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4, ORDISASCE NO. 1916 Rr iILLLATIYdG TO TH1s ORGANIZATION 01' GA IBA"s;c 11B2RICTS AND PRO- VIDI.'iG FOR TEM CA:-'-' AND REMOVAL OF GARBAGE AND MLING i A 1 EIIAL'TY POR Ta VIOLATI011 01' THE 2iQVI)I0N3 OF THIS ORDINAR CE. Br IT MDAINED BY THE' CITY COUNCIL OF Tlx: CITY 01' FORT COLLI?3: Section 1 . That for the purpose of facilitating the removal and dispoDal of rarbaFe and securing, proper sanitargr conditions, and in the interests of public healkh, the City of fort Collins in heroby dividcd into districts. District Ito. I shall comprise all thct portion of the city fixed in the bourdry of the fire limits. District 11o. 2 shall comprise %,al that portion of the city south of East Olive Street to Locust Street and east to �'Ii,e8bee Street . District io. 3 shall comprise all that portion of the city south of ;,Ocust street and east of ",`hedbee Street . District No. 4 shall oomprise all that portion of the city south of West Olive street to Laurel Street and rest of College Avenue to South Grant :street . District No. 6 shpli comprise :1l that portion of the city w,oet of Fouth 'ra'nt Street and :youth of Wtot Mountain Pvenae District NO. 6 shq l co::rpriee all, that portion of the city north of "'est ;Sonntain Avenue to Laporte Avenue and west of 'forth 13ason Street to :shields Street. District No. 7 shall comprise all that portion of the city north of Laporte Avenue and west of ?.orth Mason street and woit of I,orth :shields treet . Livery owner or occupant of any house hotel restaurant building; flat, apartment or tenement within the corporate limits of the Citj of Part Collins were persons reside board of lodge or where animal or vegetable food is prepared or served may provide for such house hotel restaurant building flat apartment or tenement and at all timed main- tain in good order a vessel or ve9sels for garbage for each flat apartment or tenement building one ouch vecael for each floor of the flat apartment or story of such building or if such floor flat or apartment be occupied by nore than five (6) persons then one of such vessels for each additional five peraonw Each oo�iap-nt tenant or person in ehargo of ouch house hotel, restaurant building flat apartment or tenement ah all cause to be deposited In said vessel all garbage produced in or brought therein as noon as the sane is produced or brought therein Such vessel for garbage shall be water-tight and be made of ,net«1 with a close-fitting metal cover and shell have a capacity of not more thrn fourteon (1.*) gallons The word "garbage" as used in this ordinance is hereby defined to moan and include any and all rejected or waste food , offal swill and carrion and no person shall deposit in any such can or vessel anything except garbage All such garbage deposited in cans :in accordance with the provisions of this ordinaned will be removed b,t tre City of Fort Collins without expense to the ovners thereof, Provided said can shall be placed ad j aer nt to the alle;, or public l ighway so that the same will be reVly accessible to the contractor or the city wagons having chari3e of such work Section 9 All persons desiring to have garbage removed from their premises in accordance with the provisions of this ordinance shall/provide the garbage cans herein 7reautred and .2. I o� at the same time shall register their names with their street address with the vo=iseloner of Public Safety who shall keep a record boox for that ouipose, and all persons discontinuing the use of garbage c aAa -hw11 notify in writing the Commissioner of Safoty so that their riiasa©a oiuj be stricken from the list Sect-nn 3 it shall be the duty of the City Council to authorize the Comalselorer of Finsnoe to advertise for bids for the removal of the garbage of the city beyond the citJ 11raits isth tl-e right of the City Council to reject any and all oidc The eonrract shall be awarded to the lowest reyponsibl.e ti dder i ho sh-111 execute a bond to the C1tj of lor* Collin- in the curl of One Thousand Dollars (vl,000) with sureties to be approved b)r the Commiscioner of Safety conditioned for the full and �a,ithful performance of all the terms end nrovisaons of the contract and in compliance with the ordincrees of 'i e city rAnd the rule3 and regulations of e� the bur_rd of heRlth in relation thereto Ro contract shall r be awarded -for tAe removal of rarbago unless the contractor pzovidcr for tho ramoval in covered tanks which shall be kept close@ at all ti-iec, x�pt,i^hen placing garbage therein �7hv-It shall be *heS{dUtt'Y at h� peor�.,xo.n ffirm or corporatib who bad the contract for the removal of garbage to remove the same daily cxcopt ou-day and from such districts as may be designated by the Coiam:Lso;.onur of Uafo''y aocuien 4 111 pereono f.Lxas, or corporation who shell provide garbaf;c cIns find xe&xatez for the removal of the contents tlnorcof vith the Gomnisa3i znei of oafvl-y, ch:�l at all tiaes eom-.aly striG`lj with the to rLs an4 provisions of this ordinance end all such garbage cans and garbage wagons shall at all three be under the iz►eapection and control of -3- the Co=isoioner of ,afaty or the health Officer 4eotinn 6 AnyT person or persono vio.iating any of tue provisions of thiR ordina-rice aliall upon conviction be fined in a su*i not loop, than five dollar, (:;6 001 nor more than fifty dollars (VbO 00) This ordinance was introduced and read the first time and ordered published itarch 13 1Q16 Passed and adopted this A' day of -a-rch H D 1916 Commibsioner of $nfety and .fix-Gfficio layor A`tit. t Cit.Y Clerk r 3TAM 7p COLrT Tn. ? 98. COUrTY Q?' J ^!:rvc: 4-61 1 , RAY U,,TEP$ City Clerk of the City of Fort Collins, do hercby certify and declare that the foregoing ordlf r-,noe, consisting of five {6) sections, duly proposed and rersd at length sat a meeting of the City Council k.Y1a on the 13 doV of }fereh, 1916, was duly ordcrfja 'rtr ".'.;e" end "iia,, vote to be published in the Fort r'o114114 worminE . prezu, h daily newspWer Y of the City of Fort Collin". in accordwice with the provisions of 6ectior. 7 of Artiels IV of the City i� . Charter; ticr-A i7:ere:v_''ts>r slid an, to-aril. tLe day of ;Iaroh, 1916 . :,t r, meii1s+r ,ieeting of the City Council , mitd nrsinFmnc cj,.me r,alnrs, P aid Council on its final parse.es, a f-,er oc na mnr•e i.. r.. ton clays having elapsed since the puhlioution as above set forth, and thet said ordin oe srs rr73n second readlni; adopted as an ordinance; and thereafter sill on, to-Qit , the day of March, 1916, said ordinance ico. as finally pawed and r.Jopted . vwrs duly published in the Fort Cnlline 'siornine express, a d:..ily newspapor publishe%, in 1:ho Cit., �) 'ort Iaa uJtreas T'hereof, I huge herrun}o set rV hrand this . ; day of iiarch, 1916 . f City Clerk. A2MVED: Hag or