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ORDINANCE NO _7 1920 BEING AN EMERGENCY ORDINANCE TO REGULATE THE USE, HANDLING STORAGE AND SALE OF INFLAMMABLE LIQUIDS, AND THE PRODUCTS THEREOF WITHIN THE C©RFORATEODIMITS OF THE CITY OF FORT COLLINS a BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FORT COLLINS Section 1 It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation either as principal or agent to keep or have in excess of five (5) gallons of gasoline naptha or other inflammable liquids on any premises within the corporate limits of the City of Fort Collins, without first obtaining a permit from the City Council, except as hereinafter provided Section 2 All applications for permits to sell or store inflammable liquids must be made in writing to the City Counoil, on printed forms to be provided by the City Clerk, before any permit shall be granted by the City Council Under this ordinance it shall be the duty of the Commissioner of Works or an inspector duly authorized by said officer for such purpose, to make an inspection of the premises proposed to be used for the sale or storage and distribution and upon the recommendation of said Commissioner of Works a permit may be issued for the installation of system or equipment as covered y by the application, which A be subJect'to thd� express r provision that such installation must pass final inspection °6 after installation Section 3 Before any installation authorized by the permit is covered from sight , notification in writing shall n be given to the Commissioner of Works, or his authorized inspector, o who shall after receipt of such notification inspectN-the installa- tion and give his aAproval or disapproval thereof in writing, and no such installation shall be covered until the same has re- ceived the written approval of the Commissioner of Works, or his authorized inspector Section 4 It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation either as principal or agent to have or keep more than five (5) gallons of gasoline, naptha or other inflammable liquids on his premises at any one time, unless the same is contained in an approved underground storage tank, con- structed installed and maintained in accordance with the rules and regulations hereinafter prescribed All such tanks and pumps used in connection therewith shall be constructed under the supervision of the Underwriters' Laboratori"., or other authorized concern, and each tank and pump shall bear their label of approval showing that the device has been tested and approved Section 5 The drawing of gasoline or other in- flammable liquids from tank cars shall not be permitted at any location where such tank care are within fifty (50) feet of any building, or where in the judgment of the Commissioner of Forks such operations would be unsafe to life or property The piping, pumps or other equipment used for emptying of such tank care must be of sufficient size and so arranged to permit the empty- ing or withdrawing of the gasoline or other inflammable liquids within a period of twelve (12) hours The person or firm to whom such tank cars are consigned will be required to complete the emptying of same within a period of twenty-four (24) hours from the time the tank car is placed in position for unloading Section 6 The provisions of this ordinance shall not be construed as applying to gasoline contained in the reservoir or tanks of motor vehicles, and not to exceed one (1) gallon in approved measuring pumps used for filling purposes or to portable wheel tanks for use in garages when not exceeding sixty (60) gallons capacity, and when constructed and used in accordance with the requirements of Section of this ordinance Section 7 Upon special application in writing, permits may be granted by the City Council for above ground storage tanks in sparsely built up sections of the city, if located entirely outside the mercantile and congested districts, and at least three hundred (300) feet to line of adjoining pro- perty which may be built upon Section 8 The provisions of this ordinance shall not be construed as applying to gasoline naptha or other in- flammable liquids while con+ained in washers used in connection with dry cleaning establishments, when located outside the fire limits of the City of Fort Collins, as now established or here- after extended, or when inside said fire limits, provided the building used for dry cleaning purposes is constructed wholly of non-combustible material, not used for other occupancy and located at least ten (10) feet from other buildings or a public thorofare Section 9 MaterdA,l and Construction of Tanks Tanks must be constructed of galvanized steel, basic open hearth steel or wrought iron of a minimum gauge depending upon the capacity as indicated by the following table Capacity Gallons Minimum Thickness of Metal 1 to 560 14 gauge 561 to 1100 12 gauge 1101 to 4000 7 gauge 4001 to 10500 1/4 inch -3- Tanks constructed of #12 and 14 gauge metal must be well gal- vanized, tanks constructed of #7 gauge or heavier metal must be galvanized or thoroly coated on the outside with tar asphal- tum or other suitable rust resisting material Section 10 Location and Installation Tanks shall have top of tank at least three (3) feet below the surface of the ground, and below the level of the lowest pipe in the building to be supplied Tanks may be permitted under neath a building if buried at least three (3) feet below the lowest floor Tanks shall be set on a firm foundation and surrounded with4 oft earth or sand, well tramped into place, or encased in concrete Tank may have a test well, provided test well extends to near bottom of tank, and top end shall be hermetically sealed and lock- ed except when necessarily open When tank is located under- neath a building the test well shall extend at least twelve (12) feet above source of supply The maximum limit of storage per- mitted shall be 10 500 gallons and shall depend upon the location of tanks with respect to the