Section 1 That pursuant to a resolution adopted by
the Cirty Council at a regular meeting thereof held on the
/ day of March A D 1916 it was ordered by the City
Council that a storm sewer district be created under and in
virtue of the authority contained in Chapter C of the Revised
Statutes of 1908 concerning public improvements in cities
and towns of less than one hundred trousand inhabitants and
pursuant to said resolution the city engineer was authorized
and instructed to prepare map plans and specifications of
the proposed district together with the estimated cost of
the work therein together with a schedule showing the
approximate amount to be assessed upon the several lots or
parcels of property within said proposed district and there-
after pursuant to said resolution the city engineer did on
the 17th day of April 1916 duly file with the city council
a map plans and specifications with the estimated cost of
of the improvements in said proposed Storm Sewer District
No 2 that on said last mentioned date the city council
by resolution did duly adopt the map plans and specifications
and schedule of assessments prepared by the city engineer
and that said Storm Sewer District No 2 be created and
organized under and in pursuantle of Section 5374 of the
Revised Statutes of 1908 as follows to-wit To include
the east half of blocks numbered 111 112 and 113 and the
west half of blocks numbered 121 122 and 123 to be known
as Storm Sewer District No 2 and that the work of construc-
tion within said district consist of an eighteen-inch lino ^f
vitr-fied clay pipe extending from the main storm sewer on
Mountain and College Avenues south on College Avenue to manhole
No 1 on the north line of Oak Street thence south as a
fifteen-inch main to manhole No 2 on the north line of Olive
Street which is the end of the proposed line to be constructed
along the east side of College Avenue forty feet west of the
east line of said avenue and to he placed eight (8) feet
below the surface of the street two ( 2) manholes six (6)
catch basins and eight (8) inlets to be constructed as provided
in the plans and specifications adopted that the total estimated
cost of said improvement is One Thousand Nine Hundred Ninety-
three and 38/100 Dollars ($1 993 38) and the same was duly
adopted in said resolution as the engineer' s estimate of the
cost of the construction of said storm sewer and the expense of
said district
Section 2 That pursuant to the requirements of said
last mentioned resolution adopted on the 17th day of April
A D 1916 due notice was given to the owners of property
to he assessed by due and lawful publication in the Fort
Collins Horning Express a daily newspaper of general circu-
lation published in the City of Fort Collins for a period of
twenty (20) days as shown by the proof of publication on file
in the office of the City Clerk which said notice was to the
owners of the property to be assessed and designated the kind
of improvement proposed the number of installments and the
time in which the cost will be payable the rate/of interest
on unpaid ana deferred installments the extent of the district
improved together with the probable cost per square foot as
shown by the estimates of the city engineer and to the further
effnct treat on the 29th day of May A D 1916 at four o clock
P M in the council chanber of the City of Fort Collins the
city council would hear and consider all complaints and objec-
tions that might be made and filed in writing concerning the
proposed improvement by the owners of any real estate to be
assessed that in pursuance of said notice the said city
council did sit to hear complaints and no complaints in writing
concerning said improvement had then and there been duly filed
with the city clerk
Section 3 The city council find that all the requirements
of the statute respecting the ordering of said improvement and
the resolutions andnotice required by law to be given in resroect
thereto before the adoption bf an ordinance ordering said
improvement have been complied with in all respects and it
is hereby ordered that the improvement of Storm Sewer District
No 2 by the construction of a storm sewer there..n as provided
for in the map plans and specifications heretofore adopted
by the city council and approved bj this ordinance be and is
hereby ordered to the constructed
Section 4 For the purpose of paying the cost of said
improvement warrants of the City of Fort Collins are hereby
autnorized to be issued signed by the Commissioner of Safety
and Ex-officio Mayor and dulj attested with the corporate seal
by the city clerk which said warrants shall bear date at such
time as may be fixed by the Commissioner of Finance and Eg-officio
Treasurer after the work of improvement has been commenced in said
Storm sewer district and to be endorsed on the face thereof
"Payable out of the assessments collected in Storm Sewer
District No 2 'a and shall bear the name of said storm sewer
district No 2 on the fact thereof which said warrants shall
be payable in five annual installments with interest at six
per cent per arnum payable semi-annually on presentation to
the city treasurer and shall be numbered consecutively as
issued and shall be redeemable commercir- —_tIn No 1 and
payable Thenever funds are available to the credit of Storm
Sewer District No 2 for that purpose together with the
accrapd interest thereon
Section 5 whenever considdred prudent by the city
treasurer he is hereby authorized and empowered whenever
funds may be in his hands to the credit of said Storm Sewer
District No 2 exceeding six months interest on the unpaid
