N. 130'Vi 9 1earrarot F. Ccly WOO .(`12,1le 31.'i0 S.50'Wi 9 W.1L.Va»lon 1000 401211f1 12, 19 N.1'^' 10 .4arFaret F. Cody 5200 .012118 63.00 S.50' 10 W.F,Vnplon 2000 0012?le 24. 04 °.E0' 11 Lon Jar ns 2500 .01?,.116 r:, 50' 7. 100'12 R.L.Lewis PWO .01211ft 30.99 .45'" 90'll Borer L. Cooding 2250 .012.116 27.:>R 9.49111 Jares .4. Annie 13.0hristie 22150 .012116 9!7.2R 1? George 17. Crabar 9500 .01211fl 115.10 13 Srercer Farner 9500 .012110 115.10 ".50' 14 &15 Lon Jares 5000 .012116 60.58 E.5n'7'!. 100.14 5- 15 R.L•.Lewis 5000 .01'211.1 t7.45'F..£+O' 14 & 15 11or:or I. Goodin; 4500 .012116 54.52 E.4.5114 & 15 Jar..os & Annie I .Christie 4500 .012116 54.52 le L.L•.Barrington & B.L.Groer 9500 .01?llt' 115.10 17 Catherine F:.00n 9500 .012116 113.10 50'1? Lc:: Jar vis 2600 .012116 30.PQ E.50'W. 100' 18 R.L.Lewis 2500 .012116 30.29 W.459E.90'18 Ho!,er L Gooding 2250 .012116 27.26 E. 5' lA Jares & Annie 1 .Christie 2250 .rIP116 27.26 LOT H0. nR:1s� 008T Pi . IOTA"- COST OCE R71 ?.CO, I5 S.L.RicI:©son E. 10'2 n r .012116 � 1R1. 18 S. .Rich®son 1675 1675 .n11,116 20.?9 T.30`en, Susie R. Lincoln 5025 .01p116 6n.A9 F.-Ul 3 Susie R. Lincoln 3350 .011,11E 40,59 Tt 3 f'azry E. Fullerton 3350 .012116 40.59 4 Yary F. Fullerton e700 6012116 81.18 5 Williar± H. Donaldson C5700 .Olplle 81.1.8 6 Tara 0. Anderson 6700 .011116 R1. IP 7 ti.L.& Ruby F.Benedict 8700 .n12116 81. 18 8 Anna 1. eyer 6700 .019116 81. 18 9 Willis F. Churchill e700 .012116 P1. 18 1n H.V.Jacobsor. 6700 ,n1p116 81.18 i.1 5.0.& Rlizab©th Iarkor 9500 .01^118 118. Ir 12 Roy h. RutlkedEe 9500 .O1p116 115. 10 13 Forreat G. Boma P 500 .ciplie 115. 10 14 Charles L Mott 950nl .^11.116 115.in 15 C.II.& Any L. Crith 9500 .01"116 115,lr 16 Abbie C. Lunnon 9500 .01p116 115. 1n 17 Laura Lrunton P500 .01pi16 115.10 1P t!ary B.Christran 9500 .019116 115. 10 Cori.at Sw Cor.Lot 19 & S. 110' to ber. Edna Love Sadler 6n50 .011116 73.30 N.F7J`14 Sarah 3. I.,ove 12300 .Olpllei R7.P7 20 excopt 97. 15`,a.11n' Sarah S. Love 5050 .0inile 81. 19 T.30021 Sarah Is. Love 5025 .011116 60.P9 E. 10021 Alvin R. ar -Innis, y.Scott 2675 .011116 20.?_9 22 Alvin R. & ! inrie E.Scott 6700 .01PIle R1. 18 i 2 3 :'horas Ii. Tale C7!'•0 .01pile P1.18 ..4 Thoras ii. 1 a 1 a 3350 .012116 40.59 Et 24 EMvett C. EoAnelly 3350 nipile 41.59 15 sett C. VoAnally 6700 .c1211E P1.18 f6 Linden InveatT-ont Co. 6700 ,012116 81.18 T. 10127 Linden Investnent Co 1675 .Olf?116 20.29 E.30027 Cathorine ' oon 5025 .rl9lle 60.P9 1,8 Catherine i:oon 6700 .nlplle 81.18 LLOCK 276 LOO SI S 1 C.':..Garrett 9500 .0121I6 115. 10 4 william J.Dawacn 0 Vr .n12116 115. 10 5 Jchn T. Janes 9500 .n11,116. 115. 10 7 ."artha E.Hoerlein 9500 .01a116 115. 10 8 Williar H. Fee 9500 .019116 115. 10 mll^'9 Williar^ Ii. Fee ' 1900 .012116 23.02 S.41Q4 Partha hyNoerloin P500 .012116V" 10 115. 0 it Fred Richards 9500 .nip116 119. 1n N.309in P.J."urphy 5700 .01p116 69.I^6 S.20112 Tilliar Thomson 3800 .nIpllrl 4R.04 F.30113 ,ailliam Thomrson 57nn .01p116 6P.n6 S.20013 Robert L.Yauzey 3800 . .012116 46.n4 14 -ena '.filler 9500 .niPile 115.10 15 Tera `°il.ler 95010 .01?11R 115.10 1d Robert L.bauzey PUT .012116 115.10 17 Fannie Stoneback 6650 .012116 Sn.57 19 Rosa L.Viohola 6650 .012116 80.57 19 Elizabeth, r. S;Thiatleman 8650 .019216 80.57 20 Rose r-.1'echling 6650 .nl2lle 80.57 LOT NO. PROPERTY O'FREII AREA 0052 rZ. TOTAL COST BLOCK 2,79 I.COYIS 1 Jacob ". Fortner 9500 .^12116 AIIF); I+ 2 H.''.Balrer 9500 .01"116 lilt;In 3 ',Vn.J.O'Hrien 9500 .O1?116 115.10 4 R.1'.Pardew 9500 .012116 115. 10 5 D it Zollner 9500 .01221E 115; 10 6 Edith ',I. Holainpor 9500 .01SI116 115.10 '' 1'rs. J.H.Hola®nper 9500 .012116 115.1(1 P 11.11.1"eat 9500 .01211e 115.10 9 Ooorre F. Corrors S)500 ,0121116 115.10 10 Yar} iana H. Otis 9500 .01PI16 115. 10 11 Mariana ii. Otis 9500 .01P11G 115.10 Ip H. I.Sholine 9500 ,n1pile 11.5.in 13 James I"ulton 9500 .^1P11f 11g.In E.50'14 H.Y.Sholine 2500 .012116 30.29 . 140' 14 Katie Chesliut 7000 .01211E P4.P1 F.60' 15 I1.11.Sholine 2500 .012116 3n.P9 'Y. 140'15 Katie Chesnut 7000 .012116 P4.P1 16 Jame® Pultcn 0500 .01P. IM 113. 10 BLOCK 2PO ?.(:CPIs 1 Charles T. Groover J7200 .012116 P7.24 F.' 2 Charles I. Groor,er 3600 .01Rile 43.6P W 2 1%#Arry Evans 3600 1012116 43.E32 E.3013 Harry Evans 5400 .012116 F,5.43 w.103 Belle Gerhart 1800 .012116 21.81 4 Belle Gerhart 7900 .012116 P7.24 5 Lucia V. Lumatead 7200 .012116 P7.P,4 6 II.I .Garbutt 7200 1019,116 87.24 7 Aida E. Purnhy 7200 101,3116 87,24 E.1008 Aida E. k'.urPhy 1PO0 .ni2lis P.1.P1 W.301P 3'.ary Lrinker 54" .010116 65.43 F.20'9 ' ary Brinker woo .012116 43.e2 W.2019 Albert L, Dunn WOO, .011116 43.62 10 Albert H. Dunn 7200 .012116 IF'7.24 N.60'19 Jessie K.Clarke 3000 .01^116 36.31t3 S. 140119 A."'