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BEING PU UMTCY 0MINARCE FIXI1TG A�iiD �TA3LISF3F±G GRADES FOR SUITH STRMTs, IN TIC: CITY OF .FORT ODLLT:'„ COLORADO, BE IT OFMAINM BY M CITY COMMI, OF TIM CI TX' OF rO:IT COLLI2 Section 1. The �ades for Smith Street, from the aouth. curb _ine of olive Street to the north property line of pitkin Street, in the City of Fort Collins, are hereby fixed ^uul eater. blial ad and leolixed to be an follows: All elevations bein referred to City Datum B.1I. 104.76 at the intersection of the nalks on the corner of Colleg-a .Avenue and Oak Street, at the postoffiae corner. beginning at station 9 plus 8C w<.ich is the "outh curt line of -,;live treet; the elevation at the Lest curb line is 88. 66; at the :eat gutter line 87.86;st the :set gutter line 67. 86;at the sast curb line 68. 66;at station 10 plus 00 which is the :youth prop- erty line of olive Wtrast,at the ?; st walk line 89.10;at the canter line of street 69.20;at the i=ast walk line 9U.09;at sts.tion 13 plus 00,at the -'-.tat walk line 88.2U;st station 14 plus 00 �hich is the :forth property-line of 'agnolia utreet;at the '--at walk line 87.9 ; at the center line of street 88. L-10;at the ,`,ist walk line 67.90;at station 14 plus 20;at the : cst ourb line 87.34; at the Lest gutter line 86.54;at the :;•2st gutter line 86.54;at the 1>:6t orb line 87.34;at station 14 plus 80;at the Last curb line 67.34;at thA eet gutter line 86.54;at the Nest utter line 86.54; at the ;'rest curb line 87.34;at station 15 plus 00 which is the outh property line of �aanolia -treet;at the :;sst wale line 88.40;at the canter lime of street 88.04;at the West walk line 69. d1; at station 19 plus W which is the Lorth property line of . uloarry Street;at the :cast walk line 90.44;at tha canter line of street 9u.08;at the : est walk line 9J.44;at station 19 plus ;;et t�i _est curb line 89.58;at the pact gutter line 88.78;at the `;ast ourb line 89.56;et station 19 plus 60;at the vsat curb lia.e 89. 64•at t ,s :.ast gutter lire 88. 84;at the :est gutter line 88.84;at the -est curb line 69. 64;at station 20 ;plus 00 which is the South k,roport7 line ' of .,:ulbarry Street;at the ;Sast walk line 69.90;at the center line of street 90.4 ;at the :ost walk line 90.18;at station 22 plus 00; at tra :'Ls t curb line 91.58;st the ;ant gutter line 9. . 78;st the canter line of street 92.18;at the west gutter line 90. 78;at the ,oat curb line 91.58;at the ;-'est walk line 91.90;at station 23 plus v;at the walk lima 93.65;at station 24 plus 00 which is the orth ;property line of -kyrtle Ntreet;at the Last walk line 94.bo; at the center line of street 94.65;at the `Neet walk line 9; .00;at station 24 plus 20;at the East curb line 94.30;st the st attar line 93.6u;at the =east ,gittor 1--' no 93.50;at the test cvurrb line 94,.;�; at station 94 plus 80;at the I-Ast curb line 94.30;at the west E.ratter line 93.50;at the . eect gutter line 93.50;at the bet curb line 94.3v; at station 25 plus 00 which is the South property line of _yrtle street;at the -�u-t walk line 96.48;at the canter line of street 9b.00;at the 40 st walk line 94.80;at station 31 plus 37 which is the .'orth property line of :.aurel a"troet;at the 3sst walk line 97.1% at the canter line of street 98.E4;at the West walk line 98.10;at station 31 plus 67;at the as8t curb line 97.76;at the .set gutter line 96.94;at the Nest gutter line 96.94;at the meet curb line 97. 76;at station 32 plus 17;at the west curb line 97. 76;at the .,gat gutter line 96. 94;at the °,cast E<;-uttar lime 96. 94;at the ®st ourb line 97.76;at station U plus 37 which is this south property, line of _'&urea _:traet;at tho < .::.et walk line 98.36;at the center line of street 98.28;at the ':3st walk line 98.70;at station 34 plus 37;at the :oast walk line 97.26;at the -'&at curb line 97.12;at the :kset gutter line 96.U;at the center line of atreat 97.72;at the 'east gut _ar line 96.32;at the 'tiest curb line 97.12;at the west wale line 97.64;at station 36 plus 37 which is the :torte: property line of rlu:�: .treot;at the Let walk line 93.20;at the center line of street 93.66;at the . f,®st walk line 93.32;at station 36 play 67;at the ',ast curb line 92.65•at the �G,st gutter line 91.86•at the ',`+est scatter lira) 91.85;at the feat curb line 92. 65;at station 37 plus gutter the ast curb line 9E.60;at the -3ast"gutter 91.60;at the ;est gutter 91.80;at the laest curb 9E. 60;at station 37 plus 37 which is the South propert.-, line of pin. itreet;at the , ost walk line 92.93;at the center line of street 93.33;at the ='est walk line 9 .80;at station 40.