Section 1. That -under, and by virtue of the provisions
of Ordinance No. 16, 1917 of said City of Fort Collins, adopted
and approved on the llth day cf June, 1917, Storm Sewer District
No. 4 was duly created and provision made in said ordinance for
the construction of a storm sewer in said district, and the sE�id
improvements therein provided for have been duly constructed
under contr-lot as provided by law and the said improvements have
been duly accepted by the City of Fort Collins, as therein pro-
vided; that thereafter the City Engineer of said city duly re-
ported to the City Council the total cost of the construction of
the said storm sewer, including the cost of inspection, collect-
ion and other incidentals, and also including interest to the
31st day of July, 1918, when, by the laws of the State of Colo-
redo, the second installment of general tasestdue and payable,
which said sum amounts to $1, 122 .99; that in and by said report
the City Engineer apportioned upon all the real estate in Storm
Sewer District No. 4 in proportion as the area of each piece of
-.Teal estate in said district improved is to the area of all the
real estate in the district, exclusive- of public highways in
accordance with the provisions of Section 5356 of the Revised
Statutes for 1908, and in accordance with said apportionment the
cost is C�0045854 per square foot, :which finding and report of the
City Engineer is in accordance with the report heretofore made by
the said City Engineer in respect to the assessments to each
1 ^t in said district.
Section 2 . That at a regular meting of the City
Council held on the 85th day of February, A. D., 1918 said report
of the City Engineer concerning the assessment for said improve-
ment in Stcrm Sewer District No. 4 was by resolution of the City
Council duly accepted for the purpose of consideration and determin-
ation at a meeting of the City Council to be held pursuant to a
notice of the Dity Clerk as provided by law; that in and by said
resolution the City Clerk was thereby instructed and directed to
publish notice in the Larimer County Democrat, the official news-
paper of the City of Fort Collins, for a period of twenty days,
addressed to the owners of the property to be assessed in Storm
Sewer District No. 4, stating the whole cost of the improvement
and the share apportioned to each lot or tract of land in said
district and �.Aifying the owners thereof that any complaints or
objections that may be made in writing by them to the City Clerk
and filed in the office of the City Clerk wittin thirty days from
the publication of the said notice, will be heard and determined
by the City Council at a meeting thereof to be held on the let
flay of April, 1918 at the hour of 4 c'elokk P . N. of said day, in
the Council Chamber at the City Hall in odd City of Fort Collins;
that after said hearing the said City Council will take up the
matter of the passage of an ordinance assessing the cost of said
improvement; teat pursuant to the authority contained in said
resolution the City Clerk has ceused to be duly pfiblished said
notice in The Larimer County Democrat, official newspaper of sai d
City of Fort Collins for a period of twenty days as provided by
law, and that due proof of said publication has been duly filed
in the office of the City Clerk; that more t;icn thirty days have
elapsed since the publication of the said notice, and no complaints
or objections in writing have bben filed with the City Clerk as
provided bJr law.
Section 3. That the total cost of the improvement in
said Storm/ District No. 4 under and by virtue of ordinance No.