. dar 7000 .012116 P4.P1 M0,20 Jessie K, Clarke 3000 .01211(3 36.35 S.140'20 T"ayno H. Hackett 7000 .019116 P4.PI 21 W.L.Chene$ & h.L.Goodini; 10000 .012116 121. 16 P2 & ' alloy Drank & Ettle Henson 10000 .012116 1?1. 1F 23 & a11Py Arelia Lausheer 10000 .012116 1"1. le 24 ?table C. Yule 10nn0 .012116 1111. 16 25 Yable C. Yule 10000 .012116 1:'l. le, H.PS126 liar Id C. Pratt 4"50 .912116 51.40 S. 115'Fe Charles 0. 1:irp,, 6750 .019,116 C39.f7 LOT NO, F..,jPERTf O'.1�ER E...4�.A, COST FT. TOTAL COST BLOCK 981 LOO"I3 1 J*Mack & Belle C. Hills 6700 .012119 81. 18 2 J.Vaek k belle C. kills 6700 .012116 R1. 18 5 J.I:ack & Bel's C. ":ills 6700 .012116 81.18 4 E.C.o' i;atilda Violet 6700 .212116 81.18 5 Robert &`.filler 6700 1012118 P1.18 e Robert :"filler 6700 .01211E 81.18 7 Anna Feardsley 6700 .019116 81.le 8 Ada 1'. 13ustwood 6700 1012116 81.1E E.33'9 T.C.Jehnoton 65PS .019116 68.98 T.7'9 A.T.& Ada .'.Rudolph 117E .012110 14.20 10 A.T.& Ada :R. Rudolph 6700 .012118 81.18 11 Irving L. Drennon 9500 .012116 115.10 12 Ella Cooksie 9500 .012118 115.10 13 .H.&Ellon A.Ballard 9500 .012116 118.10 14 Alice S. NoNose 9500 .019116 115.10 is Roy I . Taylor 9500 .012118 115.10 18 Pearl W. Graham 9500 .012116 115.10 17 Nyrtle E. heeler 9500 .012116 115.10 18 Goorre P. Connors 9500 .012116 115.10 29 Crpha 1.. Passkey 8375 .01211e 101.47 30 Charles f;. Sholdon 8375 .022116 101.47 31 LeRoy R. Schaap 8375 .012116 101.47 32 Helen Klein 8375 .012116 101.47 33 Alexander Ault 837r, .012116 101.47 34 George E. Garrett 8375 .011;?118 101.47 35 Arres H. Giddings 8375 .01"116 101.47 36 Ethel 9. Avery 8375 0010116 101.47 BLOCK 289 LOOK+IS l Henry A. Talker 9500 .012116 115.10 4 Henry A. 17alker 9500 .012116 115.10 5 Anna H. Gaylord 9500 .012116 1115,10 7 Walter D. Green 9500 .01211E 115.10 8 Smith KBv=s(Karnos) 9500 .012116 1115.10 9 Orange A. Decker 950.0 .01211e 115.10 10 Walter D. Green 9500 6012116 115.10 12 Prank A. Soult 9500 .012116 115.10 13 ratte F. Emerson 0500 .012116 115.10 16 Fetta F. person 9500 1012116 115.10 17 Mae E.Sehlagle 6650 0012116 80.57 18 Bprtha R. Dixon 0650 .012110 80.57 19 A,Ray I':cDowell 6650 .012116 81%507 20 Wesley R. Tonlin 0650 0012116 80.57 21 Fred CuTM:aings 7000 .012116 84.81 22 A..:'.Thor^ann 6510 .0.1211e 7E.P8 23 Eleanor E. Igo 6510 .012116 7p.88 24 Kenneth B. Sullivan 6580 .012116 79.72 ?,OT NO. PROPFR. Y O`rNFR AR';A COST PT. -TOTAL COST LLc,i K 290 LO0VIS 1 Ethel T. Warren 7200 .01P118 87.24 2 J.J.Bauran(Contr.to I .F.Bunnell ) 7200 .01S116 P7.24 3 henry Lender 7200 .012116 P7,94 4 Edward H. Rumley 7200 .019116 87.24 5 Madeline h.Bellizzi IYSOO 0012118 R7.04 t .516 Eadolire H.Bellizzi 1900 .012116 10,90 1rt.3516 Mania L.Hondrix 6300 .01211e 76.33 7 D.E.Childs 7200 .01"lle $37.24 8 II.F.Varlon & 0.'_1.Rayner 7200 .01?116 P7.R4 g Katherine 1,, Baker 71?00 .0101116 ".24 In C.3.Vitohell 7200 .01'11R P7.74 Com.at Si' Cor.Blk.290; N. 200' ;F.40 ' ;S.rn0' ;& W.401 to bar. henry Schwas 6000 .01pile 96,93 13 11innie C.Shaw 8000 .01nile 96.03 14 Eliza A. 71lis 8000 .01?118 9R.93 15 ' .n.liurley� 9000 .012116 fi6.93 18 1Tartha A. Cornwell 8000 .0VIlle 96.93 .40123 babel C. Yule 8000 .012116 96.98 2.10123 Jar:.ea 1 . Shealy P,OOO .01n118 24.P8 W.25124 Jar-as Y. Sheely 5000 .019116 60.58 5.60'E'; 94 Aranda F. Flowers 1260 .012116 15.15 N.50'EL� 24 Jennie 1'. Robinson 1250 .0121I6 15. 15 5.50125 & 26 Aranda F. Flowers 5000 .012116 60.58 F.W 25 & 26 Jennie 1'. Robinson 5000 .012116 60.58 Con.50'N.gf SE Cor 2>00; " . 105' ;N.50';E. 125, 1& 5.500 to bola '.R.Bryan 6250 .01.'l16 75.73 Cor.100111.of SW.Cor.29©j ft.50' ;E. 125' ;& S.50' to beg I.Glenn :unshorn 6P50 .01^116 75.73 BLOC1 291 LOO!eIS John J. Crinsran 5700 .nl.^116 44.P3 5.75'1 Berrard F. Hoerlein 3000 .012116 36.35 N.92 'E.2C'2 John J. Criss-an 1P50 .01P116 22.41 S.75'E.2012 Bernard F. hcerloin 1500 .012116 lr. le 7a.570'2 Scary C. Boland 3350 .012116 40.59 E.3503 Vary C. Boland 15S63 .O1t?118 71.n4 %1.515 George J. Sroeton 837 .0VU 16 10. 14 4 Goorge J. Sre©ton 6700 .012116 81. 1e 5 T.A.Rutherford (1700 .012116 F1.le 6 F'.R.1ontromery 6700 .019116 P1.18 7 F.P.Le.Riviere 6700 .01P.116 P1.1e 8 Nora A. Cameron 6700 .012116 P1.1e 9 Anna L.Watroun 6700 .012116 P1.18 10 David Kinble 6700 .010116 P1.1P 11 Rebecca F. Street 9500 .0121le 115. 10 12 George r. Crahar; 9500 .012116 115. 10 13 George El. Grahan 95oO .Olnils 115. 10 14 L'nm:a A. Robinson 9500 .01.1116 115.10 15 William A. Stallln,,s 9500 .012116 115. 10 16 G.F.Wiard 9"r0 .01PIl6 115.10 17 Addis L. brown 9500 .01P116 115. 10 16 Barbara Poter.an 9500 .012116 115. 1n 19 Frederick t,-, Estella Barnard 6700 .0110.116 181. 