HomeMy WebLinkAbout017 - 12/21/1914 - MAKING THE APPROPRIATION FOR THE FISCAL YEAR BEGINING JANUARY 1, 1915, AND ENDING DECEMBER 31, 1915 ORDINANCE NO. 17, 1914 Anordinanoe making the appropriation for the fiscal year begin- ning January lot, 1915, anderding December 316t, 1915% BE IT ORDAINED BY THF. CITY COUNCIL OF '--E CITY OF PORT COLLIN3: Section L. That there be and Is hereby appropriated for the fiscal year beginning January lot, 1915 ,the cum of $112,262.05, to be raised by taxation and Otherwise, which sum is hereby divided and appropriated to the fol:owing purposes, to wit: For maintenance Police Department $ 4000.00 For purchase Piro ruck 3000.00 P,r mainten Ance parrcs 3039.72 Parks Bond interest 1283.44 Pars, Bond Sinking Pund 2026.48 For maintenance Grand View Cemetery 21.00.00 Pormalntenance Public Buildings and Grounds 1000.00 Public H-alth 1600.00 Care of Perpetual Lots 600.00 Pormaintenance Public Library 2701.97 Pop Salaries of Officers and Employees 8632.00 Outlet to Sewer Dist. No. 29 558.23 For maintenance streets and Alleys 2500.00 Permanent streets 12000.00 Public Entertainment 600.00 For maintenance Electric and Gas Lights 8500.00 Pine Street S•-wer( Warrants and lnteeest) 1351.80 Psblicltyy Fund (as provided by Charter) 600.00 General Exp.ease 6618.41 Sewers and drains 250.00 For maintenance Piro Department 5500.00 Book-cpin,; and Records 500.00 Total And the revenue derived from water rentals for said fiscal year is divided and appropriated as followa,ardno portion of the revenue to be so derived shall be appropriated to any other fund; -For Sinking Fund (MOOO.00 Issue) 5000.00 -For Si^.kin_- Pund (lot Series) 5833.34 -^or interest on water Bonds 12885.00 For salaries and maintenance Water Works 10936.46 For redc=ption "Special Water Wks Warr.rts' 3345.20 For emergency Extension and repairs 4000000 Total 42000.00 i i The ba.ance, if any, of revenue from Water Rentals,srall be applied toc�rd redowption of Pirst Series Water Bonds of said city. Section 2. That .'or the pur oes of providing t e necessary fudds for meeting the appropriations, art forth in section 1, of this ordinance, the following levies be and are hereby made upon each dollar Of the assessed valuation of all 1 taxable pronerty within the corperate limits of the city of Port Collins, the save bang the saount necessary to provide for the payment of the foregoing appro- priations and to meet tee paW%4ent during V--e fiscal yes endin. December 31st, 191; of alloroperty autholaed demands upon the city Treosurer, t lit: f For general Exnense 6.16 mills -For Library ..40 mills ;;For Parks :45 mills Por Park Bond interest 919 mills For Park Bond sinking fund 00 mills ORDINANCE R TO. 17__SERIES OF . -_ - ?31 - 1914 being a t'A .l or seven and 50-100 mills , waieh levies shall be certified to the Board �f County COMIssionere by the Mayor and City Clerk as provided by law. Passed and-adoPted, signed and approved this 21st duy of December, A D 1914. l i daWor City Clerk. I hereby certi2y that the forerroing Ordinance was Introduced, read and ordered i published on the 8th day of December, 1914, and was published in The Fort Collins Review, a neespaper o^ gener-1 circulatioz; on the 8th day of December, 1914, one I i f insertion, and said ordinance 06-.6 up for final passage at n regular meeting of the o'ty Council on the I st day of December, 1914, and was duly passed and adopted, signed and approved on the 21st day of December, 1914, and was published in The Fort Collins Review on the 22nd day of December, 1914. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this 22nd day of December,,.. D. 1914. � Cit lark. i i i W i { ii i i i I i I i l Ordinance No,17, 1914. "An ordinance making the appropriation for the Fiscal Year beginning z January 1st, 1915 and ending December 31st, 1915." * BE IT ORDAINED BY TIDE CITY COUNCIL OF FORT COLLINS: Section 1. That there be and is hereby appropriated for the fiscal year > beginning January lst, 1915, the sum of $ 112,262.05 to be raised by taxation and otherwise, which sum is hereby divided and appropriated to the following 7 purposes to-wit:' k'or maintenance Police Department * 4000.00 For maintenance Fire Truck 3000.00 for maintenance Parks 3039.72 Aor Park Bonds Interest 1283.44 2 For Park Bonds Sinking Fund 2026.48 a r maintenance Grand View Comotery 2400.00 tor maintenance Public Grounds & Buildings 1000.00 Public Health 1600.00 � c /Care of Perpetual Lots 600.00 7 ✓For me intenar:ce Public Library 2701.97 /For Salaries of Officers and Employees 8632.00 ,> >Outlet Sewer to Dist. No.29 558.23 /For maintenance Streets and Alleys 2500.00 1 , Permanent Streets 12000.00 a Public Entertainment 600.00 z � �Fbr maintenance Electric and. Gas Lights 8500.00 =..0 ,Pine Street Sewer (7arrants and Interest) 1351.80 a� w`Publicity Fund (as provided by Charter) 600.00 Cereral Expense 6618.41 s .Sewers & Drains 250.00 ✓For maintenance Fire Department 5500.00 2 R Bookkeeping and Records 1500.00 5 Total 70-�'O5 And the revenue derived from "cater Rentals for said fiscal year is divided and 2 appropriated as follo*Us,and no portion of the revenue to be so derived shall be appropriated to any other fund, y lFor Sinking Fund (w75,000.00) issue 5000.00 j JFor Sinking Fund (1st Series) 5833.34 JFor Interest on Water Bonds 12865.00 7 JFor Salaries & maintenance Water Works 10936.46 p .For redemption "Special ;?cater Works Warrants" 3345.20 For Emergency Extnsion and Repairs 4000.00 Total 42000.07 The balance if any, of revenue from water rentals, shall be applied toward 2 redemption of First Series Water Bonds of said City. ? Section 2. That for the purpose of providing the necessary funds for meeting - the a propriations, set forth in Section One 01) of this Ordinance, the fol- S lowing levies be and hereby are made upon each dollar of the assessed val- uation of all taxable property within the corporate limits of the City of ! Fort Collins, the same being the amount necessary to provide for the payment r of the foregoing appropriations, and to meet the payment during the fiscal ?� year ending December, 31st, 1915, of all properly authorized demands upon the City Treasurer, to-wit: f For General Expense 6..16 Mills For Library .40 Mills 7 For Parks .45 Mills For Park Bonds Interest .19 Mills For Park Bonds Sinking Fund . 30 Mills r s being a total of Seven and 50/100 mills, which levies shall be certifi6d to the Board of County Commissioners by the Mayor and City Clerk as provided by law. Passed and adopted, signed and approved this e2-1 day of 16.Q v A. D. 1911. Attest\