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HomeMy WebLinkAbout024 - 12/31/1916 - RELATING TO THE ANNUAL APPROPRIATIONS FOR THE FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING JANUARY 1, 1918, AND ENDING DECE ORDINANCE NO9-/-/ 1917 RELATING TO THE ANNUAL APPROPRIATIONS FOR THE FISCAL YEAR BEGIN- NING JANUARY 11 1918, AND ENDING DECEYBER 31, 1918, AND FIXING THE LEVIES FOR SAID FISCAL YEAR BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COON CIL OF TOTE CITY OF FORT COLLINS Section 1 That there be and is hereby appropriated out of the revenues of the City of Fort Coliins for the fiscal year beginning January 1, 1918, and ending December 31, 1918, the sum of lli/u��g//oo Dollars, to be raised by taxation and otherwise, which said sum is hereby divided and appropriated for the following purposes, to-wit For Fire Department $5000 00 For General Government, per Amendment 15000 00 For Grand View Cemetery 2500 00 For biaiptenance Public Library 3064 93 For Lights 10500 00 For Park, Bond Interest 1103 97 For Parks 4000 OC For Park Bond Sinking Fund 2000 95 For Permanent Streets \ 3000 00 For Perpetual Care Lots, maintenance 600 00 For Police Department 5000 00 For Public Entertainment 600 00 For Public Grounds and Buil. ings 1000 00 For Public Health 20^O 00 For Publicity as providea by Charter 600 00 For Streets and Alleys, per Amendment 3000 00 Total $g7 ( r �✓� And the revenue derived from water rentals for said fiscal year is divided and appropriated as follows, and no portion of the revenue to be so derived shall be appropriated to any oth2m fund ia♦ V V+ vU V v a W V Vi u Vl KV wil1vlV VV � Y Water Bonds Sinkin und, 1st series 5833 34 Water Bonds Sinking Fund, 2nd series 5000 00 Water Works Repairs & Improvements 6911 66 Water Works, Salaries and Maintenance 12000 00 Total OSSD O The balance, if any, of revenue from Water Rentals, shall be applied toward the payment of the indebtedness createa by emergency ordinances No 3, No 10 ana No 21 of the Series of 1917 Sectior 2 That for the purpose of providing the necessary funds for meeting the appropriations set forth in Section 1 of this Ordinance, the following levies be and are hereby made upon each dollar of the assessed valuation of all taxable property within the corporate limits of the City of Fort Collins, the same being the amoun' necessary to provide for the payment of the fore- going appropriations and to meet tree payment thereof during the fiscal year endirg December 31, 1918, of all properly authorized demands upon the City Treasurer, to-vit For General Expense 5 8OMills , For Library 45 Mills , For Park Bond Interest 16 Mills , For Park Bond Sinking Fund 29 Mills, Being a total of - - - - - 6 70 Mills, which levies shall be certified to the Board of County Commissioners by the Commissioner of Safety and Ex-Cfficio Mayor and City Clerk as proviaed by law Introduced, reaa and ordered published December 3, 1917 Passed ana aaopted this 41 da December, A D 1917 Commissioner of Safety and Ex-Cfficio Mayor ATTEST L U7A-4 City Clerk STATE OF COLORADO, ) -88 COUNTY OF LARIMER ) I, E J Gregory, City Clerk of the City of Fort Collins, do hereby certify and declare that the foregoing ordinance, contisting of Two (2) sections, was duly prc- posed and read at length at a meeting of the City Council hela on the day of December, A D 1917, and was duly ordered by aye and nay vote to be published once in full in the Fort Collins Courier, a daily newspaper of the City of Fort Collins, in accordance with the provisions of Section 7 of Article IV of the City Charter , that thereafter and on, to-wit, the ,1�day of A D 1917, at a-�(tor.vwu.f a regular^meeting of the City Council, Baia ordinance came before said Concil upon its final passage, a period of more than ten days having elapsed since its publication as above set forth, and that said orainance was upon second reading duly adopted as an ordinance ana duly numbered, and thereafter and on to-wit, the day of ddl°2a.�16.1 �., 1917, ✓�f said Ordinance No _74 as finally passed ana adopted was duly published in the Fort Collins Courier, a daily news- paper published in said City of Fort Collins, Colorado / IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this J�o_ da,y of A D 1917 C y Clerk (3) ORDINANCE NtQ 2 1011, P^T.ATING TO THE JQ7NU "PRO- FOR FOR THE r FISCAL AR BEGINNING JANUARY 1,1918. AND ENDING DECEMBER 31. 