18 W.25'Pn Frederick & Estella Larrard 4188 .012116 50.74 E.15120 Charles 0. Crane 2512 .01P116 30.44 21 Charles O. Crane 67001 .0112116 81.18 22 Leirh R. Schxap 6700 .^1>11E? P1. 18 23 S.B.& minors, 7.Nuckolla 6700 .019118 P1.18 24 Ida I.."Byer 6700 .012116 pl. ig 25 1, .R.& ''.C.L-orrian 6700 .012116 P1.1P P8 .,arraret i..Payne 6700 .012116 P1. 1P P7 ",,rgaret F:.Payne 6700 .01�116 P1.18 LOT NO. PROPM7 O`M} 'R ARIA COST FT.- TOTAL COST ';LOw. 291 LGO1=1.IS (Continued) 28 2enae 21rn 6700 .Ol"11s 81. 18 i ?.00K 1 Wk HINCTTON `'LACE F.got 1 R,Breniman 2800 .012116 83,92. W.43.401 Winona T, Taylor 6076 .0191le 73.e2 2 Bert °c Alice Kelley 5600 .012116 67.P5 3 trances Volvey 5600 .018116 67,85 4 ".& B.Conncrs(Contr. toC.-.Itelly) 560n .OlEll6 e7,P5 5 71111am B. AUn 5600 1012116 67.R5 6 George F. Connors 5600 .012116 67.P5 7 W.S,Furdle 5600 .012116 67.S5 8 Pearl , Graham 5600 .012116 67.85 9 Yrs. Lottie Voasl 5600 .012116" 67,P5 10 J.C.Ao;:lin .5600 .01P,ll6 e7.85 11 John Hohnstein 5600 .012116 67.85 1^ Nathan C. Warren 54100 1012116 67.P5 13 William 11. Srith 5600 .012116 67.P5 14 Mrs. L.J. 'almer 5800 .012116 67.85 lb Elizabeth P. Spanner 5600 .012116 67.P8 16 J.C.Acklin 5600 6012116 87,P5 17 Ii.I!.H a.lner 5600 .012116 67,P 18 TT:oras B. berry f1600 .012116 67.SS 19 Thomas A. & Ida I'.Aicholas 5600 .01fl116 an00G 20 Hulda Gebort 5600 .012116 67.88 ^1 Julius Hendrickson 5600 .nl^lie ".Ps 22 P.P.buckle(Contr.to Iif:.rry I'fafiler) 5600 .012116 67.P5 g3 Frances J. !`Lrtin 5600 .01211e 8".P5 W. "1.4124 Frances J. Partin 7196 .012116 87. 19 F, IQIP4 John D. Kel2y lean .01IM6 20.35 25 John D. Kelly 5600 .01^11e 97.88 26 P.BreniTnan 5600 .012116 67.05 BLOCK 2 WASIUNGTON PLACE 1 D.H.Salyors 8400 .012116 101.77 2 V,3,71 erce 5600 .r12116 67,P5 3 John R. & Linrie :.3. Miller 5600 .019116 67.F5 4 John 0. Mefford 5800 .012116 67.F?5 5 John 0, Nefford 5600 .012116 67.P5 6 T.?%& flarrietV.Chriotie 5600 .012116 67.P5 7 F".R.Foray the 5600 .01011e e7.P5 P Errost C.Oakes 5600 .012116 67.P5 a John P.Talty 5600 .012,ile 67.P5 10 The Great 7ea4torn Sugar Co. 56001 .012116 67.P5 11 D,rSalyers MOO .012116 67.Rr, lei liarietta Jones 10220 1012116 123.85 W.fi8113 Iar$ha 2 Williams 8820 .01,0116 106.86 E. 10113 Brown Thompson 1400 1012116 16.97 14 grown Thommson 5600 .012116 67.P5 is Waltor Collins 5600 .0121le 67.P5 113 ^falter Collins 5600 .01?lle a-.P5 17 Paul T. 716(lcr. 5M .O1'l16 67.O5 is Ronilda Viers 5600 .012116 67.85 19 Lewis F. "!ade 5600 .n1?116 E17.85 20 !`.'t'jT 3tcalfetContr.to C.L.Forney) 5600 1010116 67.P5 21 Yrs. Xarie A. Ultronthal 56nn .rlplIr f7.P5 "2 :-'artin r. Landis 5600 .012116 67.r5 23 William F, Waddle 5600 .0121le 67.P5- ^4 1st.Chrictian Church of It.Colline 8400 .01211t6 101.77 •O1 ? PROPERTY OWNER Fa&I A C0R1' Fi. TOTAL Ct?_,T bjr OCK 3 WAS HINGTON PLACE 1 Clayton Woolsey 8250 0012116 99.98 2 Varnio A. Cannon 5800 .012216 86.64 3 G.I6; Eichin 5500 .012118 68.64 4 G. Eichin 5500 .012126 66.64 5 A.J.Ferguson 5300 *012118 66.r4 e W,D.Sylvestor 5500 .012116 66.64 E* 7 SS.D.Sylvester 2750 .1112118 53.52 7 Jchn G. Nesbit 2750 0012116 53.32 8 John G. Nesbit 5500 0012116 66.R.4 A 1arion W. Newell (Cortr.toR.R.'°.athews) 5500 .012118 66.64 10 Rachel H, Roo 5500 .01"116 66.e4 11 A.IS.Randlo•-an 5500 .012116 66.64 12 Brown Tho--son 10057.5 .012116 121.61 BLOCK 4 WASHIP.CTON PLACE N.7511 E*C.& Ida B.Fuqua 4755 .012116 57.011 Amanda h Ruben W.Boyer 3962.5 .012110 48.01 2 E.H.Rumley 5500 .O1P,116 88.64 3 J.E.Johns 5500 .012116 66.64 4 Charlotte A. Wetxler 55n0 .01^116 66.t�4 5 W.R.Newport 5500 0012116 ee.64 6 Anna B. Vather $500 .012116 86.64 7 F.L,Hlteholl 5500 .012116 86.64 S Catherine Osborne 5500 .012116 SC.64 9 3tary 1•.. Rison 5500 .012118 e6.64 10 John Gaylord Bishopp 5500 9012116 68.64 11 J.7.h Sarah 1-'.. Bledsoe 5500 .01211s 66.64 12 D.C.Ilelson 5500 0012116 66.64 N.75113 B.C.& Ida BL Fuqua 3000 0012116 36.35 5.62j- 13 Amanda d Ruben W. Boyer 2500 .012'll6 30.29 BLOCK 1 SCOTT-SI1_R"='OOD 1 ft- .H.Narnor 9500 .012118 115. 10 2 Wa*H.Ragner 9500 .012116 1.15. 10 3 C.C.MoElravy 9500 .012116 115. 10 4 C.CoMeElravy 9500 .01p'118 115. 10 5 Adam J. YcGowar. 9500 .012116 11 r. lf r•, George A. XMM Remele 9500 .019,116 1115. 10 7 Bessie I.& Alvin b. 1roKibb6n9500 .012118 115. 10 6 H.H.Hartnan �1500 .012116 1151in 9 Byrd L. Annie 9500 .012116 10 Frank J. Annie 9500 ,012118 115.10, 11 Thomas F. Lacy P500 .012116 11b. 10 12 Ivy M. Cook 9500 0019116 115. 10 13 Byron Alnert 9500 .012116 115. 10 14 Nettie C. Cooke P500 0012116 11.5. 10 is Er-len AL Franl:lin(Fzltate ) 9500 ;012116 115.10 16 '?ri.F.Brownell 9500 .01?118 115.10 LOT 1ti0. AY O`"NY?R An':.A COST -FT, TOTAL COST FLOCK 8 SCOTT.BH"R"SOD 1 W.E.Forsythe 9500 .012116 4115.10 ".Fi.Foray tho 9500 :012116 115. 