HomeMy WebLinkAbout009 - 03/13/1926 - AMENDING SECTIONS 27 AND 28 OF ORDINANCE NO. 007, 1921, RELATING TO LOCAL PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS, ETC. F ORDINANCE M. AN ORDINANCE A?4F;NDIATG SFCTICXS 27 AND 28 OF ORDINANC7 NO. 7, 19Z1, 'BEING AN ORDINANCE R^LAYING TO LOCAL PUBLIC IIMPROVV1',2!US,t ETC., ADOPT D AND APPROVED ON T?IE 2ND DAY OF APRIL, A. D. 1921, AND DECLARING AN 77ERC$NCY. BE IT ORDAINED BY TH? CITY CO"NCIL OF TIM CITY OF FORT COLLINS: Section 1. That Section 27 of Ordinance No. 7, 1921, adopted and approved on the 2nd day of April, A. D. 1921, be and the same is hersby amended to read as follows: Section 27. For the purpose of paying all or such portion of the cost of any improvement constructed under the rrovisions of this ordinance as may be assessed against the property specially benefited and not pail by the city, special assessment bonds of the city may be issued of such date and in such form as may.bs prescribed by the City Council, bearing the name of the street, alley or district improved and payable to the bearer in a sufficient period of years after date to cover the period of payment provided herein, but subject to call as hereinafter provided, and in convenient denominations of not more than one thousand dollars ($1,000) each. All such bonds shall be issued upon estixatss of the city snginesr approved by the City Council, and the City Treasurer shall -,�rss-)rva a record of the same in a suitable book kept for that purpose. All such bonds shall be subscribed by the Mayor, countersigned by the City Treasurer, with the corporate seal thereto affixed, attested by the City Clerk. Said bonds shall be payable out of the monsya collected on account of the assessments made for said improvements, and all moneys collects& from such assessments for any improvement shall b� applied to the payment of the bonds issued until payment in full is made of all the said bonds, both principal and interest. Said bonds may be used in payment of the cost of the improvement as specified herein, or the City Council, in its discretion, may sell said bonds to pay such cost in cash. Sail bends shall be nagotiable in form, shall b9ar such intsr9st as may be fixed by the City Council, not axeitling six p r csnt•.:m per annum, payable seai_annually, sviisncsd by coupons bearing the facsimils signature of the City Clark. Section 2. Mist Section 28 of said Ordinance No. 7, 1921, be and -1- !j the same is her,mby amended to read as follows: Section 28. Uanevsr there are available funds in the city treasury therefor, it shall be the duty of the City Treasurer to call in and pay a suitable number of any bonds cutstanding, by giving notice for five (5) days in the official newspaper of the city, At the expiration of thirty (30) days from the first publication of such notice, interest on the bonds so called shall cease. The notice shall specify by number the bonds called and all such bonds shall be paid in numerical order. Section 3. R'hereas it is necessary for the City Council to j provide immsdistsly for the construction of certain ppecial improvements in said city, the ,r,reliminary proceedings for vtich have heretofore baen taken and adopted, it is hireby declared that an emergency exists, that this ordinance is for the preservation of the public health, peace and safety and that it shall take effect immediately upon its passage. Introduced, read at length and adopted by the unanimous vote of all this members of the City Co`n is _{alloy of k?arch, A. D. 1926. Co issioner of Safety Flx-0fficio r 1STT ?T� City Clerk. It was then moved by Comncnissic^ar and seconded by Commissioner that all rules of the City Council which ttight prevent, unless suspended, the final passage and adoption of said ordinar_ca at this meeting, be and the ssms are hereby suspended for the purpose of permitting the final passage and adoption of said ordinanas at this meeting. The question being u>on the adoption of said motion -nd the suspension of the roles, the roll was called, with the following result: Those voting aye: Commissioners Those voting nay: 911 :rembsrs of the City Council having voted in favor of said motion, the Mayor declared said motion carried and the r�_lss suspended. Commissioner QaAatu.r then moved that said ordinance be now placed upon its final passage. Commissioner Schlichter seconded the motion. The question being upon the ;lacing of said ordinance upon its final passage, the roll was called with the following result: Those voting aye: Coaccissioners Mon ,Bomery Goader And Schlichter__ -- - ---- Those voting nay: The Mayor, as pr=siding officer, then declared the motion carried and the ordinance placed upon its final -a ssage. Comr.^issionsr Goeder thereupon moved that said ordinance be finally passed and adopted as introluced and read and ordered published. Commissioner Schlichter seconded the motion. The qusstion being upon the final passage ar.¢ adoption of said rrainence, the roll was called with the following result: Thos9 voting aye: Coracissioners Montgomery. Golder and Schlichter. �_ Those voting nay: None. The 7,rayor, as presiding officer, th=rsupon declared that all of the members of the City Ccuncil, duly slectel, qualified and agting as such, having voted in favor thereof, the said moetion was carried and the said ordinance finally pas-sd and aftopted. On motion duly adopted, it was then ordered that said ordinance be numbered �q_, 1926; th=t said ordinance, after approval by the Mayor, be published in The Fort .Collins 72;ress- Courier, the official newspaper of th,3 city, in its isles of March 16th , A. D. 1926; and 'hat said ordinance bs r-acoried and authenticated as required by law. 5iniseionqr of Scf=ty d Ex-Offici yor ATTF5T: ity ClIrk. STATE OF COLORADO ) ) SS. COT OF LARIT R CITY O8 FORT Comm ) I, A. J. F.OS�.10% City Clerk of the City, of Fort Collins, do hereby certify and declare that the fore7oing ordinance consisting of three sections was duly proposed and read at length at a regular meating of the City Council held on the day of March, A. D. 1926, and was daly adopted and ordered published in the Fort Collins Express-Courier, a daily newspaper and the official newspaper of the City of Fort Collins, by the unanimous vote of all the members of the City Cor,ncil, as an emergency ordinance in accordance with the provisions of Section 6 and 7 of lrticls IV of the City Charter of the City of Fort Collins, and thersaft,.r and on to-wit: the Id 4 day of March, A. D. 1926, said Ordinance No. .4_, 1926, was duly published in the Fort Collins Txprsss-Couris r, a daily newspaper published in the City of Fort Collins, Colorado. IN 141TIT"SS WIER'30F, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of said city this L_ day of March, A. D. 1926. City Clerk. (92 AL) AMDAVIT OF IDUT-LICATIOII OF ORDINANCE NO. 9 , 1926. f STATE; OF COLORADO } County of Larimer, ) so. CITY OF FORT COLLINS. ) At a re3ular ms+ting of the City Counc`1 of the City of Fort Collins, held at the City Frill, in said city, on Saturday the 13th day of March, A. D. 1926, thsre were prssent and answering at roll call: Comm.issiorer: F. R. "..?ontgomery, "?ayor. Commis^ioners: F. P. Gosder and E. A. Schlichter. Also prssent: A. J. Rosenow, City Clerk. Absent None, Thereupon Commissioner Schlichter introduced an ordinance entitled: "An Ordinance to amend Sections 4 and 7 and to rspeal Section 10 of Ordinance No. 12, 1925, 'being an emergency ordinance relating,, to the creation of Storm Se--er Sub-District No. 2 of Storm S<_•✓✓er District No. 61 , etc., adopted and approvsd on the 29th day of April, A. D. 1925, to provide the rate of interest of the bonds to be issued pursuant to said Ordinance No. 12, 1925, and declaring an emergency," which ordinance was tharsu;:on read in fulland is as follows, to-wit: �� -1-