1018, AND FIXING THE LEVIES FOR SAID FISCAL YEAR. Be It Ordained Fort the Cl: Council of the City . Fort Collins: Sappractioo 1. That there be and Is es of by appropriated out li the revenues of the City be in Fort Collins for the fiscal Year Deceingmber January L e sum and ending December 31, 1018, the sum of taxation aniiars,d se De ralsid by Is hereby and otherwise,awhichppropriated said sum Is hereby divided and appropriated for the following purposes, to-wit: For General Dep rtment Government, ...{B000.00 For endme Government. per Amendment w. e ter .....12600.00 For Grand View Cemetery..... 306493 For Maintenance ...... Library 3Ufi.00 For Lights .nd Interest For Park Bond I............... 4000.00 For Parka Bond . ...Fund .. 2000.98 For Park Bond Slnkinpg Fuad...2000.955 For Permanent areStreeLe .. 800g.Ve For Perpetual Care Lots,,Main- tenance 600.00 For Police Department ......... 66 . 0 For Public Entertainment...... 600W.00 For Public Grounds and Build- ing3 Public Health ............. 2000.00 For Public Health ................ 2000.00 For PublCharter .S.. u provided by Charter .........Alley , per 800.00 For Streets and Alley.. Der Amendment ................. 5000.00 Total ......................469.969.85 And the revenue derived from water rentals for said fiscal year Is divided land appropriated as follows, and no Portion of the revenue to be so derived shall be appropriated to any other fund. Interest on Water Bonds......$11310.00 Water Bonds Sinking Fund, let series ....:................. 6833.34 Water Bonds Sinking Fund, 2nd series 6000.00 Water N.orks Repairs and Im- provements ................. 6911.60 Water Works, Salaries and Maintenance ................ 12000.00 Total ......................$41,055.00 The balance, if any, of revenue from Water Rentals, shall be applied toward the Payment of the Indebtedness created Iby emergency ordinances No. 3, No. 10 and No. 21 of the Series of 1917. Section 2. That for the purpose of providing the necessary funds for meet- itng the appropriations set forth In Sec. -tlon 1 of this Ordinance, the following levies be and are hereby made upon each dollar of the assessed valuation of all taxable property within the corpor- ate limits of the City of Fort Collins. the same being the amount necessary to provide for the payment of the fore- going appropriations and to meet the payment thereof during the fiscal year ending December 31. 1918, of all prop- erly authorised demands upon the City Treasurer, to-wit: .For General Expense........5.8 Mills; For Library ................ .45 Mills; For Park Bond Interest...... .16 Mills; For Parlf Bond Sinking Fund. .29 Mills; Being a total of..............6.70 Mills, which levies shall be certified to the Board of County Commissioners by the Commissioner of Safety and Ex-Officlo Mayor and City Clerk as provided by law. Introduced, read and ordered pub- lished December 3, 1917. Passed and adopted this Slat day of December, A. D. 1917. SAMUEL H. CLAMMER, Commissioner of Safety and Ex-Offlclo Mayor. Attest: pi. J. GREGORY, City Clerk. STATE OF COLORADO, ) COUNTY OF LARIMER. ) sa I. E. J. Gregory, City Clerk of the City of Fort Collins, do hereby certit and declare that the foregoing ordi pace, consisting of Two (2) sections. wee duly proposed and read at length at a meeting of the City Council held on the 3rd day of December,A.D. 1017.�and was duly ordered by aye and nay vote Ito be published once In full In the Fort Collins Courier, a daily newspaper of the City of Fort Collins. in accordance with the provisions of Section 7 of Ar- ticle IV of the City Charter:that there- after and on, to-wit, the Slat day of December, A. L. 2917. at a rogular ad.' ourned meeting of the City Council,said bg dlnance came before said Council upon 'Its final passage,a period of more than lten days having Mapsed since Its publi- eation ae above get forth, and that said ordinance was upon second reading duly adopted as an ordinance and duly num- bered 24, and thereafter and on to- wit, the Slat day of December, 1917, .said Ordinance No. 24- as finally passed and adopted was duly published In The Fort Collins Courier, a daily newspaper published- In said Pity of Fort Collins, Colorado. IN WITNESS WMREOF. I have hereunto set my hand this 31st day of December, A. D. 1917. E. J. GRFMORY, City Clerk. ORDINANCE NO �OF THE SERIES 1917 ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 12 OF ORDINANCE NUMBER ELEVEN OF THE SERIES OF 1889, ENTITLED "RELATInG TO THE TAKING AND USIND OF WATER " BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FORTTCOLLINS Section 1 That Section Twelve of Ordinance Number Eleven of the Series of 1889, entitled "Relating to the Taking ana Using of Water" , be amended to read as follows Section 12 Licenses and permits for the use of water will be granted under the provisions of this