10 3 Thomas J. Williams 9500 .012116 115.20 4 John C. Lane 9500 4010116 115.10 5 S.J.Casteel 9500 .012116 115.10 6 Linden Investment Co. 9500 .010116 115.10 7 Vernon Re Cra, 'ord 9500 .01P116 115.10 6 Lula Sear 9500 .012116 115.10 9 D.E.14oaserschmidt 9500 .01211c1 115.10 1C Z".F.Nright Jr. 9500 .012116 115.10 11 GoorFe A. `"ells 9500 .010116 115.10 1< Charles J.Fell 9500 101PI16 115.10 13 John S. & Yary 1,. _.;inF 9500 .012116 115.10 14 D.C.Bascom 9500 .niplie 115. 10 15 ;.C.Turnor 9500 .0121le 115. 10 16 S.P.&- Florence L.Yorsman, 0500 .01P_1le, 111,.10 DLOCK 3 SC01 T-61i"H OOD 2 Virginia '�'. Sevior 9500 .012116 115.10 2 Rose TT. 1`a"urry 9500 .Clf 116 115.10 5 R.T.Smith 9500 .01"11,6 115. 10 4 Frnest C. Clakes 9500 .012116 115. 10 5 Ernest C. Oakes 9500 . 112116 115.10 6 Selma O.Olson 9500 . 019116 ll!-,.l0 7 Selma O. Olson 9500 .012116 115.10 F? 1.7yrtle A. Andrews 9500 .012116 118. 10 9 ➢'yrtle A. Andr. we 9500 .012116 115. 10 10 A.H.Bolt2 9500 .r Vile 115.10 11 Boise Payette Twnber Co. 9500 .012116 115.10 1 1'rs, Virginia '`. :Sevier 9500 .C1?116 115. 1^ lq Robert We Sevier 9500 .012116 115. 10 14 Alice T. Johnson 9500 .01^lle 115.10 15 Anna L. Armstrong 9500 .012116 115.10 16 Nary P. Stover 9500 .012116 116.1C 17 Vary P. Stover 9500 .0 IP'lle 12.5. 10 16 Jasper Loomis 9500 .012116 115.10 19 Thor-as lie Robertson 9500 .012116 115. 10 20 Frank J. Frown 0500 .012116 115. 10 Wj 21 Frank J. Brown 4750-EM n 12116 ITHM 57.5E F-k 21 James Witte 4750- .012116 57.8E 22 Junea Witte 9500 .012ii6 115.in lLCCK 4 SCOTT-SH RTOOD 1 E.C.Giddings 9500 .01Plle 115.10 2 C.S.Mitchell 9500 .01211e 115. 10 3 Grace lE. Riddell 9500 .01,Ule 115.10 4 Ida May Hodges 9500 .011116 115.10 G Ida 1'.ay Bodges 95CO .Ol^lie 115. 10 6 Ernest O. Bishop 9500 .01211E 115. 10 7 Ptk xzl A. Bishop 9500 .0inile 115110 V Peter Anderson 91300 .01^116 115.10 9 Peter Anderson 9500 .012116 115.10 10 Petar Anderson 9500 .Olr'll6 115.10 11 Florence B. Shippey 9500 .012116 115. 10 12 Christopher Juel 9500 .012118 115.10 13 Christopher Juel 9500 .011'116 115.10 14 Chriato^her Juel 9500 .01?116 115.10 lei Chriatophor Juel 9800 .P12116 21%10 16 Christopher Juel 9500 .01"116 11F.1n 17 Christopher Juol 9500 .01^116 115.10 is Christopher JUel 9500 .012116 115.10 19 C.L.:S? c-)ldcn 9500 .01= 116 11�.10 20 E.A.Schlichter 0500 .011>116 115.10 l Goorre J.""olfer 9500 .011":116 ita. 10 LOT NO. PR'PERTY O,FNER AREA COST IPT. ' TOTPL CO3 I LOCK 4 SCOTT-SELT700 D (Continued) E2 Herman & hilda J.Dahlgren ?b-.0 ,^1^11E? �ll� in BLOCK 5 SCOTT-SIlF-I'WOOD 2 Errest ','aycott (Estate) 9500 .012116 115.10 R IM90 t Tayoott (Estate) 9500 .01?116 115.10 3 P,',riorson 9500 .012116 115.10 4 A.,WaScott 9500 .01`pile 115.10 5 A.W.Scott 9500 .01"116 115. 10 6 H.J.Livirrston 9500 .010116 115. 2<0 7 Lillian N. Carey 9500 ,01^116 215.10 0 Lillian V. Caroy 9500 .012118 115. 10 9 Lola A,Bartholf 9500 .012116 115; 10 10 G.A.Hay-.akor &R.A.Russall 9500 ,nVIIIP 11�.2^ 11 Lillian M. Carey 91,300 .0inliti 115.10 I Emoline E. Post P500 .0in116 11R.10 15 R.A.Russell & G.A.Haymaker 95r'0 .0l?11e 115. 10 14 R.A*Russell & G.A.Hayraker 10450 -012118 156.?71 15 R.A.'Ems sell Pc G-A-Haynaker 17PS5 .012116 POS.P0 1t3 Edward R. Baker 95(?0 .012116 115.10 17 Edward R. Baker 9500 .01E116 115.i0 18 Sarah C. I:owell 9500 .012116 115.10 19 Dana I4.Griep 9500 .019.,11.E 115. 10 20 Lea Y, Griep 9500 1012116 115.10 El F ^ a I.. Grief 9500 -01211E 11r; 10 22 Et=a Y, Gri®{3 9500 .012116 11r.10 23 C.?I.& Anna '.:uud Thayer 9500 .01^11F 11M.10 P4 Dora Stjauss 9500 .0VIlim 116110 25 Dora & Charlotta Staung 0500 .01P,ile 11R. 2^ 29 John Lt. Conbe 9500 .01Plls 11F,1n BLOCK 6 SCOTT-SHER"J00D 1 John Fisher 9300 .01211E 11�,10 2 John Fisher 9500 .01^116 115. 10 3 Ralph A. Nicholas 9500 .012116 115,4110 4 Ralph A. Nicholas 9500 .01?116 115.10 8 Gertrude & I'inrie Rhodde 9500 .01P..116 115.10 1q.3816 Al Hurdle 7220 ,01;?11E R7.48 7 Al Hurdle 9500 ,01?lls 115, 10 8 Al hurdle 9500 .01211E 115. 10 9 Robin At :Anne M.Halladay 9500 ,01r11R 115, 10 N 10 Robin & Anne P.11alladay y,' o U80 .012116 57.55 7; 10 C.II,Sheldon 4750 1012116 57.55 11 C.H.Sheldon 9500 .012116 115. 10 12 Margaret K, I:etz 9500 .01211E 115. 10 13 J.L'.Cahill 9500 .012116 115.10 14 Goo-go golfer 9500 .012116 115. 10 15 George "olfer 9500 .01211E 115.10 16 George Wolfer 9500 101211E 115. 10 L01 No. IY : x_1 tg /iY:: li 1' -:+F 1' • A 1H . !� 1 CK 7 SCO TT-SHBRI,00D 17 Edna ". Tilton 9500 .012116 2115.30 18 Boise Payette I.:urbor Co. 0500 .012116 115.10 19 Floyd F. & Fay i:.Vandewark '?500 .n12116 115. 10 20 C.J.Rolfe 9500 .012116 115.10 21 John If. Wyatt 9500 .019,116 115. 10 22 John H. Wyatt 9300 .012116 115.10 25 Levi Cunnirgham 05010 .012118 116.10 C4 Edgar If. Furkley 9500 .012116 115.10 25 School Di at.No.5.Larirer Co.9600 .012116 115. 