building to be supplied and adjacent buildings and property as follows (a) 10,500 gallons total capacity if over thirty (30) feet from any property line and if lower than any floor, basement,cellar or pit of any building within a thirty (30) foot radius (b) 4,000 gallons total capacity if over twenty (20) feet from any property line, and if lower than any floor, basement , cellar or pit of any building within a twenty (20) foot radius -4- (c) 1,100 gallons total capacity if over ten (10) feet from any property line that may be built Upon and if lower than any floor, basement , cellar or pit in any build- ing within a ten (10) foot radius (d) 560 gallons total capacity if within ten (10) feet of any property line, and if not lower than any floor, basement , cellar or pit in any building -ithin ten (10) feet , in which case it must be entirely encased in six (6) inches of con- crete The above provisions and requirements shall be construed as prohibiting the installation of any storage tanks in the public streets avenues or alleys of the City of Fort Collins, except by special permission of the City Council Section 11 Venting of Tanks All underground storage systems which may contain inflammable gases shall have at least a one (1) inch vent pipe, run from top of tank to a point outside of the building and acceptable to the Commissioner of Works but which shall end at least twelve (12) f-eet above level of source of supply and in a location remote from fire escapes and never nearer than three (3) feet measured horizon- tally and vertically, from any window or other opening, the tank vent pipe shall terminate in a goose-neck protected in the outer end by a 30 x 30 mesh or equivalent brass wire screen The vent pipes from tWo or more tanks may be connected to one upright , pro- vided they be connected at a point at least one (1) foot above level of source of supply Section 12 Filling Pipes The end of filling pipe for all underground storage tanks shall be carried to an approved location outside of any building, but not within five (5) feet of any entrance door, or cellar opening, and shall be set in an approved metal box with cover which stall be kept -5- locked, except during filling operations, this filling pipe shall be kept closed by a screw cap A 30 x 30 mesh or equi- valent brass screen strainer shall be placed in the supply end of filling pipe The piping of gasoline or other inflammable liquids in the streets or alleys of the City of Fort Collins, for any distance exceeding fifty (50) feet shall not be per- mitted excepting in outlying districts where such piping and sewers and where in the judgment of the Commissioner of works such piping can be properly maintained and would in no way create a hazard to life and property Section 13 It is hereby expressly prohibited to open or fill any gasoline tank of any automobile or motor- cycle while the engine or motor is running No inflammable liquids shall be drawn or handled in the presence of open flame or fire , but may be drawn or handled when lighting is b$ incandescent electric lamps installed in compliance with the rules and regulations of the "National Electrical Code " and said rules and regulations are hereby adopted and made a part of the requirements of this ordinance as affecting all electrical equipment Section 14 In all rooms or parts of buildings which contain inflammable liquids in open containers , or in which the vapors from inflammable liquids are present , or in which inflammable liquids are used in any manufacturing process, the carrying of matches is prohibited, and smoking shall be a misdemeanor Suitable signs lettered "Smoking Prohibited by Order of the Commissioner of Safety" shall be displayed -6- Section 15 No portable wheeled tank for the handling of inflammable liquids inside buildings shall exceed sixty gallons capacity Tanks must be of iron or steel, 3/16 inch thick, with all openings at the top and screened with 30 x 30 mesh, or equivalent , brass wire screen Wheels must be rubber tired and tanks so hung as not to be tipped over in ordinary usage Liquids must be drawn from tank by means of a tight fitting pump and the device must bear the Underwriters' Laboratories' label of approval Section 16 The handling or storing of any in- flammable liquid within dangerous proximity to open flame or fire is expressly prohibited Section 17 All tank wagons, and wagons con- taining tank with faucets, when used for distribution of in- flammable liquids, shall be of substantial ,workmanlike con- struction and shall be subject to approval of the Commissioner of Works, who shall inspect and keep a record of such wagons or vehicles which shall be plainly marked with their record number All faucets connected to sLoh tank wagons shall be kept locked or have handle removed when not in actual use, such handle to be so constructed that it may not be removed except when the faucet is tightly closed and all measures and faucets shall be covered or otherwise protected Section 18 All tank wagons used for the pur- pose of retailing and wholesaleing oil , gasoline or other in- flammable liquids within the corporate limits of Fort Collins, must secure a license or permit in the same manner as provided for securing permit for installation of gasoline tanks and PUMPS Each application for permit to operate a tank wagon for distributing gasoline , oil or other inflammable liquids within the corporate limits of the City of Fort Collins shall -7- be accompanied by the sum of twenty-five dollars ($25 oo) , which is the annual license fee charged for such purpose Section 19 All filling stations within the cor- porate limits of the City of Fort Collins retailing and whole- saleing gasoline, oil or other inflammable liquids shall be of fire proof construction and shall be in conformity with the fol- lowing requirements The general architectural design of the structure shall be such that it will,in the opinion of the City Council, add to rather than detract from the esthetic