Section 1 That under and by virtue of the pro-
visions of Ordinance No 12 , 1916, of said Qity of Fort
Collins, adopted and approved on the 12th day of June„ 1916s
Storm Sewer District No 2 was duly created and provision made
in said ordinance for the construction of a storm sewer in said
District, and the said improvements as therein provided have
been duly constructed under contract as provided by law, and
the said improvements have been duly accepted by the City of
Fort Collins, as therein provided, that thereafter the Com-
missioner of Works of said city duly reported to the City
Coancil the total cost of the construction of said Storm
Sewer, including the cost of inspection, collection and other
incidentals, and also including interest to the first day of
March, 1917, when, by the laws of the State of Colorado, the
first installment of general taxes is dae and payable, which
said sum amounts to $2,159 68, that in and by said report the
Commissioner of Works, pursuant to the report of the City
Engineer, duly apportioned upon all the real estate in Stonm
Sewer District No 2 in proportion as the area of each piece
of real estate in the district improved is to the area of all
the real estate in the district, exclusive of public highways,
in accordance with the provisions of §5366 of the Revised
Statutes of Colorado for 1908, and in accordance with said
apportionment the rate is 6_0056019 per square foot, which
finding and report of the Commissioner of Works is in accor-
dance with the report theretofore made by the City Engineer
in respect to the assessments on each lot within said district
Section 2 That at a regular meeting of the City
Council held on the llth day of September, A D 1916, said
report of the Commisdoner of Works concerning the assessment
for said improvement in Storm Sewer District No � was by
resolution of the City Council duly adopted for the purpose
of consideration and determination at a meeting of the City
Council to be held pursuant to a notice of the City Clerk as
provided by law, that in and by said resolution the City
Clerk was instructed and directed to publish notice in the
official newspaper of the City of Fort Collins for a period of
ten days, addressed to the owners of the property to be assessed
in Storm Sewer District No 2, stating the whole cost of the
improvement and the share apportioned to each lot or tract of
land in said district, and notifying the owners thereof that
any complaints or objections that may be made in writing by
them to the City Clerk and filed in the office of the City
Clerk within thirty days from the publication of said notice,
will be heard and determined by the City Council at a meeting
thereof to be held on the 23d day of October, 1916, at the hour
of four o'clock P M of said day, in the Council Chamber in
the City Hall in said City of Fort Collins, that after said
hearing the said City Council will take up the matter of the
passage of an ordinance assessing the cost of said improvement,
that pursuant to the authority contained in said resolution the
City Clerk has caused to be duly published said notice in the
Fort Collins Morning Express, the official newspaper of said
city of Fort Collins, for a period of ten days, as provided by
law, and that due proof of said publication has been duly filed
in the office of the City Clerk, that more than thirty days
have elapsed since the publication of said notice, and no
complaints or objections in writing have been filed with the
City Clerk as provided by law
Section 3 That the total cost of the improvement
in said Storm Sewer District No 2, under and by virtue of
Ordinance No 12th 1916, of said city, including the cost of
inspection, collection and interest to the first day of March
1917, amounting to $2, 159 68, is hereby assessed upon all the
real estate in said district in accordance with the provisions
of §5375 and §5376 of the Revised Statutes of Colorado for
1908, and that the proportion of said costs assessed to each
lot or tract of land in said Storm Sewer District No 2, com-
prising the east half of Blocks numbered 111, 112 and 113, and
the west half of Blocks numbered 121, 122 and 123, shall be
as follows, to-wit
Square Rate per
Lot No Ft Sq Ft Property Owner Cost
