SIDErALPC71 e:!m ' M G."rms ;-" T'E PS.AMT!FG OP ^.? I! L?E
f/ 1R3 I3 , E90 PF".4 IFG 00,71MIRCE 90. 1, 19099 iY0 ALL n-rM Tq -PETO.
HE I:' 0 }T_!�FvJ 9T '"s C_T:R CJ^S!'TL OP ^ E
CI-op ?4). C^_LLa^IS:
Section 1, Sidewalks, curbs and gutters =ay be constructed by the toners of property
butting upon the same a d at ti,eir er erne within the corporate limits of the
CIt7 of Port Collins, when streets are laid ont, open and 4-proved ez3 in cc men
use by :cot travelers, and stall be constructed of ti.e charweter, location, grade,
material arel in tape wanner in tnis ordinance provided.
section 2. Par t._e purpose of establ:ehing uniformity in tte oonstruclr
lonof sidewalks, curbs and gutters, ae well as to pro •ide for suitttie surface
<ralnags In the streets, it Stall be the dutyof the City Ccuneil to cause tr.e several 3
streets artd avtnues is said oily to be surveyed and shall ascertain and determine the
grades for sidowaliss curbs and gutters at tre boundary line at the intersection of each
street, and to establish said �_rades by ordinances ant to ci-ange said grades w..,icb tt
have been hereto!ors established; and the sidewslks shall be constructed at a l
grade rcrresponding with L•:e grade of the center of tape street as established by ;
suchcrdlasnces, unless otherwise provided In arl particu:ar case. Sstd grades may
7 i
be established from time to time by districts as the needs and tte growth of the city
t 7
and the demnads for the Laying of sl'walks, curbs and gutters shall require.
Said grades stall be established as near as may be so as to produce a uniform alcpo from
trade po:at to ,grade point, unless t:-e ronditions of the surroundlzgs be such that
a different grebe Ilae between street corners should be established, in which case
said variations from tLe even grade and the extent thereof shall be specified in the
establishing of such Bade liner; when such g-ade lines shall have been established this _
gradeso rift profiles, plans and spec:fic,ticns exhibiting tt:e s.,oe,acall be made a
matter of record and stall be wept on file in the office of the City Engineer for
the use of the city and tc.,t general pub.to to the ccrstructions alteration and
repair o! eldevalks, curbs and gutters within said olty. j
Section j. All sidewalks, curbs ar ' gutters constructed within said city shall be
upon the grade for each so established, and if in Dry case a rpeclsl plan is adopted E,
for the purpose of drainage or otherwise. the sane shall conform to -aid special
grade or plane bat no such special grade or plan shll be =!opted without the approval
of the City Council. Any person who shall fail or refuse to caastruet his sidewalk,
curb or gutter + pcn the grade= duly established by the City Couaeil,zoy be required to
construct the same to ccnform to the requirements of this orllnaaoee Ire/ors constructIM
any sidewalks,W^b or gutters the owner of the property adjacent thereto shall, upon foram
to be prescribed by the Cit7 Et sneer, =eke application to said offs car, who
shall lay outs stake and establish said sidewalk, curb or gutter conformable to
the grades established In s..ld localltye and the Dauer stall construct said eldrwa kV
curb or gutter in conformity therewith.
$lotion 4. , . shall be the duty of the City L..ginser to take charge tf t
all ald.wal", curb* atu: 4,vtters wlti.in ti.o itwits of t:,e City of Fort Collins
.ud s. a %Gat the eagle ..re properly constructed ai,d kept In rep,ir, and in case
aiyt thersof bscowe unsafe or out of repair, to order the Sams to be repaired,
at %L# expense of the property vener asLerein provided. When a permit be
ljsued for any person crpersons to construct any sidewalk, curb or gutter, it
shawl be the dutyof the City Maglneer to supervise the oor.struetlon thereof
and r#4%;j a tte saai to be constructed pursuant to tue provisions of this
ordinance and all ordinances of the City of Port Collins relating thereto, and
1n the evrrt any such work requiros an inspector to see that the same to
"retructed as required by this ordinance, or any ordinances of the City of
Pert Collins, the City Engineer shall select ant+ designate a suitable person to
act as such Inspector, under his direction and control.