#Ius 37;at th3 .,mat walk line 95.00;at the ast curb line 94.80;act t7� �mst !utter line 94.00;at the center line of street 9b.40;at tho ;sst grater line 94.00;at the West curb line 94.80-tat the .-Out walk line 95.2U;at station 41 plus 37 which is the ;.orth pro-party line of Locust Street;st the Scat walk line 99. 0c;at the center line of street 98. 77;at the Y;eat walk line 99,00;at station 41 plus 57;at the ;; :sat curb line 96.84;at the Neat guttar line 98.04; at the ,eat butter line 98.04;at the .fast curb line 98.84;at citation 42 plus 17;at the Least oarb line 98.95;at the past bottar line 98.15,; at the pest gutter line 98.41;at the Ast curb line 99.21;at station 4E plus 37 which is the math property line of Locust ;treet;at the gsst walk line 99.59;at the oenter line of street 99. 69;at the ast walk line 99.50;at station 45 ,plus 08.9,which is the c.orth property line of t°liaa both c,treet.at the ast ralk lime 101.+49;at tubs center line of street 101.59;st the Nest walk line 101.40;at station 45 Plum 28.9;at the :ast curb line 131.13;at the igat gutter line 1u0.83; at the Fast gutter line 1: o.59;at the .peat curb lime 101.39;at stat- ion 45 plus € 8.9;at th3 vast curls lino 101.13;at the just gutter line 100.33;at tho :.eat gutter line 100.59;at the West curb line 101.39; at station 46 plus 08. 9 which is the South property line of isabeth Streot;at the past walk line 1U1.61;aat the center line of' streot 1L1.87;at the '.eat walk line 101.71;at statism 49 plus 08.9 which is tho worth property line of Garfield Stroet;et the :s.st wars li:o 104.50;at tho center line of street 104.76;at the cost walk line 104. 60;at at tion 49 plus 28.9;st the amt curb lisle 1w4.40;a% the west butter'' ins 1vs. 60;at tho ast gutter line 1u3.86;at the :`out curb line 104.66;at station 49 plus 86.9;at the isat acerb line 104.40. at thl -'ast gutter line 1 .60;at the '-Test gutter line 10v.60;Wthe - 'set curb -line 104.40;at ata~tlou 50 plus 08.9,whioh is th* 'South pro,)arty line' of Garfield j'troat;at the last walla line 1v4.32;at the center line of street lU4.74;at the 'eat walk line 1v4.32;at station 63 plus 08.9 which is the ;Uart-h property line of idwards Street;at tkr, the :last walk line 100.40;at the cantor line of street loo.82;at t?ae most walk line 100.40;at station 54 plus E6.9;at the ast curb line 99.96;at the mast gutter line 99.16;at the at &utter line 9' .16; at the .Test curb line 9a.-96;st station 53 plue 88.9;at the Last curb line 99.96;at the st gutter line 99.16;at the ':'eat gutter line 99.16;at th© "ast curb line 99.96;at station 54 plus 08. 9.whioh is tho .-ouch property lino of &*lards treat,at the oast wall. line 100, 10;at the center Tina of street lw.5o;at the ''44st walk line 100.lU;at station ; 7 plus o6. 9,which is the < or:h property line of Pitkin 5treet;at the Zart walk line 99.20;at the center line of serest 99. 60;at the ":eat walk line 99.20;at station 57 plea 88.9; at the last curb line 90.94;at the Xv,st gutVir line 98.14;at the .cost gutter line 98p14;at the 'past ourb line 96. 94. Section Z. All ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict with this ordinance are hereby re, pealed. Section 3. In the opinion of the City Council and emergency exists for the preservation of the public health, peace and safety, anii this ordinance shall take effect upon its passage az4 publication un.ler and by virtue of the authority contained in Sections u and 7 of Article IV of the City Charter. Introduced, read at length and adopted by the unanimous vote of all the me=rbers of the City Council this loth day of So=tember, A.D. 1SX. Cor=issioacr of Safety and Dx Officio Kayor. ATTEST City Clerr. STATE OF COLORADO SS. COUNTY OF LARIMER ) I , A. J. ROSEN017, City Clerk of the City of Fort Collins, do hereby certify and declare that the, foregoing ordinance, consisting of three (3) sections, Was duly proposed and read at length at a regular meeting of the City Council held on the 18th day of September, A.D. 1920, and Was duly adopted and ordered published in the Fort Collins Express, a daily newspaper and the official newspaper of the City of Fort Collins, by the unanimous vote of all members of the Council, as an emergency ordinance, in accordance with the provisions of Sections 6 and 7 of Article IV of the City Charter; and thereafter, on towit: the ah"'day of September, A.D. 19200 said Ordinance No. Was duly published in the Fort Collins Express, a daily newspaper published in the City of Fort Collins, Colorado. IN 17ITNESS 17HEREOF, I have hereunto et my hand and affixed the seal of said City this 1�'' dad of September, A.D. 1920. City Clerk.