HomeMy WebLinkAbout009 - 08/19/1909 - VACATING CERTAIN STREETS AND PARTS OF STREETS AND CERTAIN ALLEYS AND GRANTING TO UNION PACIFIC RAILR k-B N ORDINA^TCE VACATING CERTAIN STRF,.ETS A711) PARTS OF STRr^,.ETS ANT CE.RTA.IiT A7,EYS IN THE CITY OF FORT COLLINS, COLORADO) ANTD GRA71TING TO UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD COILPAITY THE: RIGHT TO LAY, ILAkINTAIN AT`TD OPERATE. A D0TTILE TRACK STA'JDARD GAUGE RAILROAD ITT RIVERSIDES. AVE.N;TTE A3TD JE.FFEIJSO T STREET IN SAID CITY OF FORT COT,LINS, FRO11 THr CITY LI11IT S TO TiE NORTH4*JrSTRRLY ;INr OF LINCOLTT AVENUE, TO CROSS LINCOLN AVENUE k"TD LINDEN STREET WITH SUCH TRACKS AS HAY BE "?CESSARI FOR THE OPERATIONS OF SAID COMPANTY, AND TO CONSTRUCT A DOUBLE TRACK STANDARD GAUGE RAILROAD ALONTG COLLEGE AVENTUE,BRTWEEN MAPLE STREET AND THE, SOUTH LINE OF BLOCK 24, TOGET-:D-,R WIT'Gi SID]r TRACKS, SWITCHES, ETC: BE IT ORDAINFM) BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FORT COLLINS, COLORADO: Section 1. That all that part of Pine street in the City of Fort Collins, extending Northeasterly from Jefferson Street to the right of way of the Colorado & Southern Railway Company, be and the same is hereby abandoned and vacated as a public street . Section 2. That all that part of Chestnut street in the City of Fort Collins, extending from Jefferson street northeaster- ly to the intersection of Willow street, be and the same is hereby abandoned and vacated. Section 3. That all alleys lying in or adjacent to Blocks 61 71 89 9, and 10 in the City of Fort Collins be and the same are hereby abandoned and vacated. Section 4. That the southerly part of Lincoln Avenue, lying southerly of a line drawn parallel with the southeasterly side of Block' 9 in the City of Fort Collins, and a distance of 70 feet therefrom, and westerly of the right of way of The Colorado & Southern Railway Company, be and the same is hereby abandoned and vacated as a public street. Section 5. That that part of Riverside Avenue and Jefferson Street 40 feet wide, extending southeasterly from a line drawn parallel to the southeasterly line of Block 9, in the cite of Fort Collins, and a distance of 70 feet therefrom, slang the southwest- erly line of Lots 8, 99 109 11 and 12, in Block 10, in the City of Fort Collins, to Block "G", in said City, be and the sane is � 1 ) I T , hereby abandoned and vacated as a public street . Section 5. That a strip 30 feet in width from off the north- easterly side of Jefferson street , extending from the northwest- erly line of Lim oln Avenue along the Southwesterly line of Block 9, across Chestnut Street, and along the southwesterly line of Block 8 in the City of Fort Collins, to the southeasterly line of Linden street, be and the same is hereby vacated and. abandoned as a public street. Section 7. That a stria 30 feet in width from off the northeasterly line of Jefferson street, extending from the nort7a rly line of Linden Street, along the southwesterly line of Block 7, across .Pine street, and extending along the south- westerly line of Block 61 to an intersection with the east lire of College Avenue , be and the same is hereby abandoned and va- cated as a public street . Section 8. There is hereby granted to Union Pacific Rail- road Company, a corporation, its successors and assigns, the right to lay, construct, maintain and operate a double track standard gauge railroad on the northerly side of Riverside Avenue in the City of Fort Collins, from the intersection of said Riverside Avenue with the easterly boundary line of said City, opposite Block 195 in said City , extendinI7 thence north- westerly over and alone Riverside avenue 'ito Jefferson street ; thence over Jefferson street to the north line of Lincoln Avenue; produced, including the ri;*ht to extend the sane over such part of ?Mountain avenue as intersects Riverside avenue, provided that said Union Pacific Railroad Company may 13y, construct, maintain and operate its said tracks over all. or any part of the described distance , and 7r ovided further that said double track standard gauge railroad shall be built upon the northerly 30 feet of Riverside Avenue and Jefferson Street.,./ Section 9. There is hereby granted to Union Pacific Rail- road Company, a corporation, its successors and assigns , the 2 ) right to lay, constrict , maintain and operate such main and side tracks as may be convenient or necessary to the operation of the terminal facilities of the said railroad in the City of Fort Collins, across that part of Lincoln Avenue lying between the right of way of The Colorado & Southern Railway Company at Willow street and a line parallel to and 30 feet southerly from the northerly line