HomeMy WebLinkAbout016 - 05/23/1925 - FIXING AND ESTABLISHING THE GRADES FOR WEST MULBERRY STREET, WEST MAGNOLIA STREET, WOODFORD AVENUE, ORDINAYL"- " . ✓w , 1925, BEI?TG AN p r _.... ... -, "T -,.. ABLI'T7`G T77 GPrtrr�c 7475' ^ PtTULRvRRy r---• _ _-_ _. ..._,- _ - _ _ ,,.nS�*._"- 7.AS'1 Y ^III LID^' '_ _. _ LIIv^ OF W0,11r<C-- - . .,,,,17P, TO - - - - _ "0' DFORD ^ .?TRB LI?+F GJRIYJ':. ^ AKIN AV=—, - - -- _732, LINE OF Ttr" .�, 90tPPH ^,.IN AfLN TG STIfa"T, Pir --I m. FR09? TT'L' S^ _"'_ ,..,-�-. - - ., -, ,-._.._._- m ?TORT? LB"ERY STR^FT, I'* T _. r ° COWRA.P,- . ;PDAIN D SY T11 CITY COTMMII, OF TT" ""'.` "'F FORT COLLINS: Section 1. The grades for west Mulberry Stre-t from the west curb lino of 70shington Avsrue to the east curb ling of Shislds Street in the City of Fort Sol'_ins, Colorado, are hereby fixed, established and declared to be as follows. All elevations are in relation to and referred to the City Datum B. L'. 104.76 st the intersection of the walks on tha corner of College avenue and Oak Stra-t at the postoffics corner. Beginning at station 39 plus 48 which is the vast curb line of VAshington Avenue, north curb 133.63; north gutter 133.13; south gutter 133.50; south curb 134.00; at station 39 plus 60 which is the vast property line of t+ashington Avenue, north walk 133.90; at elation 41 plus 30 which is a break in grads, north walk 138.30; north curb 138.00; north gutter 137.30; at station 43 plus 04 which is the east property line of Gordon Street, north walk 140.70; at elation 43 plus 16 which is the east curb line of Gordon Street, north Tarb 140.55; north gutter 139.85; at station 43 plus 52 which is the west curb line of Gordon Strast, north curb 140.70; north gutter 140.00; at station 43 plus 64 which is the wart property ling of Gordon Strast, north walk 140.85, at station 47 plus 04 which is p the east property line of Rayne Strast, north walk 141.90. at station 47 plus 16 which is the east curb line of Wayne Straat, north curb 141.80; north gutter 141.10; at station 47, plus 52 %hich is the west curb line of Myna Strest, north curb 142.00; north gutter 141.20; at station 47 plus 64 which is the west p rop3rty line of Wayne Strast, north walk 142.20; at station 51 plus 22.3 which is the east property line of Shields Str3-t, north walk 146.90; at station 51 plus 34.3 which is the✓e.=st curb ling of 1- Shields Streit, north curb 146.60;.north gutter 145.80. Section 2. The grades for West na3nolia Strs=t from the wast curb line of reshington Avenue to the east curb line of Shields Strait in the City of Fort Collins, Colorado, are hereby fixed, established and declared to be as follows. All elevations are in relation to and referred to the City Rat= 3. M. 104.76 at the intersection of the walks on the corner of Collage Avenue and Oak Strait at the postoffice corner. Beginning at station 39 plus 48 which is the west curb line of Washington Avenue, north curb 134.84; north gutter 134.24; south gattar 134.24; south curb 134.74; at station 39 plus 60 which is the west property line of Washington Avsnas, north walk 135.10; north gutter 134.30; south walk 134.0.0; at station 41 plus 00 which is a break in grada, south gutter 134.90; at station 43 plus 02.8 which is the east proparty line of Gordon Strait, north walk 135.40; south walk 137.20s at station 43 plus 14.8 which is the east curb line of Gordon Strait, north curb 136 .25; north gut ter 1..a 5.65; sotah gutter 138.00; south curb 136.70; at station 43 plus 50.8 which is the west curb line of Gordon Street, north curb 135.45, north ,gutter 135.75; south gutter 135.20; south curb 136.90; at station 43 plus 62.8 which is the west roperty line of Gordon Street, north walk 136.80; south walk 137.40; at station 47 plus 02.8 which is the east property line of Wayne Street, north walk 138.85; south walk 139.30; at station 47 plus 14.8 which is the sea t curb line of Wayne Strait, north curb 138.60; north gutter 137.90; sout)L gutter 138.30; south curb 139.00; at station 47 plus 50.8 which is the west curb line of Th.