HomeMy WebLinkAbout007 - 03/15/1916 - PROVIDING FOR THE ISSUANCE OF CITY NEGOTIABLE COUPON BONDS IN THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF $160,000 TO BE I �I 41 I f ORD INANCE NO. , r AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE ISSUANCE BY THY, CITY OF FORT COLLINS, IN THE STATE OF COLORADO, OF ITS NEGOTIABLE ODUPON BONDS IN THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF $1609000,00 TO BE DEUQ$INATED REFUNDING BONDS, FOR THE PURPOSE OF REFUNDING A LIRE AMOUNT OF THE OTTSTANDING BONDED IND?,BTEDNESS OF SAID Cit3 XMI<CH .mob NOW OP'LIONAL FOR' REDEMPTION1 , PRESCRIBING THE FORM OF SAID REFUNDING BONDS AND PROVIDING FOR ii THE LEVY AND COLLECTION OF AN ANNUAL TAX TO PAY THE SAME, PRINCIPAL AND INTEREST. WHEREAS, the City of Fort Collins in the County of Larzmer and State of Colorado, has heretofore issued and there are now outstanding and unpaid, its negotiable coupon bonds designated, "Fort Collins WaterBonds", dated December 1, 1903, li due December 1, 1918, and redeemable after December 1, 1913,,, f bearing interest at the rate of four and one-half (0) per eentum f II per annum, payable somi..annually, and consisting of one hundred _ I hi sixty bonds of $1,000.GQ each, nu7mbevo4-frm one to one hundred � h j sixty inclusive, aggregating $�601,000.00, end indebtedness above II � II referred to in all aggregating-the -to=t9l amount of $160,000,00 �1w q,7+tst4tnding bonds due and unpaid but 6bout to become 4e for payment, and a - it WHEREAS, there are no funds in the treasury of said city available for the redemption of said bonds or any of th6bb w or any part thereof, and �= WHEREAS, by a resolution duly adopted on the sbVtr1 day fMarch, A: D. 19169 the city council of the city of Fort Collin determined to issue in a000rdance with the laws of the State of jColorado and in accordance with the provisions of the charter of I said city, new boxid.a to be d@nominated Refunding Bonds, the same i fo be exchanged dollar fordollar for the bonds to be refunded, the amount of bonds so determined upon to be issued as aforesaid j being the sum of $160,000.00, the certificate of such determination having been heretofore duly made and entered in and upon the records of said city as required by law, and 'I QIMIMS, the city council his heretofore determined that said refunding bonds to be so issued in the aggregate amount of $1609,000*00 shell be exchanged dollar for dollar for the bonds to be refunded, and said city council believe it to be their duty to issue said refunding bonds and cause the same to be exchanged for the bonds to be refunded as aforesaid, as and in the manre r provided by law and in accordance with the provisions of the charter of said city, ; ROw T R BE IT ORDAINED by the city council of the city of -0 t--Corllins, (in the State of Colorado Section 1, That by virtue and in pursuance of an act of the General Assembly of the State of Color ado, entitled, "An Act to enable cities and towns to refund their bonded indebted-ness," approved April 12, 1915. and appearing as Chapter 165 of the Session Laws of Colorado 1915, and in accorden ce with the provisions of the charter of said city, there shall be issued bonds of said city of Fort Collins t-o be denominated Refunding Bonds , to the amount of $160,000*00 for the purpose of refunding the outstanding bonded indebtedness of said city now 0143,tnsl for,redemption. Section 2. That the commissioner of Publis Safety & Health and ex-officio Mayor and the city clerk of said city of Fort Collins be and they -are hereby authorized and directed to have prepared $he negotiable coupon bonds of the city in the said aggregate amount of $1600000.00, Section 3. That said bonds hereby authorized shall be negotiable in form, payable to bearer, shall bear date the first day of Maroh, A. D. 1916, shall bear interest at the rate of four and one-half (4*) per centum per annum, payable semi- annually on the first days of September and March in each year, shall consist of one hundred sixty bonds numbered consecutively from one to one hundred sixty, inclusive, in the denomination i of $1,000 each, said bonds shall mature in equal annual install- ments as provided by law and in aceordapee with the provisions of the charter of said city, the first installment consisting of bonds numbered one to eight inclusive, for 61,000 each, aggregat_ ing $8,000 , maturing on the first day of March, A. D 1921, and on the first day of March in each year thereafter to and including the year 1940, eight more of said bonds in consecutive order shall mature , being eight bonds of $1,000 each The numbers of r � said bonds, denominations, maturity dates and number of coupons v to be attached to each bond shall be as follows BOND NO DENOMINATION NO. OF COUPON MATURITY DATE r 1-8 $19000 10 March 1, 1921 9-16 10000 12 March 1, 1922 AM 17-24 n 1,000 -VA 14 March 1, 1923 25-32 19000 16 March 1, 1924 33-40 1,000 18 March 1, 1925 41-48 10000 20_ Maroh.1, 1992Q26µ 49-56 1,000 _ 22 March 1, 1 57.64 1,000 24 March 1, 1928 65-72 19000 26 March 11 1929 73-80 11000 28 March % 1930 81-88 19000 30 March 1, 1931 t 