HomeMy WebLinkAbout013 - 07/01/1907 - RELATING TO BUILDING AND BUILDING INSPECTION Ordinance No. Series of 1907
BE IT ORDAIAv -D by the City Council of the City of Fort
Sec 1 There shall be and hereby is cleated the
office of Building Inspector for the City of Fort Collins
Sec 2 The salary of such Building Inspector
shall be determineu and fixed oy the Council, anu snall be
provided for in the annual appropriation ordinance
Sec 3. His term of office shall be one year, or
until his successor shall be elected and qualified, but if,
at any time, Zucn Inspector groves incompetent or disnonest ,
or is any way unfit fo, trie office , ne s call be removed by tree
City Council , and the City Council shall, upon such removal, p
proceed uy appointment, to fill the uneApired term Sucn Build-
ing Inspector stall ue a practical arcciitect, guilder or civil
engineer who has oeen engaged in the active oasiliess of his occu-
pation for at least five years He shall , before he enters upon
the duties of I.is office, take and suusbrioe an oath to faitaful]y
and impartially execate the duties of nis office, anu bLiall give
pond in the sum of Tao Thousand Dollars (�'2000 00) with two
ormnore sufficient sureties, to oe approved oy the Mayor,
conditioned for the fait,d'al perfoimance of his duties
Sec •, It shall ue the uuty of the City Clerk to
issue all peririts foi the erect-on of buildings n the city,
or the making of alterations of repairs tiiei eof upon the order
of the Building Inspector and to keen a record of all peimits
issued, and le Building Inspector snall also xeep a record
showing the number of rooms, description, size and coat of
every ouilding erected, altered or repaired in the city during
his term of office He snall eAamine all buildings in course
of election alteration or repair as often as deemed necessary
by him and see that the requirements of Lhis ordinance
in relation tneieto are complied with He snall inspect all
school buildings, puolic halls tneaters, churcies notels
apartment nouses and other ouildings which are occupied or
used by large numuers of people or where trey assenule at
least once in each year -'or the nur -)ose of determining the
safety of such ouildings or any part appliance or eaulp-
ment thereof the sufficiency of their doors, passage wais,
aisles staizways corridors exits or fire escapes and
generally their L'a(,illtles foi ogres in case of fire or
otner accidents the strength of tneii f-i ooi s and the safety
of tneir elevators, and snall make re )orts of all violations
of the several provisions of this ordinance and otnei ordinances
with relation to uuilding, to the Mayor In the performance of
his duties he snall nave the ilgnt to enter any building or pre-
mises in the city at any ano all times Whenever, in the opinion
of the Inspector any wall or otner part of a building is danger-
ous or unsafe from any cause for the purpose for which it is used,
or shall be in any danger of oeing set on fire through any defect
in construction or any machinery material or staging used shall
be consideied unsafe for the purpose for which it is intended,
the Inspector shall notify the owner, his agent or the architect,
of contractor in charge of the construction in writing snecifying
wherein such danger exists or wherein such ouilding is unsafe
or defective If the owner of nis agent or the architect or
contractor mall ne6ieLt or refuse, after service of such
notlue, to proceed to vut such building, machinery material
or staging in a safe condition, or forthvitn remove such danger
he snall ue fined not less than Twenty-five Dollars nor more than
One iunured Dollars fo- each day such violation is continued If
any ouilding or hart thereof shall appear to the In�uector to oe
dangerous or unsafe on account of fire or uy ieason of uad condi-
tion of walls, overloaded floors, defective construction, decay
or other reason the Inspector, besides nraceeding as herein pro-
vided shall most notices of the dangerous or unsafe character
of such building in a conspicuous place on or near tile extei for
wall of s�uch uuilding, and any person removing such notice shall
be fined not less than ten dolikars nor more titan Twenty-rive
Dollars for each offense The Inspector s iall have noiv(,r
to stop the construction of any building within the city when
the same is being done in a reckless or careless manner or
in violation of any ordinance and to order any and all -Deis,)ns
in any way or mai►nei whatever engage(, in so construction, altering
or repairing such building to stop and uesist tnerefroiv
Sec 5 Before proceeding with the election, enlarge-
-nent alteration, repair or removal of any building in the
city a permit for such erection enlargement alteration,
-epair or removal shall first ue obtained by tie owner of his