qualities of adjacent buildings or grounds The location of the pumps of the filling station shall be such as to afford the greatest pos- sible visibility to pedestrians on the sidewalks of the cars being filled Pumps shall be located at least twenty-five (25) feet , measured along the route of egress along the drive- way from the nearest edge of the sidewalk The nearest edge of a driveway furnishing egress for cars filled shall be not less than six(6) feet from any adjacent building line, whether the same be a part of the filling station, or not , where the same abutts upon the sidewalk or in case no building exists, then the property line of the adjacent premises All installa- tions of pumps and tanks connected with tIpfilling station shall be in strict conformity with the requirements of the National Board of Fire Underwriters and this ordinance The location of all filling stations must be approved by the City Council, and when in their opinion the location for which application for permit made would not be for the best interests of the public, permit may be refused -8- Section 20 Where any pipe line for conveying gasoline oil, haptha or other inflammable liquid, is to be laid in the streets of the City of Fort Collins, a permit must first be obtained from the City Council All pipe lines laid for the above purpose must be placed in conformity with this ordinance and the regulations of the National Board of Fire Underwriters The location of all pipe placed in the streets must be approved by the Commissioner of Works When any pipe in excess of twenty (20) feet in length for conveying gasoline, oil, naptha or other inflammable liquids is placed in the streets of the City of Fort Collins, the following charges shall be made Permit fee ten dollars ($10 oo),for each lineal foot of street occupied there shall be charged ten cents (10 d) per annum, for each water main or sewer crossed ten dollars ($10 oo) per annum Section 21 Fees for Permits and Occupation Tax 0 The following fees shall be charged and collected under this ordinance For each tank installed Five Dollars ($5 oo) For all curb pumps an occupation tax of twenty- five dollars ($25 oo) per annum For all other pumps five dollars ($5 oo) per annum The schedule of fees for permits to operate fill- ing stations shall be as follows For each tank in excess of 100 gallons the fee shall be five dollars ($5 oo) , fo meach-pump five dollars ($5 oo) In addition to the above each pump shall pay an annual license fee of ten dollars ($10 oo) Section 22 All license fees heretofore men- tioned in this ordinance shall terminate on the 31st day of December of each year, and all fees and rentals shall be due and payable on the let day of January of each year Whenever applications are received between the let day of January and the 31st day of December, the City Clerk shall make calcula- tions and charge for such licenses in proportion as the re- maining part of the year is to the whole year, for the purposes of this ordinance, the month being considered as the smallest subaivision of the year Section 23 For the installation of all tanks, pumps pipe lines, filling stations and the operation of all tank wagons surety bonds shall be furnished by the applicant in an amount to be fixed by the City Council, and approved by the Commissioner of Safety, and filed with the City Clerk be- fore any permit shall be granted and issued Section 24 Any person, firm or corporation violating any of the provisions of this ordinance shall, upon conviction, be fined in any sum not in excess of three hundred dollars ($300 oo) , nor less than five dollars ($5 oo) Section 25 Permission for the installation of curb pumps shall be pursuant to regulations adopted by the City Council June 22, 1918, and all amendments thereto Section 26 All ordinances and parts of oidi- nanoes in conflict with this ordinance are hereby repealed, save and except that all causes of actions accru=d in favor of the City of Fort Collins by reason of any violation of said ordinances , prior to the taking effect of this repeal, shall be prosecuted as tho no repeal had been made _10- f Section 27 Storage of Kerosene by Retail Merchants It shall be lawful for a retail merchant to keep in storage not to exceed one (1) barrel of kerosene, which shall be the limit of amount in one building, to be located away from any furnace room or any open heat devices, upon a permit to be granted by the City Council upon application to the City Council and approval of loca, tion, and the payment of Two Dollars ($2 oo) as permit fee Section 28 In the opinion of the City Council an emergency exists for the preservation of the public health peace and safety and this ordinance shall take effect upon its passage and publication, under and by virtue of the authority contained in Sections 6 and 7 of Article IV of the City Charter Introduced, read at length and adopted by the un- animous vote of all the members of the City Council this loth day of April, A D 1920 omm ss oner o e y an Ex Officio Mayor ATTEST City Cle=r -11- STATE OF COLORADO ) SS COUNTY OF LARIMER ) I , A J ROSENOW, City Clerk of the City of Fort Collins, do hereby certify and declare that the foregoing ordi- nance, consisting of twenty-eight (28) sections was duly pro- posed, and read at length at an regular meeting of the City Council held on the loth day of April, A D 1920 and was duly adopted and ordered published in the Fort Collins Express, a daily newspaper and the official newspaper of the City of Fort Collins, by the unanimous vote of all members of the Council as an emergency ordinance, in accordance with the provisions of Sections 6 and 7 of Article V of the City Charter, and thereafter, on towit the __ L- day of April, A D 1920, said Ordinance No -/— was duly published in the Fort Collins Express, a daily newspaper published in the City of Fort Collins, Colorado IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of said City this day of April, A D 1920 _ City er -12-