HomeMy WebLinkAbout017 - 12/30/1913 - PROHIBITING ANY MINOR FROM FREQUENTING BILLIARD HALLS, POOL HALLS, BOWLING ALLEYS, SHOOTING GALLERIE i ' ORDINANCE NO-. --SERIES OF f ORDIpram 90, 17, 1913. PROHIBITITtG AW MIAOR FROM PREQIIE MNG BILLIARD H.>UZO POOL LL111L4, BOPILIVG ALLF'Yy, SH007M GALLERIES, Al I PROVIDING A PEX4M Tn REPOR. 1 � BE IT ORWINM 8fl E CITY Q�rIL OP y CITY c E'O COWNS. Section 1. It st be ful for any inor to fre ent any billiard ha 1, pool hall, bowling aey, or ooting gallery or to parti{ ipate In uny gems I ' In ar4 such billiard hall, pool hall, bowling alley, or shooting gallery, d? to loiter .:.bout or frequent a the room or place where any billiard tables, alley or r,.11erV s are kept and licensed within the corporate limits of Port Collins• � I Section 2. Any person or persons who shall violate any of the provisions j of Section 1 of this Ordinance shall upon conviction thereof be fined for each offense in a sum not less than one dollar nor more than twenty-fine dollars, or m,.y be i im-prisiened in tie city Jail not to exceed 90 days (90) and puy the costs of suit. Seeticn 3. All ordirances Lr parts of ordirances In conflict with this ordinance are hereby repealed, provided th-t this repeal shall not be construcd so as tc In any manner affect or release any cause of action new existing for the viol-tion of tYe ordinance or ordinances so repealed. ( Passed and adopted this day�Pf December, A D. 1913. = ti Iay , ;fii or Attest City _err. I, Raj Baxtcr, City Clear of Port Collins, do hereby certify tn.tt the fore-oing for= of ordinance is a true cops of sr-me, whic� vas introduced, rend are o^de-ed publisYed en , and whiclh was duly inserted one issue in T. e , a daily newsp..per on the d y of A D 1913, and -sic` saiel ordinmce came up for final pLssa_e on t`e e-4 of , A D 1913, and wcs duly passed, ado-y*ed si,-ned ane -braved tirit^ess me k- a and official seal t'--is day of i' r Citj Clear. I _ 5` 1IJ tl i i I I b ' r i J +Y z r j ! t