MREAS Under the authority and pursuant to the provisions of
Ordinance No 73 1921, the City Council on the 7th day of March, A D 1925
duly passed and adopted a r solution providing for the organization of Storm
Ss m r Sub-District No 2 of Storm Sewer District No 6, and designating the
boundaries thsrpcf and the lots and blocks th-rain, for the purpose of
corstructirg a storm sewer line in said district and
WHERCAS Thereaftar the City Engineer and Co=rissioner of Works
duly reported to the City Council the estimat-d cost of the said storm sever
and the schedule of assessments upon the lots and blocks in said storm sewer
sub-district and which said report and estimate further described the total
area to be assessed in said sub-district consisting of 1 270 065 square feet
and the rate of assessment per square foot is $0 0086692 for t2'e entire sub-
district, or $60 68 for a lot 50 feet by 140 feet and
WMRLAS Pursuant to said resolution the City Clerk caused notice
thereof to be published in the official newspaper of the City of Fort Collins
for a period as -orovided by ordinance, and provided in said notice that a
hearing would be had on the 25th day of April, A D 1925 by the City Council
at a regular meeting thereof to be held in the Co-unci.l Chnber in the City Hall
in the City of Fort Collins, at the hour of eight oulclock A M on said day,
for the purpose of hearing all complairts or objections that may be made in
vriting concerning said proposed improvement by any owner or owners of real
estate to be assessed in said Sub-District No 2 of Storm Sewer District No 6
or any persons interested before the final action to be taken on an ordinance
creating and organizing the said sub-district and authorizing the imurovements
to be constructed therein therefore
WBERBAS, Under the authority and pursuant to the provisicns of
Ordinance No. 7, 1S21, the City Council on the 7th day of March, A. D. 1925,
duly passed and adopted a resolution providing for the organization of Storm
S3-nsr Sub-District No. 2 of Storm Sewer District io. 6, and designating the
boundaries thar=cf and the lots and blocks therein, for the purposs of
constructing a storm sewer line in said district„ and
%T,7,71,rS, Thereafter the City Engineer and CorTMissionsr of works
duly reported to the City Council the estimated cost of the said sbcrm sewer
and the schedule of assessments upon the lots and blocks in said storm sewer
sub-district and which said repsrt and estimats further described the total
area to be ass-seed in said sub-district, consisting of 1,279,C65 square feet,
and the rate of assessment per square fort is $0.0086692 for the entire sub-
district, or $60.68 for a lot 50 feet by 140 fiat; and
TPEFCAS, Pursuant to said resolution the City Clark causad notice
thereof to be published in the official newspaper of the City of Fort Collins
for a aeriod as provided by ordinance, and Yrovidad in said notice that a
hearing would be had on the 25th day of April, A. D. 1925, by the City Council
at a regular meeting thereof to be held in the Council Ch9mber in the City Hell
in the City of Fort Collins, at the hour of eight 0 clock A. M. on said day,
for the purpose of he-ring all complaints or objections that Tay be made in
writing concerning said proposed improvement by any owner or owners of real
estate to be assessed in said Sub-District No. 2 of Storm Sewer District No. 6,
or any parsons interested, before the final action to be taken on an ordinance
creating and organizing the said sub-district and autlorizing the ir� rovemsnts
to be constructed therein; th3refore
Section 1. That pursuant to the terms and provisions of Ordinance No. 7,
1921, being an ordinance relating to local public improvements, thera be and h=reby
is created and organized Storm Sewer Sub-District 'Yo. 2 of Storm Sewer District
No. 6, consisting of the following lots and blocks within the lirits of said
territory: The West Half of Block 62, Main Addition; 'Blocks 272, 2B2 and 292 in
Vast Side Addition; Blocks 302, 312 and 322, in Capitol Hill Addition, in the City
of Fort Collins; and that the work of construction of said improvements in said
Storm Sewer Sub-District No. 2 of Storm Sewer District . o. 6 consists of storm
sewer line, as per map on file in the City L'nginaarls office.
