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HomeMy WebLinkAbout024 - 10/22/1927 - RELATING TO THE CREATION OF JEFFERSON STREET IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NO. 29 (EMERGENCY ORDINANCE) OT?DINAITCC ITO L_ 1927 BEING AN ILSL'RGE TCY OR.DIITAPTCE RETIMLG TO TREY CREATION OF JEFFERSON STREET IT PROVE1-ZiT DISTRICT I10 29 PROVIDING FOR TIME G0i`TSTRUCTIOA OF IT PROVET FITS TI'E-�EIIT k0 AUTHORIZING THE ISSUANCE OF BONDS To PAY TTIE COST OF COTdSTRUCTIOTd THEZEOF BE IT CRDAIT ED BY TFE CITY COUITCIL OF THE CITY OF FORT CQLLIITS Section 1 That pursuant to ei resolution of the City )) Council duly passed and adopted on the -� day of e� ��e17 G e A D 19P7 there is hereby created and organized an improvement district under and by virtue of the provisions of Ordinance No 7 1921, rel�trng to local public improverientsp passed and adopted April 2 1921 as amended by Ordinance No 9, 1926 to be IQiorm as Jefferson Street Improvement District ido Z9 comprising Jefferson Street from North College Avenue to Pine Street in the CitTr of Fort Collies Colorado Section 2 That the said resolution provided for the improvement of the said district by perna.nent paving, grading and curbs and gutters whe.Le necessary, of the street area between curbs within the said )roposed district said street area to be improved by paving to consist of reinforced concrete paving the same as has already been installed in other permanent improvement aistricts wit'im tk-e corporate limits of the said city ihich said resolution Sias passed and adopted under the provisinns of Ordinance ITo 7 1921, as amended by Ordinance N6 91, 1926 and that the plans and specifications together with the map prepared by the City Engineer he and the same are hereby adopted as the map , plans ind specifications for said district, and said Tjork of construction of said improvements is hereby ordered to be done in accordance therewith, as provided by law, together with the estimated cost of the comtruction of said improvements amounting to �'7528 65 the total frontage is 771 1 feet the rate per front foot is $9 76352 and the cost of a lot 50 feet by 140 feet is "488 18 -1- and which amount of $7528 65 includes the cost to be assessed against the property owiners for the improvement of the said district, and all tcr`be assessed against the owners of lots and lands in said district abutting upon said improvements when completed and accepted, in accordarne with the provisions of Sections 7 and 8 of Ordinance No 7, 1921, as amended by Ordinance No 9, 1926 Section 3 Thit pursuart to the requirements of the resolution of the City Cowlncil duly adopted on the 17th day of September, A D 1927, due notice was given to the owners of property to be assessed, by due and lawful publication in the Fort Collins Express-Courier, a daily ne�jspaper of general circmldition in tie City of Fort Collins , for a period as requii ed by lave, as shown by the proof of publication on file n.n the office of the City Clerk, which said notice was to the owners of the property to be assessed and designated the kind of improvements pro josed, the number of installments and the time in which the cost Mould be payable , the rate of interest on the unpaid ana caefersed installments the e-ctent of the district improved, together wi ith the probaole co4p-dr front foot , as shown by the estimate of the City Engineer and to the further effect that on the 22nd day of October, A D 1927 at eight o 'clock A M in the Council Chamber in the City Hall of the City of Fort Collins the City Council waould hear and determine all complaints and objections that might be mode and filed in writing concerning the proposed improvements by the caner of any real estate to be assessed that in pursuance of the said notice the said City Council did sit to hear complaints at said me et ing held on the 23nd day of October A D 1927 and that no complaints in writing concerning the proposed improvements had then and there been filed with the City Clerk Section 4 The, City Council f inds that all the requirements of the statute respecting the resolutions and notices required by law to be given in respect thereto before the adoption of an ordinance ordering said improvements 11,.ve beet observed and complied with in all -2- respects , and it is nereby ordered that tine improvement of Jefferson Street Improvement District No 29 as Provided for in the map , plans and specifications heretofore adopted by the City Council, and approved in this ordinance, be and they are hereby