89-96 1,000 32 March 1, 1932 97-104 1,000 34 March 1, 1933 105-112 10000 36 March 19 1934 113-120 19000 38 March 11 1935 121-128 19000 40 March 11 1936 120-136 19000 42 March 19 1937 131-144 19000 44 March 1, 1938 145-152 11000 46 March 1, 1939 153-160 10000 48 March 19 1940 The principal of" said bonds and the interest accruing- thereon, shall be payable in gold coin of the United States of America of or equal to the present standard of weight and fineness at the banking house of Kountze Brothers in the City 4nd State of New York, U. S. A. Said bonds shall be signed by the Commissioner of Public Safety & Health and ex-officio Mayor, countersigned by r i I the Commissioner of Finance and Supplies and ex-offieio Treasurer, with the seal of the city affixed thereto, am attested by the clerk of said city The interest accruing on said bonds will be evidenced by semi-annual interest coupons thereto attached, bearing the engraved fac-simile Signature of the said ex-officio trea-urer of said city, and when so execated such coupons shall be the bind- ing obligations of the city aocordzng to their import Section 4 Said bonds and coupons to be attached ( thereto shall be in substantially the following form I I i I) i UNITED STATES OF AMERICA STATE OF COLOEADO -COUNTY OF LARIMER - CITY OF FORT COLLPS N0. $1,000 REFUNDING BOND SERIES OF MARCH 19 1916, , The City of Fort Collins, in the Countj of Larimer and State of Colorado, for value received, hereby acknowledges itself indebted and promises to pay to bearer the sum of one thousand dollars in gold coin of the United States of America, of or qqual to the present standard of weight and fineness on the first day of March, A. D. 19 , with interest thereon from the date hereof at the rate of four and one-half per centum per annum, payable semiannually, on the first day of September and the first day of March in each year, as evidenced by interest coupons hereto attached, both principal and interest payable at the banking house of Kountze Brothers, innthe city and state of New York, U. S. A. , upon presentation of this bond or said coupons respectively. This bond is issued by the eity of Fort Collins for the purpose of paying, redeeming acid refunding a like Amount of the outstanding, unpaid, payable, lawful and valid bonds of said city, and the lawful and valid indebtedness evidenced thereby, and in exchange therefor, under, by virtue of and in full conformity with an act of the General Assembly of the State of Colorado, entitled, "An act to enable cities and towns to refund their bonded indebtedness", approved April 129 19150 and in accordance with the provisions of the charter of said tcity, and all other acts thereunto enabling, and pursuant to an ordinance duly adopted by the city council of said city at a lawful meeting thereof, held prior to the issuance of this bond, and it is hereby certified and recited that all acts and things required to be done and conditions and things required to exist precedent to and in the issuing of this bond to w n render the same lawful and valid,halel been properly done and performed, a nd did exist in regular and due time, form and manner as required by law, and that th% total debt of said oity of Fort Collins, including this bond exceeds neither the statutory nor the constitutional limitations of the State of Colorado and that said total debt is not increased by the issuance hereof. The full faith and credit of the City of Fort Collins are hereby pledged for the punctual payment of the principal of and the interest upon this bond. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the City of Fort Collins has caused this bond to be signed by the commissioner of public safety and health and ex-offioio mayor, countersigned by the commissioner of t IS finance and supplies and ex..officio city treasurer and sealed� ,with the corporate seal, and attested by its olerk, and has caused the "Fo annexed interest coupons to be executed with the engraved fac- simile signature of its said commissioner of finance and supplies and ex-offioio city treasures , as of this first day of Mareh, e A. D. 1916. CMMISSIOX-ER OF PUBLIC SAFETY & HEALTH AND Eg-OFFIOIO MAYOR ATTEST. I CITY CLEIM OOUNTERSIGNED COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE S PLIES AND EX-OFFICIO CITY TREASURER I i (FORnl OF COUPON) NO. S22,50 d On the first day of March and September, A. D. 19 the City of Fort Collins, in the County of Larimer and State of Colorado, promises to pay to bearer twenty two and 50/100 dollars, in gold coin of the United States of America, of or equal to the present standard of weight and fineness at the banking house of Kountze Brothers, in the City and State of New York, U. S. A , being six months' interest on its refunding bond dated March, 1, A. D. 1916, and bearing No. (FAC.SIMILE SIGNATURBt COMMISSIONSR OF FIN UR & S ES AND EX-OFFICIO CITY TREASURER �, a i 7114� 1 Section 5. That when issued, the refunding bonds hereby authorized shall be exchanged dollar for dollar for the bonds to be refunded, and shall not be issued until the outstanding bonds to be refunded have been