if 1917, of said City, including the cost of inspection, collect-
ion and interest to the 31st day of July, 1918, amounting to
- $1, 122 .99, ishsreby assessed an all the real estate in said
district in accordance with the provisions of Section 5375 and
Section 5376 of the Revised Statutes of Colorado for 1908 and that
the proportion of the said tests assessed to each lot or tract of
land in said Storm Sewer District No. 4 shall be as follows, to-wit :
Lot No. Sq. Ft . Owner Rate perSq. Ft . Cost
2 3730 Albert J. White &
Frank W. Streator $.0045S54 w 17.20
2 3250 Tom Beach " 14.90
2 1250 Egbert J. Bennett 11 5 .73
2 1250 Au-ust C. Nluver " 5.73
4 3750 Ablert J. White &
Frank W. Streator " 17.20
4 3250 Ton, Beach " 14.90
4 1250 Egbert J. Bennett " 5.73
4 1250 August C. Kluver " 5 . 73
6 78CO Christian J. Sperr " 34.85
8 380 Christian J . Sperr " 1.74
10 8550 A. C. Kluver " 39.21
8 S120 City of Ft . Collins " 41 .82
10 950 P . Anderson " 4.36
12 4750 P. Anderson " 21 .78
12 4750 Jes.ie Harris ' 21 .76
14 4750 3essie Harris " 21 .78
14 4750 John A. Cowan " 21. 76
16 9570 Peter J. McHugh " 43. 56
74180 Total $339. 7�$
Lot No. Sq. Ft . Owner Rate Sq. Ft . Cost
16 2500 B. P. 0. E. $.0045854 $ 11 .46
16 1500 Catherine Lauterbach " 6.89
16 1250 Henderson C. Howard " 5.73
16 650 Stephen H. Seckner " 2 .98
16 625 Chris. Phillipi " 2.87
16 2975 G. Joseph LaJaunesse " 1
14 2000 B. P. 0. E. "
Lot No. Sq. Ft . Owner Rate Sq. Ft . Cost
14. 1200 Catherine Lauterbach $.0045854 $ 5.50
14 1000 Henderson C. Howard IT 4.59
14 520 Stephen H. Seckner IT 2 .38
14 500 Chris . Phillipi IT 2.29
14 2380 G. Joseph LaJeunesse IT 10.91
12 9500 A. J. Smilie " 43.56
10 9500 Lelia Loorras 11 43.56
8 3800 City of Ft . Collins IT 17.42
8 5700 Lawrence Demmel " 26,14
6 1140 Lawrence Demmel " 5.23
6 836C Maggie Demmel IT 38. 34
4 9500 Magsie Demmel IT 43. 56
2 9500 Mag ;ie Demmel " 43.56
74 C Total 63�g
6 1205 Franklin C. Avery . C®45354 5. 53
H 1256 Franklin C. Avery " 5.76
I 1628 Franklin C. Avery " 7.46
J 1990 Franklin C . Avery " 9 .11
6 2975 Edgar R. Barkley 13 . 64
7 2888 August L . Rohling IT 13 .23 ',
6 2169 August L . Hohling IT 9.95
19 283A Northern Hotel &
Investment Company " 13.00
2 2838 Northern Hotel &
Investment Co. " 13.01
22 1375 Northern Hotel &
Investment Co. 6.30
A 612 Northern Hotel &
Investment Ct. " 2 . 81
21 21CO Porthern Hotel &
Investment Co. IT 9. 63
23 4689 Fort Collins National Bank " 21.50
24 4169 Fort Collins National Bank 19 .12
25 3594 Diary P. Stover " 16. 50
26 3031 Mary P. Stover" " 13.20
27 2481 Mary P. Stover IT 11. 36
28 1931 Stover Investment Co. IT 8.85
29 22 Stover Investment Co. IT . 10
29 972 Caroline Ele�:nor Mantz IT 4.46
29 588 James Ralph IT 2. 70
30 1456 August L. Rohling IT 8. 68
468C5 Total ;214. 62
Lot No. Sq Ft. Owner Rate Sq Ft . Cost
A 566 Dennis F. O'Laughlin $.0045854 2.60
17 1282 Dennis F. O'Laughlin " 5.86
16 2113 Dennis F. O'Laughlin " 9 . 69
15 2735 Henderson C. Howard " 12.54
14 3411 Frank 11. Xnemeyer " 15. 64
13 3575 Christine Miller (Frank Hiller Est ) 16.39
12 3421 Ohristine Miller
(Frank Tiller Est ) " 15 . 69
11 3038 Christine Miller
(Frank Miller Eat) " 13 .93
10 3012 Christine Tiller
(Frank Miller Est) ° 13 .81
9 3363 Margaret Devine " 15.42
$ 355C S. H. Seckner It 16.28
7 3517 C. A. Polley and
Lura H. Tuner It 16.13
6 3075 Jennie Diercks " IA
5 C525 Jennie Diercks " 11. 58
4 1975 Robert W. Earle " 9.06
3 1425 Robert W. Earle " 6. 54
2 262 Hobert W. Earle " 3.95
1 313 Robert W. Earle " 1 .44
21 2250 Christine Miller
(Frank 11iller Est) " 10.33
21Q 2000 Christine Miller(Frenk Miller Est'J 9.1.7
19 1688 Christine Tiller
(Frank Miller) " 7.74
18 20C Christine Miller
(Frank Miller) " ��.9�92
$y26 .81
49 7- Total
244,903 Grand Total Cost of District $1, 122 .99
Section 4. All assessments therein provided for shall be due
and payable within 30 days with -ut demand, provided all such assess-
ments may at the election of the owiner of t:,e property assessed be
paid in two annual installments, payable July 31st, 1918 and July
31st, 1919 with interest on the unpaid principal payable annually
at six per cent . per annum.