10 26 Schcoi Diat.No.5.Lariner Co.c500 1019116 115. 10 27 School Dist.9o.5.1.t,rirer CO.9500 .01"118 1115.10 28 School Dist.Ro.S.Larintar Co.9500 •019116 115.10 24 School Dist.No.5.Lariner. ^o.93OO .01prile 115.10 30 SehoolDist.Nc.S.I.ariner Co. 9500 .012116 115. 10 31 School Dist.No.5.Larimer Co.9WO .01R116 115.10 32 School D1st.No.5.L+.rimer Co.0500 .012116 115. 10 BLOCK 1 VAN SLYK1? t^2LER ADD. 1 Frank J.Burnett 9000 .012116 109.04 2 II.G.Dieroks (Estate) 9000 .012,116 109.04 N.503, VOlney 0. Davis 2750 .0121le 33.32 S. 1251 w Ada 1'. Sr i th 62'30 .012116 75.72 4 Volney O.Davis 7000 .012116 P4.B1 5 ' .F.Ohaprnan(Contr.to;;avid Unan) 7000 .012116 a4 .01 6 I.E.Char-man 7000 •012116 84.01 7 John C.Davis 7000 .C12116 84.A1 8 John C. Davis 7000 .01?11F 84.F.1 9 C.A.Sanford 7912.5 .r'l:Mk1 95.871' 10 C.S.Lowis(Centr.58 T.C.Brown 7947.5 .01"118 98.Pd 11 C.S.Lewis(Contr.to 2.C.Iirown; 7989.5 ,012116 96.71 MOCK 2 VAN SLY H; "S7 t LER ADD. 1 Chris A. ?.!aeon 9000 .019116 109.04 2 Chris A. J".aeon 9000 .01?116 1f'9.n4 3 Alonzo F. I'clhamus 9000 .01n116 ln9.n4 4 Jonas S. Farr 7000 .012118 R4.81 5 Jonao Ii. Farr 7000 .012116 SCF11 6 Elver A. Hewitt 7000 .012118 P41,81 7 Vinnie, A. Bock 7000 .012116 84.A1 P Ray Brown 17000 .012116 f-4.R1 0 C.T.Sloan 8000 .01?118 98.93 in C.'7.Sloan SOOC .012116 98.93 11 C.',-.'Sloan 8000 .012116 96.03 110; NO. PRUPF.RTY 0741M ARFA CO:I, Fio TOTI .I. COST BLOCK 1 S.IEiTS ADD. 1 L.C.Poore 9000 .012116 �109.04 2 L.C.Moore 9000 .01211e 109.04 5 L.C,Locre lOE400 .01. 116 Z30.B6 3o.9S 4 L.C.luoore 7000 .012116 84.el L L.C*Moore 7000 .012116 84.F1 6 L.C*Poore 7000 .011-116 84.F1 7 L.C,,Aoore 7r'00 .012118 P4.81 E L.C.Voore 7CPO .012116 R4.81 9 L.@. '.^ore 7777.5 .012116 94.23 10 L.C.11coro 7795 .012116 94.40 11 I..C.Moore 9378 .012116 113.62 BLOCX 2 SWB=S ADD. 1 madge VcCarty 10800 .012118 13n.P5 2 W.G.Jackason 9000 .012116 109.C4 3 IN,E.1,7right 9000 .012116 109.04 4 L.C.Moore 7500 .01"116 90.87 C, L.C.Ilooro 760o/ .01211" 90.87 6 L.C.Mooro 7500 1012110 90.�07 7 L.C.Moore 7500 .012116 90.P7 8 L.C.Moore 7600 .012116 90.07 9 L.C.Ilooro 9423 1012116 114. 17 10 L.C.:;core 7870 .012116 95.35 11 L.C.Ycore 7807.5 .012116 95.516 GRANDVIE ? ADD. 5.90' 1 Ned rodPkine 4437..5 .01'?11Fi 53.r?0 N.5011 J.?1.Cook,TV.Harvey,h I .; .Healy 24G2.5 .012116 29.E-4 "illiam Austin 6440 .01211r, 7P,03 3 D.F.O'Loughlin 84.40 .01PI16 7P.03 4 Janes '". Grer•ory 6440 .012116 7P.03 5 1,17alter C?. Christie 6440 .01211r' 7P.03 E Sar^_uel Crane 6440 .01211t3 7P.03 1%70'7 Sama31 Crane 3675 .01^llkl 44.53 L. 190'7 0.Is'.Drew 99715 .012116 MI.Sf 13000 .01`'11F 157. ,i1 9 J.E.Kuhn 13000 .01pile 157.51 1! C.G.3nidow 13000 .012110 1S7.51 i5'7 / ll 'palter :,.Ri•^nle 13000 .01211EI 157.51 12 Theodore D.Urbahns 111"1350 .01"ile 149.Ct3 13 Frank 14. Farrell 11P50 .012116 143.57 14 Cora M. 'Riddell 7500 .012116 90.87 15 Anna H. Clayton 7500 .011>11r) 90.£i7 le Robert S. Roten 7500: .012116 90.P7 17 I{&1MM3CiK�te.8a K !%i:.Kuhn 7500 .012116 90.87 LOT N0. ! PFRTY O'NER ?A COST FT. TOTAL COST HI^MSELS ADDITION 1 H.K.Uayor 6724.5 :012116 01.47 2 Kathorine B. Jenkins 8724.5 .01P..116 81.47 5 :atherine B. Jenkins 6724.5 .012116 P1.47 4 Florenoe L. Ripple 6724.5 .012116 E11.47 5 esoept 1Y. 15' Florence E. Ripple 4474.5 .012118 54.P1 . IS15 Henry H. Lowe 2P.bO .01P116 27.P6 3 henry B. Lowe 67P.4.5 .012116 81.47 7 Ned hodl-kins(Contr.to Ralph Kinble) 02P,4.5 .01P.116 75.42 3 Florones R.Kriener 6P24.5 .012118 75.42 9 J.H.Jacobucei 02P4.5 .01P118 75.42 iC Florence Krie;vor 0224.5 .019,116 75.42 11 B.D.Freer*an rM94.6 .019,116 75.e2 12 Fran�,us E. Ott W124.5 .012116 75.42 13 Enna F. Hodgkins 6224. 5 .012116 75.42 14 Vernon F., Blake 6824.5 .012116 75.41?- 25 Victoria <,ddy F2?4.5 .010116 75.40 16 Martha F. Yorgan E3224.5 .012116 75.49 17 Esta R. Dickinson 5477.56 .01P116 66.36 18 Edpar 11. T-^inble 5726.54 .012116 60.158 13 Arthur F. Pennock 6724.5 .012116 81.47 2O B.F.:rlowers G7P4.5 .012116 81.47 21 E.Ii.Flowers 6724.5 .01P.116 81 .47 22 C1:arles F. bates 6724.5 .012116 81.47 ^3 Edward kl.NoberEall t724.5 1012116 81.47 24 1arrarst I . VandeKarr M4.5 .01P,116 81.47 1..10 S R -S?'I TH :?UBlil irI SION 1 Thonas N. Robert3on 7312.5 .012118 e8.R0 2 F'.P.Riddle 7312.5 .012116 88.60 3 Willian T. L.ewark R925 .01^116 104.50 4 William T. Leivurk 7500 .012116 90.87 5 Hattie ''. Gray 7500 .010116 90.87 6 Tillman B. Carson 7500 .0l11116 90.87 7 A.E.Ileath 7500 .012116 90.0i7 8 Maude Morrer 7500 .019116 90.97 9 Usude Vorgor 7500 :012116 90.87 10 Lucy M. Shafer 8025 .01?116 104.50 11 H,V.Nonning,er(Contr.jo !.,'.Lang) 8M50 .012116 in3.19 12 Carl A. Brafford S550 .012.116 105.59 13 W,A.1laathorne 8550 .015?116 103,59 14 Louie '«euve S550 .01piie 103.59 1F A.T.1 Rachel F.Ponninger 81,50 .0112,116 103.59 16 Ross 21. Yoore 8550 .01?116 108.59 17 Irena C.r,esce 8550 .O1?116 105. 