HomeMy WebLinkAbout025 - 07/31/1920 - AMENDING THE SCHEDULE OF RATES AUTHORIZED TO BE CHARGED BY THE POUDRE VALLEY GAS COMPANY FOR GAS WIT ORDINANCE N0. 2S 1920, - BEING AN EMERGENCY ORDINANCE AMENDING THE SCHEDULE OF RATES AUTHORIZED TO BE CHARGED - . BY THE POUDRE VALLEY GAS COMPANY FOR GAS WITHIN THE COR- PORATE LIMITS OF THE CITY OF FORT COLLINS. WHEREAS, By, Ordinance No. c��a 1918,.= amend- ing Section' 4 of Ordinance No: 6, 1904, relating to grant- ing of a franchise for the ereoti.on and operation of gas works, passed .and, adopted April ; 1918, .provision was made .for an increase in the schedule of rates "to be charged. , by The Poudre- Valley Gas .Company, a public utility operating urider a franchise granted by the. City of Fort Collins by Ordinance No. 6, 1904, Which said schedule of. rates so adopted has, been in operation"since iday, , 1918; and WHEREAS., On .the 19th day of June, 1920, The . ' Poudre Valley Gass-Company;'. suocessor in interest. to "the grantee .of the- franchise under .. said Ordinance No. 6, 1904,. submitted a request to the City Council for permission to increase its schedule of rates.,for gas, : submitting in con- nection therewith 'a proposed schedule of .rates; and WHEREAS, Its application, together with the schedule of rates, and a statement of the earnings and operating cost_ of said. Company at' the present .time., com-" pared with the month of, May; .:1918, were duly referred to a committee by "the City Council ,for investigation. and report as to the reasonableness or-.unreasonableness of--the proposed increase in rates for gas; :and -WHEREAS, Said committ ee did on the 3d 'day of July, 1920, duly report' to- the City Council,. recommend- ing that the Company •be- aiio'wed th'e increase asked for , on probation, and ,that they submit to,-.the City each month a copy of"the monthly report .., showing `total receipts and ex- penditures,• also the itemized-coat of producing gas, using 1000. cubic feet as a "uni:f; now, . therefore " BE IT ORDAINED BY THE .CITY. COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FORT COLLINS: 'Section 1�. . In consideration :of the premises, that Section 1 of Ordinance 'No•. , 1918; amending the sche- dul6 -of.iatea provided in the franchise ordinance of The Poudre Valley Gas Company, as successor to 'the grantee of the fran chisel be .amended so as to read as follows: "Sectional., The Poudre. Valley Gas Company, successor in interest ' of :the grant ee .under said Ordinance No: ;• 6, 1904,* may and .shall charge not. to- exceed the following rates'-for gas consumed within the corporate limits of the City of.;Fort Collins, and may. enforce the regulations prescribed herein, and the' following rates; effective 19201 RATES.. 1.85 gross,,. For, the first 2000 cubic feet $1.75. net gr , For, the next 3000 cubic feet _ $$1.65 net , 1.. 75 gross; F.oi the next `5000 cubic -feet = : $$1,.50 net , a . $$1..60 gross; For the next 10000- cubic: feet = $1.40 net; For the next -10000 cubic feet. - $$1.30 net;. 3n 'excess'=of .30000 cubic feet - $$1.10 net; Rate• for prepayment meters .$1.15 per ,1000 cubic feet net ; with' minimum charge. of 75 2 MINIMUM MONTHLY GUARANTEE: . Minimum,charge for five light metiers - 75 .net , 85 . per month per meter; . Ten light meters Ol.00 net , $1.10 grdss., per,'. month, per meter,;, ... Twenty-light meters or -larger- _ l.'?5 net , 1.'35 'gross, .... Twenty month' per meter. . PROMPT .PAYMENT DISCOUNT: Bills gill be rendered at the gross rate per 1000 cubic feet or for the minimum and discounted to the net rate if paid within ten days from the -first of the month. No discount on gas sold thru prepayment: meters. RULES AND 'REGULATIONS! .. No meter will. be,, connected for less than a three months' .'period. The..,-.company shall have the privilege.' of demanding the minimum for said period - in' advance,, if deem- ed necessary. Consumers delinquent- for sixty days from date of bill shall be disconnected from ttie company's service lines without notice. The *company :may, if deemed necessary., when any consumer is delinquent -more than'.ten days, discontinue` the service after - giving 'twenty_f our hours.' notice. " Section 2, ' The Poudre Valley Gas 'Company, as. successor in Anterest of the grantee. under said Ordinance No. 5,• shall within five days _ after.the final passage and publica- tion of'.this:ordinance.,, file its written acceptance, ;duly signed. and acknowledged by its -proper officers, of the pro- visions of this ord-inance. with the City Clerk, and the said Company shall file with the City Clerk, from and, after the -3- tak'lAg. effect of this ordinance., a monthly report showing the total receipts arid expenditures, al,so; an itemized statement of the cost of producing gas, using 1000 oubic .feet 'as a unit., and also, at the close' of each' fiscal year , it shall file with the City Clerk a sworn statementrof the gross receipts derived each .year from .the operation. of_ said gas works ; as a "basis for computing .the. franchise. tax due the City each year; and further., file`, with the. City Clerk a copy of the annual report the same as furnished to the Public Utilities -Commission. Section 3. . All ordinances and parts of ordi- nances in conflict with this ordinance are hereby repealed. . Section 4.. In the opinion of the. City Council an emergency exists •for the preservation of the public health, peace and safety, and this ordinance • shall' take effect .upon its 'passage and publication" under and by virtue .of .the authority contained An Sections 6 and.'7 of-.Article IV .of the. City Charter . Introduced,. read 'at. length and adopted by the unanimous.vote of all the member:s' of the. City Council this 3 � day of , A.D. :.1920. /Commis, on r o .Sa y and x Of f i ci o Mayor. ATTEST,:.,'-44 / �. ...n� 'City C re-Y x. STATE OF COLORADO ) ' SS : . . . • COUNTY OF LARISER } I , ..A. J. ROSENOW, City Clerk of the City' of Fort . Collins , do. hereby certify and declare that the fore going ordinance, consisting;:of four (4) sections, was duly .proposed and read at length at a.regular meeting of the City Council held on the day. of ,A.D. . 1920, and was duly adopted'and order e published in the Fort Collins Express, a daily newspaper and the official - newspaper' of the City of Fort Collins , by 'the unanimous. . . vote of all. members of the Council, as an emergency ordi- nance, in' accordance .with the 'provision of Sections 6 . and 7 of Article IV of, the. .City Charter; and thereafter , on towit: the day of A.D. 19202 said Ordinance .No. e1�S� was duly published in the Fort Collins Express, a. daily newspaper published in' the City. of Fort, Collins, Colorado:. IN WITNESS WHEREOF-, I have hereunto set my hand and' affixed the seal of said 'City this day of :A.D.' 1920•. zom pjo � City Clerk.