HomeMy WebLinkAbout004 - 02/18/1907 - AMENDING SECTION 6 OF ORDINANCE NO. 011, 1890, RELATING TO STREET GRADES Proposed Ordinance.
Public notice is hereby given that the following ordinance was
introduced, read and ordered printed, at a regular adjourned meeting of
the City Council of the City of. Fort Collins, Colorado, held February 4,I907.
City Clerk.
Ordinance 'No. of the Series of I907.
An Ordinance Amending Section 6 of Ordinance No. II I890, entitled
Relating to Street Grades ° ,
Be it ordained by the City Council of the City of Fort C6111ns, Colo:-
Section I, :hat Section 6 of Ordinance No. II I890 be and the same
is hereby amended so as to read as follows.
Section 6, That the grade for Romdngton street id hereby fixed,
established and declared to be as follows; elevation at the intersection
of Mountain avenue, 96 feet at the center of said streets; at the northeast
corner of block I2I, 97.50 feet, at the northwest corner of block I3I,
97 foot.
Elevation at the intersection of Oak street, 99.28 feet at the center
of said streets; elevation at the intersection of Olive street, I04.38 feet
at the genter of said streets; elevation at the intersection of Ltagnolia
„ street, III.4I feet at the center of said streets, elevation at the inter-
section of Mulburry street; I09.76 feet at the center e!-tlnrrem-ffp of
said streets; elevation at the intersection of Myrtle street, I08.07 feet
at the center Of said streets; elevation at the intersection of Laurel
street, I09.7 feet at the center of said streets.
The forekoing ordinance was introduced and read at a regular adjourned
meeting of the City Council of the City of Fort Collins, Colorado, on the
4th. day of February, A. D. I907, and was published in the IAO-Gmez"
c�y�.cJ a weekly newspaper of general circulation published in said
city on the rP 'day of February A. D. I907,'�and was duly passed and
adopted by said City Council at the regular meeting thereof held on the
I8th. day of February, A. D. I907.
Proposed Ordinance.
Public notice is hereby given that the following ordinance was
introduced, read and ordered printed, at a regular adjourned meeting of
the City Council of the City of Fort Collins, Colorado, held February 4,I907.
City Clerk.
Ordinance No. of the Series of I907.
An ordinanoe Amending Section 6 of Ordinance No. II I890, entitled
" Relating to Street Grades ° ,
Be it ordained by the City Council of the City of Fort Collins, Cole:-
Section I, :hat Section 6 of Ordinance No. II I890 be and the same
is hereby amended so as to read as follows.
Section 6, That the grade for Remffngton street i3 hereby fixed,
established and declared to be as follows; elevation at the intersection
of Mountain avenue, 96 feet at the center of said streets; at the northeast
corner of block I2I, 97.50 foot, at the northwest corner of block I3I,
97 foot.
-. Elevation at the intersection of Oak street, 99.28 feet at the center
of said streets; elevation at the intersection of Olive street, 104.38 feet
at the genter of said streets; elevation at the intersection of Magnolia
street, III.4I feet at the center of said streets; elevation at the Inter-
section of Mulberry street; 109.76 feet at the center e4-ttre-t-e?rtat• of
said streets; elevation at the intersection of Myrtle street, 108.07 feet
at the center of said streets; elevation at the intersection of laurel
street, I09.7 feet at the center of said streets.
The foregoing ordinance was introduced and read at a regular adjourned
meeting of the City Council of the City of Fort Collins, Colorado, on the
4th. day of February, A. D. I90?, and was published in the
(5 u� a weekly newspaper of general circulation published in said
city on the "p day of February A. D. I907,�'and was duly passed and
adopted by said City Council at the regular meeting thereof held on the
ISth. day of February, A. D. I907.
Attest:- �
za elf;—
A portion of the East Half of the Southwest Uuarter of Section
10, 'Township 7 North, Range 69 West, more particularly described as
follows, towit : - Commencing at a point 726. 1 feet south of the north-
west corner of the East Half of the Southwest bluarter of said section,
thence running east 958 feet to the center *e of Larimer County
Canal No. 2, thence along the center line of said canal south, 14060'
east , 600 feet , south, 280 east , 574 feet , south, 6"60' west , 450 feet,
south, 42040' west,35.11 feet, south 6030fwest , 137 feet to a point 251. 1
feet north of south line of said section, thence west and along the
north line of lands of Sarah Groh to the west line of the East Half of
the Southwest auarter of said ,section, thence north to the place of
beginning. Also, commencing at a point 950 feet west and 570 south of
the intersection of the center line of West mountain avenue with the
center line of Shields street , thence south to the south side of Sec-
tion 10, 'Township 7 North, Range 69 West, 950 feet west of the South-
east corner of said eetion 10, thence west and southwesterly along
the section line as he center of -the , county road to the center of
Larimer County Canal No. 2, thence northwesterly along the center of
said canal to a point 570 feet south of the center line of West lAoun-
tain avenue extended west , thence east to the place of beginning; both
of said described tracts of latad containing in the aggregate 106. 7
acres, more or less, and being in the County of Larimer and State of
Section 2. That\baas
and in actor ce with the provisions of
said act, there be sub to the qualified lectors . of this city at
the ne t regular electr officers of thi city, the question of
the a uirement by purof the following de abed tract of land,
to be des grated on th is as "A part of llot oc Rhodes Subdivi-
sion, " a the price of0 .00, vlz: -Ail Of locks num3 305, 306, 312, 313, 315, 316i624, 525, 32 in Dotydes Subdivision of the West if of the
Northwest aua er of S11, `Township 7 North, Range '9 West ; ac-cording to .the lat thon fi e in the office of the C ty Clerk
and Recorder of rimety, C orado.
; S 1'i,e foregoing ordinance was introduced and read at a regular ad-
33 journed meeting of the City Council of" the City of Fort Collins, Colo-
rado, on the 4th day of February, A. D. 1907, and was publisned in The
a weekly newspaper of general circula-
tion published in said city on the 6'2�4day of February, A.D. 1907, and
duly passed and adopted by said City Council at the regular meet -
thereof held on the 18th day of" February, A.D 07.
st : -
Mayor .
�-f City Clerk.
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