HomeMy WebLinkAbout008 - 07/21/1913 - AMENDING SECTIONS 3 AND 6 OF ORDINANCE NO. 018, 1902 RELATING TO DRAYMEN EXPRESSMEN AND CABMEN AND T r ORDINANCE NO 1913 AMENDING SECTIONS 3 AND 6 OF ORDINANCE NO 18 1902 RELATING TO DRAYMEN EXPRESSMEN AND CABIJEN AND THE LICENSING THEREOF BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FORT COLLINS Section 1 That Section 3 of Ordinance No 18 1902 relating to Draymen Expressmen and Cabmen and the Licensing Thereof, be and is }�eraby amended to read as follows "Section 3 to license issued under this ordinance shall be for a less pe*iod than one (1) year " Se0ion 2 That Section 6 of said Ordinance No 18 be and is hereby 9mended tp read as follows "Section 6 No lioerise shall issue except upon payment to the City Clei-k at the time the svde iS issued f9r all such vehicles mentionel$ in Sect;oa 1 of this ordinance and motor tr ks drawn by two or more 'horses or other anamals e sum of TvOlve Dollars ($11 00� per snpum azd for all such vphiclbs drawn by one' horse or other animal the sum of Nine Dollars ( ,wft) 4%ch i�@ r annnim payable annuallF iTi advance " Passed and ado,#t ed this o2/ day of July 1913 Approved 6G`j � Mayor City Clerk I, Ray Rayter City Clerk inK and for the City of Port Coll. Tis Colorado do hereb i cor-Liff-d that the fore going oing of dinon . was read in full at ^ regulgr meeting of the City Council legally held on the 16th day of June , D 1913 and was published in the Fo-t Col.lins a 11e11,p ape of gener,l c�rcult tZonpublisheO .n 're Citj of c For' Coll.ns on the A-WdLy of June ! D -913 and was duly pas-Gd and adopted b j ' he CItj Council signed and approi pd oy the iiajor a+ a regulvr Mooting of the Catj Counc_1 legallj geld on the ?lst d3v of July A D 1913 Rav D-�xte r City Cle r"