1 4750 $ 0056019 State Mercantile Cc $26 61 f
2 " " State Mercantile Cc 26 61 -0
3 " " State Mercantile Cc 26 61�
4 " " State Mercantile Cc 26 61 d
5 " " William A Kickland 26 614
6 " " William A Kickland 26 614'
7 " " Cynthia Ann Douglass 26 61 �
8 n " Cynthia Ann Douglass 26 61 ,/
9 " " Mary T Weleh 26 614
10 3250 " Alexander W Scott 18 201,
11 it " Alexander W Scott 18 20 -'
12 " " Rosa Arscott 18 30 1/
13 " " Robert E Trimble 18 204
14 it it Robert E Trimble 18 20
15 " " Caroline Eleanor Mentz 18 20
16 " " Alford Investment Cc and
Thomas H Robertson 18 20 �
Square Rate per
Lot No Ft Sq Ft Property Owner Cost
1 4750 $ 0056019 Caroline Eleanor Mentz $26 61 d
2 " " Caroline Eleanor Mentz 26 61,
3 " " Caroline Eleanor Mentz 26 61,
4 " " Caroline Eleanx Mantz 26 61✓
5 " " Caroline Eleanor Mentz 26 61
6 " " Caroline Eleanor Mentz 26 61 `
7 " " Benjamin F Hottel 26 61,0
8 " " BEnjamin F Hottel 26 61 a
9 " " Benjamin F Hottel 26 61 /
10 " " Benjamin F Hottel 26 61 ✓
11 " " Benjamin F Hottel 26 6110
12 1150 " Benjamin F Hottel 6 44✓
12 3600 " United States of America 20 17✓
13 750 " Robert E Trimble 4 20✓
13 4000 " United States of America 22 41V
14 750 " Robert E Trimble 4 20
14 4000 " United States of America 22 41 ✓
15 750 " Robert E Trimble 4 20 ✓
15 4000 " United States of America 22 41✓
16 750 " Robert E Trimble 4 20 ✓
16 4000 " United States of America 22 41✓
Square Rate per
Lot No Ft Sq Ft Property Owner Cost
1 7000 0056019 Mary E Quick $39 21`'
1 2500 " Samuel T Quick 14 00 ✓
2 7000 " Mary E Qukok 39 21 p
2 2500 " Samuel T Quick 14 00 ✓
3 9500 " J J Bauman 53 21✓
4 " " J J Bauman 53 21 1/
5 " " Mountain States T & T Cc 53 21+
6 " " Ada L Baker 53 21 ,
7 7600 " Ada L Baker 42 57/
7 1400 " Methodist Episcopal Church 7 64/
7 500 " Louise C Bryant 2 801
8 7000 " Methodist Episcopal Church 39 21
8 2500 " Louise C Bryant 14 004
Square Rate Per
Lot No Ft Zq Ft Property Owner Cost
7 1000 $ 0056019 First National Bank 5 601
7 1000 " Commercial Loan & R Cc 5 60 f
7 500 " J A C Kissock 2 sit,
7 1000 " Estate of Amanda Wheat 5 60 ✓
8 1000 " First National Bank 5 60 ✓
8 1000 " Commercial Loan & Trust Cc 5 60
8 500 " J A C Kissock 2 81✓
8 1000 " Estate of Amanda Wheat 5 60 d
lOC 1875 " First National Bank 10 51✓
10 635 " J A C Kissock 3 50 .1
10 1000 " Estate of Amanda Wheat 5 60✓
11 37 5 " Fort Collins Investment Cc 21
11 3482 5 ry r Frank+L Souit 19 40 ✓
12 1802 5 " _ Emma A Ki s so ck 10 10 /
12 1697 5 " J A C Ki e s ock 9 51
13 3500 " Stover Investment Co 19 61
14 " " Stover Investment Cc 19 61 '
15 " " Lewis Seoord 19 61f
16 " " Lewis Secord. 19 61 l
17 " " 1 C Davis 19 6111
18 " " M M Bradley 19 61 ✓
19 " " Phoebe G Edwards Sara E Avery 19 614
20 n n if it n a bl9 61 d
21 2250 " Thomas H Robertson 12 61 ✓
21 1250 " Phoebe 8 Edwards,Sara E Bvery 7 00 ✓
22 2250 " Thomas H Rober+son 12 61 .,
22 1250 " Sara E Avery, Phoebe G
Edwards 7 00
Lot No Sq Ft Rate Property Owner Cost
9 3500 0056019 St John' s Episcopal Church $19 61
10 " " n " " 19 61
11 " n Clara A Hoel & Geo L Hoel 19 61 V
12 n n it n n a 19 a
13 n n n It " n 19 611
14 1400 " " It " " 7 84 f
14 2100 " G Harold D Parker 11 77 r
15 3500 " n 19 61
16 " " " 19 61 q
17 n " " 19 61 +
18 " " Ellen T Atwell 19 61 ✓
19 1750 " " 9 80
19 1750 " Gordon M Fothergill 9 811/
20 3500 " Gordon M Fothergill 19 611
21 3500 n Alexander W Scott 19 61
22 n n n " 19 61
23 " " W A Hawthorne 19 61
24 n n n n 19 614
Lot Not Sq Ft Rate Property Owner Cost
9 7000 $ 0056019 Methodist Episcopal 6hurch $39 214
10 " it " " 39 211/
11 " " F Maria Annie 39 21,f
12 " " Verner U Wolf 39 21 d
13 " " Ada L Baker 39 210
14 " " Thomas Quinn 39 21
15 5600 " Charles Golding-Dwyre 31 37 `�
15 1400 " Christine Miller 7 84
16 7000 " " " 39 211
Section 4 That all that portion of Lotd 12, 13, 14
15 and 16, in Block 112, covered by the foregoing assessment and
owned by the United States of America, comprising 19,600 square
feet, and the total assessment therefor amounting to $109 81
for the cost of said improvement, be and the same is hereby re-
leased from the claim and lien of said assessment, and that said
sum of $109 81 shall be paid by the City of Fort Collins, said
release of claim and discharge of said property from the lien