agent from the City Clerk under the order of the Building
Inspector except that a permit shall not be required for the
alteration of anv ouilding outside the fire limits where such
alterations shall not cost to emceed fifty dollars and it shall
beunlawful to proceed with the rrection enlargement alteration
repair or removal of any building or of any structural oa -t thereof
within the city unless such hermit shall first nave oeen ootained
from the City Clerk Applica4ion for suen pe-mit snall ue made
oy the owner or nib agent to the Building Inspector in writing
upon the olanxs to ue furni,ned oy such Inspector and sucii aUi)li-
cation snall snow tie numuer of rooms deociipt_on size and coot of
the ouilding to oe erec6ed enlarged, altered or repaired of re-
moved, and snG7l ue accompanied oy a full and complete bet of
plans showing the mode of construction the ma erial to be
used, and the estimated cost of suc,n uuiluing enla gemcnu
alteration or repair Ii such application shall snow tnat
such ouilding of the enlargement alteration or repair
requested shall be in conformity with the provisions of this
ordinance, the Inspector snall issue an order upon the City
Clerk for the issuance of a permit for such ouiiding enlarge-
ment alteration repair or removal and said City Clerk, on
receiving said order shall issue a permit therefor For such
permits the City Clerk snail collect for the city the follow-
ing fees For a Uermit when the estimated cost of the bizilding
or repair or alteration tneleof shall not exceed Five Hundred
Dollars iifty cents over $500 00 and nou exceeding $1000 00
one dollar each 4p1000 00 of fractional pa-t tneieof in
excess of $1000 JO and not to exceed $5000 00 one dollar for
each auditional $1000 00 or fractional hart thereof over $5000 00
fifty cents For permit to set high pressure steam boilers $2 DO
each, for permits to construct elevators $5 00 each
Sec 1 In this ordinance tie following terms shall have
the meanings respectively assigned to tnem
'Alteration" means any change or addition by which the
structural portion of the ouilding is affected
"Cellar or Basement ' means a lower story of which one-
half or more of the height from the floor to the ceiling is oelow the
level of the ground adjoining
"Founcaation oasement or cellar wall ' means that portion
of the wall below the level of the Street curd and where the
wall is not on a sureet that portion of the wall below the nit,nest
ground next to the wall
"Party wall" means a wall ouilt upon the dividinglline
oetween the adjoining premises for tneii common use
"External wall' means every othe3- wall or vertical en-
closure of a building other than the party wall
"Partition ' means any interior wall in a ouilding of mason-
ry or wood
"Thickness of wall means the minimum general tnickness
of such wall
"Stories ' are counted from the first tier of beams at or
aoove tie level of adjoining ground or sidewalk
"Buildings of prick or other incumoustible material"
means any ouilding the structural part of wuose outside walls is
Of such materials
'Shed" means a stiuctuie not exceeuing one story in
height of which at least one side shall be open
Sec 2 The thickness of walls in incies shall not be
less tnan is indicated oy the following table
Brick ouildings other than dwellings having a stone
foundation wall
One story, 16, 9
Two story 18 13 130
Tnree story 20 17 13, 13
Four story, 24 170 170 13 13
Five story, 26, 21 17 17 13 13
For Dwellings
One story 16 , 9
`One story and one nalf 160 90 9
Two story 160 13, 9
Three story 18 13 13 9
In buildings be_ng of concrete foundation the width of the founda-
tion wall may ue four inenes less than the auove taole
In the auove story and one-Dialf dwellings the alght incn vall
stall in no case e/,ceed fifteen feet in neight
In buildings the walls of which are of stone the thickness
for each story shall oe four incies More tian called for in the
auove taule
Sec 3 All uuildings or parts of buildings hereafter
erected in tills city and not nereinafter specifically desciioed
snall be of sound material, good i or mans iin and aoundantly strong
for the nurnose intended and the size of r^ateiials used therein
snall oe such as have been determined by the besi, authority and
demonstrated by experiment to oe proper Tney shall oe of slow ourn-
ing construction and oe fire cnecked uy vlacing fire checks one
auove tie oase board, one in the center of the wood tartitions one
uetween joists under wood cross partitions , one auove ceiling line and
around all flues leaving no continuous air suace in any direction
Materials suuject to transverse strains shall not be loaded to
more than one foa~th their oreaking strength if subject uo shearing
or tensile stra.L113 to more than one fourtn their altlmate strength
