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08DI➢T.4DTC: NO 1920 32156 z,NWGY ORDI.+&AECu FIXIZCr An ESTA.LLISiiING GR.ZZS FOR ? ST CAL STF:ET, FROM THE 'U�ST PROPET�TY LINE OF :u�SON STnEET TO THE BEST CITY LIMITS 'IHS SAME Ili T_7::: : CTS WEST OAS S_FL.T, IN THE CITY OF FORT COLLINS, COLORADO. BE IT OFL� INU BY H CITY COUNCIL OP' TH3 :CITY OF FORT COLLINS: Section 1: The grades for West Oak street, from the Test property line of Mason street to the S?est City limits, in the City of Fort Collins, are hereby fixed and established and declared to be as follows: All elevations being referred to City Datum B. 1J. 104. 76, at the intersection of walks on the corner of College Avenue and Oak street at the postoffice corner. Beginning at station b plus 00 which is the west property line of :Jason street; elevation of he North sidewalk line 109.63; on the north curb line 109.33; on the north gutter line 108.53; at the cen- ter line of street 109.33; on the south gutter line 108. 53; on the south curb line 109.33; on the south sidewalk line 109. 63; at sta- tion '1 plgs OU on North sidewalk line 112. bl; on the north curb line 112. 21; on the north gutter line 111.41; at the center line of street 112. 21; on the south gutter line 111.41; at the south curb line 112. 21; on the south sidewalk line 112. bl; at station 9 plas 00 which is the east property line of Howes street; on the north sidewalk line 116.91; on the north curb line 110. 61; on the north gutter line11c. 81; at the center line of street 116. 60; on the south gutter line 115. 81; on the south curb line 116. 61; on the south sidewalk line 116. 91; at station 10 plus 00 which is the west property lineof Howes street; on the north sioewelk line 118.40; on the north curb line 116.10; on the north gutter line 117.30; at the center line of street 118.10; at station 10 plus 70.7 which is the property line where Canyon Avenue intersects Oak street; at tae center line of street 116. 65; on the south gutter line 117. 85; on the south curb line 118. 65; on the south -r sidewalk line 118. 95; at station 14 plus 00 which is the east property* line of 11eldrum street; on the north side�-alk line .121.56; T2 on the north curb line 121. 26; on the north gutter line 120.46; at the center line of street 121. 26; on the south gutter lime 120.48; on the wouth curb line 121.26; on the south sidewalk line 121.56; at station lb plus 00 which is toe west property fins of deldrum street; on the north sidewalk line 121.02; on the north curb line 121. 02; on the north gutter line 120, 82: at the center line of street 121. 66; on the soub gutter line l20. 82; on the south curb line 121. 62: on the south sidewalk line 121. 92; at station 19 plus 0a which is east property line of Sherwood street; on the north sidewalk line 122.32; on the north curb line 122.02; on the north gutter line 121. 22; at the center line of street 121. 66; on the south gutter line 121. 22; on the south curb line 122. 02; on the south sidewalk line 0 2. 32; a; station 20 plus Ow which is the west pro arty line of Sherwood street; on the north sidewalk line 122.32: on the north curb line 122.02; on the north gutter line 121. 22; at the center line of street 121. 0 on the south gutter line 121.22; on the south curb line 12a.02; on the south sidewalk line 122. 32; at station 24 plus 00 *whieh' is the eats pro arty line of Whitcomb street; on the north sidewalk line 121.92; on the north curb line 121. 62; on the north gutter line 120. 82; at the center line or street 121.58; on the south gutter line 120, 82; on the south curb line 121. 62; on the south didewalk line 12l.92; at station 2b plus 00 which is the west property line of Whitcomb street; on the north sidewalk line 121. 80; on the north curb line 121.Q; on the north gutter limp 120.70; at the center line of street 121. 7b; on the south gutter line 120. 70; on the south curb line 121.50: on the south sidewalk line 121.60; at station 29 plus 00 which is the east property line of Loomis street; on the north sidewalk line 123. 20; on the north curb line 122.90; on the north gutter line 122. 10; at the center line of street 126. 14; on the south guv �er line 122.10; on the south curb line 122. 90; on the south sidewalk line 123. 20; at the station 30 plus 00 which is the west property line of Loomis treat; on the north siA MA line 123. 66; on the north euro line 16, 66; on the north gutter line 122. b6; at bus center line of Street M. 67; on the scuun©gutter line 12,06; on the south curb line 123.36; on the south sidewalk line 123.66; at station 64 plus 00 which is the east property line of Grant street; on tine north sidewalk line 126. b; on the north curb line 12b. 20; �3 on nortia gutter line i2o.40; at the censer -Line of stiree �, i26. o2; on the soul, gutter line 12o. 40; un the south curb lin, 126.20; on the south s_dewalc line 126.o; at station 6o plus 00 which is the west property line Grant street; on the north sideeair. line 126.32; on the north curb line 126.10; on the north nutter line 12 ;.30; at the center line 12'i . 08; on the south gutter line 126. 281, on the south c xb line 127. 06; on the south sidewalk line 12' . 36; at station 36 plus 00; on the north sidewalk line 126. 80; on the north curb line 126. 50; on the north gutter line 120. 70; on the center line 127 .44; on the south ,gutter line 126. 64 on the south curb line 127.44; on the south sidewalk line 127. 74; at station 69 plus 00 which is the east property litre of :7ashington r.venuei ; on the north sidewalk line 130. 70; on the north curb line 130.40; on the north gutter line 12V. 60; on the center Line 130. b9; on the south gutter line 129. 