89 18 Louie Neuve 8550 .012116 103.59 19 J. 1.11owe 8550 .012116 105. 59 20 John ". Howe 8550 .012116 103.59 ?8 C.Juel 9P.62.5 .01211'1 112.PP 27 C.Juel 9262.5 .Olpile 112.PP 2L J.S.Auutin 5460 .012116 68. 15 29 Rebecca IF. Johnson 5506.75 .012116 66.74 30 P..H.Boltz(Cortr. to T.I.Thomas) 5508.75 .012116 66.74 31 Ellis Iloore 5460 .O1P116 Me. 15 .,' IOii PF?OT 1 f?TY OYr7HFs"R " RA CO! T FT. TOTAL COST (Metes P• Founde tracts South of ?Forger-::rith Sub. ) Ccr.,.635'0.& 30'F . of Nt1 Cor. SW-43ec. 11-?-69;N.?00';E. 185. 15' ; S.200' ;& W, 165. 15 to beg. F:vma M.Griep 3187A.5 1010116 e380. 19 less otrin 101wide on ?Forth. Co.6359S.& 195,151L.of NW Cor SW4 Qec. l1-7-69;N.P(%0' ;r.5O` ; S.:700' rV.501to beg. lose i;trip 10' ride on ?forth side ffillian Y.Keeley 94=00 101P116 115. 10 Cor.e3508.& 245. 15'E.of NW Cor S,2001 ;& W.50` to beg. less stric 101wide on North side b +rt E. Wright 9500 .O12116 115. 10 Com.(C3513.&: 295.1513 . of NW Cor. SW ea.11-7-89;±4. 00' ;1 .50' ; 3.2Qo` ;rf.5r' to beg.loss strip 10' ride on ?'orth aide 11alter Collins 9500 .012.116 115. 10 Com.f'35'S.& 345. 151E. of ±Mj Cor. SW-41, S,POP' ;n',501 to beg. lees strip 10' .-odo or :north side Claude CL Cof.�in 9500 .01?..116 ll` . 10 Com.635'S.& 395. 151E. of 241E Ccr. at4', Snell-7-F39;N.^00 ' ;E.50' i . ' ;& a.50' to beg. leis strir 10' wide)f on ?4orth aide 4'.Y. D.P eI grer 9500 .012116 115.10 (Metes & Pcur,ds between ;wetts & Hensels Additions) Cor1.927174.of NE Cor.SE-', Sec . l0-7-69; F:.50' to begin lCss ntrip 30' :side on N.;'ide:J.H.& Eliza J.S� ith-6000 .01�116 7P.70 Com.977'S".cf ?4E Cor.3F"s.�. 10-^-89 :?.33P ' ;gr. 104 ;A.33P & E. 104y';' to rr.;7. ions strip 30 viide on ±4. J.t;.Coloran 3223P .25 .012116 390.60 Com.1181i1Q.of FEE Cor.SFs; 10-7-RA; 3.338J' ;W.154}';N.33t�, + ;� E-154V to ber.len9 utrip 30' wide on N. Charle3 Dinnebeck 47663.25 .O1P116 577.49 Com.927 \7.& 28$j S. of NE Cor.SE4 ;ec. 10-7-8A;n.50' ;3.rr ' ;E.50' ;& N.501to begin. Jaccb Dietz 2500 .019118 30.29 Com.mt N'F Cor. Lot 6,Eensels Add: , ;.4 ' ;8. 150 ;Fi.4 ' ;N.1G0' to bop. henry (,.Lowe 67£5 .01!?116 P. 18 Com.f31j'IV.& 336g'8.of ±4$ Cor. E.501 to begin Grace Y.Blake 7928 .012116 96.02 Cor^.i?41 'tF.& 33Pr'S.of ?TV, Cor. Sri 1r-7-E9P3.`'.PBZ ;„'.1 . ; N.310a' ;& E. 100' to beg. John.Sortori 30950 .r1?116 374.09 Con 927"u.& 1P0'S.of RE Cor. SF ; 10-7-!?�;S.lOPp' ;TA.fiO'; ±4 . I'S." & .nr` to bep. E.h.Trimble 5425 .01pile 65.73 Rm. DESWRIPTIOR f110L'x%Ra"Y OFMil;R �A COST FT. TOTAL G05T Com.9271w.h 150'3,of NE Cor.SEy See. 1C-7-P,5I; w. 50' ;;;.30' ;F.90 ';& N.30 ' to bpg. GOO.F.Ravor 150o 111OM6 15. 17 Corr, 10P1j'W.& 340.25'S.of NE Ccr.CR,} 10-7-69; S.3R01,:' ;'7. 154L' ;N.3R2' ;& F. 154•L' to beg,less portion in ''muntain Ave. Victoria k.Johnson 48088,12 ,012116 ISPO,F:4 Com.931$0 W. & 497'S.of h'E Cor.SE Soc, 10-7-69; S. 151 ;W.50' ;N. 150I;E.50'to beg.G.E,ThoFrrson 75M 6012116 9r. y7 ('Letos & Lmc cis ^,racts between Ilensele & Grarelview) Corr.3091YL.ofmn (;or 84 Sec. 10-7-69;S.334t1 ; 4.77. 21.5' ;No-4jI ;& E.77.?!S' to beg.less strir 30' wide on Forth aide. James F. Roten 235^2.82 .012.116 PrI5.F0 Cor.39A.25171.of NE Cor.SE� Sec. 10-7-6q;3.334.5' ; to beg. less strip 30' -ido or. `:crth side Henry Y. Steidley 23522.6P .012116 285.00 Com.463.5' of NE COr.3FI Sec. 10-7-00;S.335..5' ; E.75' to bey. leas strip 3C' wide on `;north side Jarrow D. Brewer 272C 1. 25 1`,116 277 v4 Com. CsP. fi9.of NE Cor. SE-� 'loc. 10-7-e0;S.334.5' ; 'A;,7Q. 5';N.334.5' ;r,79.5' to beg. E.W& A.A._TM'eeks 26 2.75 .G12116 58?.SO and 334.51S. Com.538.591YAof PE.Cor.SEt 10-7-69;S.304.3';TY.79.5' N.304.5' ;& 2.79.5' to bog. 7horan A. Ferruson 24207.75 .012116 293.30 335.5' Com.C-,7,5'Vv.& MXX S.of rp.^,or.SEJ 10-7-ilI'; F.7b' to beg.,. L.C.Foore & A.C.Pluver 229Z1,25 *012118 P.77.c4 Cor.412'Ye. & 334.59S. of "g Cor.SPA, 10-7-69; N.304.5� to beg. Katie Gladieus 25661.75 ^12118 100.C;0 Com.309 ' & 334.5' `;.c£ T,7E.Cor.SE . 10-7-69j beg. Talbert E.'".' oeley 15681.75 .012116 Com.3-10.51T. & 334,51S.of FP.Cor SEj 10-7-60; YY.51. 6' ;5.304.5' ;33.51.5' j& N.304.5' to Feg. E11z.G.17iseley 15681.75 .012116 190.00 Notes 3 L+ounds `<racta east of Horgan Srith :3ub. ) Com.592.5'E. of j- cor to SSO3. 10 & ll;S.1,247' ;E 50' ;N.247' ;A W.50 'to beg. lras strip 30 ' wide or North side. J%,hn.McNabb 10650 .019,116 131.48 Com.642.51E,of cor.t.o 3ecs. 10 6 11;5.24111 ; E.501 ;N.2471j& ;r.50' to beg. less atrip 30' Rlde on Norte side r ,N.Crash 10850 .01P116 131.46 COm,694.5'-:.of j cor. to Sers.10 & I1;S."'471 ; F.50' ;L•, ' 17' ;& W.50' to beg. Fdw.