HomeMy WebLinkAbout012 - 07/01/1907 - RELATING TO PLUMBING Ordinance No aeries of 1907.
BE IT ORDAINED by the City Gouncil of the City of
Fort Collins, Colorado, as follows: --
There is hereby created the office of Plumbing Inspector, and the
Building Inspector of the City of Fort Collins, shall be ex-officio
Plumbing Inspector. Before entering upon the duties of his office
he shall execute a bond to the City in the sum of One Thousand Dollars
($1000) with such sureties as the Mayor shall approve, conditioned
for the faithful performance of the duties of his office.
Sec. 2. POWERS AND DUTIES. The Plumbing Inspector
shall see that the construction, maintenance and control of the
plumbing, drainage and ventilation of all 'buildings in the city
shall conform to and comply with the rules and regulations of this
Ordinance, and shall pass upon all plans submitted, and shall keep
a daily record of his work, including all notices and applicatioAs
received, permits granted, violations of these regulations and all
other matters w,iich may pertain thereto. He shall inspect the plumb9
ing in houses in the course of erection, undergoing alteration or
-opair, as often as :nay be necessary, and shall see that all work of
plumbing, drainage and ventilation is done in accordance with the
provisions of this ordinance. He shall keep in suitable form, a
record of all plans, specifications and work examined by him,
whether approved or rejected, and whether for new or old buildings,
and shall, so far as nossible complete a record of the plumbing in
the city, with such notations as will enable his successors to trace
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sources of filth and causes of sickness and to enforce the best
sanitary conditions. He shall not engage or be in any manner
interested in bile business of a nlumber. He shall. perform such
other duties as pie council shall from time to time require by
resolution or otherwise, and shall devote ills time to the duties
of such office combined with the duties nertaining to the office
of Building Inspector.
Sec. 3. RIGHT OF ACCESS ----- The Plumbing Inspec-
tor_ shall have the right and power wLiere there is, a obuilding under
construction or being remodeled to enter and examine all work pertain-
ing to plumbing at any time, and shall have the power to stop any
and all work not complying with the requirements of this ordinance.
Any person refusing to allow such right of entry, or hindering or
obstructing said Inspector in carrying out the Dower conferred by
this section, shall be fined not less than five nor more than twenty-
five dollars for each offense.
Sec. 4. COtviPLAI14TS. - Whenever it shall come to the
knowledge of tale Inspector or complaint shall be made to him that
the plumbing in any building causes a muisance, or is contrary to
this ordinance, or is faulty in construction, or liable to injure
the health of the occupants, or if upon the request of any owner or
agent of any building to the committee on health of the city council
or City Hehltii officer, and said connittee or office shall so
direct, the Inspector shall examine the plumbing in any such
building. He shall report his findings to the Chairman of said
committee or the City Health officer and suggest such changes
as may be necessary to make the same conform with existing rules,
and said committee on health or city health officer small tiien
notify tine owner or agent of any such building of the changes which
are necessary in the plumbing, and upon failure or refusal of such
owner or agent to make such changes within tine time prescribed,
said committee or City Health Officer shall proceed to have said
nuisance abated, and tine owner or agent of such building shall be
fined not less than twenty-five nor more than three hundred dollars.
Sec. 5 . SALARY. The salary of such Plumbing
Inspector shall be determined and fixed by the Council, and shall be
provided for in �Iie annual appropuietion ordinance.
Sec. 1. MASTER PLUIdBERS, LICENTSE, BOND- No person shall
engage in the business of plumbing as a master or euploying plumber
within th@s city without a license so to do. Any person desiring
such license shall make application therefor to the City Clerk.
Such application shall be in w4ting and sisall state the name of the
applicant and the location of the business. Uuon so doing and the
payment of a license fee of fifty dollars, and the filing of a bond
as herein required the Clerk shall issue such license to such
applicant and the same shall , unless sooner suspended or revoked,
continue in force for one year from the issue thereof. Tile bond
required by this section wall run to the city , and shall be in the
sum of one thousand dollars, with such sureties as tile Mayor shall
ann-rove , conditioned for tine faithful performance of tine duties
required by ordinance, rule or regulation of the council , and gist he
will suitably guard and uruteet any excavations or obstructions, and
defj e�i, save and keep harmless tine city of and from all actions,
suits, costs, damages and expenses, which shall or may at any time
happen or come to it for and on account of any injury or damage rec-
ceived or susta _ned by any parson, caused by any negligence , or
from any unfaithful or inadequate work done under his license.