ordered to be constructed Section 5 For the oi)rpose of paying the cost of said improvements bonds of she City of Port Collins art nereby authorized to be issued by the Commissioner of Finance and Ex-Officio Treasurer of the City of Fort Collins said bonds shall bear date at such time as may be fixed by the City Treasurer after the work of improvement has been commenced in said district but said date shall be uniform for all bonds issued, and in such form as may be ap}roved by the City Council after submission by the Commissioner of Finance said bonds snall bear the name of Jefferson Street Improvement District No 29 of the City of Fo.Lt Collins and shall bear interest at the rate of four and three- quarters (4-3/4%) per cent per annum payable semi-annually, said interest to be evidenced by coupons at' ached to the pr .0 c ipal bond rind attested by the fac simile signature of the City Clerk wITLch said bonds shall be _4denomi iat ions of e Hundred ( �oo ��° ) Dollars each Each of said bo�Ls shall be subscribed by the Commissioner of Safety and Ex-Officio DLayor , countefsigned by the. Commissioner of . inane- and Ex-Officio City Treasurer , and attested by the City Clerk with the corporate seal of uhe City, and registered with the City Treasurer, and stall be delivered from time to time as required for the payment of the work hei ein provided, or the City Council in its discretion, may sell said bonds to pay such cost in cash, as pro aided in Ordinance No 7 1921, as amended by Ordinance No 9 1926 Said ponds shall be redeemable out of the moneys collected on account of the assessments made for said imps ovements all moneys collected from said assessments or from the sale of bonds for said improvements shall be credited to Jefferson Street Improvement District No 29 and the funds so collected shall only be used for the payment of the iiork of construction of said improvements and the interest thereon Said bonds shall be numbered from one to / <o// inclusive, and shall be redeemaole, consecutively according to number and in the order of issuance Said bonds shall only be issued and delivered oy the City Treasurer on estimates and order of the City Engineer signed and approved by the Commissioner of Safety and Ex-Officio Dlayor, when said estimates have been duly audited and appi oved by the City Council and orde_ ed paid All of said bonds sI^all be absolutely dice and payable twenty (20 ) years from the date oz issue but shall be subLject to call and payment at any time »rior thereto, as provided in Ordinance No 70 1921 relating to local public imnlovemelts as amended by Ordinance No 9 , 1926 Pursuant to the Tjo jer and authority contai iea in Section 29 of Ordinance IIo 7, 1921, l elating to local public improvements, as amended by Ordinance No 9, 1926 the payment of all uhe bonds issued in pursuance of this ordinance are hereby guaranteed by the City of Fort Collins Section 6 Said bonds and the coupons attached thereto shall be Ln substantiall�v the folloijui.& form UNITED STATESOF ATtERICA STATE OF COLOLI+-DO CITY OF FORT COLLINS JEFFERSOF STRELT IMPROVER= DISTRICT NO 29 ado The City of Fort Colli s in the County of Larimer, and State of Colorado , for value received, acknowledges itself indebted aad hereby promises to pay to the bearer hereof , the sum of Dollars in lawful money of the United States, at he office of the City Treasurer of said City, on the day of , 19 subject to cal and payment ho sever , at any time prior then as provided in the amendment to Section 1 of Article XVII of the City Charter , passed and adopted 4pril b, 1920 and Ordinance No 7 1921, relating to local public improvements as amended by Ordinance No 9, 1926, with interest thereon from date until payment at the rate of four and three-quarters (4-3/4%) per cent per annum, pavable semi-annually on the day of _ and the day of , at the or'-Lice of the City ^ Treasurers of he City of For o lins uroon presentation and surrender of the annexed coupons as they severally become aue This bond is issued for the )urpos e of paging the cost of the local improvement in Jefferson Street, Improvement Dist.Lict IIo 29 by virtue of and in full conformity with the amendment to Section 1 of Article XVII of the City Charter passed and adopted April 6, 1920, and Ordinance IIo 7, 1921, relating to local public improvements as amended by Ordinance No 99 1926 This bond is aajable out of the proceeds and special assessments to be levied upon ujae real pronerty situate in the -4- City of Foit Collins in said Jefferson Street