HomeMy WebLinkAbout016 - 12/15/1913 - RELATING TO THE JEFFERSON STREET IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NO. 1 ORDINANCE NO I G 1913 RELATING TO THE JEFFERSON STREET IMPROVRENT DISTRICT NO 1 THE CONSTRUCTION OF S U D ITUR OV12MITT S AND PROVIDING FOR THE ISSUANCE OF BONDS TO PAY THE COST OF CONSTRUCTION THEREOF BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FORT COLLINS Section 1 That pursuant to a petition duly presented to the City Council on the 19th day of August 1912 which said petition was duly and regularly signed by the owners of the maj on ty of the frontage in the proposed dis tri ct and under and in virtue of a resolution adopted by the City Council on the 22nd day of September 1913 there is hereby created and adopted an improvement district to be known as the Jefferson Street Improvement District No 1 comprising Jefferson Street from the Intersection of said street with North College Avenue to the point of intersection with East Mountain Avenue and more particularly described as follows Being the roadway area on Jefferson Street from the east line of College Avenue to the intersection of Jefferson Street and Lincoln Avenue on the north line of Mountain Avenue which is fifty-four (54) feet in width when including the Denver & Interurban Railroad Company' s t r asks on said street Section 2 The said petition provided for the use of Sherman Hill gravel , which is hereby adopted for the surfacing of said street together with the curbing guttering and allq7 approaches to be constructed of concrete all of which work of construction is to be done in accordance zith the map plans and specifications reported to the City Council by the City t Engi ne er raider authority theretofore granted said City Engineer to pr epar a the same and which said map , plans and spe cif ications were adopted on the 2?d day of September A D 1913 and are hereby adopted in this ordinance as the flap plans and specifi- cations for the construction of said improvement as provided by law together vAth the estimate of the cost of the construction of said improvement amounting to Six Thousand On6 Hundred Seventy- three Dollars and ninety-five cents ($6173 95) and the Engineer ' s estimate of the cost per front foot to the owners of the lots abutting hereon Section 3 That pur want to the requireme nt of said resolution adopted on the 22d day of September 1913 due notice was given by due and lawful publication in the Fort Collins Courier a daily newspaper cf general circulation published in the City of Fort Collins Colorado , which said notice was to the owners of the property to be assessed and describing the kind of improvements proposed the number of installments and the time in which the cost will be payable the rate of interest on unpaid and deferred installments the extent of the district to be improved together with the probable cost per ftontage foot as shorn bythe estimates of the Engineer and to the further effect that on the 24th day of Navem�pr 1913 a/f-- 7%30 ce� ter, at the council chamber in the City of Fort Collins the City Council would hear and consider all complaints and objections that might be made in writing concerning the proposed improvement by the owner or owners of any real estate to be assessed that in pursuance of said notice the said City Council did sit to hear canplaants and that no complaints in writing concerning the said proposed improvement had then and there been filed with said City Council -2- i I Section 4 The City Council finds that all the requirements of the statute respecting the petition for said improvement and the not is es re qui re d by law to be given in respect thereto before the adopt ion of an o rdinanc a or Jeri rg said improvement have been complied with and it is hereby ordered that the improvement of the Jefferson Street Improvement District No 1 as provided for in the map plans specifications heretofore adopted by the City Council and auproved in this ordinance the and are hereby ordered to be constructed in accordance with said map plans and specifications Section 5 It appearing from the map plans and specifications of the City Engineer as adopted that no pro- vision is made for the cast of the improvement as occupied by the tracks of the Denver & Interurban Railroad Company that the cost of the improvement between said tracks and for l inches on each side of the outside rail of said tracks be and the sane is ordered to be constructed by the said The Denver & Interurban Railroad Company in accordance vtth the requirements of Ordinance No 13 of tre Series of 1906 entitled "An Ordinance Granting to The Denver & Interurban Railroad Company its successors and assigns the right to construct maintain and operate a street railway in the City of Fort Collins Colorado and granting a right of way to said company its succes9ors and assigns over along and across certain streets