-ne Street, north curb 138.90; north gutter 138.20; south gutter 138.40; south curb 139.20; at station 47 plus 62.8 which is the west property line of Reyns Strait, north walk 139.30; south walk 139.60; at station 51 plus 21 which is the east property line of Shialds Strait, north walk 142.80, south walk 143.30; at station 51 plus 33 which is the east curb line of Shields Strait, north curb 142.55; north gutter 141.85; south gutter 142.05; south curb 142.85. Section 3. The grades for Woodford Avenue from the west curb lino of 7ashington Avenue to the east curb line of Shields Street in the City of Fort Collins, Colorado, are hereby fixed, established and declared to be as follows; All elevations are in relation to and referred to tixe City Datum 3. M. 104.76 at the intersection of the walks on the corner of College Avenue and Oak Street at the postoffice corner. Beginning at station 39 plus 48 vMaich is the west curb line of Washington Avenue, north curb 134.20; north gutter 133.50; south gutter 133.50; south curb 134.20; at station 39 plus 60 which is the west property line of Vuashirgton Avenue, north walk 134.34; south walk 134.34; at station 43 plus 02.8 which is the east property line of Gordon Street, north walk 137.20, south walk 137.00; at station 43 plus 14.8 which is the east curb line of Gordon Street, north curb 137.00; north gutter 136.40; south gutter 135.350 south curb 136.95; at station 43 plus 50.8 which is thi west curb line of Gordon Strut, north curb 137.05; north gutter 136.45; south gutter 136.40; south curb 137.00; at station 43 plus 62.8 which is the west property line of Gordon Street, north walk 137.30; south walk 137.30; at station 47 plus 02.8 which is the east property line of Myns Street, north walk 13^..80; south walk 139.70; at station 47 plus 14.8 which is the east curb line of Wayne Dtrest, north curb 139.60; north gutter 139.00; south gutter 138.95; south curb 139.55; at station 47 plus 50.8 which is the west curb line of Wayne Street, north curb 139.65, north gutter 139.05; south gutter 139.00; south curb 139.60; at station 47 plus 62,8 which is the west property line of Wayne Strait, north walk 139.90; south walk 139.80; at station 51 plus 21.1 which is the east property line of Shields Street, north walk 141.80; south walk 141.70; at station 51 plus 33.1 which is the east curb line of Shields Stra=t, north curb 141.65; north gutter 140.951 south gutter 140.90; south curb 141.60. -3- Section 4. The grades for Gordon Streit from the south curb line of Akin Avenue to the north curb line of Mulberry Street in the City of Fort Collins, Colorado, are hereby fixed, established and declared to be as follows. All elevations are in relation to and r3fsrred to the City Datum B. M. 104.76 at the intersection of the walks on the corner of College Avenue end Oak Street at the postoffics corner. Beginning at station 7 plus 67.3 which is the south curb line of Akin Avenue, east curb 137.90; east gutter 137.30; west gutter 137.35; west curb 137.95; at station 7 pl} s 77.5 which is the south property line of at Akin Avenue, east walk 138.10; 'nest walk 138.36y/station ll.plus 05.2 which is the north property line of Woodford Avenue, east walk 137.20; west walk 137.30; at station 11 plus 12.2 which is the north curb line of Woodford Avenus,east curb 137.00; east gutter 135.40; west gutter 136.45; west curb 137.05; at station 11 plus 38.2 which is the south curb line of Woodford Avenue, seat curb 136.95, east