of Jefferson street; and the further right to lay, construct, maintain and operate such main and side tracks as may be either convenient or necessary to the operation of the terminal facilities of the said Railroad in Fort Collins, across that part of Linden street lying between the intersection of Linden street with Willow street in said city, and a line drawn parallel to and 30 feet southerly from the northerly line of Jefferson street therein. Section 10. There is hereby granted to the Union Pacific Railroad Company, a Corporation, its successors and assigns, the right to lay, construct, maintain and operate a double track standard gauge railroad along College Avenue , in the City of Fort Collins, from its intersection with Jefferson and Maple streets in said City, over, across and along Cherry Street, in said City to the south line of Block 24 therein, together with the right to construot, operate and maintain over, along and across Cherry Street, between said College Avenue and the right of way of the Colorado & Southern Railroad Company, such other tracks, side tracks, spurs and switches as may be either con- venient or necessary to the operation of said railroad in Fort Collins. Section 11. There is hereby granted to Union Pacific Rail- road Company, a corporation, its successors and assigns, the right to construct, erect, maintain and operate, in connection with the tracks herein authorized., all necessary sidetracks, spars, culverts, siphons, telegraph and telephone poles, signs, signal towers and stands, and other equipanent necessary for the operation of said tracks . 3 ) Section 12.- This ordinance sha U take effect and be in force from and after its passage. 1 � �/'lr�f---, t ? ) e Amendment offered by Alder:1an = mings to Ordinance N0.9, Series 1909 Relating to the vacation of certain parts of Riverside Ave and Jefferson Street etc. P The Union Pacific Railroad Company shall forever indemnify and save harmless the City from and against all liability for damages occasioned to abutting property owners, or others by reason of the vacation of the several streets and parts of streets herein ordered. Which amendment was lost upon roll call _ - v/U_— .`�v-u�+x-.y C/1<c..-.T�Lms-r�...r �L',-�{j-G�is�•a-i+...c. Ck� ev • mow-•`� Strike out the <<rords ° To Jefferson street; thence over Jefferson Street to the ;north line of Llno.oln Avenue, produced inol-ading the right to extend the sane ovor such part of "lowntain Avenue as intersects Riverside Avemacn . Cwwenoing in eight line of section Fight of ordinance rand oub8ti_tute the following in lieu thereof 6 to the solltheaaterly line of the ally in lat S Block 10 a.+w Also .strike out the :vords ^Jefferson Street C In last line Of said section eight. c/ � Section M The foreefoir.; grants, rights of quay and privhlegea, and also th"1 vacation of .:ll strect9 herein provided for which shall result in the reversion to said Union Pacific Railroad Corapany of :streets or par ts oa str"ts are made expressly subject to the following con? .itions rxd 1i. citations: FIRST: Said Union Pacific Railroad Colr,?�W'w shu2l construct and operate a line or. lines OXrailway along surd acr•esu the :xaovo mentioned streets tonne,-tins Yrith the existing Union Pacific i Railroad Go^! erly's system, within three years from t;a8 cube of t;-:� raa3q; o of this or,,Unarae-, and have the ar-ene in operation; and In case si::irl Union Pacific Company, Its zsz :aals,sl acx successors o;! assigns hails so to eon:itruat a line or lines of rail:aay wlth,4;ae sail throe ye.,'a from the ::swage of ti]is o;.'Cil lanoe, and have the sfnae in operation, Chen and in that ease, all rights, vacations or ease-ments herein acquired by the said Union Pacific Railroad Com,-p ,y, its successors or assigns, iih.•lll revert to and become re-irss9 ed in the City of Fort Collins, and the said Company, its successors and as:3ivns shall re-convey and c!uitulaim lento the city all those portions of streets that. shall revert to it or there by roa son of the several vaeatiOns of streets and Pests Of streets herein ordered. SECOND: Union Pacific Railroad Company its successors and as:Agzas shall -;ever lay or erzuso to be laid any railroad tracks in that portion of Jefferaon Street vacated by the 6th. and 7th. sections hereof. THIRD: Before this ordinance shall become operative and within sixty days of the passage thereof, said Union Psclfic Railroad Cor:eprny, its successors or assigns, shall file with the City Clerc of the City of Fort Collins, its acceptance in Writing of this ordinance, and of each and every term and condition thereof , Passed and adopted, signed and approved this 19th. day of August 1909, 619 cue