Sec. 3. PERMITS. It shall be the duty of every film,
person or corporation conducting the business of plumbing
in the city before beginning any plumbing work to make appli-
cation to the City Clerk for a permit for each separate job,
extent for water and sewer connections made under the suvervi-
Sion of the City, giving street, mumber and name of the owner of
the premises. Such permit shall issue only on the order of the
Plumbing Inspector who shall be furnished with plans, drawings,
specifications or description of the proposed work. Upon issuing.
any such permit, the applicant small pay the sum of fifty cents
therefor. The Inspector must be notified by said plumber doing
work when the work is ready for inspection. All work must be
left uncovered and convenient for examination until inspected and
approved. In ;ase of any violation of this regulation the permit
granted for the work may be revoked upon the order of the Inspector,
and upon notice of said revokation being given all plumbing work on
.said building must cease. But this section shall not be deemed to
require either permit or inspection for repair work where the loca-
tion of fixtures is not changed. Any person violating any of the
provisions of this section shall be fined not less than five nor
more than fifty dollars for each offense.
Sec. 1. The construction, maintenance and control of
plumbing drainage and ventilation of all buildings in the City
shall conform to and comply with the following regulations: -
(a) All material shall be of good quality, and free from defects,
and the work must be executed in a thorough and workmanlike manner.
(b) Outside house drains conveying sewerage shall not be less
than four incises internal diameter, and shall have a fall of not
less than one quarter (1/4) of an inch to one feet. Inside soil
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pipes, drains beginning three feet outside foundation wall, must
not be less than four inches internal diameter for water closets and
two inches internal diameter for sinks, tubs, etc.
(c) Every plumbing ,job shall have at least one vent stack ex-
tending at least two feet above the roof, and shall be of undimen-
ished size with the outlet uncovered; caps or cowls are prohibited.
Such soil pipes shall not open near a window or an air shaft venti-
lating living rooms.
(d) Every branch or horizontal line of soil pipe to which two
or more close are connected and every branch line of horizontal
soil pipe eight feet or more in length to which a closet is to
be connected s:iail Lie ventilated either by extending a two inch
soil pipe from end of said 'branch to at least two feet above
roof, or by extending said s9l pipe and connecting it to the
main soil pipe auove the highest fixture.
(e) Every bath tub shall lave a drum trap, not less than four
inches in diameter and eight inches long and shall have a four
inch brass screw top :Rxam for clean out. Sinks, basins, water
Closets, slop hoppers and each set of wash trays and every other
fixture having a waste pipe must be separately and effectively
trapped, and the trap to be placed as near the fixture it serves
as is practicable.
(f) All traps must be protected from 'sipiionage by special vent
pipes of cast iron, galvanized wrought iron or lead, to be not
less than one and one half inch internal diameter, except that
traps for lavatories may have vent pipes one and one fourth
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inches in diameter, ^ less than size of thr trap vented by the
(9) No sheet metal, boiler tuning, earthenware or chimney flue
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shall be used as a drain or vent pipe inside or under any building.
Several fixtures may be vented through the same uipe where cast
iron soil pipe is used of sufficient size. All cast iron soil or
vent pipes must be sound and free from poles and cracks, and all
joints must be made with molten lead and oakum. The lead shall not
be less than one inch in depth in the joint.
No smooth-on or cement of any kind shall be used in.
making joints in the above mentioned pipes, but all earthen
sewer pipe joints shall be made with equal parts of Portland
cement and clean sand. /
(h) Connection between soil pipe and mead pipes must be made
with brass or lead combination ferrules and 'crass solder nipples,
and all connections between lead and lead or lead and brass must
be soldere wiped joints.
(i) No connections with soil pipes shall be made by cutting into
said soil pipes. A "T"" or "y" soil pipe fitting shall be used in
each case.
( j ) Every safe under wash uasi.n, water closet or other fixture
must be drained by a special pipe not directly connected with any
soil pipe , waste or drain pipe, but must be discharged into an
open sink upon cellar floor or outside of :souse. The drain pipe
from refrigerators shall not be directly connected with the soil
or watte pipe or with the drain, It shall be discharged into an
open receptacle or water supplied sink.