Improvement District Ito 29 especially benefitted by said improvements and the amount of the assessment so to be made upon the real estate in said district for the payment thereof w-Lth accrued interest , is a lien upon the said real estate in the Les-oective amounts to ue apportioned uuon the said real estate and to be assessed by an ordinance of said City, said lien having prio'tty over all otner liens, except otrier bonds hereto-'ore issued by said City and the lien of general taxes, but payment of saia bonds is guaianteed by the City of Fort Collins as urovided by ordinance and it is hereby certified ana recited that the tonal issue of bonds of said city for said district including this bond, noes not exceed the estimate of the City lingineei , and the contract price for said improvements, nor the amount authorized by law end it is fu.rhher hereby certified and recited that every reauirement of law relating to the creation of said Jefferson Street Imps overlent District No 29 the making of said local improvement and the issuance of this bond, has been fully complied %lath by the proper officers of said city, and that all conditions reauirea to exist and all u1iings required to be done precedent to and in the issuance of tnis bond to rei-d er the same lawful and valid, have hap-oened and been properly done and perfoirned, and did exist in re.,ular and due time form and manner as required by la%j In Testimony rThereof the said City of Fort Collins has caused this bond to be subscribed by its Commissioner of Safety and Ex-Officio Iiayor countersigned by its Commissioner of Finance and Ex-Officio City Treasurer , and attested by its City Clerk unde.L the seal of said City and the interest coupons thbreto attached, to be attested by the fac simile sibnature of the City Clerk as of the day of , 19 Commissioner of Safety and Ex-Offscio Mayor C OUiFT ER S I GIM= ommissione-L of Finance and Ex-Officio City Treasurer 4TTEST City Clerk (Form of Coupon) No On the day of 19 the City Fort Collins will vay�o the bearer Dollars in la�jful money of the United Statos, at the of-ice of the i y Treasurer of Fort Collins, Colorado, being six months ' interest on its local improvement bond dated 1927 issued for the construction of the local i -proven, ents known as Jefferson Street Improvement District No 29 provided this bond shall not have been heretofo.Le paid Attached to Bond No City Clerk Sect ion 7 The Commissioner of Finance and Ex-Offieio City Treasurer is hereby authorized and directed to nave piinted a sufficient number of bonds of the denomination of "09:-/ Hundred -5- D lars each, numbered from 1 o 1(p inclusive, as is requited to meet the estimate cost of s aid improvements as herein provided and when said bonds shall have been dulj prepareu, ` zey shall be retained by the City Treasurer to be issued and delivered from time to time as hereinbefore provided Section 8 dheneveo considered prudent by the City Treasurer he is hereby authorized and emno%riered, whenever funds may be in his hands to the credit of Jefferson Street Impzovemeat District ito 29 -Lncludi,ag six months ' interest on the unbaid Urincipal, to advertise for five days in the official newspaper of said City, and call in a saitable nuipber of bonds of said district for payment , and at the expiration of thizty (30) days fzom the first publication, interest on said bonds so called shall cease The notice shall specify tqe bonds so called by aumbe-L and all bonds so issued shall be called and paid in t -ieir numerical order Section 9 Upon the taking effect of tun-Ls ordinance, the Commissioner of Safety and Ex-afficio Mayor is hereby authorized and empo eled to advertise for bids foi the construction of said improvements in accordance with the map, plans and specifications her etofore adopted, which q dvei t is ement shall not be less tnan ten (10) dads in the official ne ispaper published in the City of Fort Collins , and all bids received under said advertisement shall be submitted to the City Council for apuroval or rejection and no contract shall be awarded in excess of the Cit, L`nginuer 'eestimate of the cost of said improvements After the contract is a%jarded for the construction the City Council shall require a bond for the faithful performance of the same of not less than the full contract price, with sufficient surety or sureties to be approved by the Commissioner of Safety and Ex-Officio I ayor and the Mork of construction when so at arded urrler said contract stall be under the general control of the Commissioner