ordinance, at the following terms and rates Class 1 PRIVATE DWELLINGS RATES PER ANNUM 4 Rooms or less $10 00 Water Closets 3 00 Each Additional room 1 50 Urinals 3 00 Bath Tubs 1 60 Urinals Cont Flow Meter Shower Baths 2 00 Anti Freeze Toilets Meter Motor Washing Machines 4 00 Hopper Toilets Meter Cont Flow Toilets Meter Steam Heating - 3 00 Hot Water Heating - 2 00 Class 2 HOTEL ROOMING HOUSES RATES PER ANNUM Each Room �l 00 Urinals Hand Flusned $5 00 Bath Tubs Public 5 00 Urinals Cont Flow Meter Toilets It 5 00 Urinals Mech " Meter Bath Tubs Guest Room 2 00 Anti Freeze Toilets Meter Toilet " " 2 00 Hopper Toilets Meter Mech Flush Toilets Meter Steam Heating per room 250 cts,. Hot Water Heating " 30 " Class 3 BLOCK & OFFICE BLD RATES PER A'TNUM Office Rooms Up Stairs each a5 00 Toilets $5 00 Office Rooms Down " " 10 00 Toilets Cont Flow Meter Steam heating per room 1 00 Urinals 5 00 Hot Water Heating per room 5C Urinals Cont Flow Meter Class 4 STORE AND MERCANTILE ESTABLISHMENTS PER ANNUM Stores Each 25ft or Fraction $10 00 Urinals $5 00 Toilets " (there-of 3 00 Urinals Cont Flow Meter Hopper Toilets Meter Steam Heating 3 00 Cont Flow Toilets Meter Hot Water " 2 00 Anti Freeze It Meter (1) Class 5 RESTAURENTS, LTjNCH ROOMS, EATING HOUSES PER AiliVUM Restaurents 35 Meals or less $20 00 Toilets $3 00 Restaurents 36 " " over 25 00 Toilets Hopper Meter Lunch Rooms each 20 00 Toilets Anti Freeze Meter Eating Houses " 20 00 Toilets Cont Flow deter Urinals 5 00 Steam Heating 6.00 Urinals Cont Flow Meter Hot Water " 4 00 Class 6 BILLARD and POOL PARLORS, SHOOTING GALLERIES BOWLING ALLEYS, AMUSEMENT PARLORS PER ANI4UM Billards Each 25 ft or fraction 010 00 Pool if " " " " (there-of 410 00 Toilets $5 00 Bowling if " " " it " " 10 00 Toilets Hopper Meter Shooting " " if " if " " 10 00 Toilets Anti Freeze Meter Amusement " if " " " " " 10 00 Toilets Cont Flow Meter Steam Heating 6 00 Hot Water Heat 4 00 Urinals Cont Flow Meter Urinal 5 00 Class 7 BARBER SHOPS PER ANNUM First Chair $6 00 Closets Toilets $5 00 Each Additional Chair 3 00 Closets Toilets Hopper Meter Bath Tubs First Tub 8 00 Toilets Anti Freeze Meter Bath Tubs Each Aaditional Chair 4 00 Toilets Cont Flow Meter Steam Heating 3 00 Hot Water Heating 2 00 Urinals 5 00 Laundry Tubs 8 00 Urinals Cont Flow Meter Class 8 MISCELLANEOUS RATES PER ANNUM Blacksmith Shops $10 00 Toilets $5 00 Club Rooms 20 00 Toilets Hopper or Anti Freeze Meter Loage Rooms 20 00 Toilets Cont Flow Meter Hall Private 10 00 Urinals 5 00 Halls Public for Rent 20 00 Urinals Cont Flow Meter Theatres 20 00 Steam Heating 3 00 Skating Rinks 20 00 Hot Water Heating 2 00 Class 9 PRIVATE STABLES & BARNS RATES PER ANNUM First Horse or Mule 43 00 First Cow $2 00 Each Addit Horse or Mule 1 00 Each Additional Cow 1 00 Class 10 OTHER CONSUMERS - Meters Required Garages Public Steam Heating Livery Stables Schools Sale Stables Court House Public Corrals Colleges Feeding Lots or Barns Factories Laundries Foundries Railroads Shops Water Motors Bottling Establishments Power Steam Boilers Ice Cream Factories Government Buildings Ice Plants Soda Fountains Mills and Elevators Photograph Galleries Printing Establishments with type Vegetables and all Fountains Manufactories (Machines Drinking Fountains Soft Drin];. Parlors or Saloons (2) Drinking Bubblers Barber Shops Urinals Cont Flow Hotels Urinals Mechanical Flow Restaurents 50 Meals or over per Anti Freeze Toilets Rooming Houses (day Hopper Toilets All Continuous Flowirg Fixtures Mechanical Flushing Toilets Cafeterias Continuous Flow Toilets Cafes Greenbouses and Hot Beds Referring to Class 10, "Other Consumers, " all water used by consumers falling within this classification within the corporate limits of the City of Fort Collins, shall be paid for monthly on the 1st day of the succeeaing month, and if not so paid by the 5th day of the succeeding month, the water shall be shut off by order of the Commissioners of Works, and shall not be turned on again until all arrearages shall have been paid, together with the re- gular fee for turning on the water The charges per month for water measured through a meter shall be as follows For the first 10000 gal per 1000 gal 20 cts From 10000 to 20000 gal " It " 18 " From 20000 " 30000 " " " " 15 " From $0000 " 40000 It " " " 13 " From 40000 " 50000 It " " " 12 " From 50000 " 60000 It " " " 11 " From 60000 " 75000 " If it It 10 " From 75000 11100000 " It " it 8 If Over 100000 It it " It . 