and piers wid columns of less than five diameters in he.Lght to
more than one sixth of tnelr crushing strength columns or piers
of more than five diameters are to be increased in strength
according to the formula of Trautwine or other equally good authority
Material5 such as stone or cast iron which have a lore modulus of
elasticity snall nave a factor of safety of ten when subject to
transverse strains
Sec 4 Tne outside of walls of rooms having truss roofs or
cAilings such as churcnes, public halls, theatres, dining rooms, or
the like if more tnan fifteen or less than twenty-five feet nigh
snall average t least seventeen inenes and if over twentjfive feet
high at least twenty inches, and if over forty feet nigh at least
twenty-four incites in thickness If solid outtresses or piers are em-
ployed with sufficient sectional area placed Jess tnan eighteen feet
aoart and extenued to or neaily to ton of wall four inches may be
deuucted from the thickness of any wall having sacs outress or piers
linen hollow walls are used the air spaces shall not ue inc.Luded
inthe tnickness required
Sec i No continuous vertical recess or cnase shall be
made in any wall so deep trrat it will leave a unickness au the oack
less than four inches dwellings eight inches in other buiidings
No horizontal recess snall ue made in any wall except under a
special permit of the Inspector No continuous vertical recess otner
tnan flues and stacks shall oe nearer than seven feet to any outer
Sec 6 If any nuilding already ouil t or erh�ch may here-
after be ouilt snall be enlarged, raised or built upon it shall
be made to conform to the requirements of this ordinance
Sec 7 No wood lintels or oearns of over six feet span
shall ue useu to s apuui t urick or masonry galls of over eight feet
in neight unless the same snall ue supoorted oy sufficient reiieving
arches under t ie dt.l ect Lon o" the insuc.ctor
Sec 6 All urick walls shall oe bonded at least every
seventkl, course tnrougnout the thickness of such wall or where metal
ties are used tney must be tied every other urick evc,iy fourth
� r t
course All eADosed wood trusses shall be protected from the weather
by approved metal covering and made %pater tight
Sec 1 The table for foundation walls is interned for ordin-
ary conditions only Whenever foundations are unusually deep or
serve as retaining walls the thickness must be proportionately in-
creased The thickness oi' ribole foundations stall be not less than
one Sixth of the height of the wall vhich they support, and in no
case less than twelve inches
Sec 2 Requisite footing courses of dimensions store or
cone^ete -ire o De provided whenever tae condition of the soil,
or the he fight of tie uuilding may de nand them And in all cases brick
foundations shall be started on such footing courses when new
builaings are erected witri excavations under >ame extending to a
greater devth haft eight feet pelow the grade fine the owners of
new uailaings shall shore up ana under pin walls adjoining ouilding at
their expense if, in the opinion of tiie Inspecuor it shali De necessary
so to do
Sec 1 Exterior walls faced with stone shall have a
backing of not less than eight inches of hard brick work laid in
mortar But in no case snall the thickness of stone and oack..ng
taxen together be less than the thickness required for a crick wall
of the same height Tne stone faci ig of a wall shall alv ajs be securely
tled to the ollch packing uy means of metal clamps unless the stores
are header oonded and are at least six inches on beds linen stond faced
walls are used as beaming walls trey small oe four inches thither
than required for suiicu crick alalls under t ie sa e conditions No
ashlar shall be less tnan four inc-Lies thick
Sec 1 The front, rear and side walls shall be anchored
to eacn tier of oeams at intervals of not more than six feet apart,
with suitaule wrought iron anchors All I weans starting sunerstiAc-
tzon work snall oe ancroled to joists with iron rods at least Lnree-
fourths rock -n d$ametee
Sec 1 Nq�cnimne} or smoke flue suali. be built with less
than i our incii walls
Flues of over 221 squat e inch ai ea shall Have
not less than eight inch walls all interior joints snall be
struck smooth inside o " flues with foul inch walls Iiall have fire
clay flue llning iul.1 height of flue No chimney shall be less
tnan four feet above ioOf on fiat roofs nor icss tnan twee feet in
any case dhere c ilmneys pi o ject auoX L Vie roof, more than five
t-ryes their least widt'i They shall be secure�j anenored to the
Sec 2 No chimney shall ue started or guilt upon any
wooden floor beam or stud unless fine is under tRelve feet in
height and in no case w iei e the oreast of the cnimnej shall nre-
