1FIEREAS, on the lst day of Lay
A. D. 1909. , in pursuance of an act of the general
assembly of ti,e State of Colorado, entitled "An act to pro-
vide for t-I:e construction of local improvements in cities of
all classes having a population of less than one hundred
thousand, and incorporated towns, the issuance of local im-
provement bonds therefor and the assessment and payment of the
cost of said ir:_provements, " approved April S. 1899, by reso-
lution duly adopted by the city council of the city of Fort
Collins, the construction of a district sanitary sewer in and
for the sanitary sewer district of the city of Fort Collins
hereinafter described, under and by virtue of the provisions
of said act, was declared essential to the proper sanitation
of said district and city, and therefore necessary for sani-
tary reasons, and the city engineer was duly authorised to
prepare plans and specifications for the construction of said
impravement , and an estimate of the cost thereof, together
with a map of said district, and a schedule showing the appro-
ximate amounts to be assessed upon the several lots and parcels
of property in said district as required by sections 3 qnd 15
of said act, and to report the same to the city council for
consideration; and,
TMEREAS, In pursuance of said authority, the city
engineer upon the U st day of une , 19C9,
made his report in the premises to the city council, and
filed therewith plans and specifications for the construc-
tion of said improvements, together with his official
estimate, map and schedule required by said resolution and
by law, said estimate showing a total probable cost of
Three Thousand Seven :'undyed Fifteen Dollars and Twenty
Cents (ti3715. 20) for said improvement, and said schedule
showing approximate amount to be assessed upon each of
the several lots or parcels of property within said district
to be at the rate of three and eight-tenths mills (',%0038)
per square foot ; said estimate being exclusive of the cost
of inspection, collection, incidentals, and interest; -nd,
^'.ERAS, By resolution duly adopted on said last
mentioned date by said city council, said plans and speci-
fications, estimate and map, were adopted and approved, and
said city council determined the number of installments and
the time in which the cost of said improvements should be
payable, the rate of interest on unpaid installments, the
district of lards to be assessed for the same, as provided
by said act, and authorized the City Clerk to give notice
by advertisement for twenty days to the owners of the
property to be assessed for said improvements; and,
YHBREAS, In pursuance of said resolution the City
Clerk has by advertisement for twenty days in the Fort
Collins Courier, a weekly newspaper of general circulation
published in said city, given notice to the owners of pro-
perty to be assessed, of the kind of improvements, proposed
as aforesaid, the number of installments and the time in whh
which the cost will be payable , the rate of interest on
unpzid and deferred inst^llments, the extent of district
to be improved as aforesaid, the probable cost per square
foot as shown by the estimates of the City Engineer, and
the time, to-wit , August 2, 1909, at 7:30 P. Tf. , the same
being more than thirty dgys after the first publication
of said notice, when an ordinance ordering the construction
of the said improvement would be finally considered; that
said plans and specifications, map , estimate and schedule,
and all resolutions and proceedings in the premises were on
file and could be seen and examined by any person interested
at the office of the City Clerk at any time within the said
period of thirty days, and until the time fixed, as afore-
said, for the consideration of said ordinance ; and that all
complaints and objections that may be made in writing con-
cerning said proposed improvements, by the owner or owners
of any piece of real estate to be assessed therefor, would
be heard and determined by the city council before final
action thereon; and,
"HEREAS, no complaints or objections have been
made in writing by the owner or owners of property to be
assessed gor the cost of said improvements, now, therefore,
upon consideration of the premises;
Be It Ordained by the City Council of the City of
Fort Collins, Colorado;
Section 1. That the construction of a district
sanitary sewer in the district hereinafter described is,
and the same is hereby declared necessary for sanitary reasons.
Sec. 2. That the construction of a district sani-
tary sewer in the district hereinafter described, together
with all necessary manholes, inlets, appurtenances, according
to the plans and specifications heretofore adopted by said
City Council, and on file in the office of the City Clerk be
and the same is hereby ordered, under, by virtue of, and in
accordance with the provisions of said act of the general
assembly, and said plans and specifications are hereby pre-
scribed for said construction.
Sec. Z. That the said district shall consist of
the following described real estate: All of Blocks 1, 2,
3, 4 and 5, Scott-Sherwood Addition to the city of Fort
Collins, in accordance with the plat of said addition now
on file in the office of the County Clerk and Recorder of
Larimer County, Colorado; and the said district is hereby
created and established and shall be known as Fort Collins
Sanitary Sewer District No. 28.
Sec. 4. The cost of said sanitary sewer, includ-
ing manholes, inlets, connecting mains and appurtenances,
with interest, shall be assessed wholly upon all real estate
in said district, exclusive of public highways, in pro-
portion as the area of each piece of real estate in said
district is to the area of all real estate in said district,
exclusive of public highways, in accordance with said act.
Said cost will be payable in two equal annual installments,
the first of which installments shall be due and payable
in one year from the next succeeding date after the passage
of the assessing ordinance, when by the laws of the state,
general taxes, or the first installment thereof are payable,
and the second installment of principal one year after
such date, with interest meantime on all unpaid installments
payable semi-annually on the date when installments of
principal are due and six months thereafter at the rate of
six (6,d.') per cent per annum. The rate of interest on un-
paid and delinquent installments will be the same as provided
by law for unpaid and delinquent taxes.
Sec . 5. The construction of said sewer shall be
done by independent contract, but under the direction of the
city engineer, said contract to be let by the mayor with the
approval o= the city council, in the manner prescribed by
said act, but no contract shall be let for any amount ex-
ceeding the estim^te made by the city engineer. Said con-
tract shall contain the provisions reghired by section 39
of said act, and be subject to all the provisions of said
Sec. 6. If any piece of real estate has already
a sewer conforming to the general plan of said sanitary
sewer, or which the city council may find to be satisfactory,
an allowance may be made therefor to the owner, the same to
be deducted from his assessments and from the contract price,
and said contract shall so provide.
Sec. 7. Said sewer shall be paid. for in warrants
of the city of Fort Collins, which shall be payable out of
the funds collected on account o the assessments made for
said improvement. Said warrants shall be of such date, in
such form, payable at such times and in such denominations
as may hereafter be ,rescribed by the city council, and shall
be executed, issued and disposed of, and otherwise dealt wit4,
as in Sections 35, 36 and 37 of said act prescribed. Said
warrants shall bear interest at the rate of six per cent per
Sec. B. The mayor is hereby authorized to advertise
in the manner required by law, for bids for the construction
of said sewer, in accordance with said plans and specifications,
and subject to the provisions of law and of this ordinance. The
right to reject any and all bids shall be in said advertise-
ment and is hereby reserved.
Sec. 9. The city council does hereby find that notice
of said proposed improvement was duly given to the owners of
the .,roperty to be assessed therefor, as provided in said act;
that the improvement herel)y ordered is so duly ordered after
notice duly given; that all the real estate trithitCthe limits
of said district ii e,apecially benefitted by the construction
of said sewer.
Passed and adopted, signed end app- ved is
day of �6v✓�r , A. B. 1909.
Attest : '
City Clerk.