80; on the south curb line 160. 60; on the south: sidswa-LX line 130.90; at station 69 plus 60 which is the west property line of Nash- ington dvenue; on vhe north sidewalk line 130. 90; on the north curb line i60. 60; on the nort.. gutter line 129.80; on the enter line 130. 62; on the north gutter 12a.70; on the north curb 130. 00; on the north sidewalk 130. 80; at station 4b plus 03. 4 which is the east property line 2aoic street; on the north sidewalk- line 136. 7b; on the north curb "line 136.45; on the north gutter line 13b. 65; on the center line 136. i3; on the south gutter line 13b. b6; on the south curb line 136.36; on the south sidewalr line 136. 66; at station 45 'plus 63. 4 which is the west property line hack street; on the north sidewalks line 1,�6.74; on the north curb line 166.44; on the north Sutter line 1;5. 64; on uhe center line 15'i .14; on the couch gutter line 136.00; on the sout-_ curb line 136. 80; on the south sidewalk lin= 137.10; .-t station 48 plus 05.4; on the north sidewalk line 168.46; on the ,.orth curb line .138. 16; on the north gutter 0 line 167.36; on the 0center line 138. 86; on the sou',;h gutter line 166. 01; on south curb line 138. 81; on the south sidev:alh -Line 169. 11; at station of plus ib. 4; which is the east property line jheilds str,;et; on the north sidewa x -Line 'L41.36; on the north curb line 141.06; on the north gutter line 140. 26; on the center line i42. 11; on - he bouth gut;,er tR- line 141. 26; on tre south curb line 142. 06; on the south sidewalk line line 142. 36; at station bl plus 76. 4 w _ich is west property line of §4 Shields street; on the north sidewalk line 142. 70; on the nort<<: curb line 142. 40; on tre north gutter : ine 141. 60; at the center line of street 5o01h 142. 76; on cr_e south Sutter l ue 141. 90; on the curb line 142. 70; on the south eidewal_ line 143. 00; at station 55 plus '16. 4 which is east property line of Scott Avenue; on the north sidewalk line 14o. 06; on the north curb line 144. 76; on the north gutter line 143 6; at center line of street 14o. 10; on south gutter line 144.30; on sou..h curb line 145. 10; on south sidewalk line 140.40; at station ob plus 66.4 which is the west property line of Scott Avenue ; on the north sidewalk line 14b. 40; on the north curb line 145.10; on the north gutter line 144.30; at the center line of street 14o. 4u; on the south gutter line 14Vb; on the south curb line 145.1u; on the sout sidewaik line 14b.40; at station 60 plus ;�,6. 4 which is the east prop-er%/ line os Jaek_ on 'venue; on the north sidewalk line 147. 78; on the north curb line 147.48; on the north Satter line 146. 68; at the cr:nter line of street i47 . 76; on the south gutter .line 146. 64; 6n the south curb line 147.44; on the south sidewalk line 147. 74; at the station 61 plus 36.4 a'iich is the west property Line of Jackson Avenue ; on the north sidewalk line 147. 80; on -he north curb line 14'1 . 50; on tie north gutter line 146. 60 at t the center line of street 14t. 60; on the south gutter line 147. 66; on the south curb line 147 .36; an the south sidewalk -Line 146. 56; at station 72 plus 0u at center line of street lo3.. 85; on the south Sutter line lo2. 76; on the soi:tth curb line la3.56; on the south side:°gain line 153. 86; at station 72 plus 96.4 which is east property line of Roosevelt Avenue; on north sidewalk line 154. 65; on north curb line lo4.35; on°north gutter line lo3. 00; at station 73 plus o6. 4 which is west property line of Roos- evelt Avenue; on north sidewalx line 1o�. 08; on north curb line 154. 78; on north -utter line lb3. 98; at station 74 plus 55; on the north sidewalk line 105. 88; on the north curb line 15. 58; on tr>e north gutter line at station V.4 plus 56 .4 which is the east property line of Bryan -venue ; on the north sidewaik line 16l. 60; on the north curb line 161. 30; on the north gutter line 160. 58; at the center line of street 161.58; on the a-iy+south gutter line 160.48; on .,,e south cu:cb line 161. 28; on the south sidewa .. line 161.58; 568tien S. All ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict with this ordinance are hereuy repealed. Section 3. In the opinion of the City Council an emergency exists for the preservation ofitre puu ie r_ealth, peace and safety, and this ordinance shall take effect upon its passage and puulication under and o� virture of the authority contained in sections 6 and 7 of Article IV of the City Charter. Introduced, read at length and adop�ed by the unani- mous vote of all the memoers of the City Council this day of April , A. D. 1920. _ Commissioner of b,afety and Ex-officio 2ayor. ATTSSi: Y-�---- _ P ___ _ City Clerk. STATE OF COLORADO ) SS COUNTY OF LARIMER ) I A J ROSENOW, City Clerk of the City of Fort Collins do hereby certify and declare that the fore- going ordinance, consisting of three (3) sections was duly proposed and read at length at a regular meeting of the City Council held on the Z,L. day of April, A D 1920 and was duly adopted and ordered published in the Fort Collins Ex- press a daily newspaper and the official newspaper of the City of Fort Collins, by the unanimous vote of all members of the Council, as an emergency ordinance in accordance with the provisions of Sections 6 and 7 of Article IV of the City Charter, and thereafter, on towit the �_day of April, A D 1920 said Ordinance No /0 was duly pub- lished in the Fort Collins Express a daily newspaper pub- lished in the City of Fort Collins Colorado IN WITNESS WHEREOF I have hereunto set my "liand and affixed the seal of said City this -';M4day of April A D 1920 City Clerk