Section 5. Failure to pec,; the whole of the assessment within
the period of thirty days shall be conclusively considered and held
an election or. the pLrt of all persona interested, chether under
disability or othercxise, to pay in such installments .
Section 6. Failure to pay any installment, whether of principal
or interest,when due, shall cause the whole of the unpaid principal
to become due and payable immediately, and the
whole am aunt of the unpaid principal and accrued interest shall
thereafter drew interest at the rate of one percent, per month,
or fraction of a month, until the day of ads as hereinafter pro-
vi3.ed; but at any time prior to the dgy of sale the owner may pay
the amount of all unpaid installments, with interest at one per
cent . per month or fraction of a month, and all penalties accrued,
and shall thereupon be restored to the right to pay the install-
ments in. the same manner as if default had not been suffered.
The owner of any property not in default as to any installments
- or psymenMt any tine pay the whole of the unpaid principal,
with the interest accrued, to the maturity of the next install-
ments of interest and principal .
Section 7 . Payments may be made to •ti;e City Treasurer
at any time within thirty days of the passage of this ordinance,
and an allowance of five per cent, discount shall be made of all
payments made during Such period only.
_ Section 8 . jr- case of default of the payment of any
installments of the principal and interest when due, any and all
property concering which such default is suffered shall be adver-
tised by the County Treasurer acid sold for the payment of the
whole of unpaid assessments thereon at the same time or times,
and Jr. the same manner, under all the same conditions and penal-
ties, ard with the sane effects as are provided by law for styles
of real estate in default of t :e payment of general faxes.
Section 9. The owner of any divided or undivided
interest may pay his share of any assessment upon prcdmcing
evidence of the extent of his interest satisfactory to the officers
having the assessment roll in charge .
Introduced, nead and ordered published this I*t day of
April , A. D. 1918 .
Passed and adopted this-- 2 -day of
A. D. 1918 .
Commissioner Safety
City e -S- and Ex-Cfficio Mayer
I. E. J. Gregcry, City Clerk of the City of Fort
Collins, do hereby certify and declare that the foregoing con-
sisting of nine (9) sections was duly proposed aar.d read at length
at a meeting of tLe City Council held on the get day of April
A. D. 1918, and was duly ordered by aye and nay vote to be
published one in full in the Fort Collins iieynit�g Expresa a
daily newspaper of the City of Ft . Collins, in accordance with the
provisions of Section 7 of Article IV of the City Charter ; that
thereaftdr and on, to-,vit, the day of
1918, aAregular meeting of the City Council the said Ordinance
came before said couneil upon its final p assae, a period of more
than ten days having elapsed since its publication as above set
forth, and that said ordinance was upon second reading adopted as
an ordinance, and thereafter and on, tc—wit, the _,)�e _ day of
April, 1918, scd d Ordinance No. L _ as
finally passed and adopted was duly published in the Fort Collins
M*cMai,S Express, a daily newspaper published in the said City of
Fort Collins, Colorado.
In witness whereof, I have herunto set my hand this
day of 1918.
Ci C e