HomeMy WebLinkAbout006 - 05/04/1914 - PROVIDING FOR THE ISSUANCE OF LICENSES FOR LAYING CONSTRUCTING OR RECONSTRUCTING CEMENT SIDE WALKS A GRDIIINU R 140- T114. 2I,joVIDIIVG PpO : TFTP I33VANC OF LICENSES FOR LAYIXG4 UN3UUC !IRG / V, ?kCQiS3'tUCTIYO C""a�'''� SIIuT fiAl.ii:3 .A:iD D IYF4,'dYS , hiD 'I:OVIMIX tOR .a BOND `TO BE MUTED FDR 3�7CE. LIC-E "SE i, p,jt, THE SU3FvNjI•:•N off nF:VO IYIG OF' LICEN3lI3 AND rROVIDI&G :' _'ZTM:1; FOR ME VIOLATI'iid TIMiM '. &: IT '�: U,.iiIE—I'D BY .IM CITY COUNCIL OF 'i'EiI: CITY OF 011T CO'1 3: :;option 1. Uo person, firm or corporation shell lay, construct or reconstruct ee.::ent side 'walks, driveways, curbs or guttero :.ithout firct 1-avinj- obtained a license therefor from the City Counoil as he ei.n provided. 'ootlon B. the licerao f.,e for laying:,, constructing and reconstructing oement vide walhB , driveways, curbing or gutters sL ll be rive L'olla,rs (yZ.CU) ;per .snnau, and a bond shall be regaired with sow reliable ourety coapany, to be approved by the City Council, in the sum- of One �housaxid Dollars ( l,OGO.QQ) . ,•hicli bond shall be conditioned to coii- ply with all re�juire:aents cams epecif:.cati -ino of the ordin:;aaces of the City of x"ort Collins relating to the construction of walkZ, curbs rand driveways, rind in accordance with the instruc- tions and requireQents of Uio Coamiazzioner of --Uulic 1. orks a x:d „lxc wit a n, hoer, cmd to enforce the �a^se aeon all of his or its aimployes, and to !.old himself or itself responsible for all his or ita acts. Secti:in Z. All perrson.s who ne.v be cI*,ly liceneed to construct concrete :31dewallre, drivewa;�*E , cuxb:l or gutters shall be required to expre ,ely guarantee the concrete sidewalks , drivewe.7s, curbs or gutters for the period of two (2) years from and after its cocpievion and acae,)ttxcc by tho Qity En}_rinoer, and be required to :mi.ntain and make all neoe:sesry i- repairs on the Same during the period abovt named , ithout additional charge or cost to the property owner of`he City of Fort Collins . It is expressly understood. and agreed that this g,'Larantee shall include all repairs erowinr out of the imperfect or unsuitability of the material or composition, too groat or too little .moisture , defects of Forknanchip, settlirZ of fills or excavations. or any damage done to the curb by the expansion of said v;allm , either by bfoakin-. crackinfi or rushing out of said curb. The determins,,ti n of the necresity for ropasirs shall be vested oral;.isively in the City Engineer, whose decision upon the matter chnll be final and landing upon the contraotors; %nd the gmirantoo heroin rec,aired shall extend to the ,vhole body of the zsidev:alk or driveway3 , curbs and gutters as sell as the woarins surface ; and the repairs required may extend to a total reconstruction of the whole body of the sidewalk, driveway, curb or gutter, both base and wearing surface, if in the judgmont of the City Engineer such total reconstruction shall become necessary. Section 4. If fit any time zithir, the period of this guarantee vile contractor shall f-,Al or rcf we to begin the necesoary repairs or reco,ntructi on as hcrcin required within ten iM days from the date the City En,)1neer shell u .il the eontraotor written notice to :Hake such repair: or roeonstrue- tion, snd fail to diligently proeecuto the o,�=— to caupketion, then sold City Engineer may pxoccod to hc,ve said. repaairo or reconstruction done in any manner anId by whomsoever he may deem best, and charge the cost of tlhcs :sane to the contractor, to be recovered by the City of Fort Collins snd the property o^m,er Ly suit upon the bond of said contractor; i)rovidod that if the contractor fails: to reconstruct the sidewalk after having been not.fiod as above , the sit;; Council may cancel said contractor' s license and re-let the work of reconstructing -2 1 the same and the cost of such, construction shall be ;paid b;r the City of Fort Collins and the mount so paid collected by suit from the contractor or by suit upon the bond. Section 5. The City Council may, for unskillfulness, oarelessnoso, or for violatio:i of any of the ordinances or the directions of the Co-miseipnor of :'iblic ''.orks , or the City Ln ineer, in laying, constructing or reconatructinC sidewalks, driveways, curbs or d•uttering, euopend or revoke any license granted by the City for that -purpose, and upon the reco nandation of the Co=issioner of Zublle ':orks shall suspend or revoke such lioanso, and such license chUl not be of any virtue and effect again until duly reinstated by the City Council upon the recommendation of the Cor=issioner of 2ublic ': orks , nor shall any rostitu!. ion of the license fee paid therefor be made for any length of time for : hich said license weay be suspended or revoked, Section 6. Any pereon, firm or corporation who shall violate any of the .provisions of this ordinance shall. upon conviction, be fined in the sum of not lose than Ten Dollars (410.00) nor more than One _iundred Dollars (y100.00) for each offense . Passed and adopted this day of A. D. MAI. Usy or. ATTEST: City Clerk.