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HomeMy WebLinkAbout023 - 12/17/1917 - RELATING TO THE VACATING OF A PORTION OF THE STREET ABUTTING UPON THE SOUTH SIDE OF LOT 1 IN BLOCK 1 r ORDINANCE NO "RELPTIVG TO THE VATATING OF A POPTION OF TFE STREET ABUTTI \G UPON THE SOUTH SIDE OF LOT 1 IN BLOCK 14 IN TPE CITY Or FORT COLLINS" BE IT ORDAINED BY TI-E CITY COUNCIL OF TFE CITY OF FORT COLLINS Secti cr 1 That ports cn of the street lving soy tr of and ,.bu}ting upon Lot one (1) in Bloch Fourteen (la) in the City of Fort Collins Colorado more particularly described as foflc s to-V'it Beni-nir` at - , oirit rer� the sc,.th line of Lot 1 1 s 1, Blcc 14 it tersects the weste- ly line of Pire S'-reet , +hence west on a line oeir; the urcicnaa- tion of +ie -north lire of L.perte I've-ue 31 7 feet to poir t which is or +ne east lire of Coliec e Ai erue, t}ience south -lcro the ea3t lire of College Avenue 9 feet to a point, thence folic i - a curved line to the uoint of beginning, saia curved line to be lecdted as fellc*s BeTin in0 at a point on the east lire of Colie,e Avenue There the s,.re is intersected by t')e north line of Laporte Avenue prodaced t�)ence east from, the above mertiored uoint 6 8 fezt tierce south 14 feet to � ucint or the carve thence from a point on t'he e-st line of Colle-e Averue were the same is inter- sected by the north lire of L poite Avenue produced "-ierce e-st 14 feet tg a ooirt therce soLt"i 15 feet to a point on the curve thence from a point on the e-st lire of Colieze Avenue wnere the acme is inter- sected by t}ie north lire of Laporte Ave-ue �_roauced tierce east 20 feet to a point tnence south 12 feet to W uci-t or the curve therce from a point or the east line of College Avenue where the sexre is inter- cec+ed by the rrrth lire of L loorte Ave-nue produced +hence east 25 feet to G poirt thence so,.th 7 6 feet to an poirt or +he curve the �bcve description loc4tino four points on the cured line , be d the s;rre is hereby v�c-�ted for street purposes (1) Secticn 2 Ordinance No �Z Q of tine Series of 1917 "Relating to the Vacating of a Porticn of the Street Abutting Upon the South Side of Lot 1 in Block 14, in the Citv of Fort Collins, " passed and adopted on the Z3�day of A D 1917, i,, hereby repealed ,,��� Introduced read and ordered printed t'ais ;R^O &ay of November A D 1917 Passed and adopted tnis 4Z day of f/ _ A D 1917 "7 ZV(?La- Corrrrissioner of Safety and Ex-Officio Mayor AT i Cl ST4TE OF COLORADO. ) -sa COUNTY OF LARIMER ) I E J Gregory City Clerk of the City of Fort Collirs do nereby certify Gnd declare trwt the foregoing ordinance consisting of Two (2) sections was duly pro- nosed and read at length at a eeting of the City Council 1-eld on +ne 26th day of November A D 191? ana was duly ordered oy aye and nay vote to be published once in full in the For-, Collins Courier a daily newspaper of tre City of Fort Collins in accordance witr the provisions of Sec- tion 7 of Article IV of try. City Charter, that thereafter ana on, to-Tit the / rZday of A D 1917 at a regular meeting of the City Council, s-ia order ance came before said Council upon its feral nasswoe a period ci more than ten days having elapsed since its publication as above set forth and that swan ordirance was upon second reading duly adopted as an ordinance and duly nuybered 7- and thereafter and on to-%,it the Lh4day of Jef�_1917, saia Ordir ance No as finally passed and adopted was duly published in Tne Fort Collins Courier a daily newspaper published in s-tir. City of Fort Collins Colorado ih KTI�ESS W1,EREOF, I gave hereunto set my hand this of -N'1__ A D 1917 G C60 Clerk