(k) No cistern or down spout shall be connected in any way with
the city sewer where a storm sewer can be conveniently reached.
Cellar drains connecting with the city sewer muse have a cast iron
or brass water seal trap containing a back water valve.
(1) No water closet shall be put in any building unlesa it shall
be properly ventilated or be in direct communication with ex- '
ternal air by window or air shaft having an area of at 'Least two
square feet. Interior water closets sliall ; not be supplied with
city cupply pipe direct, All water closets within the house or
building must be supplied with special water takke or cisterns.
All water closets when placed in yard must have city
water connection and must be separately trapped, and when more
than twe my feet off .the main line of sewer and vent pipe through
roof must be used. The water pipes and traps must be protected
from freezing.
All urinals shall be of non porous material, and shall
be separately supplied with water and thoroughly ventilated.
(m) Each building within the city within which cooking shall
be done excepting private dwelling houses, shall be providedtith
a grease trap. Such grass* trap shall be, unless otherwise directed
by the Plumbing Inspector, located in the yard as near as possible
to the sink which it drains, and shall be constructed of hydraulic
cement, earthenware or brick, and when not practicalbe to put in
the yard, a grease trap must be placed below each sink, and shall
have a water jacket to keep the grease in such trpp chilled.
(n) Lead bends or ferrules for water closets siiell not be less
than one eighth inch in thickness. 'Waste water pipesfrom wash
basins must not be less than one and one fourth inches internal
diameter, and from sinks and bath tubs, shall not be less than one
and one half inch internal diameter, and for laundry tubs and
slop sinks siiall not be less than two incises internal diameter.
(o) All lead, waste and vent pipes must be at least of as good
quality as that known to the trade as "light". All supply pipes
of lead must be of quality known as "extra strong".
(P) All water services from lead connection at !vain to lot shall
be not less than three quarters of an inch galvanized pipe and not
less than four feet deep in the shallowest place, and from lot line
tobuilding. not less than four feet deep.
(q) All excavations made in the streets or alleys for water
services shall be thoroughly flushed with' water when refilling
and settled solidly to its place before leaving the work.
(r) In any case of alteration of buildings where it is not
practicable to construct the plumbing in accordance with the
provisions of this ordinance, tiie City Clerk may issue special
permit under the order of the Plumbing Inspector to meet the
conditions thereof.
Sec. 2. INZ3Pi;CTi:ON. Before the plumbing of any building shall be
finally approved by the Plumbing Inspector there shall be three
Inspections. First. Of the seer when it is laid and jointed
and before it is covered. Second. Of the soil, waste and vent
pipes. The whole system of inside drains, soil, waste and vent
pipes shall be filled with water. or subjected to an air pressure of
ten pounds to the square inch; and third; the whole system of
plumbing when completed and the water turned on shall be inspected
by the Plumbing Inspector, and if he shall find such plumbing in
accordance with the requirements of this ordinance he shall issue
to the owner of such building, or iris agent or architect a certifi-
cate of approval of tiie same. Architects, owners, agents or con-
tractors shall see ti:at such certificate has been granted 'before
accepting any plumbing work.
Sec. 3. DEFINITIONS. The term "plumbing" as used in
this ordinance is liereby defined to be and to include the pipes,
fixtures and all appurtenances tiiereto which are used to conduct *e-tr-
water within and to a distance of three feet outside of the founda-
tion wall of any building, and all pipes and a*. urteriances used to
ventilate tiie drains, fixtures and traps in any building, and all
pipes and connections through which gases, vapors or w aster of any
kind may be discharged into the drains or severs.
Any plu;nber or dra n layer wiio shall be guilty of
violating any of tue provisions of this ordinance shall be subject
to a fine on conviction of not less titan ten or more than One
Hundred ciu..lars. .
All ordinances and parts of ordinances conflicting with
t,iis ordinance are ;lereby repealed.
Thei Eeregoing ordinance was introduced read and ordered printed .at
a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Yort Collins,
Colorado, on the 20tb. day of May , A. D. I907, and wan printed in the
rbrt Collins Courier a weekly newspaper of general circulation publi:3110(+
in said Uity on the 22nd. day of J;Jny,A. D. I907, and wan duly passed
and adopted by said City Council at an adjourned regular meeting thereof
on the Ist . day of July, A. D. 1907.
Atte-st .
City Clerk.