� \C\ Section 1 It shall be unlawful for any person to use or
operate any machine or motor driven vehicle within the corporate
limits of the City of Fort Collins without a permit duly issued
to the person so operating said machine or motor driven vehicle
as hereinafter provided, and having a state license therefor from
the State of Colorado, and provided further that non-resident
owners or drivers of machines or motor driven vehicles may operate
the same within the corporate limits of the City of Fort Collins,
subject to all the provisions of this ordinance, save and except
that such persons shall not be required to take out a permit until
after ten (10) days from the time of their arrival in the city
r Section $ Any person desiring to secure a permit for the
purpose of driving or operating any machine or motor driven vehicle
within the corporate limits of the City of Fort Collins, shall make
application therefor upon the blank provided by the City Clerk,
which blank form of application shall require the applicant to
state his name, age, street address, description of machine
proposed to be operated state license number, and experience had
in operating machine and that the applicant has read and is fully
acquainted with the terms and provisions of this ordinance, and
said application, when duly signed, shall be presented to the
City Council for approval or rejection If the application shall
be approved by the City Council a permit shall be issued to the
applicant, signed by the Commisaoner of Safety and Ex Officio
Mayor and countersigned by the City Clerk under the corporate
seal, which said permit shall be duly numbered in consecutive
order as issued, and shall be in the custody of the applicant at
all times while operating his machine No permit shall be
granted to any person who has not full use of both hands and
arms, feet and legs, Provided, the City Council may on satis-
factory showing, grant permits to persons prohibited in this
clause No permit shall be issued to persons under the age
of fifteen (15) years The City Council reserves the right to
revoke any permit issued under the provisions of this ordinance
for violation of the provisions of the ordinance or incompetency,
inefficiency or recklessness that may be shown in the handling,
operating or driving of any machine or motor driven vehicle
rya ° Section 3 No machine or motor propelled vehicle shall be
driven at a greater rate of speed upon the streets within the
corporate limits of the City of Fort Collins than fifteen (15)
miles per hour within the fire limits of said city and twenty
(20) miles per hour upon all streets outside the fire limits
within said city, and upon the alleys not to exceed twelve (12)
miles per hour , excepting in passing from an alley to a street
or from a garage across any alley crossing or sidewalk, the
machine shall be brought to a full stop at the crossing or side-
walk and the horn sounded at all times before making such crossing,
and any kind of reckless driving at whatever rate of speed of any
kind of vehicle or animal is hereby prohibited
Section 4 Every motor propelled vehicle shall be equipped
with an auto horn or other soft-sounding alarm that may be heard
at a reasonable distance and shall be used for the purpose of
notifying pedestrians or others of the approach of saidmotor
vehicle, sirens and other loud alarms are hereby prohibited
within the corporate limits of the City of Fort Collins It
is hereby made the duty of all persons operating motor vehicles
within the corporate limits of said city to blow the horn upon
passing from the rear of any vehicle upon the street Every
motor propelled vehicle shall also be equipped with mi.** not
less than three lamps two front lamps which shall show white
lights, with dimmers, and a rear lamp which shall be a red light,
provided, that motor-cycles shall bs required to dispLW one
lamp with white light and one rear lamp which shall have a red
light, which said lights shall be maintained, with dimmers on
front lights, from sunset until sunrise when said motor vehicles
or motor-cycles are in operation
Section 5 No person operating a motor-cycle within the
corporate limits of said city of Fort Collins shall permit any
person to ride upon the handle bars or upon the machine in front
of the driver thereof at any time, no part of any motor propelled
vehicle shall be permitted to run while such vehicle is standing
upon any street or alley within the corporate limits of said city
more than five (5) minutes, and at no time without the attendant
or driver being in charge of the machine, and the muffler shall
be closed so that the machine shall operate silently at all times
while within the corporate limits of said city
Section 6 It shall be the duty of every person in charge