lect more tnan eight inches snall it be commenced in any wall of
sunnorted byarbell-ng uat snall oe started fio►r the story uelow
No chimneys stall oe carried oif the nernendiculai except oy spe-
cial nei nission of the Inspector
Sec 3 Hearths and fire places or grates snall oe laid
upon brick or stone arches such using sapnoxted by 1nc0mousLlule
mat,ei ial Wooden centers must oe rei owed The back of all fire
nlaces shall be riot less an -.,I t inc e:, thick
Sec 4 Pi-Des used foi the distribution of tot air in
buildings from not air fUiilaCLS s iall oe Tnade of uri nt �I A trn
or other mateLial of equal quality, and the loinus snall be douule
seamed, out not soldered All risers and pipes between joists
stall ue wianped in aboebtob oaper or other aupiovea incimuusui-
ole material and all Lioi iauntal pipes Nliere passing t,irougn wood
work witnin five feet of furnace shall be lik(,wise )rotected
Such pines ere to oe sevureiy fastened to the nartl6iurrs through
wnieri tney pass In no case s all an uimber of woodwork oe built
into the or c4 iorl. of any ctiiinney or smoke flue
Sec 5 No smoke wipe in any ouilding witn wooden or com
bustiule floors or ce_lings, oiall enter and flue unless saki pipe
shall oe at least eignteen inches from either the floor or ceiling
or six inches from the plastered nai tition and from uhe wood work
around flue chimneys and In all cases where smoke nines pass through
stud or wooden partitions of any kind or tnrough floors they shall
oe guarded ov a douole metal collar, with at 1 ast one and one lialf
inch air apace uetween ouuer and inner collar with noles for venti-
lation oetveen anu extending tnrouga the partition
Sec 6 Furnace scone nines shall ue not less tnan twe.Lve
inches from a.Ll wooden joists or oartitions and sha.Ll ue double
piped except in ai)niov(,d fire proof material in inich case six
incises from wood work nay ue allowed
Sec 7 Topb of all furnaces seal] oe nou ] esb than twelve
inches from tLie floor joists aaove ana sii,li be suff zciently pro-
tected with aboestos or other incomoustiole ipauerial
Sec 1 No steam ooiler used for power purposes shall
oe set witnout a pelinit made -)ut in due form oy the Cit Clerk under
the order of the Building Inspector
Sec 2 All steam pipes used for powei purposes, passing
trnrough wood work sxiall oe protected uy iron collars with an air
space uetween All steam Dives shall be su-opolted by iron jaclets
or hangers
Sec 1 All floors shall be constructed with factor of
safety of four and to near superimvosed j oad ver suverfic,ial foot
not less titan as follows Theatres and pall rooms 100 hounds
Dweliings 40 hounds vuulic ouildings, 75 hounds For bu-ldings
used for manufac.taring vurvoses or storaLe of goods the ftooi s
shall oe Drovortioned to the vrovosed ] oad
Sec 2 In no building shall any wood work, e -cceat oase
ooards oe vlaced within one inch of the outside of any chimney
or wall outside �f any flue
Sec 3 All wooden beams or other timbers in the hartj
divas-on wall of every ouilding hereafter to be erected or uuilt of
stone crick or iron snall oe sevaxated from the ueams entering the
ovvosite side of the wall uy solid masonry iorl of at least "our in-
Sec 4 1 ie ends ox a.L. joists in u �cl -✓alls shall oe
so beveled u rat not more titan one and one-ha.Lf riches of the level
portion of the too of sucii joists snall enter info Ole Mick work
all joists shall rest aL. j east four inches on the Ul xck work Tne
sills of all wooden st-uctuxes which are set at greater height tnan
one story aoOve the grade shall oe anchored to the masonry uelow
Sec 1 No ouildinL, shall oe erected within the Fire
limits unless tue �tructui al hart of the walls ue of or.Lcx stone ,
iron or otner incomoustiole material No tent sliall oe erected
within the Fire limits e ccevt on verrrission granted by the Mayor
Sec 2 Plastering 5nall be carried down uehind all wood
Sec 5 The roof uoards of every uuilding hereafter
erected stall in no case be extenued access the oartj walls thereof
Sec 4 revery cornice within the fire limits extent on
isholated uuiidings used as dwellings only, snap be of az .Lck iron
or othe7 incomuustiule material Where not of solid masonry, all
brick or stone walls seal] be carried up uenind cornices or roof
c,)vering Coinices shall not ue uuilt so as to drop water tnerefrom
upon the side walls but such cornices shall oe provided with gutters
and down snouts
Sec 5 Ao person shall hereafter construct within this
city any freight or Dasbenger elevator in any building until lie
deposits witn the building inspector, plans and sneclf,catians snow-
ing wnat kind of an elevator ne DroDoses to nut up and snall outain
a nermit from the City Clerk for Such proposed elevator Tile
building inspector snail examine 5ucn plans and suecifications and