7 " In computing the monthly charge for water by the meter, the amount due on the first 10,000 gallons shall be added to the amount due on the second 10,000 gallons and in lire manner each additional 1000 gallons having a different rate per 10,000 gallons, as shown by the meter reading for the period decided to be computed \ If any meter should fail to register in any one montn, the consumer shall be charged the ave.Lage monthly consumption during the two preceeding montns as shown by the meter There shall be a minimum meter fee of $1 00 per month, which said minimum fee shall be payable montnly in advance In no event shall the minimum fee be less than the established flat rate as applied to any consumer in Class 10 Any water used as shown by the water meter in excess of the minimum fee, shall be paid the (3) first day of the succeeding montn in addition to the minimum fee All outsiae toilets or water closets, whetner connected witn a private dwelling or not, shall be required to be connected with a water meter All water meters shall be of a size, type and design approved by the City Commissioners and in conformance with the require- ments of the Public Utilities Commission of the State of Colorado and shall be installed by the Water Department Each Meter shall be inspected by the Water Department and must be properly adjusted and corrected before being installed The cost of the meter and the expense of installation and maintenance, shall be paid by the owner of the premises A record shall be made and preserved of each meter installed, togetner with the location of meter, service pipe or pipes, stop cocks and tap All meters shall be supplied with a stop cock on each side of the meter All meters shall be placed in an easily accessible part of the premises using water through the said meter, and the same may be inspected at any reasonable time by the officers of the Works Department or representatives of the Public Utilities Commission In addition to the above classifications numbered 1 to 10 inclusive, the following regulations shall be observed 1 When a house or premises is occupied by more than one family, there shall be charged the regular flat rate for earn family using the water, tor, in lieu of such charge a meter shall be installed as heretofore provided 2 Premises without service connection, using water from the Fort Collins Water System, and taking the same from service pipes do other premises, shall be charged $5 00 per annul 3 Owners of blocks, buildings, or premises, occupied by more than one tenant, using or taxing water from the same service pipe, shall be required to pay the water rent for the whole of such block, building or premise, before a permit shall be issued for the use of water therein, provided, however, payment of the (4) full rental for the entire block will be waived on condition that the owner of such block, building or premises shall install sep- arate service pipes and shut off valves for each and every tenant therein residing There shall be no such waiver, however, until the said service pipes are installed Any person convicted of molesting, tampering with, or in any manner whatsoever interfering with the adjustment and use of any water meter used in the City of Fort Collins, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor ana punished by a fine of not less than $10 00, nor more than $50 00 for each and every offense thereof Read first time and ordered published at a regular meeting of the City Council held on the 17th day of December, A D 1917 Passed and adopted the day of A D 191 Commissioner of- Safety and Ex-Officio Mayor ATTEST City Clerk (5) STATE OF COLRADO ) ss COUNTY OF LARIMER I, E J Gregory, City Clerk of the City of Fort Collins, do hereby certify that the foregoing ordinance, consisting of one (1) section, duly proposed and read at length at a regular meeting of the City Council held on the 17th day of December 1917, was at a meeting of the City Council duly ordered by Aye and Nay vote to be published in the Fort Collins Courier, a daily newspaper of the City of Fort Collins, in accordance with the provisions of section 7 of Article IV of the City Charter , that thereafter and on, to-wit, the day of , 1917, at a regular meeting of the City Council, said ordinance came before said Council on its final passage, a period of more than ten days having elapsed since the publication as above set forth, and that sdd ordin site was upon second reading adopted as an ordinance, and thereafter and on, to-wit, the day of December, 1917, said Ordin m ce NO _, 1917, as finally passed and adopted, was duly published in the Fort Collins Courier, a daily newspaper published in the City of Fort Collins, Colorado IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this /7 day of December, A D 1917 C Pf Clerk