HomeMy WebLinkAbout004 - 01/31/1925 - RELATING TO THE ASSESSMENT OF THE COST OF CONSTRUCTION OF IMPROVEMENTS IN SANITARY SEWER DISTRICT NO 9 OR.DI'TA TV: 'TO. , 1925 8ErTG 1,N 771.07TCY 211DI1.A?'C77 R.L.ATIITG TO TIT, AMrS" "Ea', OF T'IC' -0CFT O =T TT`JCTT.." ^ 4TS IN SAITITA'.Y SE''?. DISTRICT 140 42 OF T11 CITY OF KA VOMINS1 YD 'RUMING XOR T.' ?AYLMNT AND CCLLFCTIM7 m.i - OF. _ i �I 'e IT 'oRDAI171) 3Y hi; CITY CT. -CIL OF 7: . CITY Or Fon COL:'II7S: l� Section 1. That under and by virtue of tho provisions of Ordinance ::o. 21, 1924, of said City of Fort Collins, duly adopted and 1 aporoved on the 4th day of Octolar, A. D. 1924, Sanitary Sewer District No. 42 was duly created and provisions made in said ordinanca for the construction of certain improvements in said district, consisting of sanitary sewers; tint tha said improvements as therein provided have been duly constructed as pro- vided by law and duly accepted by the City of Fort Collins as therein provided; ll that thereafter the City Engineer and the Commissioner of Works, on to-'Nit: j ithe 27th day of December, 1924, duly reported to the City Council that the coat f construction of said improvemente, including the coat of inspection, I. collection and other incidentals, and also including interest, is $3939.46; i tliat in and by said .repor t the Commis;ionor of Arka, pursuant to the rely r t cf the City Engineer, duly apportioned upon all of the lots or tracts of land I I in the district improved, in proportion as the area of each lot or trect of lad¢. is to the area of all the lots or tracts of land so improved, exclusive of ,ublic 'rdglimays, pursuant to the provisions of Sections 14 and 31 of Ordinance 1ho. 7, 1921, relating to local public improvements, and Ordinance =�o. 21, 1124, 1 f, i ,resting Sanitary Sewer District No. 42, and which district is hereinafter morn particularly described by lots and blocks, together with the ayl,ortio::- ment and rate per square foot, the sa1•d findings and report of the Commissioner of Works and City Engineer being in accordance ;with the report lof the City Engineer in respect to the prorosed assesamant on each lot in said district. Section 2. That at the regular meeting of the City Conneil cold on the 29th day of December, A. D. 1924, said report of the Commissioner of ti`orks and City Engineer concerning said proposed assessments for improvements in Sanitary Se 3r in crict No. 4' ;vas by resolution of the City Council duly lopted for t:c 3 nsideration an determination at a r'G�xlar � meeting of the City Council to be held on the 31st day of January, A., D. 1925, 4pursuant to a notice of the City Clerk as provided by law; that in and by amid resolution the City Clark mus instructed and directed to publish notice I in the official newspaper of the City of Fort Collins for a period of ten days, ii addressed to the o•n:ers of property to be assessed in Sanitary Sempr District i No. 42, stating the whole cost of the imjrrovements ar.3 the share apportioned I to each lot or tract of land in said district, and notifying the c,,nars i thereof that any complaints or objections that =i,ght be ::ads in writing by i i them to the City Clerk and filed in his office witUn thirty days from the publication of said notice, rsoi:ld be heard and determined by the City Council, j at a regular meeting thereof, to be held on the 31st day of January, A. D. 1925, at the hour of eight o'clock in the forenoon of said day in the Oo.:ncil Chamber in the City ::all in said City; th:t after said h:'( ring the City Council would take up the matter of the passage of an ordinance assessing the cost of said improvements; that pursuant to t1w authority con- tained in said resolution the City Clerk caused to be published said notice in the Fort Collins Express-Courier, the official newspaper of said City of Fort Collins, for a period of ten days, as provided by ordinance, and that ,ie proof of said publication has been duly filed in the office of the City lark; no complaints or objections having been filed, at said nesting of the City Council meld on the 31st day of January, A. D. 1225, the assessing j�ordinsnce for the cost of the improvements in said Sanitary Sewer District c. 42 •,me ordeted submitted for passage and adoption. !i Section 3. That the total coat of the improvementy in said nitary Sewer District No. 42, under and by virtue of said Ordinance 110. 