Section 2. That pursuant to the requirements of the reso'.ntion of the
City Council adopted on the Blst day of TIarch, A. D. 1925, due notice was given to
the owners of property to be asses-ed in Storm Sewer Sub-District No. 2 of Storm
Sewer District No. 6, by due and lawful publication in the Fort Collins Txpres -
Courier, a daily newspaper of general circulation in the City of Fort Collins,
and the official newspaper of the City of Fort Collins, for two successive weeks,
once each week, as shown by the proof of publication on file in the office of the
City Clark; which said notice was to the ownirs of property to be ass=.ssed in the
proposed storm se",er sub-district, hereirabove described, the number of installments,
the time in which the cost would be payable, the rate of interest on unpaid and
deferred installments, the extent of the district to be improved, together with
the probable cost per square foot as s'rovm by the estimate of the City 7nginser,
and the total area of real estate to be assessed in said Storm Sewer Sub-District
No. 2 of Storm Sewer District No. 6, and the total cost for a lot 50 feet by
140 feet, and to the further effect that on the 25th day of April, A. D. 1925,
at the hour of eight o'clock in the forenoon, in the Co ncil (,'harbor of the City
Fall in the City of Fort Collins, the City Coi,ncil would hear and co-,sider all
complaints and ob;59ctions that may be made and filed in writing, concerning said
proposed improvement by the owner of any real estate to be assessed in said proposed
district, imd all persons interested generally. That the map, plans and
specifications and estimate and all proceedings of the City Council in the premises
are on file and can b:3 easn and esaminad at the City Clerk' s office dr,ring business
hours at any tine within said period of thirty (30) days by any parson interested.
^hat pursuant to said notice, on the 25th day of April, A. D. 1925, at the hour of
seig'nt o'clock in the forenoon, the City Council proceeded to h9ar any objections
that might have been made and filed respecting said proposed storm se^nr sub-
district, and no objections having been filed, the City Council proceeded to determim=
it was for the beat interests of the taxpayers in said Storm Sawar Sub-District No.
2 of Storm Sewer District No. 6, as all as the City of Fort Collins, that Storm
Sewer Sub-District 'To. 2 of Storm Sew=.r District No. 6 in the City of Fort Collins
be created, and providing for the construction of the improvements therein and
authorizing the issuance of bonds to nay the cost of the construction thersof.
Section 3. The City Council furth=r finds that all the requirsm9nts
of the ordinance respecting the resolutions and notices reeuired by the same to be
given in respsct thereto before the adoption of an ordinance ordering said
improvements, hats been obssrved and complied with in all respects, and it is
hereby ordered that the irnprovamants in said storm sawer sub-district, as _Jrovided
for in the map, plans and specifications h.ratofere adopted by the City Council
and approved in this ordinance be and are hereby ordered to be constracted.
Section 4. For the purpose of paying the cost of said improvements,
bonds of the City of Fort Collins are hereby authorized to be issued by the
Commissioner of Finance and Ex-Officio City Treasurer, which said bonds shall bear
data at such time as may be fixed by the City Treasurer after the work of improvement
has been commenced in said district, but said date shall be uniform for all bonds
issued, and in such form as may be aplrovad by the City ^osncil after submission by
the Comrissicn^r of Finance; said bends shell bear the name of Storm Sewer Sub-
District No. 2 of Storm Sewer District No. 6, of the City of Fort Collins, and shall
be payable in ten (10) annual installments, ten (10?0') per cent thereof payable in
each and every year during said period, and shall bear interest at the ra*.a of six
per cant rer annum, payable semi-annually, said interest to be evidenced by coupons
attached to the _.rincipal bond ant attested by the fac simile signature of the City
Clark, x%:.ich said bonds shall be in denominations of Five Hundred ($500.oc) Dollars
each. Each of said bonds shall be subscribed by the Commissioner of Safety and Ex-
Officio Mayor and attested by the City Clark with the corporate seal of the City and
-3- 1
countersigned by the Commissioner of Finance and Ex-Officio City Treasurer, and
registered with the City Treasurer, and shall be delivered from time to time as
reeuired for the payment of the work herein provided. Said bonds shall be
redeemable out of the moneys collected on account of assessments made for said
improvements; all moneys collected from said assessments or from the sale of bonds
shall be credited to Storm Sewer Sub-District No. 2 of Storm Sewer District No. 6,
and the funds so collected shall only be used for the payment of the work of
construction of said improvements and the interest thereon. Said bonds shall be
numbered one to Fs a '6 inclusive, and shall be redeemable,
corr,encing one year after date thereof, consecutively and according to number and
in order of issuance. Said bonds shall only be issued and delivered by the City
Treasurer on estimates and order of the City Engineer, signed and approved by the
Comndssiiier of Safety and Ex-Officio Mayor, when said estimates have been duly
audited and approved by the City Council and ordered paid. Allof said bonds shall
be absolutely due and payable ten (10) years from the date of issue but shall be
subject to call and payment mt any time prior thereto, as provided in Ordinance No.
7, 1921, relating to local public improvements. Pursuant to the authority
and power contained in Section 29 of Ordinance No. 7, 1921, relating to local
public improvements, the payment of all the bonds issued in pursuance of this
ordinance are hereby guaranteed by the City of Fort Collins. Said bonds shall be
received at par in payment of said improvements.