if the work nronosed is a safe and proper construction shall give
Wthe aunlicant an oruer for such Derinit
Sec 6 Ido person mall repair any frame building
witnin the fire limits of this city when such .)uildinj, shall have
been damaged oy the elements decay of otnerwise, to the extent of
fifty per cent of the value thereof If the Inspector shall deter-
mine tnat the amount of such damage to any uuilding is Fifty per
cent or moie of the value thereof then his dete, mination shall oe
final unless une owner the^eof shall within five days file with
the Insnector a request for the aDDoinhment of a uoard of arvitrators
to determine buuLi damage If the Inspectoi shall determine that
such damage is less than fifty Der cent, his deLer! .Lnation Shall be
final unless a majority of the owners of propeity within 100 feet
of such ouilding shall , within five day$, regaest the appointment
of a board of aruitrators to determine such damage Such board of
arbitrators snall consist of tnree disintPtested competent uer5on,s
one to be cnosen oy the inspector one uy the party or parties
filing the request for such aroitration and the kxx third oy the
two taus closen Such arbitrators shall oe sworn to make a tnorough
exa inatlorn of t ie uamaged uuilding and shall, within five days
after tneir appoinoment file with the Inspectoi , 6ieir 1eoort and
findings on the matter submitted to them The decision of the arbi-
trators shall be final Tne party asking for such aroitration shall ,
upon filing such request deposit with the Inspector such amount as
the Inspector snall determine will cover the costs and eAT)enses of
such aroitration
Sec 1 The halls, doors stairways, seats and aisles of all
buildings within tzis city used or intended to be used for the purpose
of puolic amusement instruction or other purposes where large numbers
of people assernble shall be arranged as nrovided by law and so as to
facilitate egress in case of fire or accident and to afBord the requi-
site and proper prouection in >uca cases All doors of exit leading
from any assembly room apartment house departnent store office
of ot,ier uullaink, which is used by large numuei s of people shall
be so ninged as o upen outward fronsach loom, hall nouse or
building The Inspec or may designate the numoei and location of
such doors of exit Every person owning or ouerating any such
room or ouilding as a tneatre, opera nouse, concert hall music
hall, puolic scnjol of church or for other like puulic assemblage,
shall, curing the whole of every exiiioition perfo mance or as5em-
olage tnerein cause all the doors tneieof to be left unfastened or
latched or barred upon the inner side only, so that the same may
be readily and speedily opened from the inner side and shall
cause all the star ways passage clays corridors and aisles leading
to every such door to oe kept open and f ee from nersons seared or
standing therein and from other oustruction The arraige-nent of
passageways, corridors eAits seats aisles proscenium arch fire
curtains stage auplianees ventilators over stage stage water jets
stand pipes fire auDlianc,es and al.L other necessary equipment fort
treaties snall ue made bo compiv with the national Boaid of "ire
Underwriters rultes
Sec 2 The owner of any oullding used as a hotel hall
or place of amabement store or office building which may have
floor fifteen feet or more auove tl e ground, shall provide
Droner and safe iron fire escapes for sucii building and the In-
spector may designate the position of such fire escapes Livery
or boarding staoles where horses are kept upon any otner tnan the
ground floor wall provide at least two proper and sufficient run-
ways from any such floor and such runways shall bxx be in sucl^
location as the Inspector snall designate
Section 3 No canopies over side walks snall be erected
tiitiout special permission granted by tie City Council , and then
only on tre apnioral of the Dlans tnereof oy the Building Inspector
No gland stands shall oe erected wi hin one city limits w_thout
special permission of the 1,ayoi and tnen only on she approval of
the D-.ans tnereof o j tre Insnec nor
Sec 1 No person shall engage in the uusiness of
nouse moking within tnis city witnout first nav ng a licnese so to
do Any pers m des.Lr�nj, such license snali na' e ai u1_catlon
therefor to tie Clerk ouch apulic,ation snail be in writing and
shall state the name and place if ousiness of the applicant Upon
so doing and the filing, of a bond to the city in the s Lim of one
thousand dollars, with sucn sureties as the Council shall annrove,
conditioned tnat the applicant will nay any and all aamages nick
may be caused to any uruperty public or private and will save
indemnify and protect the city from all liability of any kind