81, i11924, of said City, including the cost of inspection, collection and interest, ; I amounts to $3939.46, which said sum is hereby assessed ui:on the real estate in said Sanitary Sa-wr District =,o. 42, in acaordenes 4 th the provisions of i Sections 14 and 31 of Ordin- zee 'o. 7 1921 relating to local Public i:.:prove- Iments, and tha rroportion of said cost assessed to ea:h lot or tract of lend I+in said Sanitary Sewer District 'To. 42, co:::prising the following lots and blocks in said district, shall be as follows: 1 i FINAL ASSSSSUENT ROLL FOR SANITARY W".R IM:`ROY1W..NT DISTRICT NUMB.vR 42 LOT PROP&ATY OWURR ARIA COST TOTAL BLOCK 303 10 Robert Sevier- 'Irastoo for Virginia Sevier 8500 .0lo66 90.60 11 P. J. Krug 8500 .olo66 90.60 12 P. J. Krug 8500 .olo66 90.60 13 Fa isabeth J. Lowman 8500 .olo66 90.60 14 C. L. Lewis 8500 .olo66 90.60 15 C. E. Lewis 8500 .01066 90.60 16 Charles N. Levis 8500 .olo66 90.60 17 Charles 17. Lewis 8500 .0lo66 90.60 18 Aurora t:". Kissinger 8500 .01066 90.60 BLOCK 313 1 C. Pi.. Hollister 8500 .olo66 90.60 2 Frank B. Dixon 8500 .olo66 90.60 3 Fred C. Ott and Mayme Ott 8500 .01066 90.60 4 Jobe Baker and Ida Baker 8500 .0lo66 90.60 5 Nancis Klisaboth Baumgardner 8500 .olo66 90.60 6 Graver C. Houghem 8%o .olo66 90.60 7 Mrs. Ida J. Collins 8500. 001066 90.60 8 Blench Kimble 8500 .olo66 90.60 9 Roy D. Kimble 8500 .olo66 90.60 10 George H. Algoo 8500 .olo66 go.60 11 Roy D. Kimble, Contract to T. C. Nicholson 8500 .0lo66 90.60 12 0. D. Lawson 8500 .olo66 90.60 13 L. F. McNhIly 8500 .olo66 90.60 14 J. 24. Moore 8500 .olo66 90.60 15 Olaf Olson 8500 .01066 90.60 16 Lavine Van Pelt 8500 .0lo66 90.60 17 Phebe A. 3taksbake 8500 .01066 90.60 18 B. A. Pattorson 8500 .01066 90.60 BLOCK 323 1 Roy T. Hagins 7782.5 .01066 $2.96 2 Lillian M. smith 7782.5 .olo66 82.96 3 Jennie Darr `.'addax 7782.5 .01066 82.96 4 Harry Goadelmonn 7782.5 .01066 82.96 5 '�7. H. Thompson 7782.5 .01066 82.96 6 Francis H. Jordon 7782.5 .01066 82.96 7 victor Rey Beets 7782.5 .01066 82.96 8 Phillip Messorsahmltt 7782.5 .olo66 82.96 9 Rey DeTyke 7782.5 .01066 82.96 10 Thomas A. Jennaway Notate 7782.5 .01066 82.96 11 Thomas A. Jennaway Estate 7782.5 .01066 82.96 12 D. L. J" Chapman 7782.5 .01066 82.96 13 Amelia m. Sperling 7782.5 .olo66 82.96 14 H. R. Julian 7782.5 .01066 82.96 15 Roy 3. Bishop 7782.5 .01066 82.96 16 Mary Toliver 7782.5 .01066 82.96 17 A. R. Magoo 7782.5 .01066 82.95 18 Paul A. Gunge, (Contractte Walter and Gertrudo Kuhn) 7782.5 .olo66 82.95 Section 4. All assessments horai- rcvided for shall be due and payable within thirty days from the final passes a and publication of t4s �llordinance, without demand, provided tint all assessments may at the election It of the onners of the ; roparty assessed be paid in ten (10 equal installments, �I beginning oy)"c17,. /� , 1925, and i.ayable snnually on is.°.id last mentioned date tharoafter,,until the fall amount thereof ass been paid, with interest on the unpaid principal payable semi-enrually at tho rate of six per cent per annum. + Section 5. Failure to pay the whole of the assessment within the said leriod of Marty (30) days shall be conclusively considered and Iheld an election on the part of all persons interested, whother under dis- I '':ility or otherwise, to pay in such installments. Section u. Fail-.:re to pay any installment, %L: ther of princi.al c:r interest, when due, wall aaiise the whole of the unpaid principal to becory i I due and payable irm-wdiately, and the w ole amaant of the unpaid principal and accrued interest shall thereafter draw interest at ti-e rate of one (1) per cent per month, or fraction of a mcr+th, until the day of sale as hereinafter rovided, but at any time prior to the day of sale the owner ..ay pay the :mount of all unpaid installments, with interest at one (1) per cent per month, fraotion of a month, and all penalties accrued, and shall thereupon be r.=stored to the right to pay the install arts in the s r;e manner as if default had not been sufF^red. The o,,mers of any 1roperty not in default as to any installments or .payments may at any time - ay the whole of the unpaid principal with interest ac fired to She r,atur3ty of the next instalment of Iintersst or principal. Seatioii 7. Payments may be -gads to the City Treasurer at any !time within thirtyU b i(30) days the final passage and Diu licat_on of t: ie I+ I ;ordinance and an allo-.xince of five (5) par cent discount shdl be made c,n all payments pads during such period only I Section B. In else of default in the payment of any installment principal and interest when due, any and all property concerning which such eLef!'