of any vehicle either motor propelled or otherwise, upon any
street or alley within the corporate limits tf said city, to keep
to the right of the center line of such street or alley, and any
vehicle overtaking another upon said street or alley shall pass
on the left side of the overtaken vehicle, and it shall be the
duty of theperson in charge of the overtaken vehicle to turn to
the right so as to allow the overtaking vehicle free passage to
the left, in turning corners all vehicles shall keep to the right
of the center of the street, and the driver extend the arm or
hand to indicate the direction going No vehicle shall turn
across any street except at street intersections No motor
vehicle shall pass a street car when the same has stopped to
permit the alighting or taking on of passengers, but shall come
to a stop and so remain until the passengers have alighted and
passed to the curb, or have boarded the car All passengers
shall proceed to the car or curb without stopping, and all
passengers and pedestrians shall use street crossings at street
intersections only
Section 7 All vehicles shall stop near the curb, except
in oases of emergency, or for the purpose of allowing another
vehicle or pedestrian to cross, and except as required in Section
6 of this ordinance, and no vehicle shall be permitted to stop
in any street or alley within the corporate limits of said city
except to the right and near the curb, and when the owner or
person in charge of any vehicle may desire to leave the same upon
the street for any period of time, said vehicle shall be parked,
in the College Avenue Paving Districts, upon the east side of the
railway track on said College Avenue at an angle of ninety degrees
to said track, with front end of car distant therefrom five feet
nine inches, or in line with the car line trolley poles when
the owner or person in charge of any vehicle shall desire to
leave the same upon the street for any period of time, said vehicle
shall be placed as near as may be at an angle of forty-five
degrees to the curb and not to exceed four (4) feet from the curb
No car parked on the curb shall back out more than six (5) feet
without stopping Cars parked in the center paving in Col-Lege
Avenue Improvement Districts are prohibited from backing, and
shall proceed in the direction which the car is facing when
moving frotr the parking All persons and corporations are
hereby prohibited from transporting beet pulp over, across or
upon any paving district within the corporate limits of the City
of Fort Collins, or allowing any beet wagon to stand upon said
pavement when loaded with beet pulp
Section 8 Any person or persons or corporation who shall
violate any of the provisions of this ordinance shall, upon con-
viotion thereof, be fined for each and every offense not less than
five dollars (W no3/more than fifty dollars ($50), or may be
committed to the city jail until the fine and costs are paid,
but not to exceed ninety (90) days
Section 9 Ordinance No __AL 1915, being an ordinance
"Relating to the Operation of all kinds of Vehicles upon the
Streets and Alleys of the City of Fort Collins, and Providing
Penalties for the Violation Thereof, " and all other ordinances
and parts of ordinances in conflict with this ordinance, are
hereby repealed, but saia repeal shall not in any manner affect
any causes of action which may have accrued under said ordinances
in favor of the City of Fort Collins prior to the taking effect
of said repeal, and shall be prosecuted as though no repeal had
been made
Introduced read and ordered published this Pam, day of deLka, 1977
Passed and adopted this � day X-A 1917
ommissioner of Safe y and
ATTEST Ex Officio Mayor
City Clerk
I, Ray Baxter, City Clerk of the City of Fort
Collins, do hereby certify and declare that the foregoing
ordinance, consisting of nine (9) sections duly proposed and
read at length at ax a/regular meeting of the City Council held
on the 33d day of M9Y A D 1917, was duly ordered by
aye and nay vote to be published in the Fort Collins Courier
a daily newspaper of the City of Fort Collins, in accordance
with the provisions of Section 7 of Article IV of the City
Charter, that thereafter, andon, to-wit, the llt day of
June, A D 1917, at a regular meeting of the City Council,
said ordinance came before said Council on its final passage,
a period of more than ten days having elapsed since the publica-
tion as set forth, and that said ordinance was upon second reading
adopted as an ordinance, and thereafter and on to-Tit, the
�r.4 day of June, A D 1917, said Ordinance No .,[�1917, as
finally passed and adopted, was duly published in the Fort
Collins Courier, a daily newspaper published in the City of
Fort Collins, Colorado /p
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this 11Il A(
da,y of June, A D 1917
City Clerk