Section 5. Any person deslrirg to construct a sidewalk, curb or gutter,
shall first procure fromthe City Engineer a permit tterefor, upon form to be
prescr*bed by him, w::ich permit shall contain an accurate description of the lot
also of said sidewalk, t: e character of material to be used in ccnsruction there
of, and 's- r.:l state the $ate when the construction will ccmaence, and a
duplicote copy thereof shall be retained by the City Engineer as a part of the
records cf his office; and before the work of actual cerstructicn shall be
commenced the City Engineef shall endorse on both Copies of said permit
that he `as properly located and staked the some, tc-Zether with any special
requirements concerning the construction thereof. In case said sidewalk, curb,
or gutter is laid pursuant to an order of the City Council in relation thereto
upon the failure of the owner to construct the tame as herein provided, said
permit shad so state and shall be itsued to the contractor or person ccn-
structing the same. IMen sale sid calk, curb or gutter is constructed and the
same Isaccepted by the City Engineers he shall endorse said acceptance upon both
expies of said permit, together with the name of the contractor or person doing
the work and the date of the capple:.ion thereof. There proceedings are had
to lay sldswalks,c_rbss or gutters under any special law of the State of l
Color.dos and where the entire work 1n a district 1s let by the City as one
contract, It shall not be necessary for the property owners to procure a permite
Before a permit shall issue the applicant shallpay to the City Clerk the sum
of One dollar (El.^O) for each fifty (50) feet or faction thereof of a We-
walk,ourb Cr mutters . s tie casemey he and in case he desires grades for two
or said improvements he shall pay an add_tlonal sum in tie amount o^ one half
Of the charge for locating one such improvement, and if he desires grades for al
three improvements the eharge shall be double the amount for one* provided
all are looted at the &,yore tine, upon the payment of which the City Clerk ry
shall Issue a receiptp and t Is receipt must be exhibited to the Clty Engineer
before a permit will issue,aaaoP wricherAL1 be stated in the permit issued, and in
no case will the City Xnginser *scums to give the exact lot line of the applicant.
Section 6. That portion of the city wo,lch is bounded as follows shall
be doulenated as the Business District; Commencing at a point at the center of the
lnterseotion of Cherry Street and Mason Street in said City, thence mouth along the
center of Mason street to tr.e -center of Aountain Avenue,therce west alonr, the
center no Lountain Avenue to the center of Howes street, thence south along She
center of Howes street t, the center of Olive Street, thence east along the center
of Olive Street to the center of Nhedbee at eat, thence north alon g the center 1
of Whedbee street to the center of Riverside Avenue, thence easterly along the center
of Riverside Avarua to the center of the main line of the Union Pacific Rslroed.,thence
westerly &long the center line o' the main tr<ek O'o said railroed to the point
where said trgck intersects the center of College Avenue, thence ftllowin,; the center
lire of said railroad to the center of Cherry street, thence west to the place of
beginring,bein�, the center " . 'n -et and Cherry Street.
The distance of the outside line o'1he curling from the prperty line shall betas
follows; College Avenue within the business district sixteen(16) feet; Mountaln avenue
w.t .in the business district sixteen (16) feet, Pine street, Linden Strcet,Cbestnnt
Street,walnut street, Jefferson Street, willow street and.ak Street within the business .
district twelve (12) feet, Remington Street Mathews Street and Lapvrte Avenue within the
business district sixteen kl6) feet; College Avenue from Oak street ontLe north to
Elizabeth Street on the south twenty five (25) feet; College Avenue from Elizabeth streata
on Via north to Pitkin street on the south twelve (12) feet; Mcuntlln Avenue from Mason
street on the east to the city limits on the west twenty five (25) feet; Oak street out
side of the business district, and all other one hundred (100) foot streets except 1 _
Mason street outside ff the business district, twenty (20) feet; Mason street twelve
(12) feet;/all ninety (90) foot streets eighteen(18) feet; all eight; QB:,) foot streets
sixteen (16) feet; a.l seventy (70) foot streets f^Lrteer.(14) feet- all sixty(600 foot r
streets twelve (12) feat; allfifty (50) foot streets ten(10) feet. All sidewalks
witlAn the city limits shall be of the following widths; Sidewalks on College
Avenue and }!cantain Av nues shall be six (6) feet wide; all sidewalks on the remain-
ing streets shall be four (4) feet wide, pro*idee that all sidewalks alJoining stores&
shopshotels or other business property shall extend from lot line to the curb line
in front of said premises, and provided further that in locations where, in the opinion• , :
of the City Council, because of the near proximity of full width sidewalks in front
of business property, fullw'dth sidewalks are required,they may order sidewalks in fro
of resldeace or vacant property to be laid from the lot line to the curb. All side-
walks and g•atters within the city IjLJts shall be constructed of either hydraul'_e
cement concrete or stone. The inside edgy of the sidewalks on all 100 and 90 foot
streets. except Mason street, shall be four (4) feet Cram the property line. The inside � `•'
edge of the sidewalks on Mason street shall be two (2) feet from the property line; the
t .