.ult is suffered shall be advertised by the County Treasurer and sold Pcr he payment of the whole of the un.)aid assessment thereon at the same time or times and in the sane manner, under all the same conditicrie and penalties and with the same erects as are provided by law for sales of real estate in default of the payment of general taxes. Section 9. It shall be tine duty of the City Clerk to prepare i the forsgoing assessment rollin said Sanitary Ss,ker District No. 42 in proper form snowing in suitable columns each piece of rnal estate assessed, the total amount of the assesement , the arn.o-unt of oach instal--lent of principal and interest, and the date when each installment will become Sue, with suitable columns for use in casa of pent of the whole amount or of any installment or penalty, aai deliver the swine to the City Treasurer and thereafter payments may be made to the City Treasurer at any time wit in thirty (30) days after the passage of this assessment ordinance and the taking effect tiaraof. Uron � th-o a�Ziration of the thirty (30) 'days, the City Treasurer siu111 return to the City Clerk the assessment roll showing all payments .jade thereon, w,dth the date of each (,aynent, and thereupon the City Clerk shall prepare a penaanent 6 local as sssment roll in bock form, showing in suitable columns each mace of real .esta e or property u_on wnich tha assessment is unpaid, the whole a:cunt of the assessment unpaid, the date to which the same is comruted, the aa_otint I df each installment of principal and interest, toget's.er with two (2) per cent I j ad?itional thereon as collection c:wrgas of the County Tre-"urar, and the date when the same will become due, with suitable columns for use in case of I i it the paynant of any installments or ;,enalties. Said roll shall be certified by the City Clark under the seal of the City, and by him delivered to the I County Treasurer of La-rimer County with his warrant for the collection of the some. Section 10. All collectior:s made by the County Treasurer on said assessment roll in any calendar month shall be accounted for and paid over to the City 'Treasurer on the first day of each and every month, with � separate stateVends for all such collectio:.e for each mo th, in the same :manner as general taxes are 'paid by the County Treasurer to the City. i Section 11. The o•..ner of any divided or undivided interest may pay his share of any assessment .l..or, produding evidence of the extent of ilia i interest satisf,rctory to the officers having the roll in chc.rge. i Saction 12. In the opinionr of the City Cmmcil an eronrgency exist; for the preservation of the lublic health, ,,ace and safety, and this ordinance shall take -ffeet upon 1.13 pas,;a e and publication under and by : virtue of the authority contained in Section s 6 and 7 of Article IV of the II City Charter. Introduced, read at length and adopted by the unanimous vote i of ail the i . .bers of t -a City 'Cc:moil tais 31st day of January, A. D. 1925. ;e.,xassier:er of a e and-x-Of cio ''::ycr., AT^'_;' ;. �I 1 tv 'Jerk. --- STATE OF r, n- ss. COTWTY GF 'j-Ii^ ' ) I I, A. J. rOS771)'W, City Clerk of the City of Fort ellins do hereby certify and declare that the foregoing ordinance, consisting tvolva (12) sections, was duly proposed and rend at length at a regular sting of the City Cmmcil Held on the 31st day of January, A. D. 19-25, and _s duly adopted and ordered y lolished in The Fort Co111ns Ex-ress-Courier, daily newspaper and the official newspaper of the City of Fort "ollins, by the unanimous vote of all members of the Co»ncil, as an evergency ordillt=e, in accordance Kith the j:rovisions of Sections 5 and 7 of Artie 'V of the City Charter; and thereafter, on * -,Nit: t?=e '� A. D. 19%'5 said Ordinance :' sh of _��___ ' o. was di published in hs crt�olli:,s Expres -Couri^r, a daily neivapapar ;_blisha3 in the City of Fort -ollins, Colorado. L Iry 171=o,n -iaVe � r "un tO�et :py and and affixed the segl of Said City, this �� dry of A. D. perk, i I � I i i f l+