HomeMy WebLinkAbout010 - 03/13/1926 - AMENDING SECTIONS 4 AND 7 AND TO REPEAL SECTION 10 OF ORDINANCE NO. 012, 1925, RELATING TO THE CREAT ORDINANCE NO. ej , 1926, AN OP.DINANG4 TO AAEND SECTIONS 4 A?ID 7 AND TO REPTAL SECTION 10 OF ORDINANM No. 12, 1925, 17?ING AN T•;'72"MITCY OPI)TYPNCE TMuTITTG TO TM MfTION OF STOT=' SErrsR SUB-DISTRICT NO. 2 OF STORM S--,MTZ DISTRICT NO. 61, -MC., ADCPTrD LND APPROVED ON T-M. 29TH DAY OF APRIL, A. D. 1925, TO PROVIDE TO? RATE Or^ INTEREST CIF THE BONDS TO BE I94MI) PURSUANT TO SAID ORMANCE 1..70. 12, 1925, AND IDECLA&"ING AN ME:ROMMY. M IT ORDAIrrD BY THE CITY COMTCIL OF TH^ CITY OF SORT COL TINF: Section 1. That S•sction 4 of Ordinance No. 12, 1925, adopted and approved on the 29th day of April, A. D. 1925, be and the earn is hereby amended to read as follows: Section 4. 7or' ths purpose of paying the cost of slid i- provamants, bonds of the City of Fort Colh.ins are hereby authorized to be issued by the Commissioner of Finance and F.x-Officio City Treasurer, which said bonds shall bear date at such time as maybe fixed by the City Treasurer after the work of improvement has been commenced .in said district, but said date shall be uniform for all bonds issued, and in mach form as may l,e approvad by tha City Council after submission by the Commissioner of Finance; said bonds shall bear the name of Storm Sawxr Sub-District No. 2 of Storm Sewer District No. 6, of the City of Fort Collins, and shall bear interest at the rate of four and three-quarters per cent per annum, payable semi-annually, said interest to be evidenced by coupons ! attached to the principal bond and attested by the facsimile signature of the I City Clerk, which said bonds shall be in denominations of Five Hundred Doll'q.rs each. Each of said bonds shall be subscribed by the Commissioner of Safety and Ex'-Officio Mayor and attested by the City Clark with the corporate seal of the City and countersigned by the Commissioner of Finance and 7x-Officio j City Treasurer, and r-gistered with the City Treasurer and shall bs delivered I, from time to time as required for the payment of the work harsin provided. iSaid bonds shall be redeemable cut of the moneys collected on account of assessments made for said improvements; all moneys collected from said assessments or from the sale of bonds shall be credited to Storm Sewer Sub- District 170. 2 of Storm Sewer District No. 6, and the funds so collected shall only ba used for the rayment of the work of condtruction of said improvements and the interast thereon. Said bonds shall be mmbered one to twenty four. -I- i i Inclusive, and shall be redeamable, consecutively according to number and in order of issuance. Said bonds shall only be issued and delivered by the City Treasurer on estimates and order of the City rnginsur, signed and approved by the Corm:issionsr of Safety and Erb-Officio Mayor, wben said estira tee have been r - duly audited and approved by the City Council and ordered id. All of said.. a paid. bonds shall be absolv.tsly due and 1;ayahl3 ten (10) years from the date cf,issue but shall be snbject to call and payment at any time prior thereto, as provided in Ordinance 1Co. 7, 1921, relating to local rublic irprovsr.,ente. Pursuant to i the authority and power contained in Suction 29 of Ordinance No. 7, 1M, relating to local public improvements, the payment of all the bonds issued in pursuance of tris ordinance are hereby guaranteed by the City of Fort Collins. Secticr. 2. That Section 7 of said Ordinance No. 12, 1925, be and the same is hereby amended to read as follows: Section 7. Whenever the City Treasurer has funds in his hands to the credit of Storm Sewer Sub-District No. 2 of Storm Se-t r District No. 6, inllyding six monthst interest on the unpaid principal, be shall by advertisumant for five drays in the official newspaper of said City call in a suitable number lof said bonds of said district for payment, and at the expiration of thirty days from the first publication of such notice, interest on the bonds so called shall cease. The notice shall specify the bonds so called by nirnber, and all said bonds so issued shall be called and paid in their nmm rival crier. Suction 3. That Section 10 of se.id Ordinance 70. 12, 1925, be and the same is hereby repealed. Section. 