inside edge of tre sidewalk on College Avenue shall be three (3) feet from
tr♦ rroperty line; and Mountain Avenue four (4) feet from the p-operty line;
the Inside edge of the sidewalks on all 80 and 70 foot streets shall be three
(3) feet from tr.e property lire; the inside edge of sidewalks on all 60
and SO foot streets shall be two (2) feet from the property line. All side-
walks shall be laid with a slope of one-fourth of an inch to the foot to-
ward the curbing. All curbing shall be set with a slope cf two (2) inches to
the foot. TLe height of curb on all streets one hundred (100) feet or more
in width except Hawn street,shall be twelve (12) inches or less abo- o the
bottom of thegutter. All streets e!ght (80) and ninety (90) feet in width
shallhave a curb of tea (10) inches,or less, and all streets seventy (70)
feet wV. less in width shill be nine (9) inches or less above the bottom
o' the Bitter. T.e curbing on Mason street shall be nine (9) inches or
loco ove the bottom of the Futter. All gutters on strestr one hundred (100)
feet or more in width except Mason street, shall be two and one half (2 1/2)
feet in widtt; on Mason street and other streets the gutters shall be two
(2) f-et wile. All gutters stall be set with slope o" one and ore-half
(1 1/2y inches to V.e foot tow.srd t�.ecurb.
Scotian 7, All trees set in the parking between tie .property line tnd
tr.e curb or.aLl be set at t.e following distances t:o property lines;
On all streets 140 'eet In width 17 IA feet. On all streets 100 feet in
wilth, except Mason etrect 14 1/2 feet; On llasor. street 10 feet.
On all atr•ets 90 feet In width 13 feet; On ali streets 80 fe-t in width,
12 feet, or. a1. streets 70 'met in 71dth, 11 feet, on ali streets 60 feet
In width, 10 feet; In case any property owner shall eestre to plant trees
Into V-rklnt; opposite !is rronerty, `e r all Vrly for a permit therefor j
to the Cowdesiorer 0 Public Morkstt.o sfsethet the said trees U4 platted
on t'.e lines hereln Bove designated.
fecticn 8. 17.e specifications aa: construction srd material for
a.l sidewalks, curbs and gutters sisal be In ecrfciaity with the speMflenticns
heretofore adopte. by resolutions duly passed by the City Council, and copies
thereof are now cnfile in the of'iee of the City $tQ-I nsere
Section 9. Wtonever the owners of a raJo-lty of t:.e frontage of the
lots or lar."_s abutting upon streets and alleys constituting a [esi-nuted area
known as a district shai, petition the City Council to re{."re bidewaaks
curbs or gutters, or any one or more of t:en, to be constructed as a :Coal
i=prove..e:t, under the provlc.ons of C.apter 151 of the Session loftwo of j
ti.e state of Co_crsdo of 1e99, pages 393 to 414, Irclurive, or any a=end- _
c �
meattrereof, wLich is coxaonly known as " 'District Systsws it eball be
the duty of the City Council to institute such proceedings is rolatioa
thereto as is provided by law, svid L=provGcnts to to =.de as near as =ay
be according; to toe pruvlsions of Lain ordinares.
