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r CIA C ORDIFIANC° No 1916 RFLATING TO TH) ANNUAL APPROPRIATIONS FOR TM FIoCl , YEAR BIGINNING M JANUARY 1, 19170 AND TNDIhG DFCFMBrR 81, 11917, AND FIXING THE L9VIFS 4 FOR MAID PI30AL YhAR µ v BP IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FORT COLLINS `,ection. 1 That there be and is hereby appropriated out of the revenues of the City of Fort Collins for the fiscal year beginning Jan. T uary 10 1917s and ending December1, 1917, the sumo y � a � F S — Dollars, to be rateed by taxation and otherwise, which said sum is hereby divided and appropriated for the following purposes, to-wit ' For Fire Department beee ee 5 �) () o 00 T, For General Government, 130M 0015 b p o For Grand View CemeteryY For Maintenance Public Library We IN3/ o o 7 *� For Lights e 00 \ r - W �i For Parks _T or r n eres ---- r, k m N For Park Bond oinking Fund Fo �' " --� s,.Permanent Streets ---- -- (, n a a 0 For• Perpetual Care Lots .maintenance 600 00 n 0 For Police Department - BON GGx----- c e)o c `j For Public Entertainment - -BAG 00 ,00 For Public Grounds & Buildings —18GO AO-- - 58 040 60 For Public Health - 000 ee „;-- -- 2 0 0 0,©0 o For Publicity as per Charter =-OAA-86------ -- (, o m o a For Streets and Alleys 901 -- 9 7 a o 0 0 One half cost Street Intersection fi Improvement Distriots Nos. a2 ,j A� �-� x --— —- 'Total 1 And the revenue derived from %ater' Rentals for said fiscal year is divided and appropriated as follows, and no portion of the revenue to be so derived shall be apportioned to anlr other f"urtd. F) t 0 ` j F`nti , x dt Interest on rater Bonds 12255 00 Water Bonds Sinking Fund let Series 5833 34 hater Bonds Sinking Fund 2nd Series 5000 00 1,ater Forks Repairs & Improvements 6011 66 Pater liorks Salary & Maintenance 12000 00 Total 8 42000 W The balance, if any, of revenue from Later Rentals, shall be applied toward the redemption of the First Series of rater Bonds of said City Section 2. That for the purpose of providing the necessary funds for meeting the appropriations set forth in Section 1 of this ordinance, the following levies be and are hereby made upon each dollar of the assessed valuation of all taxable property within the corporate limits of the City of Fort Collins, the same being the amount necessary to provide for the payment of the foregoing appropriations and to meet the payment thereof during the fiscal year ending December 31, 1917, of all property authorized demands upon the City Treasurer, to wit For General Lxpense Six and Twenty Five Hundredths tills 6 25 For library Forty Five Hundredths Mills .45 For Parks Fifty five Hundredths Dille .65 For Park Bond Interest Sixteen Hundredths .16 For Park Bond Sinking !told, Twenty Nine Hundredths .29 Total — 7M being a total of Seven and Seventy Hundredths (7.70) bills which levies shall be certified to the Board of County Commissioners by the Commissioner of Safety and Cx-Offioio Mayor and City Clerk as provided by law. Introduced, read, on November 6th, 1916. LA./Passed and adopted this day of � A D 1916, Coimn as oner o )a o y dnd x-Officio iayor. Attest CAty Clerk, State of Colorado) )S, County of Larimer) I, Ray Baxter, City Clerk of the City of Fort Collins, do hereby certify and declare that the foregoing ordinance, consisting of kkxmm two sections, was duly introduced and read at length at a regular meeting of the City Council held on the 6th day of November lQ16, and was duly ordered by an "Aye ' and "Nay" vote to be published in The Fort Collins R"xmxxx Morning Express, a daily newspaper of the City of Fort Collins, in accordance with the provisions of Section 7 of Article IV of/the City Charter, and thereafter and on to-vn t, the .� day of �� 1916 at a regular meeting of the City Council said ordinance came before said Council on its final passage a period of more than ten (10) days raving elansed since the publicRtion thereof as herein set forth, and that said ordinance was upon said second reads g duly ad ted as an ordinance and tkaxm thereafter and on to-wit, the �_U day of 1916, saia ordinance No ' ,1916�as=3'+i-nally passed, a op a and approved was duly publis e in a Fort Collins Morning Fxpress, a daily news- paper, as required by said provisions of Section 7 of Article IV of the City Charter In witness whereof, I ave hereunto my hand and affixed the corporate seal this day of Alcl 1916 sty Clerk