HomeMy WebLinkAbout010 - 01/16/1905 - PRESCRIBING AND ESTABLISHING SANITARY SEWER DISTRICT NO. 17 Proxesed Rrdinanct3.
Ptahiic notice is hereby Mine:. that tt,,,I� f�l j�awilav ordinaaace Was
introduced, read am orderel printed at a *a;*s r�.a xtinP of the city
council of the city of 'port, Cnllins, hold iAWem#qV=Pq 1J04.
Oeee. a. � i7
-<< ----------- --------- ----
City Clerk
Ordi:aanoa No.16 1004.
Gn n Ordiaaaaire, r_n i FatatiiisJ ;;i. 3z,^.�.t *^r Se;zcr i; -
trict��aaaci Orderil v tl,e Construction of a ilistrLc;t Sanitary ge"r
therei,t, Afia ilcc.tara.:lsY tl.p Mec,e:,;z�ity therecior.
Be it nrda,dnetd by t„d city ,:oeutcl i elf tr.B pity of ?;,rt Colli:ts ,
Section 1. - That tLa constr,tation of a di:itrict saatitary saver in
the di.�trlct liereina to ), je5cri bP;i is., :c:`::i t. , : ,; �.'�.> is t,�*rsb �
nev3ssAry for sanitary rj+tsgns.
Saiztiun d. - Thi .t the of :4 district oanitary s:wv=r in
ih* .listri:;i hereinafter ,iosaTibad, to�eathtr Frith all necessary .xuj-
holes, inlets, a ,aurtetir.:aatr*s andsweh mains of ;Stich reasnna,ble ext:;nt
outside of said district as W/ be. _.oaesss;`ry to connect said district
with a aublic s-tiwar or. cone natural aczordinn to the detail;
plans rend stiecifications heretofore ad.opteci by order of b is city
eon,7,;lit <u'A oil file in th® office of the city ,lark, be ,i,id the sa,na
is hereby ortered , under, by virtue: of aiA in accordance with tl,e pro-
visions of as Sat of thtf Cr*n*ral Assembly of the state of Colorado,
entitle,i "An Act to Provide .for the Coaastructiola of I,oc41 improve:uent;,
in Citie"a of all classes eta- ' atnprcavt+st April 8, 1U91 the s&me teinrr
Chapter 151 of the Re;sioy ? as
Tams of l"t91, ,ad tl,e sal,, details, ala as
and specifications are tPrsYav prescribed for said constr+action.
S*ctiaut d- - 'Ghat said district sAi All unaasiyt of all U a real e:st.-
ate within the followinv numbered blocks and parts of blocks in said
city of 1<ort t:olt , >, tit ; - eyy�, e�� �� i�6, ia6, ifJ, ics"�
Qcc qt
and the said district is hereby created, 'approved aatt establis
shall ba karat*,i &nd �rtsrwci '12s Fort C allins � Salutary ,SOVY ^— 0,a�z�'7
Section 4. - The cost of Said district sanitary sever, incluaiafr j
inieta, rawshojtd, pon.nOutiAlf-I waina; a,ac4 w.1tl, lute rof4t ,
ShAll be "t;e;sse.d wi:olly upon all the ra:tl eata,ta in said district, in
proportio.t av; tl,e area o, eatai, ;aieve o, r=:al ,-btata tle:rt)iu is to tiie
area of all real estate iat said, district , exclusive Of petblic :,liglswayst
in accord.a,,ace wits. said act.
Section 5- - That ti,e said district sanitary e,ea, slw.li be paid
for in warrants of t o city of Fc.rt Collins,: , whial. al,;sll payable'
out of tn.a Moneys collected oil account of the absis5ments ,nade for
said sewer, aatd sail be of mucl, data, in 6vka ,, forth, payable in :;uch
time and in such daaoaai;nations as shall be hereafter prescribtAd by
said city cotancil, and shall be executed, issued dnd disposed of and
otherwise dealt with as in SectIons 35, 36 and 37 of said act are-
scribed. Tl.a raid, wa'Ta;its si,ali bear intort3ut at the rate of
Per Cent . per a nnun.
91Notion d- T2.e meeyor 14 hereby authoriz-1d to advertize in tt;e
mancaer required by law for bids for coastru tian of said sanitary
sewer in ttccorduic.i with said details, , a18r>� a;li slacifications, and
subject to the• Provisions of law axW of this ordinance. The rinht to
re, eci <wV ,arid all bids shall bI lit said advirtzsesient and is hereby
reserved .
91Dc3tion 7. - 'Tha citY , auruil of the city of r''ort ;oliinss, t;olor'ad0
does hereby d that notice of n7rono ed sanitary sewer was duly
�An tg�,tly „ of the pro p be ," 30sjed therefor, as ?ro-
vi, ed x sa , t1at the sew h eby ordered is so duly ordered
after ao IQeety i•; ea: ttat ,al tl ' r i evtate withi;l tuna limit:; of
said driot bo 44
ca r ibed iaea ail beetefitted by the con-
str:i(:t io of 11 :� 3 t::.a,�� all 4a rA r;rir: ei t. ; of t ..e la�v in
the ^)rPm y35 1, 0e11 *;���oA, co ,�i Y�.
; y . � �� �
ae 'Pheo. inF Ord anee was introduced duet rvai It a re-
131e1 ' ,a: t t," - t " u;1 :CeCO!1f1:. :)K 11''' city Of Fort v0111#td.t 4010rd-
do, on t off, ,�AI004.9 and was Peablished in the
ort nit'in; Ca�� s 4, of m3ner,ii cirgulation oubliLl,ed
in said Gty, on tli&/*#Oay
a of nag!✓ link 'MU 441Y ?4s4ed and adopt-
ed by aid cit, meetiai hold o,7 tha&l ;(,L)'y of
c�#� A.D. 1904.7
Attest : -
City Cier. k.
�I�tA.�/�-u�l/�ew/-r�-z-t.-c.<.�. //L( �ai'y ( ' �i-Lt�t„GL�' Cl�ul /O �/ O ✓.