Section 5. Said bonds and the coupons attached thereto shall be in
substantially the followin7L form;
The City of Fort Collins, in the County of Larimer and State of Colorado,
for value received, aclmowledgss itself indebted and harsby promises to pay to the
bearer harsof the sum of Dollars in lawful money of the United States,
at the office of the City Treasurer of said City, on the day of ,
19 , subject to call and payment, however, at any time prior thereto, as provided
in the amendment to Section 1 of Article %VII of the City Charter, passed and adopted
April 6, 1920, and Ordinance No. 7, 1921, relating to local public improvements,
with intar3st thereon from date until payment at the rate of six per cent per
annum, payable semi-annually, on the day of and the day of
at the office of the City Treasurer of tha City of Fort Collins, upon
pr3sentation and surrender of the annexed coupons as they severally become due.
This bond issued for the'purposa of payi the cost of the local
improvement in Storm Sewer Sub-District No. 2 of Storm Sewer District No. 6 by virtue
of and in full conformity with the amendment to Section 1, of Article VII of the City
Charter, pasFad and adopted April 6, 1920, and Ordinance No. 7, 1921, relating to local
public improvements. This bond is payable out of the proceeds and special assessments
to be levied upon the real property situate in the City of Fort Collins in said Storm
Sewer Sub-District No. 2 of Storm Sewer District No. 6, especially bensfitted by said
improvements, and the amount of the assessment so to be made upon the real estate in
said district for the payment tbarsof, with accrued interest, is a lien upon the said
real estate in the respective amounts to be apportioned to said real estate, and to be
assessed by an ordinance of said city, said lien having priority over all other liens,
except other bonds heretofore issued by said city, and the lien of general taxes, but
payment of said bonds is guaranteed by the City of Fort Collins as provided by
ordinance; and it is hereby certified and recited that the total issue of bonds of said
city for said district, including this bond, does not exceed the sstim^ts of the City
T;nginaar, and the contract -price Bor said improvement, nor the amount authorized by law;
and it is further hereby certified and recited that every re-uirement of law relating
to the creation of said Storm Sewer Sub-District No. 2 of Storm Sewer District No. 6,
the m4ing of said local 1-rprovement and the issuance of t is bond, has been fully
complied with by the groper officers of said city, and that all conditions required to
exist and all things required to be done precedent to and in the issuance of this
bond to render the same lawful and valied, have happened, and been properly done and
performed, and did exist in regular and due time, form and manner as required by law.
In Testimony Whereof, the said City of Fort Collins has caused this
bond to be subscribed by its Commissioner of Safety and Ex-Officio Mayor, counter-
signed by its Commissioner of Finance and Ex-Officio City Treasurer, and attested by
its City Clark under the seal of said city, and the interest coupons thereto attached,
to be attested by the fac simile signature of the City Clark as of the
day of , 19
Commissioner of Safety and Ex-Officio Mayor
Commissioner of Finance and Ex-Officio City
City Clark.
(Form of Coupon)
No. $
On the _ day of 19 , the City of Fort Collins, will pay
to the bearer Dollars in lawful money of the United States, at the office
of the City Treasurer of Fort Collins, Colorado, being six mcnths' inter eat on its
local improvement bond dated , 1925, issued for the construction
of the local improvements known as Storm Saver Sub-District No. 2 of Storm Sswar
District No. 6; provided this bond shall not have bean heretofore paid.
Attached to Bond No.
' City Clark.
Section 6. The Commissioner of Finance and Ex-Officio City Treasurer is
hereby authorized and directed tb have printed a sufficient number of bonds of the
denomination of Five Hundred ($500.00) dollars each, numbered from one to C
inclusics, as required to meet the estimated cost of said improvement as herein
provided, and when said bonds shall have bean duly prepared, they shall be Sstained
by the City Treasurer to be issued and delivered from time to tire as hereinbefore
Section 7. l"hsnsvar the City Treasurer has funds in his hands to the
credit of Storm Sewer Sub-District No. 2 of Storm Sewer District No. 6, i eluding six
months' interest on the unpaid principal, he shall by advertisament once a weak for
three consecutive weeks, in the official newspaper of said City call in a s-,itable
number of said bonds of said district for payment, and at the expiration of tb±rty
(30) days, from the first publicapion of such notice, interest on the bonds so called
shall cease. The notice shall specify the bonds so called by nunb3r, and all said
bonds so issued shall be called and paid in their numerical order.