& 11orence ' c.C7arry 12350 .012116 149.83 Com.742.51L'.of cor.to Secs. Ir R• ll;E.4411 ; S.9479 ;'+.40 ' ;& 14.247' to be;+,2ews fatrip 3^' 'side on .Forth side Ora J. Cnrnino 86PO .012116 105.17 DL:SCRIYTION PROPERTY C'r rMR "EA COST F%T. TOTAL 00iT Com.782.513 of 4 cor to wecs. 10 & ll;E.40* ; S.247';W 4" ' ;N.2471to beg.less strip 3C' ids on girth side William T. Smith $680 .012116 §10.5. 17 IS141dXziin. Ccm.822,5' r.APf' � nor. to 3ece. 10 & 11; E.40' ;u,247' ;W.40 ;N.247'tc beg. leas strip 30'wide on Ncrtr And. Lloyd 13.Reed E,680 .01"?11e 105. 17 COm.E�52.51E.of a cor.to Sscs. 10 & ll;S.2471 ; E. 180';P.247' ;& N. 120' to urap,. Firar} ; : .den 29840 .01211C 359. 1? Com. 1211.392..of- < cor to e03.10 & 11;3. 147' ; T,227,80;N. 147' ;& E.227.8' to beg. less strip 30' r:ide cn Forth Ide arc: strip 23.3' wide or. Last side F'red.J.& Grace w.Ihnsen 25�:?,tl.$ .01^218 2E3o.+-9 Com, 1210 M.E.& 1471S.of s cor. to sees. 10 & 11; x.2R7.H' ;J,SC'�I .247.8' ;& A.50' to beg. less strip r3.3' -id€ on last side. Robert Green lf. "r-5 .012116 125.;10 Com,501S. of a point 1 '1G.3'E.Ft 14-7'S.of j oor. to Bece. 10 & i1; r„'27.8';5.50' ;E.227.8' ;& N.50' tc beg. less 1;trip 25.3' wide on Kust aide T.C.Butner 1"Ps .012116 12.3.89 Com.592.51E.& 517.5' S. pf -a nor. to Seos,10 & ll;.:..504.5';N.70.5' ; .SaS.&' ;& 0.70.6' to bop ;. less trip 23.3 vicio on Fast aide. G.P.Lrandner 41918.25 .012118 W. 1 Com.692.5'F .&457.5'S, of 4 cor. to Secs. 10 11;M.14C' ' ;E.3fa0' ;5. 1 ►0';d t9,300' to beg. C.Juel 42000 .012116 508.87 Cem.fa92aF:.& 377.5'S.of :i c(�r. to Sees. 10 & 11; r.317.8' to beg. leas strip ?3,3' wide on Fast side, Fear,a Lorry 1767C .012116 214,rg Com.457.5'S.& Pn-?.5'P. of : COP. to Socs. 10 & .317.9';:3.80* ;d t9.317,E3' to gig. less strip 23168' wile on East side. Ceo.D.Ball 23560 .01PIl18 2PS.45 Cor".592.5'F:.& 4701S. f 4 cor to Socs. 10 & 11; S. 16,V;E.a7,9' ;N. 165' ;& 4W.57.2 to beg. Samuel J.sulyer 9436 .010116 114.3.y Cor.644.7E.& 457.5 S, of cor. to Secs. 10 & ll: ,S. 177.5';' .47j';V. 177:51 ;& W.47jl to beg. Lens Strip 12,k' vide on P:orth Side. Wn.Ryder 7837.5 .0121i8 94.96 Con.697.2'L-.& 4701S.of i cor. to Sacs. 10 & 11; S. 165' ;E.40' ;N. l66' ;& 1.1.40' io beg. Walter L.6rith 6600 .01211e 79.07 Com.737.2'1% & 47011S. of -j cor to Secs. 10 & 11; to bey. R.A."icholas 82.50 .01t?118 99.0e Com.087.2 E.& 470'S. of 4 cor to Seca. 10 & 11; s. 185' ;F1.60 ' ;N. 165' ;i7.60' to beg. Nellie Sarohet 9900 .012116 119.95 Com.847.21E.& 470'S. of i cor.to Secs. 10 & 11; E,50' ;S lF5' ;T.50';N.165 tc bey,J.F .F3ige&vx 8250 .0121I93 99,96 D5':,Ci?IY:ION PROP??It 7 0``INER `FJ!'. COST IpT. TOTAL COST Coa±.897.$'E.& 4700S.of ; cor. to Secs.10 S. 168+ ;F..40'j}I.168' ;Pd.40' 1X b©F.C.A. ottibone 8800 .01^118 79.97 Com.937.218.& 470'S. of ocr to Secs. 10 & 11; 5. 165';F..GO' ;AI. l65' ;W.50?to beg.liarriett "c"urry 8250 .012116 99.96 Co*i. 187.20F..&47010.of a cor to Secs. 10 & 11; S. lu i' ;P.50' ;N. 1B8' ;�'d.t30'to bog.Frank 77. t_oore F?250 .Clp118 99.98 Com. 1100'F.& 4701'a. of cor to S<ace.l^ & 11; to bog. Frank 11. Caeobell 1(360 Com.Lt bleat Pron.line of Washirgton Ave. and North Prop. ,ine 0 West Lountuln Ave.therco; bleat P8.4' ,*'.orc or ].o9e;H.167.8;E,86.4'nore or 1eoae;& 5. 167.5' to teg. Helen " . Rigden 14472 .012116 175.54 Section 4. All assessments herein provided for shall be due and payable within thirty days from the final passage and publication of this ordinance, without demand, provided that all assessments may at the election of the o!�n=rs of the property aasssessed be paid in twenty (20) oqual installments, beginning January4, 1923, and payable an =11y on said last mentioned date thereafter, until the full amount thereof has bean paid, with interest on Cie unpaid principal semi-annually at the rate of six er cent per a==. Section 5. Failvze to _r.•ay the whole of the assessment within the said -eriod of thirty (30) days shall be conclusively con- sidered and held an election on the part of all persons interested, in whether under disability or otherwise, to pay/such installments. Section S. Failure to pay any installment, whether of principal or interest, when die, shall cause the whole of tie unpaid principal to become due and payable im-ediately, and the whole amount of the unpaid principal and accrued interest shall thereafter draw interest at the ra*e of one (1) per cent per month, or fraction of a month, until the Lnv of sale as hnreinafters_prcvided, but at any time prior to the day of sale the onner may pay the amount of all lmpaid installments, ,with interest at one (1) per cent per m^-_th, or fraction of a month, and all penalties accrued, and shall thereupon