principal to advertise for five ( 5) days in the official
newspaper of said city and call in a suitable number of warrants
in said district for payment and at the expiration of thhrty
(30) days from the first publication interest on the warrants
so called shall cease The notice shall specify the warrants
so called by number and all said warrants so issued shall be
called and paid in their numerical order
Section 6 Upon the taking effect of this ordinance the
Commissioner of Safety and Ex-officio uiayiir is hereby authorized
and empowered to advertise for bids for the construction of
said improvement in accordance with the map plans and specifi-
cations heretofore adopted which advertisement shall not be
for less than ten (10) days in the official newspaper published
in the City of Fort Collins and all bids received ender said
advertisement shall be submitted to the city council for approval
or rejectior and no contract shall be awarded in excess of the
city engineer' s estinate of the cost of said improvement After
the contract is awarded for construction the city council shall
require a bond for the faithful performance of the same of not
less than twenty-five per cent (251a) of the contract price
with sufficient surety or sureties to be approved by the
Commissioner of Safety and Ex-officio 1ayor and the work
of construction when so awarded under such contract shall
be under the general control of the Commissioner of Public
Works and the immediate control and supervision of the city
engineer whose decision in all matters of dispute respecting
compliance with this ordinance and the cor tract made thereunder
shall be final and binding upon all parties thereto When
said contract is awarded it shall contain a clause to the effect
that it is subject to the provisions of the charter and the
acts under which the City of Port Collins exists and of
this ordinance and that the aggregate payments shall not
exceed the estimate of the city engineer and the amount appro-
priated and that upon tan days` notice the work under said
contract without cost or claim against the City of Port
Collins ma,7 be suspended for substantial cause and upon
complaint of any owner of real estate to be assessed for said
improvement that flip improvement is not being constructed in
accordance with the contract then the city council maj con-
sider the complaint and make such order as may be just and
their decision shall be final The city council shall have
the right to reject any and all bids which may be made by
any person or persons for the construction of said improvement
and when in the ,judgment of the city council it shall deem
it to the best interests of the City of Fort Collins said
city council is hereby authorized and empowered to provide
for doing such work by hiring parties by the day and to
arrange for the purchasing of the necessary material to do
such work under the direction supervision and control of the
Commissioner of Public Works and the city eng4nner acting
for said city
Section 7 When said public improvement in Storm Sewer
District No 2 shall have been completed and the same approved
by the city engineer recommended for acceptance by said officer
and duly accepted by the city council of the City of Fort
Collins the cost thereof shall be assessed upon all the real
estate in said district as the area of each piece of real
estate in said district is to the area of all real estate in
the district exclusive of public highways, which said assess-
ments when made and reported by the city engineer and approved
by the city council shall be assessed against the property
in Storm Sewer District No 2 by an ordinance to be adopted
as provided by law
Section 8 For the purpose of paying the engineering and
other clerical expenses and the cost of inspection upon the
approval of the city council the Commis-loner of Safety and
Ex-officio Mayor is authorized and empowered to advertise for
not less than ten (10) days in the official newspaper tf said
city and sell as many warrants as may be necessary and use
the proceeds thereof for said purpose and in accordance with
the provisions of Section 5393 of the Revised Statutes of 1908
Section 9 This ordinance shall be irrepealable until
the indebtedness herein provided for whenever the same shall
be created shall have been fully paid satisfied and discharged
as herein provided
Introduced cVAwmrp& read and published hTay 29 1916
Passed and adopted this _,LL day of June A D 1916
Z,,17AAAJL& L(
Commissio er o Sa e y and
ATTEST Ex-officio Mayor
City Clerk
I Ray Baxter City Clerk of the City of Fort
Collins do hereby certify and declare that the foregoing
ordinance consisting of nine (9) sections duly proposed
and read at length at a meting of the City Council held on
the 29th day of May 1916 was duly ordered by "aye" and
"nay" vote to be published in the Fort Collins Express
a daily newspaper of the City of Fort Collins in accord-
ance with the provisions of Section 7 of Article IV of
the City Charter that thereafter and onr to--Vit the
day of June 1916 at a reevla r meeting of the City Council
said ordinance came before said Council on its final passage
a period of more than ten days having elapsed since the
publication as set forth and that said ordinance
was upon second reading adopted as an ordinance and
thereafter and on to-wit the / j day of 1916
said Ordinance No _ 1916 as finally a sed and
adopted was duly published in the Fort Collins Morning
Express a daily newspaper published in the City of Fort
Collins Colorado
In Witness Whereof I have hereunto set my hand this
L� day o"lay ) A y 1916
City Clerk