HomeMy WebLinkAbout007 - 05/04/1914 - PROVIDING FOR THE APPOINTMENT OF ELECTRIC METER INSPECTION FIXING SALARY OF SAME, AND PROVIDING FOR ORDINANCE NO 1914 AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE APPOINTMENT OF ELECTRIC METER INSPECTOR FIXING SALARY OF SAME, AND PROVIDING FOR THE TESTING OF ELECTRIC METERS BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FORT COLLINS Section 1 The office of Inspector of Meters is hereby created, whose duties shall be to have charge of the testing of all electric meters used within the corporate limits of the City of Fort Collins tinder the direction and control of the Commissioner of Public Warks and whose term of office shall be at the pleasure of the City Council Section 2 Any customer of the Northern Colorado Power a Company residing within the City of Fort Collins desiring to have his electric meter tested by the City Inspector may have such test made by filing a written application with the City Clerk and depositing the sum of One Dollar ($1.00) to cover ' the cost of such test If the meter shall be found rendering N _proper se ice then the cost of said test shall be paid by �t the applicant and if the meter is found to be unsatisfactory and insufficient then the said meter shall be replaced upo te®t at the expense of The Northern Colorado Power Company Notice of application for having the meter tested shall be filed at least six days before the test is made The fee above noted shall be ibr two-wire or three-wire single phase meter and polyphase electric meters shall be tested and the price thereof fixed by the City Meter Inspector at the time of making the application for said test but in no event shall it exceed Three Dollars ($3 00) for said test -1- Seotion 3 The City Met�"e'r��/In ector shall not '�� b�/r`�e� ak p � the meter seals �e g'tf€Fa!'e Oempany and if said meters meet the test imposed they should be sealed by the City Electrician MU which t1Wy should iri taZ,1ed 'tK thern Corrado Power Co any wTth�ot3r- +• a Section 4 Ho electric meter shall be,,� when its error of registration exceeds two per cent when subjected to the following tests (1) 10 0 load 50% load 100% load and 150% load (2) 90% 100% and 110% normal voltage when meter is carrying 10% 50 a and 100% load (3) 95% 10 ,o and 150% load The voltage to be at its normal value during this test (4) 75%t 100% power factor at normal voltage at 10% and 100°fo of the normal current rating of the meter The terms "normal voltage" used above shall be construed to mean the standard voltage of the company supplying the electrical energy and in no case shall it be taken as the voltage stamped on the name plate of the meter The term "full load" shall be construed to mean the volt-ampere rating of the meter Section 5 The Salary of CWW eter Inspector shall beAN-enty-five per cent of all fees for inspection end shall be payable monthly the s�scothels for services rendered the City tbv &:t TA�rer�s l kb,�p &.�sep)arate aL-c.,ount o fE s coll'bNqted 6p acoq�jnt of'.meb�pq inspections aYS4di&t*,e a�sa,�Kies an� e$pvses in rred ivy connktion wkth sd*-d depart)nent t%Q s 4 d account Passed and adopted this 4- day of ?areh A D 1914 '4�L a ayor ATTES a,L,L, UIVY C Er r I hereby certify that the foregoing is a true copy of an ordirance whi�c�h,, uwas introduced read and ordered published on Heir eh 19140 and which was duly published on insertion in the a daily newspaper, on the d4 of Mat a A D 1914 and which will come up for final consideration and passage by the Council at the regular meeting of the Council on Monday the 104, day of 1914 Witness my hand and official seal this ( day of 'E�� A D 1914 i City Clerk r I ORDINANCE I10 1914 AST ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE APPOINILMITT OF ELECTRIC METER IITSPECTOR FIXING SALARY AITD PROVIDIIG FOR THE TLSTING OF ELECTRIC TTETERS BE IT ORDAIDED BY THE CITY COUNCIL Section 1 The office of Inspector of Electric Totters is hereby created whose duties shall be to have charge of the testing of all electric meters used within the corporate limits of the City of Fort Collins under the direction and control of the Commissioner of Public Worxs and whose term of office shall be at the pleasure of the City Council Section 2 Any customer of The Northern Colorado Power Company residing within the City of Fort Collins desiring to have his electric meter tested by the City Inspector may have such test made by filing a written application with the City Clerk and depositing the sum of One Dollar (�l 00) to cover the cost of such hest If the meter shall be found rendering service as provided in Section 4 of this Ordinance then the cost of said test shall be paid by the applicant and if the meter shall be found to be running fast then the cost of said test shall be paid by the city out of the fund �It derived from The Northern Colorado Power Company for use and occupancy of the streets under its contract of February 17 1913 and if the meter is found to be defective or insufficient then the said meter shall be replaced at the e.&pense of The 'Tortaern Colorado Power Company under and in pursuance of the terms of said contract vith the City ofFort Collins Notice of aiopli- cation for having the meter tested shall be giled at least six (6) days before the test is made The xee to be paid -1- JW repairs on the same during the period above named without additional charge of cost to the property owner of the City of Fort Collins It is expressly understood and agreed trat this guarantee shall include all repairs growing out of the imperfect or unsuitability of the material or composition too great or too little moisture defects of workmanship settling of fills or excavations or any damage done to the curb by the-expansion of said walks either by bfeaking cracking or pushing out of said curb The determination of the necessity for repairs shall bei vested exclusively in the City Engineer whose decision upon the matter shall be final and binding upon the contractors and the guarantee herein required shall extend to the whole body of the sidewalk or driveways curbs and gutters as well as the wearing surface and the repairs required may extend to a total reconstruction of the whole body of the sidewalk driveway curb or gutter both base and wearing surface if in the judgment of the City Engineer such total V ' 1 A Should like to have the following inserted and think that It will go along with section 013" Any person firm or corporation constructing sidewalkq curbg gutters or driveways shall stamp his or its name in the concrete at each end ofCeyery fifty (501 feet of sidewalk curb gutter or driveway constructed If less than fifty (50) feet be constructed it shall be stamped in the center of the same having been notified as above the City Council may cancel said contractor' s license and re-let the work of reconstructing -2- the same and the cost of such construction shall be paid by the City of Fort Collins and the amount so paid collected by suit from the contractor or by suit upon the bond Section 5 The City Council may for unskillfulness carelessness or for violation of any of the ordinances or the directions of the Commissioner of Public Corks or the City Engineer in laying constructing or reconstructing sidewalks driveways curbs or guttering suspend or revoke any license granted by the City for that purpose and upon the recommendation of the Commissioner of Public forks shall suspend or revoke such license and such license shall not be of any virtue and effect again until duly reinstated by the City Council upon the recommendation of the Commissioner of Public TTorks nor shall any restitution of the license fee paid therefor be made for any length of time for which said license may be suspended or revoked Section 6 Any person firm or corporation who shall violate any of the provisions of this ordinance shall upon conviction, be fined in the sum of not less than Ten Dollars (§10 00) nor more than One Hundred Dollars (9100 00) for each offense Passed and adopted this day of A D 1914 Mayor ATTEST City Clerk I� 1W 1 hereby certify that the forogoing 2z a true copy of an ordinanQe which was introduced, read and ordered publishod on April & 0 , 1914, and tvh eh rue duly published one insertion in the �� � /i e a daily newspapor, o the o T day of A. D. 1914, and which will come up for f na.l con- sideration and passage by the Council at the rogular - meeti of the Council on Monday the `7" day of dItneas mp hand and otiioiab seal tnis cC Day of April, 1 D 1914. / City Clerk.