be restored to the right to ay the installments in the szme manner as if default had not been suffered. The owner of any property not in default as to any installments or payments may at any time pay the .whole of the unpaid principal with interest accrued to the mallurity of the next installment of interest or rrincipal. Suction 7. Payments may be rmle to the City Treasurer at any time within thirty (30) days of the final passage and publication of the ordinance and an allowance of five (5) her cent discount shall be made on all ,payments made during such period only. Section B. In case of default in the payment of es4r installment of principal and interest when d•-s, any and all property corcerring :rich such default is suffered shall be advertised by the County Treasurer and sold for the payment of the whole of the unpaid assessment thereon at the same time or times and in the same manner, under all the same conditions and penalties and with the same affect as are provideI by lays for sales of real estate in default of the aymant of ,general taxes. Section 9. It shall be the duty of the City Clerk to prepare the foregoing assessment roll in said Storm Sewer District No. 6 in proper form, showing in suitable columns each piece of r:+Ol estate asessed, the total amount of the assessment, the amount of each installment of principal and interest, and the date when etch installment will become due, with suitable columns for use in case of payment of the whale amount or of any installment or penalty, and deliver the same to the City Treasurer and thereafter payments me*- be made to the City Treasurer at any time within thirty (30) days after the passage of this assessment ordinance and the taking affect thereof. Upon the expiration of the thirty (30) days, the City Treasurer shall retarn to the City Clerk the assessment roll showing all payments made thereon, with the date of each payment, and there- u,;cn the City Clerk shall prepare a permanent local sas;essmant roll in bo.k form, showing in suitable columns each pie ae of real estate or property upon which the assessment is unpaid, the whole amount of the assessment unpaid, the date to :vsich the same is computed, the amount of each installment of principal and interest, together with two (2) per cent additional thereon as collection charges of the County Treasurer, and the date when the same will beco^:e due, with suitable coluuns for use in case of the payment of any installments or -enalties. Said roll shall be certified by the City Clerk ;ender the seal of the City, and by him delivered to tuie County Treasurer of Larimer County with his warrant for the col:-action of the same. Section 10. All collectic =ads by the County Treasurar on said asses-,ment roll in any calendar month shall be accounted for and paid over to the City Treasurer on the first day of each and every month, with separate statements for all such collections for each month, in the same manner as Seneral taxes are paid by the County Treasurer to the City. Section 11. The owner of any dividad or undivided interest may Fay his share of any assessment upon producing evidence of the extent of his interest satisfactory to the officers having the roll in charge. Section 12. In the opinion of the City Council an erterb ncy exists for the preser9stion of the public health, peace and safety, and this ordinance shall take effect upon its paszage and publication under and by virtue of the authority contained in Sections 6 and 7 of Article IV of the City Charter. Introduced, read at length and adopted by the unanimous vote of all the members of the City Council this 2nd day of December, A. D. 1922. .orzn ssioner of Sa"ety and dc-x Officio ayor AT�ST: Ci lerk. STA"_'E OF COLORADO ) SS. COUNTY OF IARII ER ) I, A. J. PMENOW, City Clerk of the City of Fort Collins, do hereby certify and declare that the foraEoing ordinance, consisting of t4&-lve (12) sections, was duly proposed and read at length at a reg_larmeeling of the City Council held on the 2nd day of December, A. D. 1922, and vus duly adopted and ordered published in the Fort Collins Cornier, a daily newspaper and the official newspaper of the City of Fort Collins, by the unanimous vote of all members of the Council, as an emergency ordinance, in accordance with the provisions of Sections 6 and 7 of Article IY of the City Charter; and thereafter, on towiyt:: the _� day of December,A. D. 1922, said Ordinance No. vas duly published in the Fort Collins Courier, a daily newspaper published in the City of Fort Collins, Colorado. IN WITNESS 1 EREOF, I have hereunto set my band and affixed the seal of said City, this flay of December, A. D. 1M. City Clerk.