4. That the bonds to be issued for said Storm Sewer Sub- District No. 2 of Storm Saner District No. 6 shall bear interest at the rate of four and three-quarters per cantum per annum, payable semi-annually, instead of six per cent= per annum as specified in said Ordinance No. 12, 1925; that said bonds shall in all other respacts be in v,.bstantially the s are form as sat forth in said Ordinance No. 12, 1925. Section 5. That all ordinances or parts thereof in conflict herewith are hereby repealed. Secticn S. 1ha reas it is necessary for the City Council to provide iar^edi».tely for the construction of the improvements proposed in said Storm Sewer Sub-District No. 2 of Storm Se-xer District No. 6, the preliminary proceedings for Wdich have heretofcr> bean taksn and adopted, it is hereby declared that an emsrgency exists, and tIa t this ordinance is for the prsssrvation of the pul+lic health, peace and safety, and that it stall take effect immediately upon its passa-e. Introduced, read at length and adopted by the ananimoue vote of all the members of the City Council this 13th day of Mardi}, A. D. 1926. 'Off, CorAnissior,,3r of Safety EX-Offici o City Clerk. It was than moved by Commissioner and seconded by Commissioner that all rules of the City Council which might prevent, unless suspended, the final passage and adoption of said ordinance at tl.-s ms-ting, be and the same are hereby susp3nded for the _urpose of permitting the final passage and adoption of said ordinance at tt:is meeting. The question being upon the adoption of said motion and the suspension of the rules, the roll was called with the following result: Those voting aye: Commissioners: Those voting nay: All members of the City Council having voted in favor of said motion, the Mayor declared said notion carried and the rules suspended. Commissioner Schlichter than moved that said ordinance be now rlacad upon its final passage. Commissioner Goeder seconded the motion. The question being upon the placing of said ordinance upon its final passage, the roll was called with the following,reault: Those voting aye: Commissioners: Montgomery, Goeder and Schlichter. Those voting nay: None. The Mayor, as presiding officer, then declared the motion carried and the oralrancs placed upon its final passage. Commissioner Schlichter thereupon moved tbAt said ordinance be finally passed and adopted as introduced and road and ordered published. Commissioner Goeder seconded the motion. II The question being upon the final passage and adoption of said ordinance, the roll was oal'ed with the £ol=owing risult: Those voting aye: Commissioners Mantgamar� rnaAan anA Schl 3rhter_ Those voting nay: None. The Mayor, as presiding officer, thereupon declared that all of the me-mbers of the City Council, duly elected, qualified and acting as such, having voted in favor ther=.of, the said motion was carried and the said ordinance finally passed and adopted. On motion duly adopted, it me then orderid that said ordinanes be numbered 10 , 1926; that said ordinance, after approval by the Mayor, be rublished in the Fort Collins Express-Courier, the official newspaper of the city, in its issue of March 17th , A. D. 1926 ; and that said ordinance be rmcordad and authenticated as required by law. Comm ssicner of Safety -Officio . Vk (S^AL) AT"79T: City Ckerk. i I ' I OTIDD.9IT OF FLrBLICATIO'? OF ORDINANCE NO. 10 1926. i I J I I I I r i STATE OF COLORAD04 ) County of Lariner, ) an. CITY OF FORT COLLINR. ) At a r^_gular meeting of the City Cotancil of the City of Fort Collins, held at the City Gall, in said city, on Saturday the 13th day of "lords, A. D. 1926, there mn! prsssnt and enewering at roll call: Commissioner: F. R. Montgomery, a.yor. ('=issionsrs: F. P. Coeder and 7. A. Schlichter. Also ,resent: A. J. nossnove, City Clerk. Absent• None, Thereupon Commissionsr ; Schlichter introduced an ordinance entitled: "An Ordinance to emend Sections 5, 8 and 9 and to repeal Section 11 of Ordinance No. 11 , 1025, 'being .an emergency ordinance relating to the creation of Laporte Avenue Im2 ovement District No. 201, etc., adopted and approved on the 18th day of April , A• D. 1925, to provide the re.ts of interest of the bonds to be issued Pursuant to said Ordinance No. 1925, and declaring an �!m rgeney," which ordinance was thereupon read in full and is as follows, to—Tit: C 1 STATE' OF COLORnDO, COTaITY OF LARIT^77, } CITY OF MRT COLLIITS• 1 I, A. J. ROG^`?01 , City Clerk of the City of Fort Collins do hereby certify and declare that the foregoing ordinance consisting of six sections, was duly proposed and read at length at a regular meting of the City Council held on the 13th day of March, A. D. 1926, and :vas duly adopted and. ordered published in the Fort Collins Express-Courier, a daily newspaper and the official newspaper of the City of Fort .^.ollins, by the unanimous vote of all the members of the City Council, as an emergency ordinance in accordance with the provisions of Sections 6 and 7 of trticle IV of the City Charter of the City of Fort Collins, and thereafter and on, to-wit: the 17th day of March 1926; said Ordinance No. 10 , 19-16, was duly published in the Fort Collins _,xcress-Courier, a daily newspaper pub liehed in the City of Fort Collins, Colorado. IN ^RTMSS TM" T CF, I have her-unto s-* my hand and affixed the seal of said City this 17th day of March, A. D. 1926. City Clerk. fjl r. d+