called in and cancelled in an amount equal to or in excess of the bonds so issued and all accrubd interest on any of said bonds to be refunded shall be paid before such refunding bonds are issued in exchange therefor. Section 6 That the interest due on said bordds September 1, 1916 and March 1, 1917, shall be paid out of the general revenue Rind of said city, and for the purpose of reimbursing said general revenues for the payment of interest so taken from them, m d for s the purpose of providing the necessary funds to ,pay the interest on said bonds after March 1, 1917, as the same becomes due, and to pay the principal of said bonds as they lscome due serially, in the years 1921 to 1940, inolusive, there shall be levied on _ all of the taxable property in said city in addition to all otheTe taxes, the following direct annual tax4"to-.w t . f w A r Year of levy For interest For Principal Tom 1 T 1916 . 7,200 &[,zoo 1917 70200 170?QO 1918 71200 79,200 1919 71,200 79200 1920 69840 $89000 149840 1921 69480 8,000 140480 1922 6,120 89000 14 A20 1923 53,760 89000 131,760 1924 5,4001 81,000 139400 1925 1^,� 5,040 K 80000 130040 r I 1926 4,680 80,000 129,680 1927 4,320 0,000 129320 1928 3,960 8,000 119960 1929 30600 8,000 119600 1930 3,240 80000 119,240 1931 2,880 80000 100,880 1932 2,520 8,000 102520 1933 29160 82.000 109,160 1934 10,800 80000 99,800 1935 19440 8,000 99,440 1936 19080 810000 99,080 1937 720 80000 89,720 1938 360 80,000 82,360 1939 81,000 80000 E i And said taxes when collected shall be placed in a fund to be called the "Redemption Fund to Pay Refunding Bonds dated March 1, 1916" and saidA axes shall be_ applied--solely for the purpose of the payment of said interest and principal of said bonds respectively, and for no other purpose whatever, until the bonds authorized under this ordinance and in accordance with the provisions of the charter of said city, principal andiinterest shall have been fully paid, satisfied and discharged, but nothing herein contained shall be so construed as to prevent said city from applying any other funds that may be in the treasury of the city and available for that purpose to the payment of the said interest or principal as the same respectively mature, and the levy or levies herein provided for may thereupon to that extent be diihinished. Section 7. That the provisions--of this ordinance and `each of the bonds and the interest coupons issued pursuant thereto shall constitute and the same are hereby declared to be a binding and irrevocable contract between said city and the holder from time to time of each of said bonds and the interest coupons thereto appertaining. Section 8. That this ordinance shall not be altered or repealed until the bonds hereby authorized shall have been fully r paid, both principal and interest. Section 9. All ordinances or resolutions, or parts there.. of, heretofore adopted, in conflict with the provisions hereof, be and the same hereby are repealed Section 10. This ordinance, after its introduction and reading, shall be published in full in The Fort Collins Morning Express, a daily newspaper of general circulation published in the City of Fort Collins, in its issue of the 4th day of Burch, A. D. 1916, and after its final passage shall be recorded in the ordinance record, to be authenticated by the signatures of the Commissioner of Public Safety and Health and Ex-Offioio Mayor and attested with the corporate seal by the City Clerk, and published one insertion in The Fort Collins horning Express, a daily newspaper of general circulation published in the City of Fort Collins, and shall take effect and be in force upon the expiration of five days after it has been so published Introduced, read and ordered published this 3 � � _ day of Yte�$.�.+i.�i`��� A• D. 1916. �J7 SIO 3 F PU IC SAFE Y & HEALTH AND Eg-OFFICIO MAYOR ATTyST (SEAL) Published I. Ray Baxter, Zity Clerk of the -City of Fort_ dollius�,� do hereby certify dnd declare that the foregoing ordinance, con- sisting of ten sections, was duly introduced and read at length adjourned regular at an 7-meeting of the city council held on the thirdL day of March, A. D. 1916, and was duly ordered by an "Aye" and "Nay" , vote to be published in The Fort Collins Morning Express, in accordance with the provisions of Section 7, of Article 4, of the City Charter an , thereayft r, and on, to-wit � the day of March, 1916, atn4gpiffilM m ting of the city council said ordinance came before said council on the final passage, a_period of more thanfbxe days having elapsed since the publication thereof as herein, set forth, and that said ordinance was upon second reading duly adopted as an ordinance and there- after and on, to-wit the 16 day of ,,arch, 1916, said Ordinance NO 1' 1916, as finally passed, adopted and approved was duly published in the City of Fort Collins, Colorado , in Fort Collins Morning Express, a daily newspaper, as required by said provisions of Section 7. and Aitiole 4, of the City Chgrte r. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the corporate seal, this 4 day of .--th, A. D. 1916, 6 � `- �� ITY CLERK (SEAL) s