gutter 136.35; west gutter 136.40; west curb 137.00; at station 11 plus 45.2 which is the south property line of Woodford Avenue, east walk 137.00; west walk 137.30; at station 14 plus 00 which is the north property line of :Magnolia Street, east walk 136.40; west walk 136.80; at station 14. plus 20 which is the north curb lire of Magnolia, seat curb 136.25; east gutter 135.65; w-st gutter 135.75; west curb 136.45; at station 14 plus 80 which is the s outh curb line of Magnolia Street, east curb 136.70; east gutter 136.00; west gutter 136.20; west curb 136.90; at station 15 plus 06 which is the south property line of Magnolia Street, east walk 137.23; west walk 137.43; at station 16 plus 75 which is a break in grade, east walk 140.10; east curb 139.90; east ,utter 139.20; west gutter 139.40; west curb 140.10; west walk 140.30; at station 16 plus 46.5 which is the north property line of Mulberry Streit, east walk 140.70; west walk 140.85; at station 18 plus 66.5 which is the nort$ curb line of Mulberry Street, east curb 140.55; east gutter 139.85; west gutter 140.00; west curb 140.Mi -4- a Section 5. The grades for IEtyne Streit, fror_ the south curb line of Akin Avenue to the north curb line of 'Julberry Street in the City of Fort Collins, Colorado, are hereby fixed, established and declared to be as follows. All elevations are in rilation to�and referred to the City Datum B. 11. 104.76 at the intersection of the walks on the corner of College Avenue and Oak Street at the postoffiae corner. 3aginning at station 7 plus 67.3 which is the south curb line of Akin Avenue, east curb 140.45, east gutter 13°.85; west gutter 139,90; west curb 140.50; at sth.tion 7 plus 77.5 which is the south property line of Akin Avenue, east walk 140.60; west walk 140.65; at station 11 plus 05.2 which is the north property line of Woodford Avsnus, east walk 139.80; west walk 139.9Q; at station 11 plus 12.2 which is the north curb line of Woodford Avenue, east curb 139.60; east gutter 139.00; west gutter 139.05; west curb 139.65; at station 11 plus 38.2 which is the so th curb line of Woodford Avenue, east curb 139.55, east gutter 138.95; west gutter 139.00, west curb 139.60; at station 11 plus 45.2 which is the south property line of Woodford Avenue, east walk 139.70$ west walk 139.80; at station 14 plus 00 which is the north property line of "dagnolia Str iet,east walk 138,85; west walk 139.30; at station 14 plus 20 which is the north curb line of Magnolia Strs=t, east curb 138.60; east gutter 137.90; west gutter 138,20; west curb 138.908 at station 14 plus 80 which is the south curb line of Magnolia Straat, east curb 139.00; cast gutter 138.30; west gutter 138.40; moist curb 139.20; at station 15 plus 00 which is the south property line of Magnolia Straat, east walk_ 139.30; west walk 139.601 at station 18 plus 43.7 which is the north property line of Mulberry Street, east walk 141.90; west walk 142.20;: at station 18 plus 63.7 which is the north curb line of Mulberry Streit, east curb 141.84; east gutter 141.14; west gattar 141.24; west curb 142.04. -5- Section 6. The grades for Shields Strait, from the south curb ti line of Akin Avenue to the north curb line of "Ralbarry Street, in the City of Fort Collins, Colorado, are hereby fiaad, established and decl,ared to be as fo110ws. All elevations are in relation to and referred to the City Datum B. M. 104.76 at the intersection of the walks on the corner of College Avenua and Oak Street at the postoffics corner. Beginning at station 7 plus 67.3 which is the south curls line of Akin Avenue, east curb 142.24; east gutter 141.60; at station 7 plus 77.5 which is the south property line of Akin Avenue, east walk 142.40; cast curb 142.24, east gutter 141.44; at station 9 plus 00 which is