alleys avenues and public highways of the City of Fort Collins " and that said work of dmgrovement upon and along the tracks of said railroad company be and the same is hereby required to be constructed in accordance vrith the map plans and specifications of the City Engineer and under his imme di ate di rec ti on and sup er vi s i on and at the expense of the said railroad company a -V- t � Section 6. That for the purpose of paying for said improvements bonds of the City of Fort Collins are here- by authorized to be issued by the Commissioner of Finance and Ex-officio City Treasurer of said city which said bonds shall bear date at such time as may be fixed by the City Treasurer after the work of improvement has b een commenced in said di s- trict and in such form as may be approved by the City Council after submis sion by the Commis stoner of Finance the said bonds shall bear the name of the Jefferson Street Improvement District No 1 and shall be payable in ten (10) annual in- stallments ten per cent (109/o) thereof payable in each and every year during said period and shall bear interest at the rate of six per eent per annum payable semi-annually said interest to be evidenced by coupons attached to the principal b� at d by the fac simile signature of the City Clerk 'fan* shall be in denominations of not more than One Thousand Dollars ($1 000 00) each Each of said b onds shall be subscribed by the Mayor and attested by the City Clerk with the seal of the city and registered with the City Treasurer and shall be payable out of the moneys collected on account of the assessments made for said improvement all moneys collected from said assessments for said improvement shall be creditBd to the Jefferson Street Improvement District No 1 fund and the moneys so collected shall cmly be used for the redemption of said bonds and the payment of interest thereon Section 7 It shall be lawful for the City Council up on the ap p roval of the Mayo r an d up an an adverts sement f or not less than ten (10) days in some newspaper of gen oral circulation published in the City of Fort Collins and in such -4- other newspaper as may be approved by the Mayor , to advertise and sell sufficient of bonds when duly issued and registered as herein provided at not less than per to pay the expenses of engineering clerical e-xpenses and cost of inspection Section 8 Whenever considered prudent by the City Treasurer he is hereby authorized and empowered when- ever funds may be in Ins hands to the credit of said Jefferson Street Improvement District No 1 exceeding six months ' interest on the unpaid principal to advertise fbr five (5) days in some ne wspaper and c all in a suit abl a numb ar of bonds of sa id distri ct for payment and at the expiza.tion of thirty OD ) dEys from the fr ist publication inter est on the b ands s o called shall cease the notice shall specify the bonds so called by number and all said bonds so is su ed shall be paid in their numerical order Section 9 Upon the taking effect of this ordinance the Mayor is hereby authorized and empowered to advertise for bids for the construction of said improvement in accordance with the map plans and specifications herein and heretofore adopted which said advertisement shall not be less than ten (10) days in some newspaper of general circulation published in the City of Fort Collins and all bids received under said advertisement shall be submitted`tt� to Nthe, City C nit fo �, �� approval or rejection and no c antra c shall a avaas de d wit bout s A a bond for the faithful performgmce of the same with suffici ant surety or sureties to be approved by the Mayor, and the work of construction when so awarded under contract shall be under the general control of the Commissioner of Public Works and in the rrmediate supervision and control of the City Ergineer whose decision in all matters of dispute respectirg compliance tith this ordinance and the contract made thereunder shall be -5- t final and binding upon all parties thereto Section 10 Vhen the said public improvement shall have been completed and accepted by the City of Fort Collins the cost thereof shall be assessed upon all the lots or tracts of land abutting upon said Jefferson Street Improvement District in proportion as the frontEge of each lot or tvact of land is to the frontage of all the lots and lands improved,, the sides of the corner lots abutting on the street or alley so improved being regarded as frontage the cost of the street intersection to be assessed as provided by law and the same assessed collected in accor- dance with Ordinance No 19 1884 concerning assessment and collection of special charges Section 11 This ordinance sha11 be irrepealable until the indebtedness herein provided for whenever the same shall be created shall be fully paid satisfied and discharged Passed and adopted this day of December A D 1913 Mayor ATTEST City Clerk