of Public !forks and in the immediate charge control and supervislion of the City Engineer, whose decision in all matters of dispute respects ig compliance oath this ordinance and the contract made thereunder , and -6- the plans and specifications, shall be fiial and binding upon all parties thereto [hen said contract is awarded it shall contain a clause to the effect that it is subject to the provisions of the charter and of tiie laws under vhich the City of Port Collins exists and of this ordinance, and the provisions of Ordinance ido 7 , 1921, relating to local public improvements as amended by Ordinance 110 9 1926 and that, the agreed payment shall not exceed the estimate of the City Engineer and the amount appropriated, and that upon ten (10) days notice the work under said contract, witoovts cost or claim against the City of Tort Collins may be suspended for substantial cause and upon complaint of any owner of real estate to be assessed for the improvements that the improvements are not being constructed in accordance with the contract then the City Council may consider the complaint and make such order as may be just and its decision shall be finial When said contract is awarded it shall also contain a provision as to the manner of payment - whether the same shall be made in bonds of the said district to be accepted by the c cutractor at par , or thetlher payment shall be made to the contractor in money, all at the opt-Lon of the City Council The CitS Counc _1 shall have the right to reject any and all bids unich may be made by anv person or velsons for the construction of said improvements and �ihen in the judgment of the City Council it shall be deemed to the oest interests of the said City of Fort Collins , the said City Council is hereby authorized and empowered to provide for doing such Mork by hiring parties by the day and to arrange for purchasing the necessary iia.terials to do such work under the direction, sup ervisi on and control of the Commissioner of Public dorks and the City Engineer acting for said city Section 10 When the said public improvements in Jefierson Street Imrorovement District No 29 small have seen compleued and the same approved by the City Engineei and recommended for acceptance by said officer and duly accepted by the City Council of the City of Fort Colli-is, the cost thereof shall be assessed upon all the i eal -7- estate in said district as the frontage of each piece of real estate in said district is to the frontage of all the real estate in the said district, which said assessments when made and reported by the City Engineer and approved by the City Council, shall be assessed against the pi onerty in said Jeffei9on Street Improvement District No 29 by an ordinance to be adopted as provided by Ordinance No 7, 1921 as amended by Ordinance No 9 1926 Section 11 This ordinance shall be irrepealable until the i zdebbedness herein pi ovided for 0he never the same shall be created shall have been duly paid satisfied and discharged as herein provided Section 12 In the opinion of the City Council an emergency exists for the preservation of the public health, peace and safety and this ordinance shall take effect upon its -passage and publication under and by virtue of the author_ty contairn d in Sectio -is 6 and 7 of Article IV of the City Charter Intioduced, read at length and aaooted by the unanimous vote of all the members of the Citj Coulicil this 22nd day of October, A D 1927 Cordmissioner of Safe7Ex-Off ic Mayor ATTEST City lei k -Q- STATE OF COL0P4D0 ) SS COUNTY OF LARIIIER ) I, A J ROS `ROI City Clerk of the City of Fort Collins, do hereby certify and declare that the fo=egoing ordinance consisting of twelve (12) sections was duly proposed and read at length 3t a regular m- etin6 of the City Council held on the 22nd day of October, A D 1927, and was duly adopted and ordered published in the Fort Collins Express-Courier, a daily newspaper and the official newspaper of the City of Fort Collins, by the unanimous vote of all the members of the City Council, as an emergency ordinance in accordance with the provisions of Sections 6 and 7 of Article IV of the City Cha.Lter of the City of Fort Collins, and thereafter and on to-ijit the 25-erday of Oc X C.> h e Y , 1027, s iid OL d finance No was daly published in the Fort Collins Express-Cotu lei a daily newspaper published in the City of Fcr t Collins Colorado IN Wl TiMESS 41=EOF I have hel eunto set my hand and affixed the seal of said City this o267 day of October , A D 1921 �y Clerk -9-