the north property line of Oliva Street, w3st gutter 141.19; west curb 141.87; west walk 142.27; at station 9 plus 14 which is the north curb line of Oliva Street, west gutter 141.00; w3st —arb 111.80; at station 9 plus.55 Which is the south curb line of Olive Str3-t, west gutter 140.82; west curb 141.62; at station 9 plus 70 which is the south property line of Olive Strait, west, walk 142.20; at station 11 plus 05.2 which is the n rth property line of Woodford Avenue, east walk 141.80; east curb 141.57;: east gutter 140.70, at station 11 plus 12.2 aihich is the north curb line of Woodford Av anus, erst curb 141 .65, east gutter 140.95; at station 11 plus 38.2 which is the south curb lino of r,odford Avenua, east curb 141.60; east gutter 140.90, st station 11 plus 45.2 which is the south property line of Woodford Avenue, east walk 141.70; at station 14 plus 00 which is the north property line of ..?agnolia Strait east side, east walk 142.80; at station 14 plus 20 which is the north curb line of Ma c�aolia Street east side, east urb 142.55; east gutter 141.85; at station 14 plus 80 which is the south curb line of Magnolia Streit east side, sa::t curb 142.85; east gutter 142.05, at station 15 plus 00 which is th3 south property line of Magnolia Street east side, east walk 143.30; at station 13 plus 70 which is the north property line of Magnolia Strut west side, west curb 142.60; west walk 142.80; at station 13 plus 86 which is the north curb line of 1Magnolia Street, west side, west gutter 141.85; wast curb 142.55; at station 14 plus 34 which is the south curb line of ",Iagnolla Strait west side, west -6- gutter 142.05; west curb 142.95; at station 14 plus 50 whicly is the south property line of ''a nolia Street west side, west walk 143.50; at station 17 plus OO which is a break in grade, east walk 146.50, east curb 146.20, eat gutter 145.40; west gutter 145.40; west curb 146.20; west walk 146.50; at station 18 plus 41.2 which is the Aorth property line of ::7ulberry Street, east walk 146.90;41/west walk 146.90; at station 18 plus 61.2 which is the north curb line of ::ulbarry Street, east curb 146.60; east gutter 145.80; west gutter 145.80; west curb 146.60. Section 7. All ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict with this ordinance are harsby r=paaled. Section S. In the opinion of the City Council an amargency exists for the preservation of the public health, pa as and safety and this ordinance shall take efract upon its passage Zd publication, under and by virtue of the authority contained in Sections 6 and 7 of Article IV of the City Charter. Introduced, road at length and adopted by the unanimous vote of all members of the City Oounci t s 23rd day of Pray, A. D. 1925. CoT-ni ssioihr of Safe and x-r io ::'ayor. ITTu'qm. City Clerk. STATP OF COLORADO ) SS. CO'T_T"Y OF .ARIPTTP ) I, A. J. ROS170P, City.Clark of the City of Fort Collins, do hereby certify and declare that the foregoing ordinance can fisting of eight (8) sections was duly proposed and read at length at a ragvlar meeting of the City Co-oncil held on the 23rd day of May, A. D. 1925, and was duly adopted and ordered published in the Fort Collins 7xprsss-Ccurier, a daily newspaper and the official newspaper of the City of Fort Collins, by the unanimous vote of all members of the Council, as an emergency ordinance, in accordance with the .;rovisicns of Seeticna fi„and 7 of Article IV of the City Charter; and thereafter, to-wit: the Z 7*- day of ,A i n .D.1925, said Ordinance 1o. j(,_ was duly --ublish®d in the fort ^ols ^xpress- Courier, a daily newspaper published in the City of Tbrt Oollihs, Colorado. IN TIT1TT9- lirrrl^. , I have her3unto set my hand and affixed the seal of said City, this �� day of fil , A. D.1925. City Clerk.