of said assessment is made by reason of the fact that no appro-
priation has been or will be made by Congress of the United
States for the payment of any special assessments against pub-
lio property, and under the regulations of the Treasury Depart-
ment no such claim would be recognized or approved, and said
assessment cannot be enforced against the property of the
United States as a matter of law
Section 5 All assessments herein provided for shall
be due and payable within thirty days tithout demand, provided all
such assessments may at the election of the owners of the property
assessed, be paid in five (5) annual installments, payable
February 28, 1917, February 28, 1918, February 28, 1919, February
28, 1920, February 28, 1921 withowt
interest on the unpaid principal, payable semi-annually at the
rate of six per cent per annum
Section 6 Failure to pay the whole of the assess-
ment within said period of thirty days shall be conclusively
considered and held an election on the part of all persons
interested, whether under disability or otherwise, to pay in
such installments
Section 7. Failure to pay any installment, whether
of principal or interest, when due, shall cause the whole of the
unpaid principal to become due and payable immediately, and the
whole amount of the unpaid principal and accrued interest shall
thereafter draw interest at the rate of one per cent per month,
or fraction of a month, until the day of sale as hereinafter
provided, but at any time prior to the day of sale the owner
may pay the amount of all unpaid installments, with interest
at one per cent per month or fraction of a month, and all
penalties accrued, and shall thereupon be restored to the right
to pay the instaaments in the same manner as if default had not
been suffered. The owner of any property not in default as to
any installments or 11ayment may at any time pay the whole of
toe unpaid principal, with the interest accrued, to the maturity
of the next installment of interest or principal.
Section B.Payments may be made to the City Treasurer
at any time within thirty days of the passage of this ordinance,
and an allowance of five per cent disoound shall be made on all
payments made during such period only.
Section 9. In case of default 61 the payment of
any installment of the principal and interest when due, any and
all property concerning which such default is suffered shall be
advertised by the County Treasurer and sold for the payment of
the whole of the unpaid aesessments thereon at the same time
or tithes, and in the same manner, under all the same conditions
and penalties, and with the same effects as are provided by law
for sales of real estate in default of the payment of general
Section 10 The owner of any divided or undivided
interest may pay his share of any assessment upon producing
evidence of the extent of his interest satisfactory to the
officers having the assessment roll in charge
Introduced, read and ordered published this 23d day
of October, A D 1916
Passed and adopted this / day of November, A D 1916
Commissioner of Safety and
Ex-Officio Mayor
City Clerk
I, Ray Baxter, City Clerk of the City of Fort
Collins, do hereby certify and declare that the foregoing ordi-
nance, consisting of ten (10) sections, was duly proposed and
read at length at a meeting of the City Council held on the 23d
day of October, 1916, and was duly ordered by ayw and nay vote
to be published once in full 'En the Fort Collins Morning Express,
a daily newspaper of the City of Fort Collins, in accordance with
the provisions of Section 7of Article IV of the City Charter,
that thereafter and on, to-wit, the day of
1916, at a regular meeting of the City Council the said ordinance
came before said council upon its final passage, a period of
more than ten days having elapsed since its publication as above
set forth, and that addid ordinance was upon second reading adopted
as an ordinance and thereafter and on, to-wit, the day
of 19163 said Ordinance No as finally
passed and adopted was duly published in the Fort Collins
Morning Express, a daily newspaper published in the said
City of Fort Collins, Colorado
In Witness Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand
this day of 1916
ity Clerk