Notion 10. Whenever tte city Ccurcil malt deem It necessary t_at
&nw Portion of 4 .idowj.'- or curb or gutter be ecr.atr.etsd or re?.:-et or re ecn—
structea beoauae.not confArnable to the provisions of trls crdinance,it rq upon
Its Own .otlon order th%t said sidewalk., curb or gatgr, or pertick t:•reaf,
be constructed or repaired or reconstructed, as the case :ay be; maid -r_er
ray be by resolution or ordinance duly pawed 1n relav on tneretc, w.lez avail
describe the place where lid rldewalk, curb or gutter is to be contracted,
repaired or recr.natructed, and if the sa-je 1s not done by the prc=erty ar cr
owners within thirty (30) days fr m the date of ser•riee of rai� re!nluticn a- tte
publication of p aid ordinance, t4et the city will construct, rowels cr reccr
atruct the sc^e or cause said work to be done, and ohs-fie tie cost t!erecf =_tint
the abutting property owner or ccners, and certi!y and collect the stye as prroTided
by law.
(( Section 11. Whenever t:.e city Council shall order any sidewalks, curb
or gutter to be constructed,repaired o: recent—Lcted,as Pro^teed In Section to of this
ordinance, notice thereO^ stall be served upon the property owner by the City
Clerk aniline a copy o^ said resolution to e.:ch of the owners of property -djacent
1 to which sidewalk is ordered to be cc.^.structed,repaired or reconstructed, at
the last known postoffice address of said owner or o.ners, .arid tae City Clerk
shall file :'. certlficatc of said aa111ne, sirirs day and ate thereof, in his
office and a dupiicate tnereof 1n the office of the City Earineer, and wren so
filed shall be accepted and determined as service Of said notice in accordance i
with the requirements of this ordinance. f
Section 12. When any sidewalk, ncrb, or _vt..cr skallhave been constructed k
4! i
rem,tree or reconstructed by the City and accepted by tte City Engineer as horein } 1
provided. the City Engineer as "on ttereafter :s =ai be, shell prepare a statement In
detail certified to by him as correett ehleh statement shall contain a description
Of the lots or lanes to be assessed for tLe construction of sidewalks so constructed
repaired or reconstructed, together with a description o-' the b•`_aracte! tad kind
of work done, the ny es of the owners of the lots or lands to be assessed, L• knowne
and if unknown to ctatirg the fact; also the runber o- squ,re feet or amount of
work for which the ownersof the lots and lands are to be assessed,vith the rate
of cost and V`e amount thereof, and assessin;; the cost thereof 1n accordance
witli abutting sidewalks frontage of the respeeiive property in front of or about
which the pork ..,.s been done which said etateyent shall include all
engineering and inspection expense an,; cost o:' permit, 4.ii a_ b> filed with
the City Clerk* addressed to tre City Co.m-ulssion sitting in council.
Section 13. Any person or persons who shaft violate any, of the
,provisions of this ordinanoe, or who shall change, disturb or alter any grade stakes }
or pns set by the City Engineer either upon any snecil work done by said engineer
or the regul:.r pins or monuments not by said engineer in establishing
grades as 1n this oSdinanee provided, or any ordinances of said city, shall,
upon conviction the-eof, be fined in a sum not less than Five (;5) nor
more than One Hundred dollars (S100.00). j
Section A. ordinance No. 1 of the series of 1909, being 'An Crdinanee
concerning Sidewalks, Curbs and Gutters, and the Plairting of trees in the i i
parking on streetse, and all Amendments thereto, are hereby repealed, j
and all ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith; but said
i '
repeal ehall!n no wine operate to abate an;; rlyhts, causes of :.etion and
penallties w`.1eh may have accrued under any of raid ordinances so re-
pealed prior to the takina effect of this ordinance,
Passed and adopted VJs 9th day of July, A. D 1Q14
City Clerk.
S hereby certify that tce :orcycl:.g crd!nar.ce was intro;.uced read l
f :
and ordered pub-!shed on the 15tt day of June,A.D.1914, and w.s published
In T:e Fort Collins Re71ew,a nrrspa?er o' eneral circulation on the {
16th Coy of June, A. J 1914, are insertion and said ordinance came up for
final passage at a r•.� lar meeting o' tc.e city council on tr.e 9th day of
July A. D. 1914, and : is c'_ly passed, aco?ted,sii;ned end approved on the 9th
day of July A. 3. 1914, and was published in The Fort Collins Review on the 19
day of July L. 3. 1914,
In witness vY.ereof 2 have hereunto set my hand and seal this
1Otr. day of July A. 0. -914.
City Clerk.
' { I
? � I
; Id