Section 8. Upon the taking affect of this ordinance, the Comm-issioner
of Safety and ux-officio Mayor is hereby authoris3d and empowered to advertise for
bids for th3 construction of said improvements in accordanc3 with the map, plans and
specifications heretofore adopted, which advertisament shall be for n .t less than
ten (10) days in the official newspaper publieked in the City of Fort Collins, and
all bids raceiv3d under said advertisement shall be submitted to the City Council for
approval or rejection, and no contract shall be a•:.ardad in excess of the City
T,ngineer's estimate of the cost of said improvement. Aft3r the contract is awarded
for construction, the City Council shall require a bond for tha faithful parforri.nc3
of samA equal to the amount of the full contract price, with sufficient surety or
sureties to be approved by the Comanission9r of Safety and Ex-0fficio Mayor, and the
wrrk of construction when so avarded under said contract shall be under the general
control of the Commission3r of Public 7brks and in the i=-ediats charge, controland
supervision of the City Fngin39r, whose decision in all matters of dispute respecting
c:,mplianc.e with this ordinance and the contract made thr�undsr, and the plans and
specifications, shall be final and binding upon ?11 parties thereto. then said
contract is awarded it shall contain a provisi:n to the effect tra t it is subject
to the provis'_ons of the City Chart3r, and of the laws under which the City of Fort
Collins exists, and of ordinance No. 70 1921, and this ordinance, and that the agreed
payments shall not exceed the estimate of the City 7,ngin2er and the amount appropriated,
and that upon ten days' notice the work under said contract, without cost or claim
against the City of Fort Collins, may be suspended for subst-ntial cause and upon
eoTplaint of any owner o. eal estate to $e assessed for improvement that the
improvement is not being constructed in accordance with the contract, then the City
Council may consider the complaint and make such order as may be just, and its decision
shall be final. The City Council shall have the right to reject any and all bids
which may be made by any person or persons, firms or corporations, for the construction
of said improvements, and when in the jud,g::ent of the City Council it shall be
deemed to the best interests of said City of Fort Collins, the said City Council
is hereby aut%orized and empow=red to provide for doing such work by hiring parties
by the day and to arrange for purchasing the necessary materials to do such work under
the direction, srpervision and control of the Commissi ner of 17orks and the City
Engineer, acting for said City.
Section 9. Vfh-_n said public improvement in Storm Semsr Sub-District
No. 2 of Storm Sa•Nar District No. 6 shall have been c cr,;let4d and the same approved
by the City ^nginear, r�comnrended for accept nce by sail officer, and duly acceptsd
by the City Council of the City of Fort Collins, the cost lien roof shall be assessed
upon all the real estate in said sub-district as the area of each piece of real estate
in said sub-district is to the area of all the real estate in the said sub-district,
ex^lusive of public highways, which said assessments when rade and reported by the
City Engineer and approved by the City Council, shall be assessed against the property
in Storm Sewer Sub-District No. 2 of Storm Sever District Z'o. 6 by an ordinance to be
adopted as provided by Ordinance No. 7, 1921.
Section 10. For the purpose of paying for engineering and ctner clerical
ex;;enses and the cost of inspection, upon the arproval of the City Council the
Commissi;nsr of Safety and Ex-Officio Mayor is a..it'.-.orized to advertise for not less
than tan (10) days in the official newspaper of said City, and sell as rany bonds
as may be necessary and use the proceeds thereof for said purpose, and in accordance
with the Trovisiens of Ordinance No. 7, 1921.
Section 11. This ordinance shall be irrepsalable until the indebt)dness
herein provided for, whenever the sane shall be creetsd, shall have been fully paid,
satisfied and discharged as herein provided.
Section 12. In the opinion of the City Cou mil an emergency exists for
the preservation of the -ublic health, peace and safety and this ordinance shall take
effect upon its pass,ge and publication under and by virtue of the aut? ority
contained in Secticne 6 and 7 of Article IV of the City Charter.
Introduced, read at length and adopted by the unanimous vote of all
the members of the CityCouncil this Uth day of y April, A. D. 1925.
Coacnissior.3r of Saf y and .x-0 cio Mayor
City Clerk.
) SS.
I, A. J. ROS^NOW, City Clerk of the City of Fort Collins, do hereby
c=rtify and declare that the foregoing ordinance,,�c�ons Ling of twelve (12) sections,
was duly proposed and read at length at a rigul�r5�g of the City Council held
on they th day of April, A. D. 1925, and was duly adopted and ordered published in
the Fort Collins Txpr�ss-Courier, a daily newspaper and the official newspaper of
the City of Fort Collins, by the unanimous vote of all members of the Co,�ncil, as .an
emergency ordinance in accordance with the provisi-ns of Sections 6 and of Article
IV of the City Charter; and thereaf+er, on to-wit: the / Q� day of , 1935,
said Ordinance No. / y was dcly published in the Fort Collins Express-Courier,
a daily newspaper published in the City of Fort Collins, Colorado.
IN WIT"SS WH''MOF, vs hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal
of said City this _� day of , A. D. 1925.
City Clerk.