ceased by the roving of any nouse and tale payment of a fee
Of fai teeii doliai s the Clerk may issue sucn a licnese to sucn
applicant All sucn licenses sila.Ll uuess sooner suspended or
revoked, continue in force for one year next a"ter une_i issued
Sec 2 ido Verson e/cebt a licnesed nouse nover snail
move any ou.Llding ,oi part tnereof along any of rle SLiet,tS of
tills city witnoul, paring a neimit so to do Any person desiring
sucn uerrnit shall make ap )iication therefor to tile Inspec or
Such aunlication s iall be in i riting and sr all state the Luca ation
ofhtne building nronosed to be moved and the place
to which it is to be move whether t e sa i e is a dwelling house
or otner osilding and the number or rooms in such building
s -iall describe one route over wi len tree same is to be r ovedand
the length of time that will be required to Trove it shall desig-
nate the place and numLer of ires or caules necessary to oecut
and the owners of sucn Tres or cables Lvecy suc)i annlivation
s iall oe arcomuanied uy a st,-ternent of tile o iner or operator
ofany wires of caules to ue but giving an est.Lmate of the cust
of cutting and zeun.L,,liq, the same and such other dargale as
r ay accrue T:o tie 7r01)(-,r ty of such owner Upon so doing; and
the dei)osit uy the aT)pllcant with the � of asum of
money suff cienu to corer the cost so estimated and une )ayment
oftne fees nereanaftei nro% ided ne Insuectur Tiay issue,a pert it to
such aTplicant to move such uual ding or tart tiiei eof Such
permit shall designate tree streets and walks and to what
extent the same wail oe used for the purpose of moving such
building or -Dart thereof and the -Length of time in wnich said
work shall ue done No wires or caole5 snall ue cut for the
nuruose of nennitting ricuses to be oved efcen by the owner of
ouerator tnej eof and the vl res )f any street rail ray cci*ivany may
only be cut for bath i)uri>ose between uue ciours of 12 o clock
midnight and u o clocx in the morning, Tne deposit here_n re-
quired to we naue of so much theic.of as may ue, necessary to cover
the acuual -na necessary cost of cuti,lig and reufilLinp_ such
wires or cau�cs and other damages incident, tneieuo as iay anuear
uy a verified itemized oil., of such owner or operator shall
fortnwith u-Don the coin-Dletion of the resbbration of the wires
or caoles and upon the auuzoval of sueh will uy the person waxing
the deoo�it Le uaid to the ) mers or operators thereof and
ithe balance of such denoslt reLuiliea to the aUulicant
Sec 3 The fees for such permits shall oe ror each
dwelling of two rooms or less one dollar aid fifty cents for
each additmonal room for each uuilding other nan a dwelling,
two dollars
Section 4 No tree shall oe removed or the orancnes thereof
cut in order to allow Liie moving; of a ouilo ing eAce-Dt with the
written consent � tie of ner If s ich owner oe uhe city with the
ur_tteli consent of the Insuector and Mayoi A hole wii e or
Cd e sl a-L.L oe cut of i emoveu f'or the uuroose of i e oving a
ouiIuing except with the, written cun. Lnt of the owner If such
owner oe tiie c_ty the written consent of the Insuector aid ifa,/or
shall oe requireu ;,ucn consent to cut such wores and caoles
ciowever small oe given by the owner uuon ieasonaule de ana nd
the deposit to co or tiie cost of cutting; and reuni6ing such wires
of caules and the vayment for any dainag,e on accosnt nereof as
nereinuefore required
Sec 3 Any person violating any of the provisions of
tnis article snail be fined not less than twentyofive not more
tnan three hunaied dollars for each offense
Sec 1 No gas piping shall e installed in any
building without a Dermit so to do issuea oy the City Clerk Upon
issuing anv such Hermit the aDDlicant shall Day the sum o"
fifty cents therefor
All house piping for gas must stand a Dressure of three
hounds Dei square inch or six inches of mrrcui .� coiju-in without
snowint any droD in tna column f o, a Deiiod of tten minuted
The specifications for iiouse piping for gas shall
conioim to the specifications of The Denver Gas anu LlectVc Company
The Irspec, or muJL ue notifieu uy t is gas fitter when the work is
ready for Inspect Lon and the work left uncovered until inspected
and approved After inspection and aDuroval, tiie InsDecuir
shall issue a certificate of such apDroval
Sec 1 Any person violating any of the provisions of
this ordinance where a penalty for such violation is not herein
snecifically urovided or disoueying any Britten order of the
Builaing Inspector shall oe fined not less tnan five dollars and
not more titan two hundred dollars for each offense
Sec 2 All ordinances and Darts of ordinances in
conflict with the provisions hereof are hereuy reDealed
Sec 3 This ordinance mall be in full force and
effect from and after 1*c r,� sage